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Get in your time machine and shoot off to times long ago with these wondrous heirloom shows! See also: list of available WWII series ...

Historical Recordings

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56 Episodes
1 Volume
Nuremberg Trials signaled the end of the Nazi regime, Operation Diana signaled the beginning of the space race, and the Baby Boom signaled a new generation of history makers.

56 1
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56 Episodes
1 Volume
With the country on the cusp of the post-War economic boom, many elements of the past came to an end in 1947 while the future was bearing down like the beginning of the Cold War, partitioning of India and Pakistan, the development of the transistor at Bell Laboratories, breaking the sound barrier, and inventions like the Polaroid Land Camera.

56 1
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65 Episodes
1 Volume
1948 Olympics were austere, Gandhi was shot and killed, Czechoslovakia communist coup, and Israel was declared as an independent state.

65 1
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49 Episodes
1 Volume
The year 1950 was filled with boundless optimism as America came out of WWII as an economic and military powerhouse.

49 1
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50 Episodes
1 Volume
The Post-War economic boom booms to a high point in 1951.

50 1
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56 Episodes
1 Volume
The TV revolution gains strength in 1952, but the major advances are in International Relations.

56 1
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56 Episodes
1 Volume
The Space Age is still a few years from beginning, but in many very real ways, the future begins in 1953.

56 1
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60 Episodes
1 Volume
Americans in 1954 are beginning to turn away from the bluster and cruelty of McCarthyism and embracing Rock and Roll music.

60 1
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51 Episodes
1 Volume
The year Disneyland opens, the FDA approved the Polio Vaccine, The first nuclear-powered submarine, the USS Nautilus, entered the seas, and many old time radio shows left the airwaves including The Jack Benny Program.

51 1
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46 Episodes
1 Volume
By the mid-1950s the standard of living was increasing and rock n roll grew in popularity, UnAmerican Activities Committee searched the entertainment industry for Communist Sympathizers.

46 1
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36 Episodes
1 Volume
The "Baby Boom" reached his highest point, the Soviets launch Sputnik 1, and the "Little Rock Nine" fought against segregation.

36 1
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29 Episodes
1 Volume
The year of the first American Satellite Explorer 1 launched, the Hula Hoop craze, the army inducts Elvis, 14 year old Bobby Fischer won the United States Chess Championship, and 1958 also saw the debut of Have Gun Will Travel.

29 1
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44 Episodes
1 Volume
From the Red Scare to the Space Race, Alaska and Hawaii entered the Union and music died when Buddy Holly, Ritchie Valens, and The Big Bopper died in a fatal airplane crash.

44 1
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31 Episodes
1 Volume
In the year 1960, it felt as though the future was about to begin as a new President would be elected, but it was also a year with many changes in Radio.

31 1
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23 Episodes
1 Volume
John F Kennedy's inauguration in January brought in the year 1961, the Berlin Wall was built, the Bay of Pigs was an international disaster, America officially enters the Vietnam War, and Cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin became the first human in space.

23 1
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19 Episodes
1 Volume
John Glenn became the first American astronaut to orbit the earth, the world on the brink of a nuclear war with the Cuban Missile Crisis, and CBS broadcast the final episodes of Suspense and Yours Truly Johnny Dollar on September 30.

19 1
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ABC News (Orson Welles Commentary)
ABC News (Orson Welles Commentary)
8 Episodes
1 Volume
This program was initially sponsored by Lear Radio Laboratories. Commentaries reached a high-water mark on July 28 when Welles reads and comments on an affidavit in the case of Isaac Woodard.

8 1
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Abraham Lincoln
Abraham Lincoln
61 Episodes
2 Volume
One of the most revered Presidents in American History, Abraham Lincoln was a popular figure in old time radio shows.

61 2
Add To Cart: $10.00
Adlai Stevenson
Adlai Stevenson
48 Episodes
1 Volume
If not for his off the cuff exchange in 1962 Cuban Missile Crisis, we might not be alive today to enjoy this Adlai Stevenson collection.

48 1
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Adventures in Research
Adventures in Research
196 Episodes
2 Volume
"Learn! Investigate! Instruct!" written by physicist, Dr. Phillips Thomas, this historically accurate series includes recordings about the invention of the typewriter, automobile, penicillin, machine gun, skyscraper, and more!

196 2
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AFVN Recordings (Armed Forces Vietnam)
AFVN Recordings (Armed Forces Vietnam)
171 Episodes
2 Volume
The American Troops assigned to Vietnam did what American Troops did wherever they were assigned, served with Honor, and they had the American Forces Vietnam Network to bring them a slice of Home

171 2
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Airchecks of the 1970s
Airchecks of the 1970s
246 Episodes
8 Volume
As the decade wore on and 1960s started to fade into the 1970s by the resignation of President Richard Nixon due to Watergate, radio started to get much crazier.

246 8
Add To Cart: $40.00
Airchecks of the 1980s and 1990s
Airchecks of the 1980s and 1990s
153 Episodes
5 Volume
As the 1970s became the 1980s and then the 1990s, American radio was changing.  In the decades prior, your car radio, the radio in your home, or that personal radio in your bedroom started to see the death of the radio star with the birth of MTV in 1981.

153 5
Add To Cart: $25.00
Al Gore
Al Gore
152 Episodes
4 Volume
Long time politician, businessman, and environmentalist, Al Gore served as Clinton's Vice President. Gore won the popular vote in 2000 presidential election, but lost the presidency George W Bush.

152 4
Add To Cart: $20.00
Amelia Earhart
Amelia Earhart
5 Episodes
1 Volume
An iconic American hero and pioneer in aviation, Amelia Earhart's story and bravery inspired many old time radio shows.

5 1
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America First Committee Broadcasts
America First Committee Broadcasts
12 Episodes
1 Volume
an old time radio program using well know individuals like aviator Charles Lindbergh to convince America to stay OUT of WWII

12 1
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America Town Meeting of the Air
America Town Meeting of the Air
44 Episodes
2 Volume
Every week, the nation listened as experts debated issues from communism to social security to the type of music America wanted. Modeled after New England Town Hall Meetings, each show opened with a "town crier" clanging a bell and an active audience that would "boo" panelists.

44 2
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American Adventure
American Adventure
23 Episodes
1 Volume
Join us on the Adventure of Our Nation

23 1
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American Forum of the Air
American Forum of the Air
28 Episodes
1 Volume
One of the first Public Affairs Panel Discussion Programs, American Forum of the Air presented an often lively debate of National Issues.

28 1
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American Gallery
American Gallery
12 Episodes
1 Volume
celebrates American artists of all genres with a whole episode dedicated to each artist and their music

12 1
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American Heritage
American Heritage
3 Episodes
1 Volume
AFRS created this education program to teach service men and women about the history of our great country.

3 1
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American History
American History
157 Episodes
2 Volume
Famous and lesser know episodes from the birth and growth of a Great Nation presented from popular OTR sources, including Cavalcade Of America, American Trail, Frontier Fighters, Mr. President and You Are There. Great lessons and fine entertainment.

157 2
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American in England
American in England
6 Episodes
1 Volume
Norman Corwin's visits to England during WWII. It documented war-time conditions in England from the perspective of the citizens of England, instead of those in power or of handouts from the war department.

6 1
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American Portraits
American Portraits
8 Episodes
1 Volume
featured dramatic biographical sketches on both minor and major events in famous figures including Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Jefferson, John Adams, Mark Twain and many others.

8 1
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American Trail
American Trail
13 Episodes
1 Volume
The American Trail tells the story of these brave men and women: from Louis and Clark to the great ol' California Gold Rush.

13 1
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24 Episodes
1 Volume
Hosted by Professor Martin Maloney with the cooperation of the Speech Department at Northwestern University, Americana looks at American people and customs in the mid century.

24 1
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Americans All Immigrants All
Americans All Immigrants All
24 Episodes
1 Volume
An Artistic Triumph in Broadcasting and a celebration of American Cultural Diversity in the pre-WWII Period.

24 1
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Answer Man
Answer Man
9 Episodes
1 Volume
With a staff of over 40 of brainiest facts finder he could locate, The Answer Man solved thousands of questions written in by listeners.

9 1
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Apocalypse (End of the World)
Apocalypse (End of the World)
103 Episodes
2 Volume
Hear Duck and Cover, Plagues, Robot Attacks, Time Travel, Annihilation, Cold War Speeches, and more in this OTRCAT original collection of tales about THE END OF THE WORLD!

103 2
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Apocalypse Bundle
Apocalypse Bundle
348 Episodes
7 Volume
Survive in style the end of the world. It includes five of our favorite world's end collections!

348 7
Add To Cart: $35.00
Atomic Radio
Atomic Radio
109 Episodes
2 Volume
OTRCAT original collection featuring radio shows inspired by the Atomic Age. A blast from the past, this collection includes a bombardment of shows from all genres including Science Fiction, comedy, horror, detective, and drama.

109 2
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Aunt Daisy
Aunt Daisy
14 Episodes
1 Volume
Every morning at nine, three generations of New Zealanders were greeted by Aunt Daisy's optimism over the airwaves.

14 1
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Author Meets Critic
Author Meets Critic
53 Episodes
2 Volume
Join the battle between authors and critics when you listen to The Author Meets the Critic.

53 2
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Axis Sally (German Propaganda)
Axis Sally (German Propaganda)
4 Episodes
1 Volume
Born in the US, Mildred Gillars starred in the 1942 Nazi broadcast, "Home Sweet Home" where she used stories about cheating girlfriends and wives to sow discontent and homesickness in American G.I.'s listening to the radio.

4 1
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Babe Ruth
Babe Ruth
34 Episodes
1 Volume
The Adventures of Babe Ruth was produced in 1934 on the Blue Network, with sponsorship by Quaker Oats, and was the best of the lot. It told in-depth, fully dramatized episodes from the Babe's career, so there was a sense of the real man there in the dugout and on the field.

34 1
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Barack Obama
Barack Obama
1012 Episodes
17 Volume
Born in Hawaii, Barack Obama is the 44th President of the United States serving as president between 2009-2017.

1012 17
Add To Cart: $85.00
Barry Goldwater
Barry Goldwater
29 Episodes
1 Volume
Politician and US Air Force officer, Barry Goldwater was a five-term U.S. Senator from Arizona and the Republican Party President nominee in 1964 who fought for civil rights and desegregation.

29 1
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Barry Gray Show
Barry Gray Show
5 Episodes
1 Volume
is the father of talk radio known for his candid interviews with the shiniest stars of the day.Known as the DJ you love to hate, Gray wasn't afraid to be opinionated and aggressive on the air which got him into trouble.

5 1
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Before the Doctor Comes
Before the Doctor Comes
11 Episodes
1 Volume
Tapping the knowledge of an experienced physician, Before the Doctor Comes helps train young mothers to deal with medical emergencies

11 1
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Behind the Mike
Behind the Mike
32 Episodes
1 Volume
During the Golden Age of Radio things may have been less technical, but the effort required the skills of a great many diverse personalities, Behind The Mike introduces us to many of these folks, and tells the inside story of Old Time Radio from the people who were there to create it.

32 1
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Behind the Scenes
Behind the Scenes
21 Episodes
1 Volume
Audiences have always loved learning the little known facts about famous people they think they know. Behind The Scenes explores the lives of famous personalities and adds a few facts that never made it into the history books.

21 1
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Behind the Scenes in Hollywood
Behind the Scenes in Hollywood
18 Episodes
1 Volume
Bidwell McCormick worked in the publicity department at RKO and produced this show to share the magic of the movies. This old time radio show gives listeners an up close and personal look at the action behind the cameras in the golden age of Hollywood.

18 1
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Bertrand Russell
Bertrand Russell
13 Episodes
1 Volume
Philosopher and one of the brightest minds of the 20th century, Bertrand Russell spoke out against war and nuclear proliferation.

13 1
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Bill Clinton
Bill Clinton
1071 Episodes
29 Volume
Relive the swinging 1990's through the historical speeches and radio addresses of President Clinton.

1071 29
Add To Cart: $125.00
Biography in Sound
Biography in Sound
86 Episodes
4 Volume
Produced by Joseph O. Meyers, this old time radio series fascinated radio audiences with the biographies of Churchill, Babe Ruth, Fred Allen, WC Fields, and more.

86 4
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91 Episodes
1 Volume
includes news reports and speeches on the german invasion across Europe as the atrocities unfolded.

91 1
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Bob Dole
Bob Dole
160 Episodes
4 Volume
Bob Dole first ran for political office in 1950 and ran for president three times starting in 1980s.

160 4
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Bob Elson Interviews
Bob Elson Interviews
107 Episodes
2 Volume
primarily known as a sports announcer, a large portion of his career was spent simply interviewing famous people.

107 2
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Boston Marathon Bombing
Boston Marathon Bombing
22 Episodes
1 Volume
On April 15, 2013, two bombs were detonated near the finish line of the Boston Marathon, killing 3 people and injuring more than 260 others.

22 1
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Boxers Champions and Prizefighters
Boxers Champions and Prizefighters
125 Episodes
3 Volume
This OTRCAT original collection includes examples of boxing in all the genres of old time radio shows.

125 3
Add To Cart: $15.00
Cavalcade of America
Cavalcade of America
749 Episodes
15 Volume
This well-done, star-studded factual show is a wonderful resource for those interested in historical highlights.

749 15
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Cavalcade of America Christmas
Cavalcade of America Christmas
9 Episodes
1 Volume
Produced by DuPont to improve its public image, Cavalcade of America Christmas features drama shows.

9 1
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Cavalcade of Kings
Cavalcade of Kings
50 Episodes
1 Volume
features the radio dramatization of the fascinating history of the British Monarchy.

50 1
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CBS World News Today
CBS World News Today
95 Episodes
2 Volume
one of the first news shows to send famed correspondents, Edward R Murrow, John Charles Daly, and William L. Shirer, around the world to give American eyewitness accounts to some of the most dramatic events in history.

95 2
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Chuck Yeager
Chuck Yeager
3 Episodes
1 Volume
A genuine American hero, best known for being the first pilot to fly faster than the speed of sound. This collection includes dramatizations about Chuck Yeager as a well as appearances by this amazing man.

3 1
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Churchill (Winston) Recordings
Churchill (Winston) Recordings
114 Episodes
1 Volume
Winston Churchill, Prime Minister of United Kingdom during WWII and great orator, wrote his own speeches and delivered them on many radio broadcasts.

114 1
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Civil Defense
Civil Defense
124 Episodes
1 Volume
Fascinating PSA, recordings and episodes to save americans from a nuclear attack!

124 1
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Civil War
Civil War
28 Episodes
1 Volume
There are stories of bravery and sacrifice, honor and cowardice, desperation and hope from both sides of the conflict.

28 1
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Coast to Coast on a Bus
Coast to Coast on a Bus
5 Episodes
1 Volume
The White Rabbit Bus hit America's highways every Sunday morning, with its conductor (that's what they called him) Milton Cross.

5 1
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Colin Powell
Colin Powell
62 Episodes
2 Volume
Colin Powell was an American politician, diplomat, and 4-star general who served as secretary of state from 2001-2005.

62 2
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Columbia Presents Corwin
Columbia Presents Corwin
31 Episodes
1 Volume
Hailed as "the poet laureate of radio", Norman Corwin created this WWII collection featuring his brilliant writing on topics that mattered the most in his day.

31 1
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545 Episodes
1 Volume
The cost of free entertainment on your radio was having to listen to commercials, fortunately, many commercials were even more entertaining than the regular programming. Snap up these snappy commercials, and you'll truly be convinced to "make Jello for your own family, yum, yum, yum," "use Ajax the foaming cleanser (bum bum bum bum bum)," and buy "Nabisco, N-A-B-I-S-C-O, it's the name to know."

545 1
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Communists and Cold War
Communists and Cold War
155 Episodes
4 Volume
This extensive collection includes radio shows, news broadcasts, psa's, and debates about The Red Scare, McCarthyism, and The Cold War which pervaded politics, cultures, life and more in second half the the 20th Century.

155 4
Add To Cart: $20.00
Complete Broadcast 1939 (Nazi Invasion of Poland)
Complete Broadcast 1939 (Nazi Invasion of Poland)
19 Episodes
1 Volume
Recording a full day's broadcast in 1939 was a technological and historical feat! The day the Nazis invaded Poland is seen as the beginning of the Second World War. The staff of WJSV recorded the entire days broadcast, so we can learn about the events as they unfold.

19 1
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Complete Broadcast 1941 (Pearl Harbor)
Complete Broadcast 1941 (Pearl Harbor)
56 Episodes
1 Volume
The Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor changed the history of the world and officially brought the US in WWII. In the Complete Day Coverage of the Blue Network on Pearl Harbor Day (Dec 7, 1941) we can hear a nation moving from the confusion of a surprise attack to one steeled for War.

56 1
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Complete Broadcast 1944 (D-Day Invasion of Normandy CBS)
Complete Broadcast 1944 (D-Day Invasion of Normandy CBS)
24 Episodes
1 Volume
The invasion of Europe was to be the turning point of The War, but no one back home knew when or how it would happen. CBS recorded their entire broadcast day on June 6, 1944, so we can learn about the events as they unfold.

24 1
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Complete Broadcast 1944 (D-Day Invasion of Normandy NBC)
Complete Broadcast 1944 (D-Day Invasion of Normandy NBC)
103 Episodes
1 Volume
original full day broadcast from the day of the invasion June 6th, 1944 including news bulletins, comedy and variety shows. These recordings illustrate the response on the American home front to the Normandy Landings called "the greatest invasion in the history of the world."

103 1
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Crisis in War Town
Crisis in War Town
4 Episodes
1 Volume
Although Victory was practically assured by the time "Crisis in War Town" debuted, the program highlights the small victories that contributed to the Over All Victory.

4 1
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8 Episodes
1 Volume
An important Crossroads in life for Americans comes when they become eligible for Social Security Benefits.

8 1
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Cuban Missile Crisis
Cuban Missile Crisis
69 Episodes
1 Volume
October 14, 1962 U2 spy planes discovered Soviet nuclear missiles in Cuba, just 90 miles off of the Florida Coast.

69 1
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Democracy in America
Democracy in America
16 Episodes
1 Volume
Based on Alexis de Tocqueville's book published in 1835 about his travels and observations of America society.

16 1
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Depression Era Recordings
Depression Era Recordings
37 Episodes
1 Volume
Old Time Radio Looks at the Great Depression, the economic crisis which began with the Stock Market Crash of 1929 and how it affected Americans everywhere.

37 1
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Destination Freedom
Destination Freedom
42 Episodes
1 Volume
The concept of African-American civil rights was not mainstream at the end of the 1940's. Shows like Destination Freedom on WMAQ helped pave the way to a better society.

42 1
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DJ Madness
DJ Madness
164 Episodes
2 Volume
The original Disc Jockeys from the Age of Radio bring you their best and greatest music from their era.

164 2
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Doctor Fights
Doctor Fights
4 Episodes
1 Volume
Live through the adventures of doctors on the front lines of World War II in the battlefield anthology series

4 1
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Doctors Today
Doctors Today
17 Episodes
1 Volume
A peacetime continuation of "Doctors at War", "Doctors Today" shared a wealth of medical information with the listening public

17 1
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Donald Trump
Donald Trump
689 Episodes
17 Volume
Former business man and television personality, Donald Trump is the 45th US president.

689 17
Add To Cart: $85.00
Douglas MacArthur
Douglas MacArthur
17 Episodes
1 Volume
Douglas MacArthur served as US General of the Army and field marshal to the Philippine Army. As Chief of Staff of the Army during the 1930s, he played a prominent role in the Pacific theater during WWII.

17 1
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Dr John Brinkley (Medical Quack)
Dr John Brinkley (Medical Quack)
7 Episodes
1 Volume
Doctor John Brinkley began experimenting with goat glands, surgically implanting them for every ailment from fertility, to dementia, to impotency. Called a quack, charlatan, and mega-medical radio star, Dr John Brinkley is a character from the 20th century that could not have existed without the power of radio.

7 1
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Dwight D Eisenhower
Dwight D Eisenhower
115 Episodes
2 Volume
Eisenhower was a national hero after serving as Supreme Commander of the Allied Forces in Europe during WWII and in 1952 won the Presidential Election.

115 2
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Education in America
Education in America
605 Episodes
14 Volume
"Education teaches us compassion and kindness, connection to others."  When anyone has any kind of education, no one can ever take that knowledge away from you.  It is with this collection that we can learn from the past to make our future brighter than our past and our present.

605 14
Add To Cart: $70.00
Edward Murrow (Hear It Now)
Edward Murrow (Hear It Now)
101 Episodes
2 Volume
One of the greatest American journalists in broadcast history, he pioneered the reporter on the scene reporting during WWII.

101 2
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Eleanor Roosevelt
Eleanor Roosevelt
23 Episodes
1 Volume
Known as "First Lady to the World", Eleanor Roosevelt was the legs and face of FDR's presidency, appearing where and when he could not.

23 1
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Election Collection
Election Collection
84 Episodes
2 Volume
old time radio shows take on elections, voting and ballots taken from all genres including comedy, drama, western, news programs, and more.

84 2
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Elmer Davis and the News
Elmer Davis and the News
74 Episodes
1 Volume
During the months before Pearl Harbor, FDR appointed Elmer Davis to head up the Office of War Information. From this bully pulpit, Davis helped to whip the Nation into a fury over the aggressions of the Nazi's in Europe.

74 1
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Empire Builders
Empire Builders
7 Episodes
1 Volume
Sponsored by the Great Northern Railway, this collection contains all seven known episodes to be in existence. In these historical-drama, we get a glimpse of the history of railroads in the development and use of the Columbia River.

7 1
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Enola Gay Atomic Bombing of Hiroshima
Enola Gay Atomic Bombing of Hiroshima
6 Episodes
1 Volume
This collection includes news stories and radio shows The US Air Force Bomber that dropped the first atomic bomb on Hiroshima.

6 1
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Environment in America
Environment in America
420 Episodes
9 Volume
Hear the history of environmental policy from political speeches from 1963 through today.

420 9
Add To Cart: $45.00
156 Episodes
2 Volume
When someone you know and love passes away, someone is tapped with the awesome task of eulogizing the deceased.  That person can be your sibling, your child, a dear family member or friend, and in some cases, the President of the United States.

156 2
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Excursions in Science
Excursions in Science
61 Episodes
2 Volume
Sponsored by General Electric to increase interest and layman's knowledge of science

61 2
Add To Cart: $10.00
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