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Remembering 1946

Nuremberg Trials signaled the end of the Nazi regime, Operation Diana signaled the beginning of the space race, and the Baby Boom signaled a new generation of history makers.


56 old time radio show recordings
(total playtime 22 hours, 1168 min)
available in the following formats:

1 MP3 CD
25 Audio CDs

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Text on OTRCAT.com ©2001-2024 OTRCAT INC All Rights Reserved. Reproduction is prohibited.

1946 RadioThe generation of men who had answered the call of the nation during the War was now home or on their way home to make the transition from being servicemen to veterans. More than a few of these men who had survived the War returned with injuries which would take years to fully recover from and others would have trouble adjusting to the routine of post-War society, but the vast majority were fit, well fed, trained to accomplish great things, and had gained a degree of sober maturity and sense of mission which comes from service in the military.

The economy was poised on the cusp of a huge post-War boom. Many industries and companies were in a transition phase between Wartime and peacetime operations but the first rumblings of the coming boom could be felt as America was getting ready to become a consumer society. The sense of giddy optimism over the economy was also reflected in a spike in marriage rates. Part of this was due to the pent-up passions of young people who had been separated by the War, and naturally, once they were legally wed many of them did what passionate young people do in the privacy of their own bedrooms, touching off the Post-War Baby Boom.

Nurenberg Trials

The highest levels of leadership were still tying up the loose ends from the War. One of the first to be dealt with was the establishment of the United Nations whose mission would be to prevent a global war from ever happening again. The General Assembly met for the first time in London on January 19, and the Security Council met a week later. The previous League of Nations, formed in the aftermath of the First World War, dissolved itself in April and turned its duties and assets over to the UN. Two important agencies of the UN are the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), formed on November 4, and the United Nations Children's Emergency Fund established on December 11.

The Nuremberg Trials against Nazi War Criminals began in November of 1945 and would close on October 1. The Tokyo War Crimes Tribunal convened on April 29 and would not adjourn until November 1948. The eleven Nazis who were sentenced to death were to be hanged in the gymnasium of the Nuremberg Palace of Justice, but just two hours before his sentence was to be carried out, Gestapo founder Hermann Göring committed suicide in his cell. The decision was reached that the executions would be made using the standard drop rather than the long drop method.

Atomic Test Bikini IslandsAlthough conventional forces were beginning to draw down after victory in the War, America began to lean more heavily on atomic weapons as the backbone of her security structure, although there was still a good deal to be learned about the weapons and how to use them. Operation Crossroads was to be a series of atomic test detonations at Bikini Atoll, a remote island group in the Marshall Island Group of the South Pacific. The first detonation, Test Able on July 1, used a bomb nicknamed "Gilda" for Rita Hayworth's "bombshell" character. Neither Miss Hayworth nor her husband Orson Welles were amused.

On July 5, Parisian auto mechanic and part-time lingerie store operator Louis Réard first displayed his revolution in women's swimwear, constructed from four triangles of fabric totaling less than 30 square inches of fabric. Réard was unable to find an established model willing to wear his creation in public so he hired an exotic dancer from a local casino. Another French designer released what was advertised as the "the world's smallest swimsuit" called "the atom", but Réard's creation was much smaller and so "explosive" that he named it the Bikini because of the atomic tests.

Rita Hayworth Bikini 1946The power of the atomic bomb still paled in comparison to the power of Mother Nature. On April 1, an 8.6 magnitude earthquake shook the Aleutian Islands. Although the quake had little effect on the Alaskan mainland, it triggered a Pacific-wide tsunami which reached heights of 45-130 feet. Between four and five hours after the tremor, the tsunami wave reached the unsuspecting Hawaiian Island, killing 159 people.

Science continued to advance in man's desire to understand and overcome the forces of Nature. On January 10, technicians from the Army Signal Corp project a radar beam toward the moon, accurately measuring the distance from the Earth to the lunar surface for the first time. The event will be hailed as the opening of the space age. The Bell XS-1 rocket plane gets it first test flight on January 16. The Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer (ENIAC) is introduced on February 14, the ENIAC has been in service for some time, used to calculate artillery ballistic tables and perform calculations for the Manhattan project but this is the first time the public sees what the press calls a "giant brain".  

On October 24, a V-2 rocket which had been assembled by General Electric workers from parts captured in Germany at the end of the War is launched to an altitude of 65 miles above New Mexico's White Sands Missile Range, rather than an explosive warhead this V-2 carries a camera which will expose a frame of film every half second. The rocket and camera were destroyed when it impacted the Earth, but the film cassette survived, yielding the first photographs of the Earth from Space.

Fat Man

By the end of the War, radio had become a fully matured media which helped to keep the nation united in times of crisis and in victory. Reports coming over the radio would never be as detailed or complete as in newspaper of magazines, but the coverage was immediate, heartfelt, and usually comforting to people far from the front lines or the centers of power. Radio as a pure entertainment source was reaching its high point. There was development work being accomplished for something called television, but the notion of pictures with radio stories was still laughably remote to both sponsors and audiences. A continuing program trend is the popularity of "hard-boiled" detective dramas which seem to be a hit with returning vets who miss the excitement of military life, The Fat Man, The Adventures of Sam Spade, and Danger Dr. Danfield all premiere on ABC while Mutual gives us Let George Do It and Crime Club. Quiz shows are rising in the ratings as well, with Twenty Questions and Winner Take All debuting. The Birdseye Open House variety program starring Dinah Shore is canceled on CBS but Dinah is back in the fall using essentially the same format for The Ford Show on NBC.

  • The first meeting of the United Nations General Assembly held in London on January 10, and the Security Council holds its first session on January 17. The UN Charter was drafted the previous spring in San Francisco which began before VE Day. The organization was mandated during meetings between Roosevelt, Churchill, and Stalin during the War. The UN replaced the failed League of Nations which came out of the Great War and finally dissolved in April 1946. The United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) is established on November 4, and the United Nations Children's Emergency Fund (UNICEF) was founded on December 11.
  • 1946 V2 RocketTechnicians from the US Army Signal Corps conducted Operation Diana on January 10 using a radar set developed during the War to bounce radio signals off the surface of the Moon, accurately measuring the distance between the Earth and its closest neighbor. The Operation is considered the opening of the Space Age.
  • On April 16 the first V-2 rocket (assembled by General Electric employees using captured German rocket parts) launched from White Sands, New Mexico. On October 24 a V-2 carried a camera aloft from White Sands and returned the first photographs of the Earth from outer space.
  • An earthquake measuring 8.6 on the Richter Scale hit the Aleutian Islands on April 1, putting into motion a series of tsunami waves reaching heights of 45-130 feet. Between four and a half and five hours after the quake, the tsunami struck the Hawaiian Islands resulting in many deaths on the Big Island..
  • Detonation Able opened the Operation Crossroads atomic bomb testing program at Bikini Atoll in the South Pacific on July 1. Able was a 23 kiloton yield implosion device nicknamed "Gilda" after Rita Hayworth's movie role.
  • Micheline Bernardini first bikini in 1946Designer revealed his newly designed two-piece women's swimsuit consisting of four triangles of material totaling barely 30 square inches. No mainstream fashion model will wear the tiny suit so he hires a nude dancer from a local casino to model his creation which he dubs the bikini for the atomic test site.
  • The Baker detonation on July 25 used a similar implosion device which is suspended 90 feet below a Navy Amphibious Landing ship anchored in Bikini Lagoon. The Atomic Energy Commission (AEC) is founded on August first, transferring control of the development of atomic energy from military to civilian control.
  • The Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer (ENIAC), hailed by the press as a "Giant Brain", is dedicated at the University of Pennsylvania on February 15, although the room-sized device had been in use since 1944 to calculate artillery firing tables and to conduct calculations for the Manhattan Project.
  • The Tokyo War Crimes Tribunal convened on April 29 at the former headquarters of the Imperial Japanese Army. Leaders who appear before the Court include Hideki Tōjō, Shigenori Tōgō, and Hiroshi ÅŒshima.The Nuremberg Trials of Nazi War Criminals had begun the previous November and the tribunal adjourned on September 1. Ten of the Nazi criminals who were sentenced to death were hung in the gymnasium of the Hall of Justice on October 16, but the 11th, Hermann Göring, committed suicide in his cell two hours before the sentence was to be carried out.
  • With the security of the GI Bill, the anticipated general prosperity, and the pent-up passions of the War years, more young people began marrying earlier. Doing what newlyweds do, this trend was matched by an increase in birth rates, touching off the postwar Baby Boom.
  • Bing CrosbyNo new cars for civilians have been built or sold for the past four years, but restrictions are now lifted. Plymouth introduces the De Luxe in a four-door sedan, two-door sedan, club coupe, and business coupe body styles, powered by a 95hp inline six cylinder engine, Chevy introduces the top-of-the-line Fleetmaster and base model Stylemaster, both are powered by a 216.5 cu in Straight-six engine driving through a 3-speed manual transmission. Willys builds on the success of the Wartime Jeep scout car by introducing the Jeep Station Wagon, the first all steel mass-production station wagon, powered by the L-134 Go-Devil flathead inline-four engine and featuring four-wheel-drive. The Piaggio Aircraft factory in Italy had been destroyed by Allied bombs so develops the Vespa Scooter to help get the country back on the road.
  • Several Eastern European nations become client states of the Soviet Union, including the Peoples Socialist Republic of Albania (January 11), the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (January 31, including the constituent republics of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia and Slovenia), Czechoslovakia (May 26), and the Romanian People's Republic (November 19). On Christmas Day, Europe's first sustained, artificially created atomic chain reaction is initiated at the Kurchatov Institute in Moscow.
  • The Fat Man, The Adventures of Sam Spade, Academy Award Theatre, and Let George Do It premiere on network radio. Bing Crosby begins hosting Philco Radio Time which is initially recorded on wax transcription discs, later AMPEX tape decks, so that doing the show will not interfere with Bing's golf game. Dinah Shore's Birdseye Open House on NBC is cancelled in May but Dinah will reappear in the fall on CBS's The Ford Show.

Text on OTRCAT.com ©2001-2024 OTRCAT INC All Rights Reserved. Reproduction is prohibited.

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    The first year of Peace hardly seems that way now, but this compilation is a very fine picture of our listening habits at that time, from news to entertainment its another rewarding trip through time.

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  • MP3 CDs are delivered by mail. These archival quality MP3 CDs are playable in your computer and many MP3 player devices.

    56 recordings on 1 MP3 CD for just $5.00. Total playtime 22 hours, 1168 min
    56 recordings on 1 MP3 CD for just $5.00
    total playtime 22 hours, 1168 min
    Add MP3 CD Collection to Cart

    1. 56 shows – total playtime 22 hours, 19 minutes
    2. A Voice In Night 460809 Worried Detective.mp3
    3. aa461210 The Stolen Car.mp3
    4. Aaofm 461020 Tell Me That You Love Me Tonight.mp3
    5. ALLSTARW 460922 0007 DRIFTING.MP3
    6. Andre Kostelanetz Show 460110 Guest Ginny Simms.mp3
    7. Archie Andrews 460727 Drugstore Mix Up.mp3
    8. BB 460507 069 Winthrop Jewel Robberies.mp3
    9. Bergen McCarthy 460228 Guests Ozzie Harriet.mp3
    10. Bill Stern 460412 336 W Xavier Cugat.mp3
    11. Bing Crosby 460221 Frank Morgan.mp3
    12. Bob Hope 460402 297 Sidney Greenstreet.mp3
    13. Bride And Groom 460312.mp3
    14. Burns Allen 460919 No One Remembers George's Birthday.mp3
    15. COTY 460214 0418 The Cure.mp3
    16. CP 460221 212 Bing Crosby Bob Hope Ann Sheridan.mp3
    17. Dinah Shore 460425 Birdseye Groucho, Marilyn Maxwell.mp3
    18. Duffys 460104 Alan Ladd Afrs.mp3
    19. Ellery Queen 460327 269 Armchair Detective.mp3
    20. Fifth Horseman 460711 02 Dawn.mp3
    21. FMM 460226 0468 Fibbers Pen Is Missing.mp3
    22. GG 460127 195 Gildy And Leila Feel Their Age.mp3
    23. Gi Jive War And Navy Dept Test Pressing H121196 1946.mp3
    24. Grand Ole Opry 460200 Purina.mp3
    25. Green Hornet 460511 Check And Double Check.mp3
    26. I Was A Convict 460303 Mr R.mp3
    27. Inner Sanctum 460115 254 Edge Of Death.mp3
    28. Intrigue 460821 04 Great Impersonation.mp3
    29. Jack Benny 460310 1724 Lost Weekend.mp3
    30. Lear 460630 Bikini Atomic Test.mp3
    31. Lets Pretend 460504 Jorinda and Joringal.mp3
    32. Lights Out 460720 Haunted Cell.mp3
    33. Louella Parsons 460310 Jean Hersholt.mp3
    34. LR 460315 1276 Thunder Signs Offhand.mp3
    35. Mysterious Traveler 461229 084 If You Believe.mp3
    36. Nero Wolfe 461215 Shakespeare Portfolio (Francis Bushman).mp3
    37. News 460210 ABC Jergens Journal Walter Winchell Free Speech.mp3
    38. News 460224 CBS Edward R Murrow Leaving Britain.mp3
    39. News 460420 NBC Home Is What You Make It.mp3
    40. News 460421 NBC Story Behind Headlines First Peace Easter.mp3
    41. News 460608 KOMO Bob Hope Special Interview from Seattle.mp3
    42. News 460618 CBC Windsor tornado.mp3
    43. News 460626 ABC Forum The UN Conference.mp3
    44. News 460721 NBC Story Behind Headlines British Labour Gov.mp3
    45. News 460818 NBC Story Behind Headlines Trumans Trial Balloon.mp3
    46. News 461013 NBC Story Behind Headlines So Called Peace Conf.mp3
    47. News 461108 AFRS AFRA Workshop Night Flight Arch Oboler.mp3
    48. News 461210 ABC Dateline Headline Byline.mp3
    49. News 461224 AFRS Bob Hope Sawtelle Veterans Hospital CA.mp3
    50. Red Skelton Show 460101 119 Bells And Resolutions.mp3
    51. Sam Spade 460802 A004 Sam And Psyche.mp3
    52. Screen Guild 460610 301 House On 92 Nd Street.mp3
    53. Superman 460101 00872 LookingForKryptonite21.mp3
    54. Susp 460207 179 Too Little To Live On Afrs.mp3
    55. Tom Mix 460814 Mystery Of Flying City.mp3
    56. Voxpop 460304 New Orleans Mardigras.mp3
    57. Whistler 460128 192 Strange Sisters.mp3
  • MP3 downloads are available instantly after purchase!

    56 recordings on 1 MP3 Collection Download for just $5.00. Total playtime 22 hours, 1168 min
    56 recordings on 1 MP3 Collection Download for just $5.00
    543 MB – total playtime 22 hours, 19 min
    Add Instant Download Collection to Cart

    1. 56 shows – 543 MB – total playtime 22 hours, 19 minutes
    2. A Voice In Night 460809 Worried Detective.mp3
    3. aa461210 The Stolen Car.mp3
    4. Aaofm 461020 Tell Me That You Love Me Tonight.mp3
    5. ALLSTARW 460922 0007 DRIFTING.MP3
    6. Andre Kostelanetz Show 460110 Guest Ginny Simms.mp3
    7. Archie Andrews 460727 Drugstore Mix Up.mp3
    8. BB 460507 069 Winthrop Jewel Robberies.mp3
    9. Bergen McCarthy 460228 Guests Ozzie Harriet.mp3
    10. Bill Stern 460412 336 W Xavier Cugat.mp3
    11. Bing Crosby 460221 Frank Morgan.mp3
    12. Bob Hope 460402 297 Sidney Greenstreet.mp3
    13. Bride And Groom 460312.mp3
    14. Burns Allen 460919 No One Remembers George's Birthday.mp3
    15. COTY 460214 0418 The Cure.mp3
    16. CP 460221 212 Bing Crosby Bob Hope Ann Sheridan.mp3
    17. Dinah Shore 460425 Birdseye Groucho, Marilyn Maxwell.mp3
    18. Duffys 460104 Alan Ladd Afrs.mp3
    19. Ellery Queen 460327 269 Armchair Detective.mp3
    20. Fifth Horseman 460711 02 Dawn.mp3
    21. FMM 460226 0468 Fibbers Pen Is Missing.mp3
    22. GG 460127 195 Gildy And Leila Feel Their Age.mp3
    23. Gi Jive War And Navy Dept Test Pressing H121196 1946.mp3
    24. Grand Ole Opry 460200 Purina.mp3
    25. Green Hornet 460511 Check And Double Check.mp3
    26. I Was A Convict 460303 Mr R.mp3
    27. Inner Sanctum 460115 254 Edge Of Death.mp3
    28. Intrigue 460821 04 Great Impersonation.mp3
    29. Jack Benny 460310 1724 Lost Weekend.mp3
    30. Lear 460630 Bikini Atomic Test.mp3
    31. Lets Pretend 460504 Jorinda and Joringal.mp3
    32. Lights Out 460720 Haunted Cell.mp3
    33. Louella Parsons 460310 Jean Hersholt.mp3
    34. LR 460315 1276 Thunder Signs Offhand.mp3
    35. Mysterious Traveler 461229 084 If You Believe.mp3
    36. Nero Wolfe 461215 Shakespeare Portfolio (Francis Bushman).mp3
    37. News 460210 ABC Jergens Journal Walter Winchell Free Speech.mp3
    38. News 460224 CBS Edward R Murrow Leaving Britain.mp3
    39. News 460420 NBC Home Is What You Make It.mp3
    40. News 460421 NBC Story Behind Headlines First Peace Easter.mp3
    41. News 460608 KOMO Bob Hope Special Interview from Seattle.mp3
    42. News 460618 CBC Windsor tornado.mp3
    43. News 460626 ABC Forum The UN Conference.mp3
    44. News 460721 NBC Story Behind Headlines British Labour Gov.mp3
    45. News 460818 NBC Story Behind Headlines Trumans Trial Balloon.mp3
    46. News 461013 NBC Story Behind Headlines So Called Peace Conf.mp3
    47. News 461108 AFRS AFRA Workshop Night Flight Arch Oboler.mp3
    48. News 461210 ABC Dateline Headline Byline.mp3
    49. News 461224 AFRS Bob Hope Sawtelle Veterans Hospital CA.mp3
    50. Red Skelton Show 460101 119 Bells And Resolutions.mp3
    51. Sam Spade 460802 A004 Sam And Psyche.mp3
    52. Screen Guild 460610 301 House On 92 Nd Street.mp3
    53. Superman 460101 00872 LookingForKryptonite21.mp3
    54. Susp 460207 179 Too Little To Live On Afrs.mp3
    55. Tom Mix 460814 Mystery Of Flying City.mp3
    56. Voxpop 460304 New Orleans Mardigras.mp3
    57. Whistler 460128 192 Strange Sisters.mp3
  • Standard Audio CDs are delivered by mail on archival quality media with up to 60 minutes on each CD and play in all CD players

    56 recordings on 25 Audio CDs. Total playtime 22 hours, 19 min
    56 recordings on 25 Audio CDs
    total playtime 22 hours, 19 min

    1946 Disc A001

    1. Gi Jive War And Navy Dept Test Pressing H121196 1946
    2. Red Skelton Show 460101 119 Bells And Resolutions
    3. Superman 460101 00872 LookingForKryptonite21

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    1946 Disc A002

    1. Duffys 460104 Alan Ladd Afrs
    2. Andre Kostelanetz Show 460110 Guest Ginny Simms

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    1946 Disc A003

    1. Inner Sanctum 460115 254 Edge Of Death
    2. GG 460127 195 Gildy And Leila Feel Their Age

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    1946 Disc A004

    1. Whistler 460128 192 Strange Sisters
    2. Grand Ole Opry 460200 Purina

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    1946 Disc A005

    1. Susp 460207 179 Too Little To Live On Afrs
    2. News 460210 ABC Jergens Journal Walter Winchell Free Speech
    3. COTY 460214 0418 The Cure

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    1946 Disc A006

    1. Bing Crosby 460221 Frank Morgan
    2. CP 460221 212 Bing Crosby Bob Hope Ann Sheridan
    3. News 460224 CBS Edward R Murrow Leaving Britain

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    1946 Disc A007

    1. FMM 460226 0468 Fibbers Pen Is Missing
    2. Bergen McCarthy 460228 Guests Ozzie Harriet

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    1946 Disc A008

    1. I Was A Convict 460303 Mr R
    2. Voxpop 460304 New Orleans Mardigras

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    1946 Disc A009

    1. Jack Benny 460310 1724 Lost Weekend
    2. Louella Parsons 460310 Jean Hersholt

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    1946 Disc A010

    1. Bride And Groom 460312
    2. LR 460315 1276 Thunder Signs Offhand

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    1946 Disc A011

    1. Ellery Queen 460327 269 Armchair Detective
    2. Bob Hope 460402 297 Sidney Greenstreet

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    1946 Disc A012

    1. Bill Stern 460412 336 W Xavier Cugat
    2. News 460420 NBC Home Is What You Make It
    3. News 460421 NBC Story Behind Headlines First Peace Easter

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    1946 Disc A013

    1. Dinah Shore 460425 Birdseye Groucho, Marilyn Maxwell
    2. Lets Pretend 460504 Jorinda and Joringal

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    1946 Disc A014

    1. BB 460507 069 Winthrop Jewel Robberies
    2. Green Hornet 460511 Check And Double Check

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    1946 Disc A015

    1. News 460608 KOMO Bob Hope Special Interview from Seattle
    2. Screen Guild 460610 301 House On 92 Nd Street
    3. News 460618 CBC Windsor tornado

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    1946 Disc A016

    1. News 460626 ABC Forum The UN Conference
    2. Lear 460630 Bikini Atomic Test
    3. Fifth Horseman 460711 02 Dawn

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    1946 Disc A017

    1. Lights Out 460720 Haunted Cell
    2. News 460721 NBC Story Behind Headlines British Labour Gov

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    1946 Disc A018

    1. Archie Andrews 460727 Drugstore Mix Up
    2. Sam Spade 460802 A004 Sam And Psyche

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    1946 Disc A019

    1. A Voice In Night 460809 Worried Detective
    2. Tom Mix 460814 Mystery Of Flying City
    3. News 460818 NBC Story Behind Headlines Trumans Trial Balloon

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    1946 Disc A020

    1. Intrigue 460821 04 Great Impersonation
    2. Burns Allen 460919 No One Remembers George's Birthday

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    1946 Disc A021

    1. ALLSTARW 460922 0007 DRIFTING
    2. News 461013 NBC Story Behind Headlines So Called Peace Conf

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    1946 Disc A022

    1. Aaofm 461020 Tell Me That You Love Me Tonight
    2. News 461108 AFRS AFRA Workshop Night Flight Arch Oboler

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    1946 Disc A023

    1. aa461210 The Stolen Car
    2. News 461210 ABC Dateline Headline Byline

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    1946 Disc A024

    1. Nero Wolfe 461215 Shakespeare Portfolio (Francis Bushman)
    2. News 461224 AFRS Bob Hope Sawtelle Veterans Hospital CA

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    1946 Disc A025

    1. Mysterious Traveler 461229 084 If You Believe

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00