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Hawaii Old Time Radio Shows

Aloha! This collection includes old time radio shows from all genres from ting-ting steel guitar music to epic Hawaiian Adventure and detective stories to supernatural Tiki tales.

Hawaii Old Time Radio Shows

289 old time radio show recordings
(total playtime 84 hours, 19 min)
available in the following formats:

7 MP3 CDs
87 Audio CDs

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Play a sample episode from February 21, 1949:

"Bob Bailey as Let George Do It <BR>Journey Into Hate, a Hawaiian Tale"

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Text on OTRCAT.com ©2001-2025 OTRCAT INC All Rights Reserved. Reproduction is prohibited.

Hawaii Girl
The history of Hawaii is at once violent, beautiful, and heartbreaking. It is a land peopled by one of the most culturally and racially diverse populations on the planet. The greatest commonality among the residents of our Fiftieth State is their love for living in their Island.

Hawaii DancersThe Golden Age of Radio had nearly come to an end by the time Hawaii actually joined the Union, but relationship between Hawaii and the United States goes back much further. The first westerner to explore Hawaii was James Cook just two years after the start of the American Revolution, and the importance of Hawaii as an outpost in the Pacific was immediately obvious.

Hawaii became an important destination for traders, whalers, and missionaries. The islands were united under King Kamehameha in 1805, but the tiny nation would be a pawn in the Imperial ambitions of larger nations for many years. In 1875, the Kingdom of Hawaii and the United States signed a Treaty of Reciprocity, which allowed for the tax-free importation of Hawaiian sugar and the establishment of a Naval Base at Pearl Harbor. American capital became increasingly important to the Islands, and in 1898, Hawaii was annexed as a United States Territory.

After becoming a Territory, American sugar and pineapple plantations began to dominate the economy, leading to the large scale immigration of Asian workers. During the early Territorial Period, Hawaii began to enter the popular imagination, thanks to the writings of Robert Louis Stevenson, Jack London, and Mark Twain. The music of Hawaii was among Thomas Edison's early wax cylinder recordings.

One element of Hawaiian music is the Steel Guitar. The Steel guitar was adopted by Country musicians, and is featured prominently in the music of the Light Crust Doughboys, among others. The Doughboys' recording of "Honolulu Lou" is included in this collection.

Royal Hawaiian HotelIn 1934, a syndicated series entitled Hawaiian Adventures, apparently under the sponsorship of a Hawaiian Tourist commission, takes us from the shore of the Big Island of Hawaii to the craters of Hawai'i Volcanoes National Park. Always with gentle strains of Hawaiian music in the background. Also in 1934,in celebration of the network finally reaching Honolulu, Jack Benny treats us to a less serious Hawaiian Travelogue. Jack and the gang would return to the Islands several times over the years.

In Hollywood, Don the Beachcomber, the original Tiki bar and the supposed birthplace of the Mai Tai, opened in 1934. The Beachcomber, along with the otherTiki bars that followed, helped to create a false image of the Hawaiian experience. An older Los Angeles tropically themed watering hole, the Cocoanut Grove at the Ambassador Hotel, was the most important hotspot for live entertainment on the West Coast.

The early Tiki craze may have helped to prime audiences for tropical supernatural tales like "The King Shark God" told on The Witch's Tale. This is a story of how greedy white men, entranced by the charms of Island maidens, are drawn to a grisly death.

Attack on Pearl HarborThese early fantasies of the Islands are a small match for true life adventures in Hawaii. Captains of Industry celebrated the story of Claus Spreckles, who arrives in America nearly penniless from Germany, eventually builds a grocery and sugar empire in California, and convinces the King of Hawaii to lease him land for a huge sugar plantation.

Regular steamship service and promotions by Island based promoters helped to establish Hawaii as a tourist destination. In 1941, a record number of tourists arrived, 31,846, but tourism came to a abrupt halt on Dec. 7, 1941 when the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor.

Much of the Hawaiian Experience, indeed the American Experience, is defined by Pearl Harbor. NBC's long running Pacific Story, originally intended to explain the War in the Pacific, helps to define America's interest in the Territory. "Melting Pot of the Pacific", broadcast on Jan 4, 1944, is a history of the Hawaiian Territory from the landing of the American Missionaries through the growth of Whaling, and eventually the entry of the Asians in support of the sugar and pineapple industries, culminating with a happy mixing of the races.

HawaiiAfter the guns were silenced, on Mar 31, 1946, Pacific Story makes the case that the Territory of Hawaii is ready to become the 49th state, 13 years before the Hawaii Admission Act.

After the War Hawaii again began to attract tourists, especially with a post War economic boom and increasingly regular airline service to the Islands. The increased access made Hawaii a popular destination for Radio Detectives, as well. In June of 1947, The Man Called X, Ken Thurston, investigates a land swindle on Maui that is designed to separate veterans from their money. On April 23, 1949, Philip Marlow, played by Gerald Mohr, flew to Hawaii for an interesting case about the Cloak of King Kamehameha.

Jets did not arrive in Hawaii until Statehood in 1959, and liners of the Matson and Presidential Lines, reconfigured after wartime service, came into service in 1948. On one of these boats in January of 1952, Harry Lime gets close to an ex-con's wife on the boat to Hawaii who gives him information about her husband's loot and the guy in Honolulu who has it hidden. Of course, Harry won't get close to the treasure until he gets even closer to a pretty Hawaiian girl.

This collection contains:

  1. Hawaii Postcard 1950sVolume 1: Various Hawaiian Themed broadcasts from all diferent series including:
  2. Volume 2: Royal Hawaiian Hotel
  3. Volume 3: Cocoanut Grove Ambassadors
  4. Volume 4: Hawaii Calls
  5. Volume 5: Memories of Hawaii
  6. Volume 6: Complete Broadcast Day Dec 7, 1941 (Bombing of Pearl Harbor)
  7. Volume 7: Hawaiian Fantasies

Text on OTRCAT.com ©2001-2025 OTRCAT INC All Rights Reserved. Reproduction is prohibited.

These classic recordings are available in the following formats:

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    Just want to tell you how much I am enjoying my four Hawaii music recordings. I LOVE the music and have been playing it for hours. Keep up the great OTR for oldies like me. Thanks again,

    Mary Verified Purchase

    Wonderful to renew old Memories of Hawaii.when life was Simple and Hawaii Calls was live

    Michael Verified Purchase

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  • MP3 CDs are delivered by mail. These archival quality MP3 CDs are playable in your computer and many MP3 player devices.

    289 recordings on 7 MP3 CDs for just $35.00. Total playtime 84 hours, 19 min
    289 recordings on 7 MP3 CDs for just $35.00
    total playtime 84 hours, 19 min
    Add MP3 CD Collection to Cart

    1. Volume 1 – 59 shows – total playtime 22 hours, 31 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 1: $5.00
      Add To Cart
    2. Alka Seltzer Time 531021 Medley Of Hawaiian Tunes.mp3
    3. Bcrc Show 610824 388 Just Breezin Along.mp3
    4. Believe It Or Not 480514 275 Hawaiian God Pele.mp3
    5. Bob Hope 520429 Horse Jockey William Holden.mp3
    6. Bob Hope 531106 William Holden Jack Kirkwood.mp3
    7. Bob Ray 591207 116 Army Amateur Hour.mp3
    8. Captains Of Industry 21 Claus Spreckles.mp3
    9. Charlie Chan 1945 Eye Of Buddha.mp3
    10. Chase And Sanborn Hour 3370822 Glenda Farrell.mp3
    11. Chase And Sanborn Hour 370620 07 Guest Mae Robson.mp3
    12. Chase And Sanborn Hour 390903 122 Guest Wendy Barrie.mp3
    13. Chase And Sanborn Hour 450819 12 Corona.mp3
    14. Chesterfield Show 4952 501122 043 Guest Paul Douglas.mp3
    15. Cocoanutgrove Series C Prgm 3 A.mp3
    16. Crime Club 470410 20 Grey Mist Murders.mp3
    17. Duffys Tavern 511228 Hawaiian Vacation Slogan Contest.mp3
    18. Edison 1812 Toots Pakas Hawaiians Aloha Oe 1913.mp3
    19. Edison 1915 Frank Ferera Alikemedley Hawaiian Hulas.mp3
    20. Edison 1918 Royal Purple Amberol Frieda Hempel.mp3
    21. Edison 1918 Toots Pakas Hawaiians Lalani Hulas Hawaii.mp3
    22. Gus Arnheim Cocoanut Grove Orch 1931 003 Sweet Lovely.mp3
    23. Gus Arnheim Cocoanut Grove Orch Bing Crosby I Surrender.mp3
    24. Harry Lime 520104 E 23 Cherchez La Gem.mp3
    25. Hawaiian Adventures 1934 002 Island Of Hawaii.mp3
    26. Heres To Veterans 0702 Hawaii Calls.mp3
    27. Hilltop 530720 Hawaiian Honeymoon Plans.mp3
    28. Hoiv 511115 Don Quinn Interview NBC Hawaii.mp3
    29. Jack Benny 341104 Through Romantic Hawaii.mp3
    30. Jack Benny 390430 1031 Jacks 7 Th A.mp3
    31. Jack Benny 480201 1918 Jack And Mar.mp3
    32. Jack Benny 530913 2501 Back From Vacation In Hawaii.mp3
    33. Jack Benny 530920 2502 Return To Paradise.mp3
    34. Jack Benny Program 341104 150 Through Romantic Hawaii.mp3
    35. Jack Benny Program 530913 851 Back From Vacation In Hawaii.mp3
    36. Let George Do It 490221 Journey Into Hate.mp3
    37. Lightcrust Doughboys Honolulu Lou.mp3
    38. Man Called X 470605 11 Swindle To Honolulu.mp3
    39. Man Called X 510504 30 Monte Carlo.mp3
    40. My Little Margie 550901 Quiz Showhawaii Tripn.mp3
    41. Mysterious Traveler 500404 249 Man From Singapore.mp3
    42. One Mans Family 580218 B 129 C 36 Report From Idaho.mp3
    43. Pacific Story 440102 026 Hawaii Melting Potpacific.mp3
    44. Pacific Story 460331 141 Hawaii 49 State [End Clipped].mp3
    45. Pacific Story 460331 E 141 Hawaii 49 Th State Eend Clipp.mp3
    46. Palace Personalities 491227 Mildred Wong Winner Miss China.mp3
    47. Phil Harris 1932 Cocoanut Grove Orchestra.mp3
    48. Phil Harris 1933 What Have We Got To Lose.mp3
    49. Philip Marlowe 490423 B 30 Cloak Of Kamehameha.mp3
    50. Red Skelton 470225 51 Travel To Hawaii.mp3
    51. Red Skelton 520304 23 Never Forget Hawaii.mp3
    52. Rudy Vallee Royal Gelatin Hour 380908 Guest Maurice Evans.mp3
    53. Sealtest Variety 490324 27.mp3
    54. Song Of Hawaii.mp3
    55. Spike Jones Spotlight Revue 4748 480312 24 Guest Jack Smith.mp3
    56. Unsolved Mysteries Chinamans Cell.mp3
    57. Vietnam Hippies In Hawaii.mp3
    58. Whistler 490403 357 Rawhide Coffin.mp3
    59. Witchs Tale King Shark God.mp3
    60. Your Radio Almanac 440524 18 From Atc Fresno California.mp3

    1. Volume 2 – 8 shows – total playtime 1 hours, 50 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 2: $5.00
      Add To Cart
    2. Royal Hawaiian Hotel 1934 - 03.mp3
    3. Royal Hawaiian Hotel 1934 - 07.mp3
    4. Royal Hawaiian Hotel 1934 - 08.mp3
    5. Royal Hawaiian Hotel 1934 - 09.mp3
    6. Royal Hawaiian Hotel 1934 - 10.mp3
    7. Royal Hawaiian Hotel 1934 - 11.mp3
    8. Royal Hawaiian Hotel 1934 - 12.mp3
    9. Royal Hawaiian Hotel 1934 - 13.mp3

    1. Volume 3 – 88 shows – total playtime 19 hours, 58 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 3: $5.00
      Add To Cart
    2. CGA 1931 B01A I Found Million Dollar Baby Gus Arnheim.mp3
    3. CGA 1931 B04A Sing Little Jingle Gus Arnheim.mp3
    4. CGA 1931 B04B Look In Looking Glass Gus Arnheim.mp3
    5. CGA 1931 B07A Im Just Fool In Love With You Gus Arnheim.mp3
    6. CGA 1931 B07B Stardust Gus Arnheim.mp3
    7. CGA 1931 B08A To Be Worthy Of You Gus Arnheim.mp3
    8. CGA 1931 B08B Me Gus Arnheim.mp3
    9. CGA 1931 B10A I Dont Know Gus Arnheim.mp3
    10. CGA 1931 B10B Come Take Me Gus Arnheim.mp3
    11. CGA 1931 B11B You Dont Need Glasses Gus Arnheim.mp3
    12. CGA 1931 B13A Its Love Gus Arnheim.mp3
    13. CGA 1931 B13B You Really Started Something Gus Arnheim.mp3
    14. CGA 1932 C02A Little Old Church In Valley Jimmie Grier.mp3
    15. CGA 1932 C02B I Need Loving Jimmie Grier.mp3
    16. CGA 1932 C03A September Jimmie Grier.mp3
    17. CGA 1932 C05A Tune Song Freddy Freshman Jimmie Grier.mp3
    18. CGA 1932 C05B You Could Have Been One Baby Jimmie Grier.mp3
    19. CGA 1932 C06A Youve Got To Jimmie Grier.mp3
    20. CGA 1932 C07A Down Among Sleepy Pines Jimmie Grier.mp3
    21. CGA 1932 C08A When Its Sleepy Time Down South Jimmie Grier.mp3
    22. CGA 1932 C08B I Promise You Jimmie Grier.mp3
    23. CGA 1932 C09A Got To Put That Sun Back In Sky Jimmie Grier.mp3
    24. CGA 1932 C09B Love Goes On Just Same Jimmie Grier.mp3
    25. CGA 1932 C10A Sweet Georgia Brown Jimmie Grier.mp3
    26. CGA 1932 C10B Rain On Roof Jimmie Grier.mp3
    27. CGA 1932 C11A We Met Love Jimmie Grier.mp3
    28. CGA 1932 C11B Youre My Everything Jimmie Grier.mp3
    29. CGA 1932 C12A Starlight Jimmie Grier.mp3
    30. CGA 1932 C12B I Loves Ya Jimmie Grier.mp3
    31. CGA 1932 C13A Just Friends Jimmie Grier.mp3
    32. CGA 1932 C13B I Found You Jimmie Grier.mp3
    33. CGA 1932 D02A Tired Jimmie Grier.mp3
    34. CGA 1932 D02B Thats Why Im Jealous Of You Jimmie Grier.mp3
    35. CGA 1932 D03A This Is My Love Song Jimmie Grier.mp3
    36. CGA 1932 D03B Prisoner Of Love Jimmie Grier.mp3
    37. CGA 1932 D04A Love You Funny Thing Jimmie Grier.mp3
    38. CGA 1932 D04B Im Thankful Jimmie Grier.mp3
    39. CGA 1932 D06A By Fireside Jimmie Grier.mp3
    40. CGA 1932 D07A If I Ever Meet Girl Of My Dreams Jimmie Grier.mp3
    41. CGA 1932 D07B Sometime In Summertime Jimmie Grier.mp3
    42. CGA 1932 D08A Tired Jimmie Grier 2.mp3
    43. CGA 1932 D08B Too Many Tears Jimmie Grier.mp3
    44. CGA 1932 D09A Used To Be You Jimmie Grier.mp3
    45. CGA 1932 XXXX River, Stay Away From My Door Jimmie Grier.mp3
    46. CGA 1933 F01A Im Making Hay In Moonlight Phil Harris.mp3
    47. CGA 1933 F01B Goofus Phil Harris.mp3
    48. CGA 1933 F04A Gotta Date With An Angel Phil Harris.mp3
    49. CGA 1933 F04B Love Me Tonight Phil Harris.mp3
    50. CGA 1933 F05A How Can You Say No Phil Harris.mp3
    51. CGA 1933 F05B Y O U, Just Plain You Phil Harris.mp3
    52. CGA 1933 G01A Brother, Can You Spare Dime Phil Harris.mp3
    53. CGA 1933 G01B Baby Phil Harris.mp3
    54. CGA 1933 G02A Mimi Phil Harris.mp3
    55. CGA 1933 G02B Boy And Girl Were Dancing Phil Harris.mp3
    56. CGA 1933 G03A Million Dreams Phil Harris.mp3
    57. CGA 1933 G03B Oh Oh Marie Phil Harris.mp3
    58. CGA 1933 G04A Seven Little Steps To Heaven Phil Harris.mp3
    59. CGA 1933 G04B Suzanne Phil Harris.mp3
    60. CGA 1933 G05A Playing With Fire Phil Harris.mp3
    61. CGA 1933 G05B What Pleasure Meeting You Phil Harris.mp3
    62. CGA 1933 G06A Look Whos Here Phil Harris.mp3
    63. CGA 1933 G06B Hats Off, Here Comes Lady Phil Harris.mp3
    64. CGA 1933 G07A Blackeyed Susan Brown Phil Harris.mp3
    65. CGA 1933 G07B Take Me In Your Arms Phil Harris.mp3
    66. CGA 1933 G08A Moon Song Phil Harris.mp3
    67. CGA 1933 G09A Young And Healthy Phil Harris.mp3
    68. CGA 1933 G13A Cop On Corner Phil Harris.mp3
    69. CGA 1933 G13B Here It Is Monday Phil Harris.mp3
    70. CGA 1934 J11A Id Be Telling Lie Ted Fio Rito.mp3
    71. CGA 1934 J11B Love Is Sweetest Thing Ted Fio Rito.mp3
    72. CGA 1934 K01A Youve Got Everything Ted Fio Rito.mp3
    73. CGA 1934 K01B Kahlua Lullaby Ted Fio Rito.mp3
    74. CGA 1934 K02A Tell Me Tonight Ted Fio Rito.mp3
    75. CGA 1934 K02B At Bottom Of Hill Ted Fio Rito.mp3
    76. CGA 1934 K08B Shelter From Shower Ted Fio Rito.mp3
    77. CGA 1934 L08A Tell Me Im Wrong Ted Fio Rito.mp3
    78. CGA 1934 L08B For All We Know Ted Fio Rito.mp3
    79. CGA 1934 L11A Love At Last Ted Fio Rito.mp3
    80. CGA 1934 M02A Serenade For Wealthy Widow Ted Fio Rito.mp3
    81. CGA 1934 M02B Have Little Dream On Me Ted Fio Rito.mp3
    82. CGA 1934 M05A Parade Of Wooden Soldiers Ted Fio Rito.mp3
    83. CGA 1934 M05B Say It Ted Fio Rito.mp3
    84. CGA 1934 M06A Here Is My Heart Ted Fio Rito.mp3
    85. CGA 1934 M06B Dames I Only Have Eyes For You Ted Fio Rito.mp3
    86. CGA 1934 M09A Youre Blase Sophisticated Lady Ted Fio Rito.mp3
    87. CGA 1934 M09B Too Beautiful For Words Ted Fio Rito.mp3
    88. CGA 1934 M10A Stay As Sweet As You Are Ted Fio Rito.mp3
    89. CGA 1934 M10B Flirtation Walk Ted Fio Rito.mp3

    1. Volume 4 – 28 shows – total playtime 12 hours, 44 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 4: $5.00
      Add To Cart
    2. Hawaii Calls 183.mp3
    3. Hawaii Calls 1961.mp3
    4. Hawaii Calls 570824.mp3
    5. Hawaii Calls 620929.mp3
    6. Hawaii Calls 621013.mp3
    7. Hawaii Calls 621107.mp3
    8. Hawaii Calls 621110.mp3
    9. Hawaii Calls 621201.mp3
    10. Hawaii Calls 671028.mp3
    11. Hawaii Calls 701007.mp3
    12. Hawaii Calls 701024.mp3
    13. Hawaii Calls 701031.mp3
    14. Hawaii Calls 701107.mp3
    15. Hawaii Calls 701114.mp3
    16. Hawaii Calls 701121.mp3
    17. Hawaii Calls AFRS 211 Webly Edwards.mp3
    18. Hawaii Calls Afrs 219.mp3
    19. Hawaii Calls Afrs 220.mp3
    20. Hawaii Calls AFRS 225 Webly Edwards.mp3
    21. Hawaii Calls Pgm 124.mp3
    22. Hawaii Calls Pgm 204 1962.mp3
    23. Hawaii Calls Pgm 259 1963.mp3
    24. Hawaii Calls Pgm 312 1964.mp3
    25. Hawaii Calls Pgm 318 1964.mp3
    26. Hawaii Calls Songs of the Islands 1.mp3
    27. Hawaii Calls Songs of the Islands 2.mp3
    28. Hawaii Calls Songs of the Islands 3.mp3
    29. Hawaii Calls Songs of the Islands 4.mp3

    1. Volume 5 – 13 shows – total playtime 3 hours, 8 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 5: $5.00
      Add To Cart
    2. Memories Of Hawaii 01 My Honolulu.mp3
    3. Memories Of Hawaii 02 My Honolulu.mp3
    4. Memories Of Hawaii 03 Hawaii Land Of Beauty.mp3
    5. Memories Of Hawaii 04 Beautiful Beautiful Hawaii.mp3
    6. Memories Of Hawaii 05 Endlessly.mp3
    7. Memories Of Hawaii 06 South Sea Islands.mp3
    8. Memories Of Hawaii 07 Tropical Day Has Begun.mp3
    9. Memories Of Hawaii 08 Come With Me Tonight My Love.mp3
    10. Memories Of Hawaii 09 Dont Forget Me.mp3
    11. Memories Of Hawaii 10 Until We Meet Again.mp3
    12. Memories Of Hawaii 11 Danger In Hawaii.mp3
    13. Memories Of Hawaii 12 Fascinating Hawaii.mp3
    14. Memories Of Hawaii 13 Lovely Hawaii.mp3

    1. Volume 6 – 56 shows – total playtime 14 hours, 59 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 6: $5.00
      Add To Cart
    2. 1400 NBCR Sammy Kaye Sunday Serenade.mp3
    3. 1428 NBCR First Bulletin On Pearl Harbor Attack.mp3
    4. 1430 CBS World Today John Daly Reads Bulletin.mp3
    5. 1430 NBCR Univ Of Chicago Roundtable - Canada At War.mp3
    6. 1432 NBCB Bulletin On Pearl Harbor Attack.mp3
    7. 1437 CBS Albert Warner Speculates On FDR's Next Steps.mp3
    8. 1437 CBS Bob Trout On British Reaction.mp3
    9. 1439 NBCR Manila Bombed.mp3
    10. 1449 CBS Ford Wilkins In Manilla Cut Off By US Censors.mp3
    11. 1452 NBC Burma Bombed.mp3
    12. 1500 CBS NY Philharmonic Concert Interrupted.mp3
    13. 1515 NBCR H V Kaltenborn.mp3
    14. 1530 NBCR Listen America.mp3
    15. 1600 NBCB National Vespers.mp3
    16. 1600 NBCR Sylvia Marlowe Richard Dyer Bennett Show.mp3
    17. 1609 NBCR KGU Honolulu Report.mp3
    18. 1630 NBCR News.mp3
    19. 1800 NBCR Catholic Hour With Rev James Gillis.mp3
    20. 1830 NBCB Drew Pearson Robert S Allen Commentary.mp3
    21. 1845 NBCB Eleanor Roosevelt.mp3
    22. 1900 NBCB News Roundup.mp3
    23. 1900 NBCR Jack Benny Show.mp3
    24. 1930 NBCB Captain Flagg Sergeant Quirt.mp3
    25. 1930 NBCR Fitch Bandwagon.mp3
    26. 2000 NBCB Bible Week.mp3
    27. 2000 NBCR Chase And Sanborn Program.mp3
    28. 2030 NBCB Inner Sanctum - Island Of Death.mp3
    29. 2030 NBCR One Man's Family.mp3
    30. 2100 NBCB Jergens Journal.mp3
    31. 2100 NBCR Manhattan Merry Go-Round.mp3
    32. 2115 NBCB Parker Family.mp3
    33. 2130 NBCB Dear John.mp3
    34. 2130 NBCR American Album Of Familiar Music.mp3
    35. 2145 NBCB Dinah Shore.mp3
    36. 2200 NBCB Goodwill Hour.mp3
    37. 2200 NBCR Hour Of Charm.mp3
    38. 2230 NBCR Sherlock Holmes.mp3
    39. 2300 NBCR News.mp3
    40. 2330 NBCR Round Table Discussion.mp3
    41. 411208 FDR Day of Infamy e1.mp3
    42. 411208 FDR Day of Infamy e2.mp3
    43. BBC Alvar Liddell Japanese Attacks In The Pacific.mp3
    44. BBC Washington Reaction To Pearl Harbor Attack.mp3
    45. CBS Analysis Of Attack On Pearl Harbor And Manilla.mp3
    46. CBS Attempts To Call Honolulu.mp3
    47. CBS Football Broadcast - War Bulletin.mp3
    48. CBS John Charles Daly Reports Pearl Harbor Attack.mp3
    49. CBS NY Philharmonic Concert - War Bulletins.mp3
    50. CBS World News Today 12-06.mp3
    51. CBS World News Today.mp3
    52. MBS Bulletin Interrupts Football Game.mp3
    53. MBS Flash UPI Bulletin Reports Attack On Pearl Harbor.mp3
    54. NBC News Bulletins.mp3
    55. NBC American Legion Special Defense Message.mp3
    56. NHK Gen Hideki Tojo Declares War On The Allies.mp3
    57. WNYC Fiorello La Guardia.mp3

    1. Volume 7 – 37 shows – total playtime 9 hours, 6 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 7: $5.00
      Add To Cart
    2. Hawaiian Fantasies 01 Flight Into Pacific.mp3
    3. Hawaiian Fantasies 02 Paipai, Volcano Goddess.mp3
    4. Hawaiian Fantasies 03 Magic Pipes.mp3
    5. Hawaiian Fantasies 04 Carefree Hawaiian Life.mp3
    6. Hawaiian Fantasies 05 King Kamahamaha Stops.mp3
    7. Hawaiian Fantasies 06 Mahielai Loves Mortal.mp3
    8. Hawaiian Fantasies 07 Suns Strange Habit.mp3
    9. Hawaiian Fantasies 08 Song Of Moikaiha.mp3
    10. Hawaiian Fantasies 09 Legend Of Bread Fruit Tree.mp3
    11. Hawaiian Fantasies 10 Legend Of Kami Kau.mp3
    12. Hawaiian Fantasies 11 Race Of Warriors.mp3
    13. Hawaiian Fantasies 12 Legend Of Lenore.mp3
    14. Hawaiian Fantasies 13 Legend Of Ghost Dance.mp3
    15. Hawaiian Fantasies 14 King Kamahamaha.mp3
    16. Hawaiian Fantasies 15 Legend Of Water Of Life.mp3
    17. Hawaiian Fantasies 16 Spirit Of Sea.mp3
    18. Hawaiian Fantasies 17 Bringing Of Fire.mp3
    19. Hawaiian Fantasies 18 Rock Of Kau Ali.mp3
    20. Hawaiian Fantasies 19 Prince Of Spear Throwers.mp3
    21. Hawaiian Fantasies 20 Puna And Dragon Goddess.mp3
    22. Hawaiian Fantasies 21 Ha Taya Falls In Love.mp3
    23. Hawaiian Fantasies 22 Legend Of Shark God.mp3
    24. Hawaiian Fantasies 25 Maui Lifts Up Sky.mp3
    25. Hawaiian Fantasies 26 Mauis Catch.mp3
    26. Hawaiian Fantasies 27 Story Of Hai Ku.mp3
    27. Hawaiian Fantasies 28 Woman In Moon.mp3
    28. Hawaiian Fantasies 29 Strongest Boy In World.mp3
    29. Hawaiian Fantasies 30 Story Of Aloa Kaya.mp3
    30. Hawaiian Fantasies 31 Maui Seeks Immortality.mp3
    31. Hawaiian Fantasies 32 Story Of Twins.mp3
    32. Hawaiian Fantasies 33 Legend Of Maanihuni.mp3
    33. Hawaiian Fantasies 34 Island Home Of Beauty.mp3
    34. Hawaiian Fantasies 35 Feather Cloak.mp3
    35. Hawaiian Fantasies 36 Legend Of Rainbow God.mp3
    36. Hawaiian Fantasies 37 Ku And Keela.mp3
    37. Hawaiian Fantasies 38 Hawaii Calls To You.mp3
    38. Hawaiian Fantasies 39 Magic Pipes.mp3
  • MP3 downloads are available instantly after purchase!

    289 recordings on 7 MP3 Collection Downloads for just $35.00. Total playtime 84 hours, 19 min
    289 recordings on 7 MP3 Collection Downloads for just $35.00
    2134 MB – total playtime 84 hours, 19 min
    Add Instant Download Collection to Cart

    1. Volume 1 – 59 shows – 619 MB – total playtime 22 hours, 31 minutes
      Instant Download
      Volume 1: $5.00
      Add To Cart
    2. Alka Seltzer Time 531021 Medley Of Hawaiian Tunes.mp3
    3. Bcrc Show 610824 388 Just Breezin Along.mp3
    4. Believe It Or Not 480514 275 Hawaiian God Pele.mp3
    5. Bob Hope 520429 Horse Jockey William Holden.mp3
    6. Bob Hope 531106 William Holden Jack Kirkwood.mp3
    7. Bob Ray 591207 116 Army Amateur Hour.mp3
    8. Captains Of Industry 21 Claus Spreckles.mp3
    9. Charlie Chan 1945 Eye Of Buddha.mp3
    10. Chase And Sanborn Hour 3370822 Glenda Farrell.mp3
    11. Chase And Sanborn Hour 370620 07 Guest Mae Robson.mp3
    12. Chase And Sanborn Hour 390903 122 Guest Wendy Barrie.mp3
    13. Chase And Sanborn Hour 450819 12 Corona.mp3
    14. Chesterfield Show 4952 501122 043 Guest Paul Douglas.mp3
    15. Cocoanutgrove Series C Prgm 3 A.mp3
    16. Crime Club 470410 20 Grey Mist Murders.mp3
    17. Duffys Tavern 511228 Hawaiian Vacation Slogan Contest.mp3
    18. Edison 1812 Toots Pakas Hawaiians Aloha Oe 1913.mp3
    19. Edison 1915 Frank Ferera Alikemedley Hawaiian Hulas.mp3
    20. Edison 1918 Royal Purple Amberol Frieda Hempel.mp3
    21. Edison 1918 Toots Pakas Hawaiians Lalani Hulas Hawaii.mp3
    22. Gus Arnheim Cocoanut Grove Orch 1931 003 Sweet Lovely.mp3
    23. Gus Arnheim Cocoanut Grove Orch Bing Crosby I Surrender.mp3
    24. Harry Lime 520104 E 23 Cherchez La Gem.mp3
    25. Hawaiian Adventures 1934 002 Island Of Hawaii.mp3
    26. Heres To Veterans 0702 Hawaii Calls.mp3
    27. Hilltop 530720 Hawaiian Honeymoon Plans.mp3
    28. Hoiv 511115 Don Quinn Interview NBC Hawaii.mp3
    29. Jack Benny 341104 Through Romantic Hawaii.mp3
    30. Jack Benny 390430 1031 Jacks 7 Th A.mp3
    31. Jack Benny 480201 1918 Jack And Mar.mp3
    32. Jack Benny 530913 2501 Back From Vacation In Hawaii.mp3
    33. Jack Benny 530920 2502 Return To Paradise.mp3
    34. Jack Benny Program 341104 150 Through Romantic Hawaii.mp3
    35. Jack Benny Program 530913 851 Back From Vacation In Hawaii.mp3
    36. Let George Do It 490221 Journey Into Hate.mp3
    37. Lightcrust Doughboys Honolulu Lou.mp3
    38. Man Called X 470605 11 Swindle To Honolulu.mp3
    39. Man Called X 510504 30 Monte Carlo.mp3
    40. My Little Margie 550901 Quiz Showhawaii Tripn.mp3
    41. Mysterious Traveler 500404 249 Man From Singapore.mp3
    42. One Mans Family 580218 B 129 C 36 Report From Idaho.mp3
    43. Pacific Story 440102 026 Hawaii Melting Potpacific.mp3
    44. Pacific Story 460331 141 Hawaii 49 State [End Clipped].mp3
    45. Pacific Story 460331 E 141 Hawaii 49 Th State Eend Clipp.mp3
    46. Palace Personalities 491227 Mildred Wong Winner Miss China.mp3
    47. Phil Harris 1932 Cocoanut Grove Orchestra.mp3
    48. Phil Harris 1933 What Have We Got To Lose.mp3
    49. Philip Marlowe 490423 B 30 Cloak Of Kamehameha.mp3
    50. Red Skelton 470225 51 Travel To Hawaii.mp3
    51. Red Skelton 520304 23 Never Forget Hawaii.mp3
    52. Rudy Vallee Royal Gelatin Hour 380908 Guest Maurice Evans.mp3
    53. Sealtest Variety 490324 27.mp3
    54. Song Of Hawaii.mp3
    55. Spike Jones Spotlight Revue 4748 480312 24 Guest Jack Smith.mp3
    56. Unsolved Mysteries Chinamans Cell.mp3
    57. Vietnam Hippies In Hawaii.mp3
    58. Whistler 490403 357 Rawhide Coffin.mp3
    59. Witchs Tale King Shark God.mp3
    60. Your Radio Almanac 440524 18 From Atc Fresno California.mp3

    1. Volume 2 – 8 shows – 38 MB – total playtime 1 hours, 50 minutes
      Instant Download
      Volume 2: $5.00
      Add To Cart
    2. Royal Hawaiian Hotel 1934 - 03.mp3
    3. Royal Hawaiian Hotel 1934 - 07.mp3
    4. Royal Hawaiian Hotel 1934 - 08.mp3
    5. Royal Hawaiian Hotel 1934 - 09.mp3
    6. Royal Hawaiian Hotel 1934 - 10.mp3
    7. Royal Hawaiian Hotel 1934 - 11.mp3
    8. Royal Hawaiian Hotel 1934 - 12.mp3
    9. Royal Hawaiian Hotel 1934 - 13.mp3

    1. Volume 3 – 88 shows – 549 MB – total playtime 19 hours, 58 minutes
      Instant Download
      Volume 3: $5.00
      Add To Cart
    2. CGA 1931 B01A I Found Million Dollar Baby Gus Arnheim.mp3
    3. CGA 1931 B04A Sing Little Jingle Gus Arnheim.mp3
    4. CGA 1931 B04B Look In Looking Glass Gus Arnheim.mp3
    5. CGA 1931 B07A Im Just Fool In Love With You Gus Arnheim.mp3
    6. CGA 1931 B07B Stardust Gus Arnheim.mp3
    7. CGA 1931 B08A To Be Worthy Of You Gus Arnheim.mp3
    8. CGA 1931 B08B Me Gus Arnheim.mp3
    9. CGA 1931 B10A I Dont Know Gus Arnheim.mp3
    10. CGA 1931 B10B Come Take Me Gus Arnheim.mp3
    11. CGA 1931 B11B You Dont Need Glasses Gus Arnheim.mp3
    12. CGA 1931 B13A Its Love Gus Arnheim.mp3
    13. CGA 1931 B13B You Really Started Something Gus Arnheim.mp3
    14. CGA 1932 C02A Little Old Church In Valley Jimmie Grier.mp3
    15. CGA 1932 C02B I Need Loving Jimmie Grier.mp3
    16. CGA 1932 C03A September Jimmie Grier.mp3
    17. CGA 1932 C05A Tune Song Freddy Freshman Jimmie Grier.mp3
    18. CGA 1932 C05B You Could Have Been One Baby Jimmie Grier.mp3
    19. CGA 1932 C06A Youve Got To Jimmie Grier.mp3
    20. CGA 1932 C07A Down Among Sleepy Pines Jimmie Grier.mp3
    21. CGA 1932 C08A When Its Sleepy Time Down South Jimmie Grier.mp3
    22. CGA 1932 C08B I Promise You Jimmie Grier.mp3
    23. CGA 1932 C09A Got To Put That Sun Back In Sky Jimmie Grier.mp3
    24. CGA 1932 C09B Love Goes On Just Same Jimmie Grier.mp3
    25. CGA 1932 C10A Sweet Georgia Brown Jimmie Grier.mp3
    26. CGA 1932 C10B Rain On Roof Jimmie Grier.mp3
    27. CGA 1932 C11A We Met Love Jimmie Grier.mp3
    28. CGA 1932 C11B Youre My Everything Jimmie Grier.mp3
    29. CGA 1932 C12A Starlight Jimmie Grier.mp3
    30. CGA 1932 C12B I Loves Ya Jimmie Grier.mp3
    31. CGA 1932 C13A Just Friends Jimmie Grier.mp3
    32. CGA 1932 C13B I Found You Jimmie Grier.mp3
    33. CGA 1932 D02A Tired Jimmie Grier.mp3
    34. CGA 1932 D02B Thats Why Im Jealous Of You Jimmie Grier.mp3
    35. CGA 1932 D03A This Is My Love Song Jimmie Grier.mp3
    36. CGA 1932 D03B Prisoner Of Love Jimmie Grier.mp3
    37. CGA 1932 D04A Love You Funny Thing Jimmie Grier.mp3
    38. CGA 1932 D04B Im Thankful Jimmie Grier.mp3
    39. CGA 1932 D06A By Fireside Jimmie Grier.mp3
    40. CGA 1932 D07A If I Ever Meet Girl Of My Dreams Jimmie Grier.mp3
    41. CGA 1932 D07B Sometime In Summertime Jimmie Grier.mp3
    42. CGA 1932 D08A Tired Jimmie Grier 2.mp3
    43. CGA 1932 D08B Too Many Tears Jimmie Grier.mp3
    44. CGA 1932 D09A Used To Be You Jimmie Grier.mp3
    45. CGA 1932 XXXX River, Stay Away From My Door Jimmie Grier.mp3
    46. CGA 1933 F01A Im Making Hay In Moonlight Phil Harris.mp3
    47. CGA 1933 F01B Goofus Phil Harris.mp3
    48. CGA 1933 F04A Gotta Date With An Angel Phil Harris.mp3
    49. CGA 1933 F04B Love Me Tonight Phil Harris.mp3
    50. CGA 1933 F05A How Can You Say No Phil Harris.mp3
    51. CGA 1933 F05B Y O U, Just Plain You Phil Harris.mp3
    52. CGA 1933 G01A Brother, Can You Spare Dime Phil Harris.mp3
    53. CGA 1933 G01B Baby Phil Harris.mp3
    54. CGA 1933 G02A Mimi Phil Harris.mp3
    55. CGA 1933 G02B Boy And Girl Were Dancing Phil Harris.mp3
    56. CGA 1933 G03A Million Dreams Phil Harris.mp3
    57. CGA 1933 G03B Oh Oh Marie Phil Harris.mp3
    58. CGA 1933 G04A Seven Little Steps To Heaven Phil Harris.mp3
    59. CGA 1933 G04B Suzanne Phil Harris.mp3
    60. CGA 1933 G05A Playing With Fire Phil Harris.mp3
    61. CGA 1933 G05B What Pleasure Meeting You Phil Harris.mp3
    62. CGA 1933 G06A Look Whos Here Phil Harris.mp3
    63. CGA 1933 G06B Hats Off, Here Comes Lady Phil Harris.mp3
    64. CGA 1933 G07A Blackeyed Susan Brown Phil Harris.mp3
    65. CGA 1933 G07B Take Me In Your Arms Phil Harris.mp3
    66. CGA 1933 G08A Moon Song Phil Harris.mp3
    67. CGA 1933 G09A Young And Healthy Phil Harris.mp3
    68. CGA 1933 G13A Cop On Corner Phil Harris.mp3
    69. CGA 1933 G13B Here It Is Monday Phil Harris.mp3
    70. CGA 1934 J11A Id Be Telling Lie Ted Fio Rito.mp3
    71. CGA 1934 J11B Love Is Sweetest Thing Ted Fio Rito.mp3
    72. CGA 1934 K01A Youve Got Everything Ted Fio Rito.mp3
    73. CGA 1934 K01B Kahlua Lullaby Ted Fio Rito.mp3
    74. CGA 1934 K02A Tell Me Tonight Ted Fio Rito.mp3
    75. CGA 1934 K02B At Bottom Of Hill Ted Fio Rito.mp3
    76. CGA 1934 K08B Shelter From Shower Ted Fio Rito.mp3
    77. CGA 1934 L08A Tell Me Im Wrong Ted Fio Rito.mp3
    78. CGA 1934 L08B For All We Know Ted Fio Rito.mp3
    79. CGA 1934 L11A Love At Last Ted Fio Rito.mp3
    80. CGA 1934 M02A Serenade For Wealthy Widow Ted Fio Rito.mp3
    81. CGA 1934 M02B Have Little Dream On Me Ted Fio Rito.mp3
    82. CGA 1934 M05A Parade Of Wooden Soldiers Ted Fio Rito.mp3
    83. CGA 1934 M05B Say It Ted Fio Rito.mp3
    84. CGA 1934 M06A Here Is My Heart Ted Fio Rito.mp3
    85. CGA 1934 M06B Dames I Only Have Eyes For You Ted Fio Rito.mp3
    86. CGA 1934 M09A Youre Blase Sophisticated Lady Ted Fio Rito.mp3
    87. CGA 1934 M09B Too Beautiful For Words Ted Fio Rito.mp3
    88. CGA 1934 M10A Stay As Sweet As You Are Ted Fio Rito.mp3
    89. CGA 1934 M10B Flirtation Walk Ted Fio Rito.mp3

    1. Volume 4 – 28 shows – 377 MB – total playtime 12 hours, 44 minutes
      Instant Download
      Volume 4: $5.00
      Add To Cart
    2. Hawaii Calls 183.mp3
    3. Hawaii Calls 1961.mp3
    4. Hawaii Calls 570824.mp3
    5. Hawaii Calls 620929.mp3
    6. Hawaii Calls 621013.mp3
    7. Hawaii Calls 621107.mp3
    8. Hawaii Calls 621110.mp3
    9. Hawaii Calls 621201.mp3
    10. Hawaii Calls 671028.mp3
    11. Hawaii Calls 701007.mp3
    12. Hawaii Calls 701024.mp3
    13. Hawaii Calls 701031.mp3
    14. Hawaii Calls 701107.mp3
    15. Hawaii Calls 701114.mp3
    16. Hawaii Calls 701121.mp3
    17. Hawaii Calls AFRS 211 Webly Edwards.mp3
    18. Hawaii Calls Afrs 219.mp3
    19. Hawaii Calls Afrs 220.mp3
    20. Hawaii Calls AFRS 225 Webly Edwards.mp3
    21. Hawaii Calls Pgm 124.mp3
    22. Hawaii Calls Pgm 204 1962.mp3
    23. Hawaii Calls Pgm 259 1963.mp3
    24. Hawaii Calls Pgm 312 1964.mp3
    25. Hawaii Calls Pgm 318 1964.mp3
    26. Hawaii Calls Songs of the Islands 1.mp3
    27. Hawaii Calls Songs of the Islands 2.mp3
    28. Hawaii Calls Songs of the Islands 3.mp3
    29. Hawaii Calls Songs of the Islands 4.mp3

    1. Volume 5 – 13 shows – 86 MB – total playtime 3 hours, 8 minutes
      Instant Download
      Volume 5: $5.00
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    2. Memories Of Hawaii 01 My Honolulu.mp3
    3. Memories Of Hawaii 02 My Honolulu.mp3
    4. Memories Of Hawaii 03 Hawaii Land Of Beauty.mp3
    5. Memories Of Hawaii 04 Beautiful Beautiful Hawaii.mp3
    6. Memories Of Hawaii 05 Endlessly.mp3
    7. Memories Of Hawaii 06 South Sea Islands.mp3
    8. Memories Of Hawaii 07 Tropical Day Has Begun.mp3
    9. Memories Of Hawaii 08 Come With Me Tonight My Love.mp3
    10. Memories Of Hawaii 09 Dont Forget Me.mp3
    11. Memories Of Hawaii 10 Until We Meet Again.mp3
    12. Memories Of Hawaii 11 Danger In Hawaii.mp3
    13. Memories Of Hawaii 12 Fascinating Hawaii.mp3
    14. Memories Of Hawaii 13 Lovely Hawaii.mp3

    1. Volume 6 – 56 shows – 216 MB – total playtime 14 hours, 59 minutes
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      Volume 6: $5.00
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    2. 1400 NBCR Sammy Kaye Sunday Serenade.mp3
    3. 1428 NBCR First Bulletin On Pearl Harbor Attack.mp3
    4. 1430 CBS World Today John Daly Reads Bulletin.mp3
    5. 1430 NBCR Univ Of Chicago Roundtable - Canada At War.mp3
    6. 1432 NBCB Bulletin On Pearl Harbor Attack.mp3
    7. 1437 CBS Albert Warner Speculates On FDR's Next Steps.mp3
    8. 1437 CBS Bob Trout On British Reaction.mp3
    9. 1439 NBCR Manila Bombed.mp3
    10. 1449 CBS Ford Wilkins In Manilla Cut Off By US Censors.mp3
    11. 1452 NBC Burma Bombed.mp3
    12. 1500 CBS NY Philharmonic Concert Interrupted.mp3
    13. 1515 NBCR H V Kaltenborn.mp3
    14. 1530 NBCR Listen America.mp3
    15. 1600 NBCB National Vespers.mp3
    16. 1600 NBCR Sylvia Marlowe Richard Dyer Bennett Show.mp3
    17. 1609 NBCR KGU Honolulu Report.mp3
    18. 1630 NBCR News.mp3
    19. 1800 NBCR Catholic Hour With Rev James Gillis.mp3
    20. 1830 NBCB Drew Pearson Robert S Allen Commentary.mp3
    21. 1845 NBCB Eleanor Roosevelt.mp3
    22. 1900 NBCB News Roundup.mp3
    23. 1900 NBCR Jack Benny Show.mp3
    24. 1930 NBCB Captain Flagg Sergeant Quirt.mp3
    25. 1930 NBCR Fitch Bandwagon.mp3
    26. 2000 NBCB Bible Week.mp3
    27. 2000 NBCR Chase And Sanborn Program.mp3
    28. 2030 NBCB Inner Sanctum - Island Of Death.mp3
    29. 2030 NBCR One Man's Family.mp3
    30. 2100 NBCB Jergens Journal.mp3
    31. 2100 NBCR Manhattan Merry Go-Round.mp3
    32. 2115 NBCB Parker Family.mp3
    33. 2130 NBCB Dear John.mp3
    34. 2130 NBCR American Album Of Familiar Music.mp3
    35. 2145 NBCB Dinah Shore.mp3
    36. 2200 NBCB Goodwill Hour.mp3
    37. 2200 NBCR Hour Of Charm.mp3
    38. 2230 NBCR Sherlock Holmes.mp3
    39. 2300 NBCR News.mp3
    40. 2330 NBCR Round Table Discussion.mp3
    41. 411208 FDR Day of Infamy e1.mp3
    42. 411208 FDR Day of Infamy e2.mp3
    43. BBC Alvar Liddell Japanese Attacks In The Pacific.mp3
    44. BBC Washington Reaction To Pearl Harbor Attack.mp3
    45. CBS Analysis Of Attack On Pearl Harbor And Manilla.mp3
    46. CBS Attempts To Call Honolulu.mp3
    47. CBS Football Broadcast - War Bulletin.mp3
    48. CBS John Charles Daly Reports Pearl Harbor Attack.mp3
    49. CBS NY Philharmonic Concert - War Bulletins.mp3
    50. CBS World News Today 12-06.mp3
    51. CBS World News Today.mp3
    52. MBS Bulletin Interrupts Football Game.mp3
    53. MBS Flash UPI Bulletin Reports Attack On Pearl Harbor.mp3
    54. NBC News Bulletins.mp3
    55. NBC American Legion Special Defense Message.mp3
    56. NHK Gen Hideki Tojo Declares War On The Allies.mp3
    57. WNYC Fiorello La Guardia.mp3

    1. Volume 7 – 37 shows – 250 MB – total playtime 9 hours, 6 minutes
      Instant Download
      Volume 7: $5.00
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    2. Hawaiian Fantasies 01 Flight Into Pacific.mp3
    3. Hawaiian Fantasies 02 Paipai, Volcano Goddess.mp3
    4. Hawaiian Fantasies 03 Magic Pipes.mp3
    5. Hawaiian Fantasies 04 Carefree Hawaiian Life.mp3
    6. Hawaiian Fantasies 05 King Kamahamaha Stops.mp3
    7. Hawaiian Fantasies 06 Mahielai Loves Mortal.mp3
    8. Hawaiian Fantasies 07 Suns Strange Habit.mp3
    9. Hawaiian Fantasies 08 Song Of Moikaiha.mp3
    10. Hawaiian Fantasies 09 Legend Of Bread Fruit Tree.mp3
    11. Hawaiian Fantasies 10 Legend Of Kami Kau.mp3
    12. Hawaiian Fantasies 11 Race Of Warriors.mp3
    13. Hawaiian Fantasies 12 Legend Of Lenore.mp3
    14. Hawaiian Fantasies 13 Legend Of Ghost Dance.mp3
    15. Hawaiian Fantasies 14 King Kamahamaha.mp3
    16. Hawaiian Fantasies 15 Legend Of Water Of Life.mp3
    17. Hawaiian Fantasies 16 Spirit Of Sea.mp3
    18. Hawaiian Fantasies 17 Bringing Of Fire.mp3
    19. Hawaiian Fantasies 18 Rock Of Kau Ali.mp3
    20. Hawaiian Fantasies 19 Prince Of Spear Throwers.mp3
    21. Hawaiian Fantasies 20 Puna And Dragon Goddess.mp3
    22. Hawaiian Fantasies 21 Ha Taya Falls In Love.mp3
    23. Hawaiian Fantasies 22 Legend Of Shark God.mp3
    24. Hawaiian Fantasies 25 Maui Lifts Up Sky.mp3
    25. Hawaiian Fantasies 26 Mauis Catch.mp3
    26. Hawaiian Fantasies 27 Story Of Hai Ku.mp3
    27. Hawaiian Fantasies 28 Woman In Moon.mp3
    28. Hawaiian Fantasies 29 Strongest Boy In World.mp3
    29. Hawaiian Fantasies 30 Story Of Aloa Kaya.mp3
    30. Hawaiian Fantasies 31 Maui Seeks Immortality.mp3
    31. Hawaiian Fantasies 32 Story Of Twins.mp3
    32. Hawaiian Fantasies 33 Legend Of Maanihuni.mp3
    33. Hawaiian Fantasies 34 Island Home Of Beauty.mp3
    34. Hawaiian Fantasies 35 Feather Cloak.mp3
    35. Hawaiian Fantasies 36 Legend Of Rainbow God.mp3
    36. Hawaiian Fantasies 37 Ku And Keela.mp3
    37. Hawaiian Fantasies 38 Hawaii Calls To You.mp3
    38. Hawaiian Fantasies 39 Magic Pipes.mp3
  • Standard Audio CDs are delivered by mail on archival quality media with up to 60 minutes on each CD and play in all CD players

    289 recordings on 87 Audio CDs. Total playtime 84 hours, 19 min
    289 recordings on 87 Audio CDs
    total playtime 84 hours, 19 min

    Hawaii Old Time Radio Shows Disc A001

    1. 1400 NBCR Sammy Kaye Sunday Serenade
    2. 1428 NBCR First Bulletin On Pearl Harbor Attack
    3. 1430 CBS World Today John Daly Reads Bulletin
    4. 1430 NBCR Univ Of Chicago Roundtable - Canada At War
    5. 1432 NBCB Bulletin On Pearl Harbor Attack
    6. 1437 CBS Albert Warner Speculates On FDR's Next Steps
    7. 1437 CBS Bob Trout On British Reaction
    8. 1439 NBCR Manila Bombed
    9. 1449 CBS Ford Wilkins In Manilla Cut Off By US Censors

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Hawaii Old Time Radio Shows Disc A002

    1. 1452 NBC Burma Bombed
    2. 1500 CBS NY Philharmonic Concert Interrupted
    3. 1515 NBCR H V Kaltenborn
    4. 1530 NBCR Listen America

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Hawaii Old Time Radio Shows Disc A003

    1. 1600 NBCB National Vespers
    2. 1600 NBCR Sylvia Marlowe Richard Dyer Bennett Show
    3. 1609 NBCR KGU Honolulu Report

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Hawaii Old Time Radio Shows Disc A004

    1. 1630 NBCR News
    2. 1800 NBCR Catholic Hour With Rev James Gillis

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Hawaii Old Time Radio Shows Disc A005

    1. 1830 NBCB Drew Pearson Robert S Allen Commentary
    2. 1845 NBCB Eleanor Roosevelt
    3. 1900 NBCB News Roundup

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Hawaii Old Time Radio Shows Disc A006

    1. 1900 NBCR Jack Benny Show
    2. 1930 NBCB Captain Flagg Sergeant Quirt

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Hawaii Old Time Radio Shows Disc A007

    1. 1930 NBCR Fitch Bandwagon
    2. 2000 NBCB Bible Week

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Hawaii Old Time Radio Shows Disc A008

    1. 2000 NBCR Chase And Sanborn Program
    2. 2030 NBCB Inner Sanctum - Island Of Death

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Hawaii Old Time Radio Shows Disc A009

    1. 2030 NBCR One Man's Family
    2. 2100 NBCB Jergens Journal

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Hawaii Old Time Radio Shows Disc A010

    1. 2100 NBCR Manhattan Merry Go-Round
    2. 2115 NBCB Parker Family
    3. 2130 NBCB Dear John

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Hawaii Old Time Radio Shows Disc A011

    1. 2130 NBCR American Album Of Familiar Music
    2. 2145 NBCB Dinah Shore

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Hawaii Old Time Radio Shows Disc A012

    1. 2200 NBCB Goodwill Hour

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Hawaii Old Time Radio Shows Disc A013

    1. 2200 NBCR Hour Of Charm
    2. 2230 NBCR Sherlock Holmes

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Hawaii Old Time Radio Shows Disc A014

    1. 2300 NBCR News
    2. 2330 NBCR Round Table Discussion
    3. Captains Of Industry 21 Claus Spreckles
    4. CGA 1931 B01A I Found Million Dollar Baby Gus Arnheim

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Hawaii Old Time Radio Shows Disc A015

    1. CGA 1931 B04A Sing Little Jingle Gus Arnheim
    2. CGA 1931 B04B Look In Looking Glass Gus Arnheim
    3. CGA 1931 B07A Im Just Fool In Love With You Gus Arnheim
    4. CGA 1931 B07B Stardust Gus Arnheim
    5. CGA 1931 B08A To Be Worthy Of You Gus Arnheim

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Hawaii Old Time Radio Shows Disc A016

    1. CGA 1931 B08B Me Gus Arnheim
    2. CGA 1931 B10A I Dont Know Gus Arnheim
    3. CGA 1931 B10B Come Take Me Gus Arnheim
    4. CGA 1931 B11B You Dont Need Glasses Gus Arnheim
    5. CGA 1931 B13A Its Love Gus Arnheim

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Hawaii Old Time Radio Shows Disc A017

    1. CGA 1931 B13B You Really Started Something Gus Arnheim
    2. CGA 1932 C02A Little Old Church In Valley Jimmie Grier
    3. CGA 1932 C02B I Need Loving Jimmie Grier
    4. CGA 1932 C03A September Jimmie Grier
    5. CGA 1932 C05A Tune Song Freddy Freshman Jimmie Grier

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Hawaii Old Time Radio Shows Disc A018

    1. CGA 1932 C05B You Could Have Been One Baby Jimmie Grier
    2. CGA 1932 C06A Youve Got To Jimmie Grier
    3. CGA 1932 C07A Down Among Sleepy Pines Jimmie Grier
    4. CGA 1932 C08A When Its Sleepy Time Down South Jimmie Grier
    5. CGA 1932 C08B I Promise You Jimmie Grier

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Hawaii Old Time Radio Shows Disc A019

    1. CGA 1932 C09A Got To Put That Sun Back In Sky Jimmie Grier
    2. CGA 1932 C09B Love Goes On Just Same Jimmie Grier
    3. CGA 1932 C10A Sweet Georgia Brown Jimmie Grier
    4. CGA 1932 C10B Rain On Roof Jimmie Grier
    5. CGA 1932 C11A We Met Love Jimmie Grier

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Hawaii Old Time Radio Shows Disc A020

    1. CGA 1932 C11B Youre My Everything Jimmie Grier
    2. CGA 1932 C12A Starlight Jimmie Grier
    3. CGA 1932 C12B I Loves Ya Jimmie Grier
    4. CGA 1932 C13A Just Friends Jimmie Grier
    5. CGA 1932 C13B I Found You Jimmie Grier

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Hawaii Old Time Radio Shows Disc A021

    1. CGA 1932 D02A Tired Jimmie Grier
    2. CGA 1932 D02B Thats Why Im Jealous Of You Jimmie Grier
    3. CGA 1932 D03A This Is My Love Song Jimmie Grier
    4. CGA 1932 D03B Prisoner Of Love Jimmie Grier
    5. CGA 1932 D04A Love You Funny Thing Jimmie Grier

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Hawaii Old Time Radio Shows Disc A022

    1. CGA 1932 D04B Im Thankful Jimmie Grier
    2. CGA 1932 D06A By Fireside Jimmie Grier
    3. CGA 1932 D07A If I Ever Meet Girl Of My Dreams Jimmie Grier
    4. CGA 1932 D07B Sometime In Summertime Jimmie Grier
    5. CGA 1932 D08A Tired Jimmie Grier 2

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Hawaii Old Time Radio Shows Disc A023

    1. CGA 1932 D08B Too Many Tears Jimmie Grier
    2. CGA 1932 D09A Used To Be You Jimmie Grier
    3. CGA 1932 XXXX River, Stay Away From My Door Jimmie Grier
    4. CGA 1933 F01A Im Making Hay In Moonlight Phil Harris
    5. CGA 1933 F01B Goofus Phil Harris

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Hawaii Old Time Radio Shows Disc A024

    1. CGA 1933 F04A Gotta Date With An Angel Phil Harris
    2. CGA 1933 F04B Love Me Tonight Phil Harris
    3. CGA 1933 F05A How Can You Say No Phil Harris
    4. CGA 1933 F05B Y O U, Just Plain You Phil Harris
    5. CGA 1933 G01A Brother, Can You Spare Dime Phil Harris

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    Hawaii Old Time Radio Shows Disc A025

    1. CGA 1933 G01B Baby Phil Harris
    2. CGA 1933 G02A Mimi Phil Harris
    3. CGA 1933 G02B Boy And Girl Were Dancing Phil Harris
    4. CGA 1933 G03A Million Dreams Phil Harris
    5. CGA 1933 G03B Oh Oh Marie Phil Harris

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Hawaii Old Time Radio Shows Disc A026

    1. CGA 1933 G04A Seven Little Steps To Heaven Phil Harris
    2. CGA 1933 G04B Suzanne Phil Harris
    3. CGA 1933 G05A Playing With Fire Phil Harris
    4. CGA 1933 G05B What Pleasure Meeting You Phil Harris
    5. CGA 1933 G06A Look Whos Here Phil Harris

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Hawaii Old Time Radio Shows Disc A027

    1. CGA 1933 G06B Hats Off, Here Comes Lady Phil Harris
    2. CGA 1933 G07A Blackeyed Susan Brown Phil Harris
    3. CGA 1933 G07B Take Me In Your Arms Phil Harris
    4. CGA 1933 G08A Moon Song Phil Harris
    5. CGA 1933 G09A Young And Healthy Phil Harris

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Hawaii Old Time Radio Shows Disc A028

    1. CGA 1933 G13A Cop On Corner Phil Harris
    2. CGA 1933 G13B Here It Is Monday Phil Harris
    3. CGA 1934 J11A Id Be Telling Lie Ted Fio Rito
    4. CGA 1934 J11B Love Is Sweetest Thing Ted Fio Rito

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Hawaii Old Time Radio Shows Disc A029

    1. CGA 1934 K01A Youve Got Everything Ted Fio Rito
    2. CGA 1934 K01B Kahlua Lullaby Ted Fio Rito
    3. CGA 1934 K02A Tell Me Tonight Ted Fio Rito
    4. CGA 1934 K02B At Bottom Of Hill Ted Fio Rito
    5. CGA 1934 K08B Shelter From Shower Ted Fio Rito

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Hawaii Old Time Radio Shows Disc A030

    1. CGA 1934 L08A Tell Me Im Wrong Ted Fio Rito
    2. CGA 1934 L08B For All We Know Ted Fio Rito
    3. CGA 1934 L11A Love At Last Ted Fio Rito
    4. CGA 1934 M02A Serenade For Wealthy Widow Ted Fio Rito

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Hawaii Old Time Radio Shows Disc A031

    1. CGA 1934 M02B Have Little Dream On Me Ted Fio Rito
    2. CGA 1934 M05A Parade Of Wooden Soldiers Ted Fio Rito
    3. CGA 1934 M05B Say It Ted Fio Rito
    4. CGA 1934 M06A Here Is My Heart Ted Fio Rito

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    Hawaii Old Time Radio Shows Disc A032

    1. CGA 1934 M06B Dames I Only Have Eyes For You Ted Fio Rito
    2. CGA 1934 M09A Youre Blase Sophisticated Lady Ted Fio Rito
    3. CGA 1934 M09B Too Beautiful For Words Ted Fio Rito
    4. CGA 1934 M10A Stay As Sweet As You Are Ted Fio Rito
    5. CGA 1934 M10B Flirtation Walk Ted Fio Rito

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    Hawaii Old Time Radio Shows Disc A033

    1. Charlie Chan 1945 Eye Of Buddha

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    Hawaii Old Time Radio Shows Disc A034

    1. Chase And Sanborn Hour 3370822 Glenda Farrell

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    Hawaii Old Time Radio Shows Disc A035

    1. Cocoanutgrove Series C Prgm 3 A
    2. Edison 1812 Toots Pakas Hawaiians Aloha Oe 1913
    3. Edison 1915 Frank Ferera Alikemedley Hawaiian Hulas
    4. Edison 1918 Royal Purple Amberol Frieda Hempel
    5. Edison 1918 Toots Pakas Hawaiians Lalani Hulas Hawaii
    6. BBC Alvar Liddell Japanese Attacks In The Pacific
    7. BBC Washington Reaction To Pearl Harbor Attack
    8. CBS Analysis Of Attack On Pearl Harbor And Manilla
    9. CBS Attempts To Call Honolulu
    10. CBS Football Broadcast - War Bulletin
    11. CBS John Charles Daly Reports Pearl Harbor Attack
    12. CBS NY Philharmonic Concert - War Bulletins

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    Hawaii Old Time Radio Shows Disc A036

    1. CBS World News Today 12-06
    2. CBS World News Today
    3. MBS Bulletin Interrupts Football Game
    4. MBS Flash UPI Bulletin Reports Attack On Pearl Harbor
    5. NBC News Bulletins
    6. NBC American Legion Special Defense Message
    7. NHK Gen Hideki Tojo Declares War On The Allies

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    Hawaii Old Time Radio Shows Disc A037

    1. WNYC Fiorello La Guardia
    2. Gus Arnheim Cocoanut Grove Orch 1931 003 Sweet Lovely
    3. Gus Arnheim Cocoanut Grove Orch Bing Crosby I Surrender
    4. Hawaii Calls 183

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    Hawaii Old Time Radio Shows Disc A038

    1. Hawaii Calls 1961
    2. Hawaii Calls AFRS 211 Webly Edwards

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    Hawaii Old Time Radio Shows Disc A039

    1. Hawaii Calls Afrs 219
    2. Hawaii Calls Afrs 220

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    Hawaii Old Time Radio Shows Disc A040

    1. Hawaii Calls AFRS 225 Webly Edwards
    2. Hawaii Calls Pgm 124

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    Hawaii Old Time Radio Shows Disc A041

    1. Hawaii Calls Pgm 204 1962
    2. Hawaii Calls Pgm 259 1963

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    Hawaii Old Time Radio Shows Disc A042

    1. Hawaii Calls Pgm 312 1964
    2. Hawaii Calls Pgm 318 1964

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    Hawaii Old Time Radio Shows Disc A043

    1. Hawaii Calls Songs of the Islands 1
    2. Hawaii Calls Songs of the Islands 2
    3. Hawaii Calls Songs of the Islands 3
    4. Hawaii Calls Songs of the Islands 4

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    Hawaii Old Time Radio Shows Disc A044

    1. Hawaiian Adventures 1934 002 Island Of Hawaii
    2. Hawaiian Fantasies 01 Flight Into Pacific
    3. Hawaiian Fantasies 02 Paipai, Volcano Goddess
    4. Hawaiian Fantasies 03 Magic Pipes

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    Hawaii Old Time Radio Shows Disc A045

    1. Hawaiian Fantasies 04 Carefree Hawaiian Life
    2. Hawaiian Fantasies 05 King Kamahamaha Stops
    3. Hawaiian Fantasies 06 Mahielai Loves Mortal
    4. Hawaiian Fantasies 07 Suns Strange Habit

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    Hawaii Old Time Radio Shows Disc A046

    1. Hawaiian Fantasies 08 Song Of Moikaiha
    2. Hawaiian Fantasies 09 Legend Of Bread Fruit Tree
    3. Hawaiian Fantasies 10 Legend Of Kami Kau
    4. Hawaiian Fantasies 11 Race Of Warriors

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    Hawaii Old Time Radio Shows Disc A047

    1. Hawaiian Fantasies 12 Legend Of Lenore
    2. Hawaiian Fantasies 13 Legend Of Ghost Dance
    3. Hawaiian Fantasies 14 King Kamahamaha
    4. Hawaiian Fantasies 15 Legend Of Water Of Life

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    Hawaii Old Time Radio Shows Disc A048

    1. Hawaiian Fantasies 16 Spirit Of Sea
    2. Hawaiian Fantasies 17 Bringing Of Fire
    3. Hawaiian Fantasies 18 Rock Of Kau Ali
    4. Hawaiian Fantasies 19 Prince Of Spear Throwers

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    Hawaii Old Time Radio Shows Disc A049

    1. Hawaiian Fantasies 20 Puna And Dragon Goddess
    2. Hawaiian Fantasies 21 Ha Taya Falls In Love
    3. Hawaiian Fantasies 22 Legend Of Shark God
    4. Hawaiian Fantasies 25 Maui Lifts Up Sky

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    Hawaii Old Time Radio Shows Disc A050

    1. Hawaiian Fantasies 26 Mauis Catch
    2. Hawaiian Fantasies 27 Story Of Hai Ku
    3. Hawaiian Fantasies 28 Woman In Moon
    4. Hawaiian Fantasies 29 Strongest Boy In World

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    Hawaii Old Time Radio Shows Disc A051

    1. Hawaiian Fantasies 30 Story Of Aloa Kaya
    2. Hawaiian Fantasies 31 Maui Seeks Immortality
    3. Hawaiian Fantasies 32 Story Of Twins
    4. Hawaiian Fantasies 33 Legend Of Maanihuni

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    Hawaii Old Time Radio Shows Disc A052

    1. Hawaiian Fantasies 34 Island Home Of Beauty
    2. Hawaiian Fantasies 35 Feather Cloak
    3. Hawaiian Fantasies 36 Legend Of Rainbow God
    4. Hawaiian Fantasies 37 Ku And Keela

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    Hawaii Old Time Radio Shows Disc A053

    1. Hawaiian Fantasies 38 Hawaii Calls To You
    2. Hawaiian Fantasies 39 Magic Pipes
    3. Heres To Veterans 0702 Hawaii Calls
    4. Lightcrust Doughboys Honolulu Lou
    5. Memories Of Hawaii 01 My Honolulu

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    Hawaii Old Time Radio Shows Disc A054

    1. Memories Of Hawaii 02 My Honolulu
    2. Memories Of Hawaii 03 Hawaii Land Of Beauty
    3. Memories Of Hawaii 04 Beautiful Beautiful Hawaii
    4. Memories Of Hawaii 05 Endlessly

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    Hawaii Old Time Radio Shows Disc A055

    1. Memories Of Hawaii 06 South Sea Islands
    2. Memories Of Hawaii 07 Tropical Day Has Begun
    3. Memories Of Hawaii 08 Come With Me Tonight My Love
    4. Memories Of Hawaii 09 Dont Forget Me

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    Hawaii Old Time Radio Shows Disc A056

    1. Memories Of Hawaii 10 Until We Meet Again
    2. Memories Of Hawaii 11 Danger In Hawaii
    3. Memories Of Hawaii 12 Fascinating Hawaii
    4. Memories Of Hawaii 13 Lovely Hawaii

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    Hawaii Old Time Radio Shows Disc A057

    1. Phil Harris 1932 Cocoanut Grove Orchestra
    2. Phil Harris 1933 What Have We Got To Lose
    3. Royal Hawaiian Hotel 1934 - 03
    4. Royal Hawaiian Hotel 1934 - 07
    5. Royal Hawaiian Hotel 1934 - 08

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    Hawaii Old Time Radio Shows Disc A058

    1. Royal Hawaiian Hotel 1934 - 09
    2. Royal Hawaiian Hotel 1934 - 10
    3. Royal Hawaiian Hotel 1934 - 11
    4. Royal Hawaiian Hotel 1934 - 12
    5. Royal Hawaiian Hotel 1934 - 13

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    Hawaii Old Time Radio Shows Disc A059

    1. Song Of Hawaii
    2. Unsolved Mysteries Chinamans Cell
    3. Vietnam Hippies In Hawaii
    4. Witchs Tale King Shark God
    5. Jack Benny 341104 Through Romantic Hawaii

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    Hawaii Old Time Radio Shows Disc A060

    1. Jack Benny Program 341104 150 Through Romantic Hawaii

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    Hawaii Old Time Radio Shows Disc A061

    1. Chase And Sanborn Hour 370620 07 Guest Mae Robson

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    Hawaii Old Time Radio Shows Disc A062

    1. Rudy Vallee Royal Gelatin Hour 380908 Guest Maurice Evans

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    Hawaii Old Time Radio Shows Disc A063

    1. Jack Benny 390430 1031 Jacks 7 Th A

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    Hawaii Old Time Radio Shows Disc A064

    1. Chase And Sanborn Hour 390903 122 Guest Wendy Barrie
    2. 411208 FDR Day of Infamy e1

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    Hawaii Old Time Radio Shows Disc A065

    1. 411208 FDR Day of Infamy e2
    2. Pacific Story 440102 026 Hawaii Melting Potpacific
    3. Your Radio Almanac 440524 18 From Atc Fresno California

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    Hawaii Old Time Radio Shows Disc A066

    1. Chase And Sanborn Hour 450819 12 Corona
    2. Pacific Story 460331 141 Hawaii 49 State [End Clipped]

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    Hawaii Old Time Radio Shows Disc A067

    1. Pacific Story 460331 E 141 Hawaii 49 Th State Eend Clipp
    2. Red Skelton 470225 51 Travel To Hawaii

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    Hawaii Old Time Radio Shows Disc A068

    1. Crime Club 470410 20 Grey Mist Murders
    2. Man Called X 470605 11 Swindle To Honolulu

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    Hawaii Old Time Radio Shows Disc A069

    1. Jack Benny 480201 1918 Jack And Mar
    2. Spike Jones Spotlight Revue 4748 480312 24 Guest Jack Smith

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    Hawaii Old Time Radio Shows Disc A070

    1. Believe It Or Not 480514 275 Hawaiian God Pele
    2. Let George Do It 490221 Journey Into Hate

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    Hawaii Old Time Radio Shows Disc A071

    1. Sealtest Variety 490324 27
    2. Whistler 490403 357 Rawhide Coffin

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    Hawaii Old Time Radio Shows Disc A072

    1. Philip Marlowe 490423 B 30 Cloak Of Kamehameha
    2. Palace Personalities 491227 Mildred Wong Winner Miss China

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    Hawaii Old Time Radio Shows Disc A073

    1. Mysterious Traveler 500404 249 Man From Singapore
    2. Chesterfield Show 4952 501122 043 Guest Paul Douglas

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    Hawaii Old Time Radio Shows Disc A074

    1. Man Called X 510504 30 Monte Carlo
    2. Hoiv 511115 Don Quinn Interview NBC Hawaii

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    Hawaii Old Time Radio Shows Disc A075

    1. Duffys Tavern 511228 Hawaiian Vacation Slogan Contest
    2. Harry Lime 520104 E 23 Cherchez La Gem

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    Hawaii Old Time Radio Shows Disc A076

    1. Red Skelton 520304 23 Never Forget Hawaii
    2. Bob Hope 520429 Horse Jockey William Holden
    3. Hilltop 530720 Hawaiian Honeymoon Plans

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    Hawaii Old Time Radio Shows Disc A077

    1. Jack Benny 530913 2501 Back From Vacation In Hawaii
    2. Jack Benny Program 530913 851 Back From Vacation In Hawaii

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    Hawaii Old Time Radio Shows Disc A078

    1. Jack Benny 530920 2502 Return To Paradise
    2. Alka Seltzer Time 531021 Medley Of Hawaiian Tunes

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    Hawaii Old Time Radio Shows Disc A079

    1. Bob Hope 531106 William Holden Jack Kirkwood
    2. My Little Margie 550901 Quiz Showhawaii Tripn

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    Hawaii Old Time Radio Shows Disc A080

    1. Hawaii Calls 570824
    2. One Mans Family 580218 B 129 C 36 Report From Idaho
    3. Bob Ray 591207 116 Army Amateur Hour

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    Hawaii Old Time Radio Shows Disc A081

    1. Bcrc Show 610824 388 Just Breezin Along
    2. Hawaii Calls 620929

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    Hawaii Old Time Radio Shows Disc A082

    1. Hawaii Calls 621013
    2. Hawaii Calls 621107

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    Hawaii Old Time Radio Shows Disc A083

    1. Hawaii Calls 621110
    2. Hawaii Calls 621201

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    Hawaii Old Time Radio Shows Disc A084

    1. Hawaii Calls 671028
    2. Hawaii Calls 701007

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    Hawaii Old Time Radio Shows Disc A085

    1. Hawaii Calls 701024
    2. Hawaii Calls 701031

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    Hawaii Old Time Radio Shows Disc A086

    1. Hawaii Calls 701107
    2. Hawaii Calls 701114

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    Hawaii Old Time Radio Shows Disc A087

    1. Hawaii Calls 701121

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