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Winston Churchill Recordings

Winston Churchill, Prime Minister of United Kingdom during WWII and great orator, wrote his own speeches and delivered them on many radio broadcasts.

Churchill (Winston) Recordings

115 old time radio show recordings
(total playtime 32 hours, 6 min)
available in the following formats:

1 MP3 CD
26 Audio CDs

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Winston Churchill
(1874 – 1965)

Winston Churchill
Ask the typical American on the street to name an important British historical figure, and the answer will typically be Sir Winston Churchill. Churchill is seen as Roosevelt's greatest ally in the months before America entered the Second World War, and we admire the way he staunchly defended his homeland.

Winston Churchill 1894Our mental picture of Churchill is that of a British Bulldog who only took the Cuban Cigar out of his mouth long enough to delivery one of his incredibly effective speeches. Churchill was a great orator, it could be argued that Winston's speeches were nearly as important to the Victory in Europe as the material support coming from our side of the Atlantic.

Churchill was indeed a gifted speaker, and just the man Britain needed during WWII. His speeches were so important that there is little wonder that a myth has sprung up that someone other than Churchill delivered some of his speeches over the BBC. In reality, the "evidence" which supposedly supports this myth has been easily refuted.

Winston Churchill, Prime Minister of England during WWII and great orator, wrote his own speeches and delivered them on many radio broadcasts. Although Churchill is often credit for boosting morale for the Allied forces to win the war, controversy surrounds these recordings. For years, rumors have floated about that an actor was hired to deliver these speeches because Churchill was too busy at the height of the war. Recently, these rumors have thought to been confirmed when Norman Shelley's son found a 78 rpm record marked "Churchill: Speech. Artist Norman Shelley; September 7, 1942." This record is allegly of his father delivering one of Churchill's speeches for American radio. Although he wasn't fully believed, in the 1970's Norman Shelley (who played Watson on the Sherlock Holmes radio program) admitted to the recordings. Rumors of the day suggested Shelley supposedly even took his own false teeth out to impersonate Churchill's voice. Listen to these wartime broadcasts yourself and see if you can distinguish who is who.

Less well known is that the life Churchill led before the War, which was typically British in so many ways, uniquely qualified him to become the Wartime Prime Minister. Winston was born in Blenheim Palace on November 30, 1874. The palace was the ancestral home of the Dukes of Marlborough. His mother, the former Jennie Jerome, was an American Socialite. Young Winston developed a taste for things military while has grandfather served as Viceroy of Ireland and Winston's father served as his personal secretary, and parades constantly went by the official residence.

Winston was a precocious but not particularly successful student. His enthusiasm for the military led him to take the entrance exam for Sandhurst three time, and when he finally got in he choose calvary service since it did not require him to study mathematics. Churchill MidlifeWhen his father passed away at the age of 45, Winston became determined to make his mark at an early age, fearing he would not survive to advanced age.

In 1895, Winston was commissioned into the 4th Queen's Own Hussars. Realizing that a Second Lieutenant's pay was not going to support his family in the manor he expected, he decided to supplement his income as a war correspondent. This meant he would use what ever influence he could, including that of his family and his mother's social connections, to get posted where ever there was an active campaign. He came under fire for the first time in Cuba on his twenty first birthday, and developed a taste for Cuban cigars which would become his trademark.

In India he was known as his regiment's best polo player, and he fought with distinction in the Malakand Valley. He later sold his story of the fight, one of his first published pieces. He was transferred to the 21st Lancers in Egypt and was part of the British Empire's last meaningful cavalry charge at the Battle of Omdurman in 1898. He resigned from the Army in 1899 to run for Parliament but was defeated.

Churchill 1945After failing in his first political campaign, Winston went to South African to cover the Second Boer War. He was accompanying a scouting party on an armored train which was ambushed. Although he was taken prisoner, there was talk of nominating Churchill for the Victoria Cross for his actions on the train. However, as a civilian he did not qualify for the medal.

When he returned to England he again stood for Parliament and this time he was elected. In 1911 he was appointed First Lord of the Admiralty and set about modernizing the fleet, converting British warships from coal to oil power and developing naval air power. He served in the Admiralty into WWI, until the fiasco of Gallipoli and a change in government.

He rejoined the Army and took command a battalion of the Royal Scots Fusiliers. As a Lt Colonel, he chose to lead from the front rather than sit at Regimental headquarters. This may have had less to do with Churchill's personal bravery than the fact that there was whiskey to be had at the front whereas HQ was dry.

After the first World War, Churchill returned to Parliament, serving as Minister of Munitions, Secretary of State for War, Secretary of State for Air, and again as Lord of the Admiralty. A major preoccupation during his time at the War Office was intervention in the Bolshevik Revolution, and he declared that Bolshevism should be 'strangled in its cradle".

He became Chancellor of the Exchequer and oversaw the return the Pound Sterling to the gold standard. Although leading economists warned that such a move would lead to world wide depression, it was very popular at the time. Churchill later said it was one of the biggest mistakes of his life.

Text on OTRCAT.com ©2001-2025 OTRCAT INC All Rights Reserved. Reproduction is prohibited.

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    It's one thing to merely read the words of great orators and entirely different actually hearing the person. Winnie's great shining moments are a treasure of Western civilization.

    Philip Verified Purchase

    I entirely agree with the other reviewer. The only way to truly and fully appreciate the power of a great speaker is to hear his actual voice. It is true drama to listen to the leader of a great nation that is on the verge of extinction speak with blunt honesty and yet also with great hope. Thanks so much for providing such important recordings.

    Peggy Verified Purchase

    The opportunity to hear one of the truly great orators of the 20th century is absolutely marvelous!

    Dave Verified Purchase

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  • MP3 CDs are delivered by mail. These archival quality MP3 CDs are playable in your computer and many MP3 player devices.

    115 recordings on 1 MP3 CD for just $5.00. Total playtime 32 hours, 6 min
    115 recordings on 1 MP3 CD for just $5.00
    total playtime 32 hours, 6 min
    Add MP3 CD Collection to Cart

    1. 115 shows – total playtime 32 hours, 6 minutes
    2. Churchill 330424 Locust Years.mp3
    3. Churchill 341116 Causes Of War.mp3
    4. Churchill 360300 Loaded Pause.mp3
    5. Churchill 361000 Meeting With Von Rippentrop.mp3
    6. Churchill 370000 Mr Edens Resignation.mp3
    7. Churchill 380430 To Royal Academy Of A.mp3
    8. Churchill 380900 Munich Winter.mp3
    9. Churchill 381016 We Must Arm.mp3
    10. Churchill 381100 Soviet Enigma.mp3
    11. Churchill 381200 War.mp3
    12. Churchill 391001 First Month Of War.mp3
    13. Churchill 391112 Ten Weeks Of War.mp3
    14. Churchill 391218 Sinking Of Graf Spee.mp3
    15. Churchill 400000 Dunkirk.mp3
    16. Churchill 400000 This Was Ir Finest Houre.mp3
    17. Churchill 400120 0016 Neutralsliberation Is Sure.mp3
    18. Churchill 400120 House Of Many Mansions.mp3
    19. Churchill 400223 Navy Is Here.mp3
    20. Churchill 400312 Before Storm.mp3
    21. Churchill 400330 A Sterner War.mp3
    22. Churchill 400400 Frustration In Norway.mp3
    23. Churchill 400400 Narvik Norway.mp3
    24. Churchill 400500 National Coalition.mp3
    25. Churchill 400513 New Administration.mp3
    26. Churchill 400519 Battle Of France.mp3
    27. Churchill 400519 Be Ye Men Of Valor.mp3
    28. Churchill 400519 E Churchills 1st Speech As Pm.mp3
    29. Churchill 400519 First Speech As Prime Mi.mp3
    30. Churchill 400528 On Capitulation Of Belgiu.mp3
    31. Churchill 400600 0026 French Agony.mp3
    32. Churchill 400604 We Shall Never Surrender.mp3
    33. Churchill 400613 1st Speech To Parlia.mp3
    34. Churchill 400618 Ir Finest Hour [excerpt].mp3
    35. Churchill 400618 Ir Finest Hour.mp3
    36. Churchill 400619 On Dunkirk Escape.mp3
    37. Churchill 400714 War Of Unknown Warriors.mp3
    38. Churchill 400820 First Year.mp3
    39. Churchill 400911 Crux Of Whole War.mp3
    40. Churchill 400915 Battle Of Britian.mp3
    41. Churchill 400917 London Secret Session.mp3
    42. Churchill 401200 Winston Talk.mp3
    43. Churchill 401230 Canada House Of Commons.mp3
    44. Churchill 410000 Russia Invaded.mp3
    45. Churchill 410209 Give Us Tools.mp3
    46. Churchill 410427 Westward Look Land I.mp3
    47. Churchill 410612 Until Victory Is Won.mp3
    48. Churchill 410616 Broadcast To America.mp3
    49. Churchill 410621 Great Sp.mp3
    50. Churchill 410622 Germany Invades Russia.mp3
    51. Churchill 410714 Do Your Worst And We.mp3
    52. Churchill 410729 War Production Speech.mp3
    53. Churchill 410729 War Production.mp3
    54. Churchill 410814 Atlantic Charter.mp3
    55. Churchill 410824 Meeting With President R.mp3
    56. Churchill 410824 Meeting With Roosevelt.mp3
    57. Churchill 410829 Se Are Great Days.mp3
    58. Churchill 410909 Masters Of Our Fate.mp3
    59. Churchill 411029 Se Are Great Days.mp3
    60. Churchill 411107 With Great Resolution.mp3
    61. Churchill 411208 War With Japan.mp3
    62. Churchill 411224 From White House.mp3
    63. Churchill 411224 White House Christma.mp3
    64. Churchill 411226 Address To Congress.mp3
    65. Churchill 411230 Preparation Liberation.mp3
    66. Churchill 420215 Reviews Atlantic Charter.mp3
    67. Churchill 420510 Prime Minister For Two Ye.mp3
    68. Churchill 421110 End Of Beginning.mp3
    69. Churchill 421129 National Address.mp3
    70. Churchill 430321 Churchills Speech.mp3
    71. Churchill 430519 Second Address To Us Cong.mp3
    72. Churchill 430630 Before Autumn Unity.mp3
    73. Churchill 430630 Reaping Whirlwind.mp3
    74. Churchill 430831 Broadcast From Quebec.mp3
    75. Churchill 430906 Anglo American Unity.mp3
    76. Churchill 431028 Rebuilding House Of Commons.mp3
    77. Churchill 440326 On Allied Victories.mp3
    78. Churchill 441109 Fruits Of 44.mp3
    79. Churchill 441123 Speech For Us Thanksgiving Da.mp3
    80. Churchill 450325 Robert Barr Reports Crosse.mp3
    81. Churchill 450508 At Big Party.mp3
    82. Churchill 450508 Unconditional German Surrender.mp3
    83. Churchill 450805 This Is Your Victory.mp3
    84. Churchill 460305 The Sinews of Peace.mp3
    85. Churchill 460315 Broadcast to Nation Death of King George VI.mp3
    86. Churchill 460315 Sinews of Peace response.mp3
    87. Churchill 650130.mp3
    88. Churchill 0001 Hour Of Armistace.mp3
    89. Churchill 0002 Follies Of Victors.mp3
    90. Churchill Address To Nation On Raf.mp3
    91. Churchill Battleofbritainisabouttobegin.mp3
    92. Churchill Churchilllendleasemostunsordidact.mp3
    93. Churchill Dictatorsonirpedestals.mp3
    94. Churchill Dunkirk.mp3
    95. Churchill Fd420106 Fdr 0045 State Of Unionchurchill.mp3
    96. Churchill Finest Hour.mp3
    97. Churchill First Month Of War Radio Broadcast W.mp3
    98. Churchill First Radio Address As Prime Minister.mp3
    99. Churchill Give Us Tools07e4102.mp3
    100. Churchill Great Speeches This Was Ir Finest H.mp3
    101. Churchill Ihavenotalwaysbeenwrong.mp3
    102. Churchill Ispeaktoyouforfirsttime.mp3
    103. Churchill Measuremetedout.mp3
    104. Churchill Memoirs Speeches 1.mp3
    105. Churchill Memoirs Speeches 2.mp3
    106. Churchill Memoirs Speeches 3.mp3
    107. Churchill Memoirs Speeches 4.mp3
    108. Churchill Memoirs Speeches 5.mp3
    109. Churchill Memoirs Speeches 6.mp3
    110. Churchill Memoirs Speeches 7.mp3
    111. Churchill Memoirs Speeches 8.mp3
    112. Churchill Never Surrender.mp3
    113. Churchill On Hitler.mp3
    114. Churchill Reapingwhirlwind.mp3
    115. Churchill To France.mp3
    116. Churchill We Shall Fight.mp3
  • MP3 downloads are available instantly after purchase!

    115 recordings on 1 MP3 Collection Download for just $5.00. Total playtime 32 hours, 6 min
    115 recordings on 1 MP3 Collection Download for just $5.00
    490 MB – total playtime 32 hours, 6 min
    Add Instant Download Collection to Cart

    1. 115 shows – 490 MB – total playtime 32 hours, 6 minutes
    2. Churchill 330424 Locust Years.mp3
    3. Churchill 341116 Causes Of War.mp3
    4. Churchill 360300 Loaded Pause.mp3
    5. Churchill 361000 Meeting With Von Rippentrop.mp3
    6. Churchill 370000 Mr Edens Resignation.mp3
    7. Churchill 380430 To Royal Academy Of A.mp3
    8. Churchill 380900 Munich Winter.mp3
    9. Churchill 381016 We Must Arm.mp3
    10. Churchill 381100 Soviet Enigma.mp3
    11. Churchill 381200 War.mp3
    12. Churchill 391001 First Month Of War.mp3
    13. Churchill 391112 Ten Weeks Of War.mp3
    14. Churchill 391218 Sinking Of Graf Spee.mp3
    15. Churchill 400000 Dunkirk.mp3
    16. Churchill 400000 This Was Ir Finest Houre.mp3
    17. Churchill 400120 0016 Neutralsliberation Is Sure.mp3
    18. Churchill 400120 House Of Many Mansions.mp3
    19. Churchill 400223 Navy Is Here.mp3
    20. Churchill 400312 Before Storm.mp3
    21. Churchill 400330 A Sterner War.mp3
    22. Churchill 400400 Frustration In Norway.mp3
    23. Churchill 400400 Narvik Norway.mp3
    24. Churchill 400500 National Coalition.mp3
    25. Churchill 400513 New Administration.mp3
    26. Churchill 400519 Battle Of France.mp3
    27. Churchill 400519 Be Ye Men Of Valor.mp3
    28. Churchill 400519 E Churchills 1st Speech As Pm.mp3
    29. Churchill 400519 First Speech As Prime Mi.mp3
    30. Churchill 400528 On Capitulation Of Belgiu.mp3
    31. Churchill 400600 0026 French Agony.mp3
    32. Churchill 400604 We Shall Never Surrender.mp3
    33. Churchill 400613 1st Speech To Parlia.mp3
    34. Churchill 400618 Ir Finest Hour [excerpt].mp3
    35. Churchill 400618 Ir Finest Hour.mp3
    36. Churchill 400619 On Dunkirk Escape.mp3
    37. Churchill 400714 War Of Unknown Warriors.mp3
    38. Churchill 400820 First Year.mp3
    39. Churchill 400911 Crux Of Whole War.mp3
    40. Churchill 400915 Battle Of Britian.mp3
    41. Churchill 400917 London Secret Session.mp3
    42. Churchill 401200 Winston Talk.mp3
    43. Churchill 401230 Canada House Of Commons.mp3
    44. Churchill 410000 Russia Invaded.mp3
    45. Churchill 410209 Give Us Tools.mp3
    46. Churchill 410427 Westward Look Land I.mp3
    47. Churchill 410612 Until Victory Is Won.mp3
    48. Churchill 410616 Broadcast To America.mp3
    49. Churchill 410621 Great Sp.mp3
    50. Churchill 410622 Germany Invades Russia.mp3
    51. Churchill 410714 Do Your Worst And We.mp3
    52. Churchill 410729 War Production Speech.mp3
    53. Churchill 410729 War Production.mp3
    54. Churchill 410814 Atlantic Charter.mp3
    55. Churchill 410824 Meeting With President R.mp3
    56. Churchill 410824 Meeting With Roosevelt.mp3
    57. Churchill 410829 Se Are Great Days.mp3
    58. Churchill 410909 Masters Of Our Fate.mp3
    59. Churchill 411029 Se Are Great Days.mp3
    60. Churchill 411107 With Great Resolution.mp3
    61. Churchill 411208 War With Japan.mp3
    62. Churchill 411224 From White House.mp3
    63. Churchill 411224 White House Christma.mp3
    64. Churchill 411226 Address To Congress.mp3
    65. Churchill 411230 Preparation Liberation.mp3
    66. Churchill 420215 Reviews Atlantic Charter.mp3
    67. Churchill 420510 Prime Minister For Two Ye.mp3
    68. Churchill 421110 End Of Beginning.mp3
    69. Churchill 421129 National Address.mp3
    70. Churchill 430321 Churchills Speech.mp3
    71. Churchill 430519 Second Address To Us Cong.mp3
    72. Churchill 430630 Before Autumn Unity.mp3
    73. Churchill 430630 Reaping Whirlwind.mp3
    74. Churchill 430831 Broadcast From Quebec.mp3
    75. Churchill 430906 Anglo American Unity.mp3
    76. Churchill 431028 Rebuilding House Of Commons.mp3
    77. Churchill 440326 On Allied Victories.mp3
    78. Churchill 441109 Fruits Of 44.mp3
    79. Churchill 441123 Speech For Us Thanksgiving Da.mp3
    80. Churchill 450325 Robert Barr Reports Crosse.mp3
    81. Churchill 450508 At Big Party.mp3
    82. Churchill 450508 Unconditional German Surrender.mp3
    83. Churchill 450805 This Is Your Victory.mp3
    84. Churchill 460305 The Sinews of Peace.mp3
    85. Churchill 460315 Broadcast to Nation Death of King George VI.mp3
    86. Churchill 460315 Sinews of Peace response.mp3
    87. Churchill 650130.mp3
    88. Churchill 0001 Hour Of Armistace.mp3
    89. Churchill 0002 Follies Of Victors.mp3
    90. Churchill Address To Nation On Raf.mp3
    91. Churchill Battleofbritainisabouttobegin.mp3
    92. Churchill Churchilllendleasemostunsordidact.mp3
    93. Churchill Dictatorsonirpedestals.mp3
    94. Churchill Dunkirk.mp3
    95. Churchill Fd420106 Fdr 0045 State Of Unionchurchill.mp3
    96. Churchill Finest Hour.mp3
    97. Churchill First Month Of War Radio Broadcast W.mp3
    98. Churchill First Radio Address As Prime Minister.mp3
    99. Churchill Give Us Tools07e4102.mp3
    100. Churchill Great Speeches This Was Ir Finest H.mp3
    101. Churchill Ihavenotalwaysbeenwrong.mp3
    102. Churchill Ispeaktoyouforfirsttime.mp3
    103. Churchill Measuremetedout.mp3
    104. Churchill Memoirs Speeches 1.mp3
    105. Churchill Memoirs Speeches 2.mp3
    106. Churchill Memoirs Speeches 3.mp3
    107. Churchill Memoirs Speeches 4.mp3
    108. Churchill Memoirs Speeches 5.mp3
    109. Churchill Memoirs Speeches 6.mp3
    110. Churchill Memoirs Speeches 7.mp3
    111. Churchill Memoirs Speeches 8.mp3
    112. Churchill Never Surrender.mp3
    113. Churchill On Hitler.mp3
    114. Churchill Reapingwhirlwind.mp3
    115. Churchill To France.mp3
    116. Churchill We Shall Fight.mp3
  • Standard Audio CDs are delivered by mail on archival quality media with up to 60 minutes on each CD and play in all CD players

    115 recordings on 26 Audio CDs. Total playtime 23 hours, 56 min
    115 recordings on 26 Audio CDs
    total playtime 23 hours, 56 min

    Churchill (Winston) Recordings Disc A001

    1. Churchill 0001 Hour Of Armistace
    2. Churchill 0002 Follies Of Victors
    3. Churchill Address To Nation On Raf
    4. Churchill Battleofbritainisabouttobegin
    5. Churchill Churchilllendleasemostunsordidact
    6. Churchill Dictatorsonirpedestals
    7. Churchill Dunkirk
    8. Churchill Finest Hour

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Churchill (Winston) Recordings Disc A002

    1. Churchill First Month Of War Radio Broadcast W
    2. Churchill First Radio Address As Prime Minister
    3. Churchill Give Us Tools07e4102
    4. Churchill Great Speeches This Was Ir Finest H
    5. Churchill Ihavenotalwaysbeenwrong
    6. Churchill Ispeaktoyouforfirsttime
    7. Churchill Measuremetedout

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Churchill (Winston) Recordings Disc A003

    1. Churchill Memoirs Speeches 4

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Churchill (Winston) Recordings Disc A004

    1. Churchill Memoirs Speeches 5

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Churchill (Winston) Recordings Disc A005

    1. Churchill Never Surrender
    2. Churchill On Hitler
    3. Churchill Reapingwhirlwind
    4. Churchill To France
    5. Churchill We Shall Fight
    6. Churchill 330424 Locust Years
    7. Churchill 341116 Causes Of War
    8. Churchill 360300 Loaded Pause

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Churchill (Winston) Recordings Disc A006

    1. Churchill 361000 Meeting With Von Rippentrop
    2. Churchill 370000 Mr Edens Resignation
    3. Churchill 380430 To Royal Academy Of A
    4. Churchill 380900 Munich Winter
    5. Churchill 381016 We Must Arm
    6. Churchill 381100 Soviet Enigma
    7. Churchill 381200 War
    8. Churchill 391001 First Month Of War
    9. Churchill 391112 Ten Weeks Of War
    10. Churchill 391218 Sinking Of Graf Spee

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Churchill (Winston) Recordings Disc A007

    1. Churchill 400000 Dunkirk
    2. Churchill 400000 This Was Ir Finest Houre
    3. Churchill 400120 0016 Neutralsliberation Is Sure
    4. Churchill 400120 House Of Many Mansions
    5. Churchill 400223 Navy Is Here
    6. Churchill 400312 Before Storm
    7. Churchill 400330 A Sterner War
    8. Churchill 400400 Frustration In Norway
    9. Churchill 400400 Narvik Norway

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Churchill (Winston) Recordings Disc A008

    1. Churchill 400500 National Coalition
    2. Churchill 400513 New Administration
    3. Churchill 400519 Battle Of France
    4. Churchill 400519 Be Ye Men Of Valor
    5. Churchill 400519 E Churchills 1st Speech As Pm
    6. Churchill 400519 First Speech As Prime Mi
    7. Churchill 400528 On Capitulation Of Belgiu
    8. Churchill 400600 0026 French Agony

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Churchill (Winston) Recordings Disc A009

    1. Churchill 400604 We Shall Never Surrender
    2. Churchill 400613 1st Speech To Parlia
    3. Churchill 400618 Ir Finest Hour [excerpt]
    4. Churchill 400618 Ir Finest Hour
    5. Churchill 400619 On Dunkirk Escape

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Churchill (Winston) Recordings Disc A010

    1. Churchill 400714 War Of Unknown Warriors
    2. Churchill 400820 First Year
    3. Churchill 400911 Crux Of Whole War
    4. Churchill 400915 Battle Of Britian
    5. Churchill 400917 London Secret Session

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Churchill (Winston) Recordings Disc A011

    1. Churchill 401200 Winston Talk
    2. Churchill 401230 Canada House Of Commons
    3. Churchill 410000 Russia Invaded

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Churchill (Winston) Recordings Disc A012

    1. Churchill 410209 Give Us Tools
    2. Churchill 410427 Westward Look Land I

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Churchill (Winston) Recordings Disc A013

    1. Churchill 410612 Until Victory Is Won
    2. Churchill 410616 Broadcast To America
    3. Churchill 410621 Great Sp
    4. Churchill 410622 Germany Invades Russia
    5. Churchill 410714 Do Your Worst And We
    6. Churchill 410729 War Production Speech

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Churchill (Winston) Recordings Disc A014

    1. Churchill 410729 War Production
    2. Churchill 410814 Atlantic Charter
    3. Churchill 410824 Meeting With President R
    4. Churchill 410824 Meeting With Roosevelt
    5. Churchill 410829 Se Are Great Days

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Churchill (Winston) Recordings Disc A015

    1. Churchill 410909 Masters Of Our Fate
    2. Churchill 411029 Se Are Great Days
    3. Churchill 411107 With Great Resolution
    4. Churchill 411208 War With Japan
    5. Churchill 411224 From White House
    6. Churchill 411224 White House Christma

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Churchill (Winston) Recordings Disc A016

    1. Churchill 411226 Address To Congress

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Churchill (Winston) Recordings Disc A017

    1. Churchill 411230 Preparation Liberation
    2. Churchill Fd420106 Fdr 0045 State Of Unionchurchill
    3. Churchill 420215 Reviews Atlantic Charter

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Churchill (Winston) Recordings Disc A018

    1. Churchill 420510 Prime Minister For Two Ye
    2. Churchill 421110 End Of Beginning
    3. Churchill 421129 National Address

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Churchill (Winston) Recordings Disc A019

    1. Churchill 430321 Churchills Speech

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Churchill (Winston) Recordings Disc A020

    1. Churchill 430519 Second Address To Us Cong

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Churchill (Winston) Recordings Disc A021

    1. Churchill 430630 Before Autumn Unity
    2. Churchill 430630 Reaping Whirlwind
    3. Churchill 430831 Broadcast From Quebec
    4. Churchill 430906 Anglo American Unity

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Churchill (Winston) Recordings Disc A022

    1. Churchill 431028 Rebuilding House Of Commons
    2. Churchill 440326 On Allied Victories

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Churchill (Winston) Recordings Disc A023

    1. Churchill 441109 Fruits Of 44
    2. Churchill 441123 Speech For Us Thanksgiving Da
    3. Churchill 450325 Robert Barr Reports Crosse
    4. Churchill 450508 At Big Party
    5. Churchill 450508 Unconditional German Surrender
    6. Churchill 450805 This Is Your Victory

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Churchill (Winston) Recordings Disc A024

    1. Churchill 460305 The Sinews of Peace

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Churchill (Winston) Recordings Disc A025

    1. Churchill 460315 Broadcast to Nation Death of King George VI
    2. Churchill 460315 Sinews of Peace response

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Churchill (Winston) Recordings Disc A026

    1. Churchill 650130

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