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The Adventures of Babe Ruth

The Adventures of Babe Ruth was produced in 1934 on the Blue Network, with sponsorship by Quaker Oats, and was the best of the lot. It told in-depth, fully dramatized episodes from the Babe's career, so there was a sense of the real man there in the dugout and on the field.

Babe Ruth

34 old time radio show recordings
(total playtime 7 hours, 18 min)
available in the following formats:

1 MP3 CD
8 Audio CDs

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"Dusty Collins"

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Babe Ruth
(1895 – 1948)

Babe Ruth with batGeorge Herman "Babe" Ruth, the Bambino, the Sultan of Swat, was a true sports legend. He's probably the most famous Baseball player of all time, still. Few remembered him as the great pitcher he was early on, since he became the game's greatest true slugger, the first of the home run kings. His radio career was essentially special guest appearances and sports interviews, but there were actually several shows through the years built around the Babe. These shows were strictly scripted from the best of the Babe, since in the Babe's prime, training was anything but.

The Adventures of Babe Ruth was produced in 1934 on the Blue Network, with sponsorship by Quaker Oats, and was the best of the lot. It told in-depth, fully dramatized episodes from the Babe's career, so there was a sense of the real man there in the dugout and on the field.Of course, the Babe didn't say all that much on these shows, but he was really a shy guy at heart, and only learned through trial and error how to handle the white-hot glare of the news flashbulb and microphones of old time sports reporters and radio. He knew millions of kids hung on his every word, so he sometimes choked on the screwball line, but he was a guy paid to hit a baseball out of the park, not field a question.

See also the Baseball Collection, Baseball and Sports Broadcasts and Dizzy Dean for much more real sports on old time radio. For great sports reporting, see Grandland Rice and Bill Stern Sportsreel.

Text on OTRCAT.com ©2001-2025 OTRCAT INC All Rights Reserved. Reproduction is prohibited.

These classic recordings are available in the following formats:

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    The man among men, you have to love the old guy.

    Franklin Verified Purchase

    The Babe was a giant in his times. He was the biggest personality at a time when baseball was our biggest national game.

    Jack Verified Purchase

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  • MP3 CDs are delivered by mail. These archival quality MP3 CDs are playable in your computer and many MP3 player devices.

    34 recordings on 1 MP3 CD for just $5.00. Total playtime 7 hours, 18 min
    34 recordings on 1 MP3 CD for just $5.00
    total playtime 7 hours, 18 min
    Add MP3 CD Collection to Cart

    1. 34 shows – total playtime 7 hours, 18 minutes
    2. Babe 340416 001 Dusty Collins.mp3
    3. Babe 340423 002 Chick Foster part 1.mp3
    4. Babe 340430 003 Chick Foster part 2.mp3
    5. Babe 340507 004 Speed Jordan Judy Mike.mp3
    6. Babe 340514 005 Harry Hat.mp3
    7. Babe 340521 006 Sweet William.mp3
    8. Babe 340528 007 There Are No Bad Kids.mp3
    9. Babe 340604 008 Dutch Reaver.mp3
    10. Babe 340625 011 Kidnapped.mp3
    11. Babe 340702 012 Bobby Lee.mp3
    12. Babe 340716 014 Practical Joke on Don Brush.mp3
    13. Babe 340723 015 Rocky Far Instigator.mp3
    14. Babe 340730 016 Superstition.mp3
    15. Babe 500512 023 Babe And Club Owner.mp3
    16. Babe Ruth Excerpt 260000 LouGehrig Home Run Twins.mp3
    17. Babe Ruth Excerpt 321001 Babe Ruth Calls His Shot Excerpt.mp3
    18. Babe Ruth Excerpt 350000 Farewell to Baseball.mp3
    19. Babe Ruth Excerpt 420000 Joe Hasel And Babe Ruth.mp3
    20. Babe Ruth Excerpt 480424 Babe Ruth Visits Tom Mix.mp3
    21. Babe Ruth Excerpt On Reporters.mp3
    22. Babe Ruth Excerpt Radio Call.mp3
    23. Babe Ruth Excerpt Says Goodbye.mp3
    24. Babe Ruth Excerpt Three Ambitions.mp3
    25. Babe Ruth Radio Call.mp3
    26. Bill Stern 450800 Babe Ruth.mp3
    27. Bill Stern 460322 Babe Ruth.mp3
    28. Biography In Sound 550816 E27 Babe Ruth.mp3
    29. Bob Costas Babe Ruth Calls His Shot.mp3
    30. Cavalcade Of America 471027 Story Of Babe Ruth.mp3
    31. Play Ball 470812 ˆ Babe Ruth.mp3
    32. Radio Jack Brickhouse Babe Ruth Calls His Shot.mp3
    33. Readers Digest 470424 060 Story Of Babe Ruth.mp3
    34. Red Barber Show 470812 Babe Ruth.mp3
    35. Screen Guild Theater 481021 Babe Ruth Story.mp3
  • MP3 downloads are available instantly after purchase!

    34 recordings on 1 MP3 Collection Download for just $5.00. Total playtime 7 hours, 18 min
    34 recordings on 1 MP3 Collection Download for just $5.00
    201 MB – total playtime 7 hours, 18 min
    Add Instant Download Collection to Cart

    1. 34 shows – 201 MB – total playtime 7 hours, 18 minutes
    2. Babe 340416 001 Dusty Collins.mp3
    3. Babe 340423 002 Chick Foster part 1.mp3
    4. Babe 340430 003 Chick Foster part 2.mp3
    5. Babe 340507 004 Speed Jordan Judy Mike.mp3
    6. Babe 340514 005 Harry Hat.mp3
    7. Babe 340521 006 Sweet William.mp3
    8. Babe 340528 007 There Are No Bad Kids.mp3
    9. Babe 340604 008 Dutch Reaver.mp3
    10. Babe 340625 011 Kidnapped.mp3
    11. Babe 340702 012 Bobby Lee.mp3
    12. Babe 340716 014 Practical Joke on Don Brush.mp3
    13. Babe 340723 015 Rocky Far Instigator.mp3
    14. Babe 340730 016 Superstition.mp3
    15. Babe 500512 023 Babe And Club Owner.mp3
    16. Babe Ruth Excerpt 260000 LouGehrig Home Run Twins.mp3
    17. Babe Ruth Excerpt 321001 Babe Ruth Calls His Shot Excerpt.mp3
    18. Babe Ruth Excerpt 350000 Farewell to Baseball.mp3
    19. Babe Ruth Excerpt 420000 Joe Hasel And Babe Ruth.mp3
    20. Babe Ruth Excerpt 480424 Babe Ruth Visits Tom Mix.mp3
    21. Babe Ruth Excerpt On Reporters.mp3
    22. Babe Ruth Excerpt Radio Call.mp3
    23. Babe Ruth Excerpt Says Goodbye.mp3
    24. Babe Ruth Excerpt Three Ambitions.mp3
    25. Babe Ruth Radio Call.mp3
    26. Bill Stern 450800 Babe Ruth.mp3
    27. Bill Stern 460322 Babe Ruth.mp3
    28. Biography In Sound 550816 E27 Babe Ruth.mp3
    29. Bob Costas Babe Ruth Calls His Shot.mp3
    30. Cavalcade Of America 471027 Story Of Babe Ruth.mp3
    31. Play Ball 470812 ˆ Babe Ruth.mp3
    32. Radio Jack Brickhouse Babe Ruth Calls His Shot.mp3
    33. Readers Digest 470424 060 Story Of Babe Ruth.mp3
    34. Red Barber Show 470812 Babe Ruth.mp3
    35. Screen Guild Theater 481021 Babe Ruth Story.mp3
  • Standard Audio CDs are delivered by mail on archival quality media with up to 60 minutes on each CD and play in all CD players

    34 recordings on 8 Audio CDs. Total playtime 7 hours, 18 min
    34 recordings on 8 Audio CDs
    total playtime 7 hours, 18 min

    Babe Ruth Disc A001

    1. Babe Ruth Excerpt On Reporters
    2. Babe Ruth Excerpt Radio Call
    3. Babe Ruth Excerpt Says Goodbye
    4. Babe Ruth Excerpt Three Ambitions
    5. Babe Ruth Radio Call
    6. Bob Costas Babe Ruth Calls His Shot
    7. Radio Jack Brickhouse Babe Ruth Calls His Shot
    8. Babe Ruth Excerpt 260000 LouGehrig Home Run Twins
    9. Babe Ruth Excerpt 321001 Babe Ruth Calls His Shot Excerpt
    10. Babe 340416 001 Dusty Collins
    11. Babe 340423 002 Chick Foster part 1
    12. Babe 340430 003 Chick Foster part 2

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Babe Ruth Disc A002

    1. Babe 340507 004 Speed Jordan Judy Mike
    2. Babe 340514 005 Harry Hat
    3. Babe 340521 006 Sweet William
    4. Babe 340528 007 There Are No Bad Kids

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Babe Ruth Disc A003

    1. Babe 340604 008 Dutch Reaver
    2. Babe 340625 011 Kidnapped
    3. Babe 340702 012 Bobby Lee
    4. Babe 340716 014 Practical Joke on Don Brush

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Babe Ruth Disc A004

    1. Babe 340723 015 Rocky Far Instigator
    2. Babe 340730 016 Superstition
    3. Babe Ruth Excerpt 350000 Farewell to Baseball
    4. Babe Ruth Excerpt 420000 Joe Hasel And Babe Ruth
    5. Bill Stern 450800 Babe Ruth
    6. Bill Stern 460322 Babe Ruth

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Babe Ruth Disc A005

    1. Readers Digest 470424 060 Story Of Babe Ruth
    2. Play Ball 470812 ˆ Babe Ruth
    3. Red Barber Show 470812 Babe Ruth

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Babe Ruth Disc A006

    1. Cavalcade Of America 471027 Story Of Babe Ruth
    2. Babe Ruth Excerpt 480424 Babe Ruth Visits Tom Mix

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Babe Ruth Disc A007

    1. Screen Guild Theater 481021 Babe Ruth Story
    2. Babe 500512 023 Babe And Club Owner

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Babe Ruth Disc A008

    1. Biography In Sound 550816 E27 Babe Ruth

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00


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