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Get in your time machine and shoot off to times long ago with these wondrous heirloom shows! See also: list of available WWII series ...

Historical Recordings

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American Gallery
American Gallery
12 Episodes
1 Volume
celebrates American artists of all genres with a whole episode dedicated to each artist and their music

12 1
Add To Cart: $5.00
One World Flight
One World Flight
12 Episodes
1 Volume
In 1946, Norman Corwin spent 4 months on a flying trip around the world, carrying 225 pounds of recording equipment to 16 countries. What should have been a broadcasting triumph was aired in the same timeslot as Bob Hope, dooming One World Flight to relative obscurity.

12 1
Add To Cart: $5.00
Living in an Atomic Age
Living in an Atomic Age
7 Episodes
1 Volume
In 1953 Sir Bertrand Russell, one of Britain's premier philosophers, gave a series of lectures on the implications of Living In An Atomic Age.

7 1
Add To Cart: $5.00
Minstrel Shows
Minstrel Shows
473 Episodes
13 Volume
Minstrelsy is considered the first truly American form of entertainment, and as such provides the forms and traditions which would eventually form vaudeville and ultimately the Hollywood movies and TV shows which shape and inform the rest of the world's opinion of American culture.

473 13
Add To Cart: $65.00
Titanic Recordings
Titanic Recordings
9 Episodes
1 Volume
Included episodes from Adventures in Research, The Cavalcade of America, and historic sound clips referring to the tragedy.

9 1
Add To Cart: $5.00
Radio Fillers
Radio Fillers
92 Episodes
1 Volume
Fifteen minute sample tastes of Hollywood's greats pictures by playing some of the movie's soundtrack and interview stars.

92 1
Add To Cart: $5.00
Pennsylvania Keystone of Democracy
Pennsylvania Keystone of Democracy
24 Episodes
1 Volume
The Pennsylvania Historical Commission, with the cooperation of the State Council of Defense, began broadcasting a series of dramatizations of important events from Pennsylvania history in the 1940s.

24 1
Add To Cart: $5.00
Uncle Ezra
Uncle Ezra
10 Episodes
1 Volume
One of the most popular on-air country-western charters was a philosophical corn-pone named Uncle Ezra created by Patrick Barrett.

10 1
Add To Cart: $5.00
Bob Elson Interviews
Bob Elson Interviews
107 Episodes
2 Volume
primarily known as a sports announcer, a large portion of his career was spent simply interviewing famous people.

107 2
Add To Cart: $10.00
Politicians Corrupt Dirty and Otherwise
Politicians Corrupt Dirty and Otherwise
73 Episodes
2 Volume
This collection includes historical and news broadcasts as well as fictional accounts of corrupt politicians on The Green Hornet, The Halls of Ivy, The Lone Ranger, and more.

73 2
Add To Cart: $10.00
Helen Keller
Helen Keller
4 Episodes
1 Volume
Deaf and mute, Hellen Keller's overcome all odds with the help of dedicated tutor Anne Sullivan and inspired the world.

4 1
Add To Cart: $5.00
What America Means to Me
What America Means to Me
13 Episodes
1 Volume
Fascinating and Famous Americans from all walks of life from Helen Keller to Eleanor Roosevelt to Elmer Davis, discuss what America means to them personally.

13 1
Add To Cart: $5.00
Election Collection
Election Collection
84 Episodes
2 Volume
old time radio shows take on elections, voting and ballots taken from all genres including comedy, drama, western, news programs, and more.

84 2
Add To Cart: $10.00
Michael Dukakis
Michael Dukakis
54 Episodes
3 Volume
Dukakis is a retired lawyer, Governor of Massachusetts, and aspiring Presidential Candidate in the 1980's.

54 3
Add To Cart: $15.00
Presidential Candidate Announcements
Presidential Candidate Announcements
183 Episodes
5 Volume
While only 44 men have served as President and 48 men have served as Vice President, so many Americans have stepped up to answer the call to run for these two top spots. Listen as we hear from some of these Americans as they make their plans known, give their victory, and even their concession.

183 5
Add To Cart: $25.00
Family Business American Political Dynasties
Family Business American Political Dynasties
1031 Episodes
21 Volume
American politics is a family business. This collection is dedicated to these dynasties in American politics from the Twentieth Century forward.

1031 21
Add To Cart: $99.00
Ross Perot
Ross Perot
36 Episodes
2 Volume
Perot was a business magnate, billionaire, and aspiring US Presidential Candidate--running twice in the 1990s.

36 2
Add To Cart: $10.00
Cavalcade of America Christmas
Cavalcade of America Christmas
9 Episodes
1 Volume
Produced by DuPont to improve its public image, Cavalcade of America Christmas features drama shows.

9 1
Add To Cart: $5.00
KEX Scrapbook of Sounds
KEX Scrapbook of Sounds
11 Episodes
1 Volume
Portland's KEX began broadcasting in 1926 and hired an ambitious vaudevillian from San Francisco named Mel Blanc.

11 1
Add To Cart: $5.00
Red Scare in Old Time Radio
Red Scare in Old Time Radio
302 Episodes
7 Volume
After the Second World War, American culture was shaped and driven largely by fears of Communist infiltration corrupting American institutions and values.

302 7
Add To Cart: $35.00
Exploring the Unknown
Exploring the Unknown
6 Episodes
1 Volume
Produced a decade before Sputnik brought America's educational system into question, Exploring the Unknown, may have helped to inspire the generation of scientists who eventually won the Space Race.

6 1
Add To Cart: $5.00
Golden Door
Golden Door
4 Episodes
1 Volume
After the terrors of the Holocaust, some fortunate survivors were invited to enter "the Golden Door" to America, but joining this new Society was not always easy.

4 1
Add To Cart: $5.00
My Hometown
My Hometown
42 Episodes
1 Volume
Terry Lee Jenkins and PAMS Company put out a full length 45 RPM to promote local towns around the country that was to be played in local radio market

42 1
Add To Cart: $5.00
Prisoner of War
Prisoner of War
18 Episodes
1 Volume
Capture might seem an easier fate than being killed in battle, but the fate of a P.O.W. is rarely without a desperate cost.

18 1
Add To Cart: $5.00
Our Cats
Our Cats
22 Episodes
1 Volume
Cats are very close companions to humanity, but are they truly domesticated? According to the "Our Cats" program, being allowed to love them is enough.

22 1
Add To Cart: $5.00
Medical Milestones
Medical Milestones
10 Episodes
1 Volume
The American Medical Association, along with local medical societies, presented a series of short syndicated broadcasts in 1961 titled Medical Milestones which described many of those advances.

10 1
Add To Cart: $5.00
Heroes of Civilization
Heroes of Civilization
24 Episodes
1 Volume
This collection of biographical sketches of pioneers in the medical field was produced syndication in 1936.

24 1
Add To Cart: $5.00
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