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30 Years Ago today in Radio History: After his father had left the Presidency, on this date, January 17, 1994, George W. Bush was sworn in as the 48th Governor of Texas.

George H.W. Bush Recordings

Served as the 41st President of the United States, George HW Bush presidency saw the falling of the Berlin Wall, the breakup of the Soviet Union, Invasion of Panama, and the Gulf War.

George HW Bush Speeches

240 old time radio show recordings
(total playtime 94 hours, 1486 min)
available in the following formats:

4 MP3 CDs
74 Audio CDs

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"Military Action in Persian Golf"

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George HW Bush
(1924 – 2018)

George HW Bush
"...read my lips. No new taxes."

"I do not like broccoli.
And I haven't liked it since I was a little kid and my mother made me eat it.
And I'm President of the United States and I'm not going to eat any more broccoli."

George HW Bush WWIILike so many who have risen to the highest office in the land, George HW Bush had a fascinating, even heroic life. Like so many of what is called "the Greatest Generation", Bush rose beyond his circumstances to accomplish his many achievements. When your circumstances include being the son of Ohio banker and future Connecticut Senator Prescott Bush, rising beyond them is no easy feat.

George was a student leader at the Phillips Academy in Andover, MA. and was accepted to Yale before WWII. After Pearl Harbor, Bush instead chose to enlist in the Navy after graduating from Phillips in 1942. He was selected for pilot training, and just before his 19th birthday he became the youngest naval aviator to date.

Bush flew 58 combat missions in torpedo bombers, was shot down and rescued by the USS Finback, and receive the Navy Flying Cross. Because of his combat experience he was reassigned as an instructor of torpedo bombing in Norfolk. He was discharged soon after VJ Day.

Before leaving the service, Bush married Barbara Pierce. The marriage would produce six children (the oldest, George W Bush, would become the 43rd President of the United States). After leaving the service Bush decided to enter Yale on an accelerated program that would allow him to graduate in two and a half years. He was captain of the baseball team and, like his father, initiated into the Skull and Bones Society late in his Junior year (Prescott Bush was among the Bonesmen who allegedly dug up and stole Geronimo's skull.) The younger Bush graduated in 1948 with a degree in Economics.

George HW Bush YaleAfter graduating, Bush moved his growing family to West Texas and went into the oil business. He made his first million dollars by the time he turned 40 in 1964, but by now his became interested in politics. In 1966,  he was elected to represent Texas in the House, and President Nixon convinced him to run for the Senate in 1970. However he lost his senatorial run, and Nixon selected him as Ambassador to the United Nations.

Bush chaired the Republican National Committee through the difficult days of Watergate, and Nixon's successor, Gerald Ford selected him to be envoy to China. Bush's time in China seems to have benefited relations between the two powers, and in 1976, Ford recalled him to direct the Central Intelligence Agency.

In 1980, Bush beat Ronald Reagan in the Iowa Caucus, although Reagan would go on to win the nomination. Bush was selected as his running mate and served as Vice President for both Reagan's terms.

When Reagan left office, Bush was his obvious successor. During the Republican convention, Bush gave his "Thousand Points of Light" speech, and made the promise that would later haunt his presidency: "Watch my lips, No New Taxes." Bush served in changing times; the Berlin Wall fell, and the Soviet Union collapsed early in his term, but the deficit remaining from the Reagan years haunted the economy. Eventually, Bush was forced to renege on his promise of No New Taxes.

In 1989 Bush ordered "Operation Just Cause" which removed Manuel Noriega from power in Panama. "Just Cause" was the first major operation by the US military in 40 years that was not Cold War related.

Reagan Bush

In August of 1990, Iraq's Saddam Hussein ordered his forces to invade oil-rich Kuwait to the south. President Bush responded by forming a coalition, beginning with Saudi Arabia, which also feared Hussein's aggression. The Allied Coalition began a bombing campaign on January 17, 1991, which lasted four weeks. The ground invasion began on the morning of Feb 24, and Iraqi forces were driven from Kuwait in less than 100 hours. At this point,  Bush ordered a the offensive to halt, for which he later received criticism. The halt allowed a large portion of Iraqi forces to return home, and the failure to remove Hussein from power allowed him to regroup and cause trouble for more than a decade.

Bush ran for reelection in 1993, still riding a wave of popularity from the Gulf victory. However, the Clinton campaign portrayed Bush as being "out of touch" with the common man as evidenced by the troubles in the economy. The Bush Campaign may have overcome this, but third party candidate Ross Perot took many of the votes the Republicans needed.

George and Barbara

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    Ye-ow! Arrived this morning. That was fast! Thanks! I'm sure I will love these as I have everything else you've sent. Back to you when I run dry.

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    Like so many other programs that otrcat.com puts out, history comes alive. Hearing these broadcasts from yesteryear in their real time gives me a new perspective of the era and the people who lived it. I can’t wait for more from otrcat.com. Thank you!


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    240 recordings on 4 MP3 CDs for just $20.00. Total playtime 94 hours, 1486 min
    240 recordings on 4 MP3 CDs for just $20.00
    total playtime 94 hours, 1486 min
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    1. Volume 1 – 62 shows – total playtime 24 hours, 35 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 1: $5.00
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    2. GHWB 19711029 Dick Cavett Show.mp3
    3. GHWB 19711206 George Bush's Assignment.mp3
    4. GHWB 19711208 India - Pakistan War.mp3
    5. GHWB 19711231 New Years Greeting.mp3
    6. GHWB 19721129 RNC Chairmanship.mp3
    7. GHWB 19721211 RNC Chairmanship.mp3
    8. GHWB 19730223 Pretty Women.mp3
    9. GHWB 19730430 Watergate Speech.mp3
    10. GHWB 19740503 the Republican Party and Mr. Nixon.mp3
    11. GHWB 19760130 Swearing In as Director of the CIA.mp3
    12. GHWB 19760222 Meeting the Press Interview Part 1.mp3
    13. GHWB 19760222 Meeting the Press Interview Part 2.mp3
    14. GHWB 19760222 Meeting the Press Interview Part 3.mp3
    15. GHWB 19800113 60 Minutes Interview.mp3
    16. GHWB 19800423 Texas Primary Debate with Reagan.mp3
    17. GHWB 19800717 Acceptance Speech as Vice President RNC.mp3
    18. GHWB 19810413 Phone Call Space Shuttle Columbia Astronauts.mp3
    19. GHWB 19810527 US Naval Academy Commissioning.mp3
    20. GHWB 19810605 James Stockdale, White House Fellows.mp3
    21. GHWB 19810607 Bogie Buster Dinner.mp3
    22. GHWB 19821115 Statement Following Funeral of Leonid Brezhnev.mp3
    23. GHWB 19830207 Face the Nation Interview.mp3
    24. GHWB 19831026 Statement After Marine Barracks Bombing.mp3
    25. GHWB 19840214 Statement Following Funeral of Yuri Andropov.mp3
    26. GHWB 19840503 Ashland College Pep Rally.mp3
    27. GHWB 19840505 Texas A and M Commencement Speech.mp3
    28. GHWB 19840823 Acceptance Speech as Vice President RNC.mp3
    29. GHWB 19840902 40th Anniv Being Shot Down Over Chichi Jima.mp3
    30. GHWB 19841011 Vice Presidential Debate.mp3
    31. GHWB 19841104 Reagan Bush Rally, Chicago, IL.mp3
    32. GHWB 19850312 Funeral for Konstantin Chernenko.mp3
    33. GHWB 19850313 Press Avail After Konstantin Chernenko Funeral.mp3
    34. GHWB 19850612 61st Birthday Celebration with Ronald Reagan.mp3
    35. GHWB 19850719 Annc First Teacher on Space Shuttle.mp3
    36. GHWB 19850909 Landon Lecture.mp3
    37. GHWB 19860128 Space Shuttle Challenger Disaster.mp3
    38. GHWB 19871028 B.Dole J.Kemp Firing Line GOP Pres Cand.mp3
    39. GHWB 19871028 the Republican Presidential Candidates.mp3
    40. GHWB 19880818 Acceptance Speech.mp3
    41. GHWB 19880925 First Presidential Debate.mp3
    42. GHWB 19881011 Second Presidential Debate.mp3
    43. GHWB 19881108 Victory Speech.mp3
    44. GHWB 19881109 Andrews Air Force Base With Dan Quayle.mp3
    45. GHWB 19881109 Geeting by Ronald Reagan.mp3
    46. GHWB 19881109 Introduction by Ronald Reagan.mp3
    47. GHWB 19890120 Inauguration.mp3
    48. GHWB 19890127 Presidents News Conference.mp3
    49. GHWB 19890131 USS Naval Shipyard Employees Norfolk VI.mp3
    50. GHWB 19890202 National Prayer Breakfast.mp3
    51. GHWB 19890206 Presidents News Conference.mp3
    52. GHWB 19890206 Swearing Samuel Skinner Sec of Transportation.mp3
    53. GHWB 19890209 Admin Goals Before Joint Session Congress.mp3
    54. GHWB 19890224 Remarks After the Funeral of Emperor Hirohito.mp3
    55. GHWB 19890227 Address to the Korean National Assmebly.mp3
    56. GHWB 19890306 Veterans of Foreign Wars.mp3
    57. GHWB 19890321 Swearing Ceremony Dick Cheney Sec of Defense.mp3
    58. GHWB 19890324 Ceremony Space Shuttle Discovery Astronauts.mp3
    59. GHWB 19890329 Showing Off Millie's New Puppies.mp3
    60. GHWB 19890405 Honoring the Teacher of the Year.mp3
    61. GHWB 19890407 Presidents News Conference.mp3
    62. GHWB 19890413 Union High School.mp3
    63. GHWB 19890417 Address to the Citizens of Hamtramck MI.mp3

    1. Volume 2 – 83 shows – total playtime 23 hours, 43 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 2: $5.00
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    2. GHWB 19890418 Natl Conf Bldg Construction Trades Dept AFLCIO.mp3
    3. GHWB 19890424 Memorial Ceremony Sailors of the USS Iowa.mp3
    4. GHWB 19890425 Law Enforcement Officers, Rancho Del Rio.mp3
    5. GHWB 19890426 Address to the Texas State Legislature.mp3
    6. GHWB 19890426 Visit With Ronald Reagan.mp3
    7. GHWB 19890509 Elections in Panama.mp3
    8. GHWB 19890512 Texas A and M Commencement Speech.mp3
    9. GHWB 19890605 Presidents News Conference.mp3
    10. GHWB 19890608 Press Conference.mp3
    11. GHWB 19890612 Proposed Legislation Amend Clean Air Act.mp3
    12. GHWB 19890613 Students Sci School Grand Teton Natl Park.mp3
    13. GHWB 19890621 NBA Champion Detroit Pistons.mp3
    14. GHWB 19890627 Flag Burning.mp3
    15. GHWB 19890630 White House Crmny 25th Anniv Civil Rights Act.mp3
    16. GHWB 19890706 Journalists From Economic Summit Countries.mp3
    17. GHWB 19890711 Economic Summit.mp3
    18. GHWB 19890717 Residents Leiden, Netherlands.mp3
    19. GHWB 19890905 National Drug Policy.mp3
    20. GHWB 19890911 Vocational Education Award Ceremony.mp3
    21. GHWB 19890928 Univ Virginia Convocation In Charlottesville.mp3
    22. GHWB 19891105 Bicentennial Convocation Philips Andover Acad.mp3
    23. GHWB 19891107 Presidents News Conference.mp3
    24. GHWB 19891109 Press Statement and Q and A on the Berlin Wall.mp3
    25. GHWB 19891117 Minimum Wage Bill.mp3
    26. GHWB 19891117 National Medal of the Arts Ceremony.mp3
    27. GHWB 19891117 Pardoning of the Thanksgiving Turkey.mp3
    28. GHWB 19891128 Upcoming Malta Summit.mp3
    29. GHWB 19891203 News Conference with Mikial Gorbachev.mp3
    30. GHWB 19891204 Trip to Malta.mp3
    31. GHWB 19891211 Remarks And QA Session With Newspaper Editors.mp3
    32. GHWB 19891220 Address Ntn Regarding Military Action Panama.mp3
    33. GHWB 19891220 Operation Just Cause.mp3
    34. GHWB 19891221 Chanukah Celebration.mp3
    35. GHWB 19891222 Visit to the National Institute of Health.mp3
    36. GHWB 19900103 Capture of Manuel Noriega.mp3
    37. GHWB 19900103 Earth Day Proclamation.mp3
    38. GHWB 19900107 Pre-Interview Presidential Lecture Series.mp3
    39. GHWB 19900107 Presidential Lecture Series, Abraham Lincoln.mp3
    40. GHWB 19900109 Proclamation for MLK Federal Holiday.mp3
    41. GHWB 19900124 Presidents News Conference.mp3
    42. GHWB 19900131 Address Joint Session Congress On State Union.mp3
    43. GHWB 19900201 National Prayer Breakfast.mp3
    44. GHWB 19900205 Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Control.mp3
    45. GHWB 19900212 Presidents News Conference.mp3
    46. GHWB 19900215 Following Drug Summit In Cartagena, Colombia.mp3
    47. GHWB 19900227 Welcomes Super Bowl Champions SF 49ers.mp3
    48. GHWB 19900308 National Transportation Policy Meeting.mp3
    49. GHWB 19900313 Presidents News Conference.mp3
    50. GHWB 19900329 Coalition on AIDS.mp3
    51. GHWB 19900419 Pres Francois Mitterrand France Key Largo FL.mp3
    52. GHWB 19900428 White House Correspondence Dinner.mp3
    53. GHWB 19900507 Asian American Month.mp3
    54. GHWB 19900531 Summit with Mikial Gorbachev.mp3
    55. GHWB 19900601 Summit with Mikial Gorbachev.mp3
    56. GHWB 19900605 One Millionth Participant Montagomery GI Bill.mp3
    57. GHWB 19900608 News Conference with Helmet Kohl.mp3
    58. GHWB 19900611 Drug Free Schools.mp3
    59. GHWB 19900620 News Conference Huntsville, Alabama.mp3
    60. GHWB 19900622 United States Attorneys.mp3
    61. GHWB 19900625 Statement With Nelson Mandela.mp3
    62. GHWB 19900630 President Mikhail Gorbachev Soviet Union.mp3
    63. GHWB 19900726 Signing Americans Disabilities Act into Law.mp3
    64. GHWB 19900803 Statement and Questions on Iraq and Kuwait.mp3
    65. GHWB 19900808 Nation Concerning Iraq's Invasion Kuwait.mp3
    66. GHWB 19900808 Presidents News Conference.mp3
    67. GHWB 19900809 Press Availability with Brian Mulroney.mp3
    68. GHWB 19900809 Press Conf on the Crisis in the Persian Gulf.mp3
    69. GHWB 19900814 Press Conf on the Crisis in the Persian Gulf.mp3
    70. GHWB 19900820 Annual Conf Veterans Foreign Wars Baltimore MD.mp3
    71. GHWB 19900911 Joint Session Persian Gulf Crisis Natl Deficit.mp3
    72. GHWB 19900912 Message to the People of Iraq.mp3
    73. GHWB 19901001 Address 45th Session UN General Assembly NY NY.mp3
    74. GHWB 19901002 Address on Budget.mp3
    75. GHWB 19901009 Presidents News Conference.mp3
    76. GHWB 19901015 Fundraiser for Clayton Williams.mp3
    77. GHWB 19901108 Press Conf on the Crisis in the Persian Gulf.mp3
    78. GHWB 19901113 Medal of Science and Technology Presentation.mp3
    79. GHWB 19901114 Pardoning of the Thanksgiving Turkey.mp3
    80. GHWB 19901115 Clean Air Act Amendment.mp3
    81. GHWB 19901122 Thanksgiving with the Troops.mp3
    82. GHWB 19901123 QA after Pres Mohmd Hosni Mubarak Cairo, Egypt.mp3
    83. GHWB 19901128 Signs the National Affordable Housing Act.mp3
    84. GHWB 19901130 Presidents News Conference.mp3

    1. Volume 3 – 68 shows – total playtime 23 hours, 14 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 3: $5.00
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    2. GHWB 19910109 Baker Aziz Meeting in Geneva Switzerland.mp3
    3. GHWB 19910112 Presidents News Conference.mp3
    4. GHWB 19910116 Address Nation Military Action Persian Gulf.mp3
    5. GHWB 19910118 News Conf Persian Gulf Conflict.mp3
    6. GHWB 19910123 Reserve Officers Association.mp3
    7. GHWB 19910125 Nom Edward R. Madigan Secretary Agriculture QA.mp3
    8. GHWB 19910129 Address Joint Sess Congress St Union Address.mp3
    9. GHWB 19910131 National Prayer Breakfast.mp3
    10. GHWB 19910215 American Association For Advancement Science.mp3
    11. GHWB 19910221 Deadline for Iraqi Withdrawal from Kuwait.mp3
    12. GHWB 19910223 Address to the Nation Start Ground War Iraq.mp3
    13. GHWB 19910226 Iraqi Withdrawal from Kuwait.mp3
    14. GHWB 19910227 Address to the Nation, End of the Gulf War.mp3
    15. GHWB 19910301 News Conf Persian Gulf Conflict.mp3
    16. GHWB 19910302 Armed Forces Radio Address End Gulf War.mp3
    17. GHWB 19910306 Announcing the end of the Gulf War.mp3
    18. GHWB 19910311 Announcement of the Crime Package.mp3
    19. GHWB 19910416 Assistance Iraqi Refugees News Conference.mp3
    20. GHWB 19910504 University of Michigan Commencement Speech.mp3
    21. GHWB 19910603 Presidential Lecture Series, Andrew Jackson.mp3
    22. GHWB 19910608 Gulf War Memorial Service.mp3
    23. GHWB 19910701 Presidents News Conference In Kennebunkport ME.mp3
    24. GHWB 19910701 Trip to Kennybunkport, ME.mp3
    25. GHWB 19910701 Walker's Point Nom Clarence Thomas Supreme Ct.mp3
    26. GHWB 19910709 National Medal of the Arts Ceremony.mp3
    27. GHWB 19910710 Press Conference.mp3
    28. GHWB 19910717 New Conference In London, United Kingdom.mp3
    29. GHWB 19910725 National Literacy Act.mp3
    30. GHWB 19910728 Press Availability Iraq the Coalition START.mp3
    31. GHWB 19910730 Moscow and Kiev Address.mp3
    32. GHWB 19910730 Toast at State Dinner.mp3
    33. GHWB 19910730 Tour of the Kremlin Grounds.mp3
    34. GHWB 19910730 Wreath Laying Ceremony.mp3
    35. GHWB 19910801 Arrival in Kiev.mp3
    36. GHWB 19910801 Remarks at the Supreme Soviet Building.mp3
    37. GHWB 19910801 Wreath Laying Ceremony.mp3
    38. GHWB 19910820 Kennebunkport ME Attempted Coup-Soviet Union.mp3
    39. GHWB 19910821 Kennebunkport ME Attempted Coup-Soviet Union.mp3
    40. GHWB 19910822 Exchange With Reporters in Kennebunkport ME.mp3
    41. GHWB 19910829 Prime Minister Major UK from Kennebunkport ME.mp3
    42. GHWB 19910912 Meeting with Surviving Buffalo Soldiers.mp3
    43. GHWB 19910923 Address 46 Session UN General Assembly NYC.mp3
    44. GHWB 19910927 Reducing US Soviet Nuclear Weapons.mp3
    45. GHWB 19911001 NBA Champion Chicago Bulls.mp3
    46. GHWB 19911004 Presidents News Conference.mp3
    47. GHWB 19911018 Swearing In Clarence Thomas Supreme Court.mp3
    48. GHWB 19911025 Presidents News Conference.mp3
    49. GHWB 19911103 Interview with David Ward.mp3
    50. GHWB 19911104 Dedication Ronald Reagan Presidential Library.mp3
    51. GHWB 19911118 Presidential Forum Luncheon.mp3
    52. GHWB 19911118 Presidential Medal of Freedom Presentation.mp3
    53. GHWB 19911125 Pardoning of the Thanksgiving Turkey.mp3
    54. GHWB 19911207 50th Anniversary of Pearl Harbor.mp3
    55. GHWB 19911219 Presidents News Conf Foreign Correspondents.mp3
    56. GHWB 19911225 End of the Cold War.mp3
    57. GHWB 19920123 Women's World Cup Soccer Championship.mp3
    58. GHWB 19920128 Address Joint Session Congress On State Union.mp3
    59. GHWB 19920130 National Prayer Breakfast.mp3
    60. GHWB 19920327 National Science Olympiad Medal Winning Teams.mp3
    61. GHWB 19920328 The Great Tarmac.mp3
    62. GHWB 19920501 Address to the Nation.mp3
    63. GHWB 19920519 Working Visit with Nursaltan Nazarbaev.mp3
    64. GHWB 19920525 Memorial Day Message.mp3
    65. GHWB 19920602 Interview on Service During World War II.mp3
    66. GHWB 19920604 50th Anniversary of World War II.mp3
    67. GHWB 19920604 Presidents News Conference.mp3
    68. GHWB 19920616 Pres Boris Yeltsin Strategic Arms Reductions.mp3
    69. GHWB 19920618 QA Session Employees Evergreen Oil Newark CA.mp3

    1. Volume 4 – 27 shows – total playtime 22 hours, 51 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 4: $5.00
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    2. GHWB 19920728 Presidential Lecture Series, Harry S Truman.mp3
    3. GHWB 19920811 PM Yitzhak Rabin Israel In Kennebunkport.mp3
    4. GHWB 19920820 Acceptance Speech.mp3
    5. GHWB 19921011 First Presidential Debate.mp3
    6. GHWB 19921015 Second Presidential Debate.mp3
    7. GHWB 19921019 Third Presidential Debate.mp3
    8. GHWB 19921030 Call from George Stephanopoulos.mp3
    9. GHWB 19921103 Concession Speech.mp3
    10. GHWB 19921124 Pardoning of the Thanksgiving Turkey.mp3
    11. GHWB 19921130 Houston On Results Presidential Election.mp3
    12. GHWB 19921204 Address to the Nation on Somalia.mp3
    13. GHWB 19921207 Impersonation of George Bush and Ross Perot.mp3
    14. GHWB 19921215 Address Faculty Students Texas A and M Univ.mp3
    15. GHWB 19930105 US Military Academy In West Poin NY.mp3
    16. GHWB 19930113 Presidential Medal Freedom Pres Ronald Reagan.mp3
    17. GHWB 19941103 Primetime Live Interview.mp3
    18. GHWB 19960524 American President.mp3
    19. GHWB 19971106 Dedication George Bush Presidential Library.mp3
    20. GHWB 19990612 Celebrates 75th Birthday.mp3
    21. GHWB 19991212 American Presidents Series, George Bush.mp3
    22. GHWB 20000000 Checking in with George and Barbara Bush.mp3
    23. GHWB 20011109 White House 200 Year Anniversary Dinner.mp3
    24. GHWB 20041118 William Clinton Presidential Library.mp3
    25. GHWB 20070601 Speaks of Bob Dole.mp3
    26. GHWB 20130425 Dedication George W Bush Presidential Center.mp3
    27. GHWB 20130715 5000th Daily Point of Light Award.mp3
    28. GHWB 20181205 State Funeral.mp3
  • MP3 downloads are available instantly after purchase!

    240 recordings on 4 MP3 Collection Downloads for just $20.00. Total playtime 94 hours, 1486 min
    240 recordings on 4 MP3 Collection Downloads for just $20.00
    2593 MB – total playtime 94 hours, 24 min
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    1. Volume 1 – 62 shows – 676 MB – total playtime 24 hours, 35 minutes
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      Volume 1: $5.00
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    2. GHWB 19711029 Dick Cavett Show.mp3
    3. GHWB 19711206 George Bush's Assignment.mp3
    4. GHWB 19711208 India - Pakistan War.mp3
    5. GHWB 19711231 New Years Greeting.mp3
    6. GHWB 19721129 RNC Chairmanship.mp3
    7. GHWB 19721211 RNC Chairmanship.mp3
    8. GHWB 19730223 Pretty Women.mp3
    9. GHWB 19730430 Watergate Speech.mp3
    10. GHWB 19740503 the Republican Party and Mr. Nixon.mp3
    11. GHWB 19760130 Swearing In as Director of the CIA.mp3
    12. GHWB 19760222 Meeting the Press Interview Part 1.mp3
    13. GHWB 19760222 Meeting the Press Interview Part 2.mp3
    14. GHWB 19760222 Meeting the Press Interview Part 3.mp3
    15. GHWB 19800113 60 Minutes Interview.mp3
    16. GHWB 19800423 Texas Primary Debate with Reagan.mp3
    17. GHWB 19800717 Acceptance Speech as Vice President RNC.mp3
    18. GHWB 19810413 Phone Call Space Shuttle Columbia Astronauts.mp3
    19. GHWB 19810527 US Naval Academy Commissioning.mp3
    20. GHWB 19810605 James Stockdale, White House Fellows.mp3
    21. GHWB 19810607 Bogie Buster Dinner.mp3
    22. GHWB 19821115 Statement Following Funeral of Leonid Brezhnev.mp3
    23. GHWB 19830207 Face the Nation Interview.mp3
    24. GHWB 19831026 Statement After Marine Barracks Bombing.mp3
    25. GHWB 19840214 Statement Following Funeral of Yuri Andropov.mp3
    26. GHWB 19840503 Ashland College Pep Rally.mp3
    27. GHWB 19840505 Texas A and M Commencement Speech.mp3
    28. GHWB 19840823 Acceptance Speech as Vice President RNC.mp3
    29. GHWB 19840902 40th Anniv Being Shot Down Over Chichi Jima.mp3
    30. GHWB 19841011 Vice Presidential Debate.mp3
    31. GHWB 19841104 Reagan Bush Rally, Chicago, IL.mp3
    32. GHWB 19850312 Funeral for Konstantin Chernenko.mp3
    33. GHWB 19850313 Press Avail After Konstantin Chernenko Funeral.mp3
    34. GHWB 19850612 61st Birthday Celebration with Ronald Reagan.mp3
    35. GHWB 19850719 Annc First Teacher on Space Shuttle.mp3
    36. GHWB 19850909 Landon Lecture.mp3
    37. GHWB 19860128 Space Shuttle Challenger Disaster.mp3
    38. GHWB 19871028 B.Dole J.Kemp Firing Line GOP Pres Cand.mp3
    39. GHWB 19871028 the Republican Presidential Candidates.mp3
    40. GHWB 19880818 Acceptance Speech.mp3
    41. GHWB 19880925 First Presidential Debate.mp3
    42. GHWB 19881011 Second Presidential Debate.mp3
    43. GHWB 19881108 Victory Speech.mp3
    44. GHWB 19881109 Andrews Air Force Base With Dan Quayle.mp3
    45. GHWB 19881109 Geeting by Ronald Reagan.mp3
    46. GHWB 19881109 Introduction by Ronald Reagan.mp3
    47. GHWB 19890120 Inauguration.mp3
    48. GHWB 19890127 Presidents News Conference.mp3
    49. GHWB 19890131 USS Naval Shipyard Employees Norfolk VI.mp3
    50. GHWB 19890202 National Prayer Breakfast.mp3
    51. GHWB 19890206 Presidents News Conference.mp3
    52. GHWB 19890206 Swearing Samuel Skinner Sec of Transportation.mp3
    53. GHWB 19890209 Admin Goals Before Joint Session Congress.mp3
    54. GHWB 19890224 Remarks After the Funeral of Emperor Hirohito.mp3
    55. GHWB 19890227 Address to the Korean National Assmebly.mp3
    56. GHWB 19890306 Veterans of Foreign Wars.mp3
    57. GHWB 19890321 Swearing Ceremony Dick Cheney Sec of Defense.mp3
    58. GHWB 19890324 Ceremony Space Shuttle Discovery Astronauts.mp3
    59. GHWB 19890329 Showing Off Millie's New Puppies.mp3
    60. GHWB 19890405 Honoring the Teacher of the Year.mp3
    61. GHWB 19890407 Presidents News Conference.mp3
    62. GHWB 19890413 Union High School.mp3
    63. GHWB 19890417 Address to the Citizens of Hamtramck MI.mp3

    1. Volume 2 – 83 shows – 652 MB – total playtime 23 hours, 43 minutes
      Instant Download
      Volume 2: $5.00
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    2. GHWB 19890418 Natl Conf Bldg Construction Trades Dept AFLCIO.mp3
    3. GHWB 19890424 Memorial Ceremony Sailors of the USS Iowa.mp3
    4. GHWB 19890425 Law Enforcement Officers, Rancho Del Rio.mp3
    5. GHWB 19890426 Address to the Texas State Legislature.mp3
    6. GHWB 19890426 Visit With Ronald Reagan.mp3
    7. GHWB 19890509 Elections in Panama.mp3
    8. GHWB 19890512 Texas A and M Commencement Speech.mp3
    9. GHWB 19890605 Presidents News Conference.mp3
    10. GHWB 19890608 Press Conference.mp3
    11. GHWB 19890612 Proposed Legislation Amend Clean Air Act.mp3
    12. GHWB 19890613 Students Sci School Grand Teton Natl Park.mp3
    13. GHWB 19890621 NBA Champion Detroit Pistons.mp3
    14. GHWB 19890627 Flag Burning.mp3
    15. GHWB 19890630 White House Crmny 25th Anniv Civil Rights Act.mp3
    16. GHWB 19890706 Journalists From Economic Summit Countries.mp3
    17. GHWB 19890711 Economic Summit.mp3
    18. GHWB 19890717 Residents Leiden, Netherlands.mp3
    19. GHWB 19890905 National Drug Policy.mp3
    20. GHWB 19890911 Vocational Education Award Ceremony.mp3
    21. GHWB 19890928 Univ Virginia Convocation In Charlottesville.mp3
    22. GHWB 19891105 Bicentennial Convocation Philips Andover Acad.mp3
    23. GHWB 19891107 Presidents News Conference.mp3
    24. GHWB 19891109 Press Statement and Q and A on the Berlin Wall.mp3
    25. GHWB 19891117 Minimum Wage Bill.mp3
    26. GHWB 19891117 National Medal of the Arts Ceremony.mp3
    27. GHWB 19891117 Pardoning of the Thanksgiving Turkey.mp3
    28. GHWB 19891128 Upcoming Malta Summit.mp3
    29. GHWB 19891203 News Conference with Mikial Gorbachev.mp3
    30. GHWB 19891204 Trip to Malta.mp3
    31. GHWB 19891211 Remarks And QA Session With Newspaper Editors.mp3
    32. GHWB 19891220 Address Ntn Regarding Military Action Panama.mp3
    33. GHWB 19891220 Operation Just Cause.mp3
    34. GHWB 19891221 Chanukah Celebration.mp3
    35. GHWB 19891222 Visit to the National Institute of Health.mp3
    36. GHWB 19900103 Capture of Manuel Noriega.mp3
    37. GHWB 19900103 Earth Day Proclamation.mp3
    38. GHWB 19900107 Pre-Interview Presidential Lecture Series.mp3
    39. GHWB 19900107 Presidential Lecture Series, Abraham Lincoln.mp3
    40. GHWB 19900109 Proclamation for MLK Federal Holiday.mp3
    41. GHWB 19900124 Presidents News Conference.mp3
    42. GHWB 19900131 Address Joint Session Congress On State Union.mp3
    43. GHWB 19900201 National Prayer Breakfast.mp3
    44. GHWB 19900205 Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Control.mp3
    45. GHWB 19900212 Presidents News Conference.mp3
    46. GHWB 19900215 Following Drug Summit In Cartagena, Colombia.mp3
    47. GHWB 19900227 Welcomes Super Bowl Champions SF 49ers.mp3
    48. GHWB 19900308 National Transportation Policy Meeting.mp3
    49. GHWB 19900313 Presidents News Conference.mp3
    50. GHWB 19900329 Coalition on AIDS.mp3
    51. GHWB 19900419 Pres Francois Mitterrand France Key Largo FL.mp3
    52. GHWB 19900428 White House Correspondence Dinner.mp3
    53. GHWB 19900507 Asian American Month.mp3
    54. GHWB 19900531 Summit with Mikial Gorbachev.mp3
    55. GHWB 19900601 Summit with Mikial Gorbachev.mp3
    56. GHWB 19900605 One Millionth Participant Montagomery GI Bill.mp3
    57. GHWB 19900608 News Conference with Helmet Kohl.mp3
    58. GHWB 19900611 Drug Free Schools.mp3
    59. GHWB 19900620 News Conference Huntsville, Alabama.mp3
    60. GHWB 19900622 United States Attorneys.mp3
    61. GHWB 19900625 Statement With Nelson Mandela.mp3
    62. GHWB 19900630 President Mikhail Gorbachev Soviet Union.mp3
    63. GHWB 19900726 Signing Americans Disabilities Act into Law.mp3
    64. GHWB 19900803 Statement and Questions on Iraq and Kuwait.mp3
    65. GHWB 19900808 Nation Concerning Iraq's Invasion Kuwait.mp3
    66. GHWB 19900808 Presidents News Conference.mp3
    67. GHWB 19900809 Press Availability with Brian Mulroney.mp3
    68. GHWB 19900809 Press Conf on the Crisis in the Persian Gulf.mp3
    69. GHWB 19900814 Press Conf on the Crisis in the Persian Gulf.mp3
    70. GHWB 19900820 Annual Conf Veterans Foreign Wars Baltimore MD.mp3
    71. GHWB 19900911 Joint Session Persian Gulf Crisis Natl Deficit.mp3
    72. GHWB 19900912 Message to the People of Iraq.mp3
    73. GHWB 19901001 Address 45th Session UN General Assembly NY NY.mp3
    74. GHWB 19901002 Address on Budget.mp3
    75. GHWB 19901009 Presidents News Conference.mp3
    76. GHWB 19901015 Fundraiser for Clayton Williams.mp3
    77. GHWB 19901108 Press Conf on the Crisis in the Persian Gulf.mp3
    78. GHWB 19901113 Medal of Science and Technology Presentation.mp3
    79. GHWB 19901114 Pardoning of the Thanksgiving Turkey.mp3
    80. GHWB 19901115 Clean Air Act Amendment.mp3
    81. GHWB 19901122 Thanksgiving with the Troops.mp3
    82. GHWB 19901123 QA after Pres Mohmd Hosni Mubarak Cairo, Egypt.mp3
    83. GHWB 19901128 Signs the National Affordable Housing Act.mp3
    84. GHWB 19901130 Presidents News Conference.mp3

    1. Volume 3 – 68 shows – 638 MB – total playtime 23 hours, 14 minutes
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      Volume 3: $5.00
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    2. GHWB 19910109 Baker Aziz Meeting in Geneva Switzerland.mp3
    3. GHWB 19910112 Presidents News Conference.mp3
    4. GHWB 19910116 Address Nation Military Action Persian Gulf.mp3
    5. GHWB 19910118 News Conf Persian Gulf Conflict.mp3
    6. GHWB 19910123 Reserve Officers Association.mp3
    7. GHWB 19910125 Nom Edward R. Madigan Secretary Agriculture QA.mp3
    8. GHWB 19910129 Address Joint Sess Congress St Union Address.mp3
    9. GHWB 19910131 National Prayer Breakfast.mp3
    10. GHWB 19910215 American Association For Advancement Science.mp3
    11. GHWB 19910221 Deadline for Iraqi Withdrawal from Kuwait.mp3
    12. GHWB 19910223 Address to the Nation Start Ground War Iraq.mp3
    13. GHWB 19910226 Iraqi Withdrawal from Kuwait.mp3
    14. GHWB 19910227 Address to the Nation, End of the Gulf War.mp3
    15. GHWB 19910301 News Conf Persian Gulf Conflict.mp3
    16. GHWB 19910302 Armed Forces Radio Address End Gulf War.mp3
    17. GHWB 19910306 Announcing the end of the Gulf War.mp3
    18. GHWB 19910311 Announcement of the Crime Package.mp3
    19. GHWB 19910416 Assistance Iraqi Refugees News Conference.mp3
    20. GHWB 19910504 University of Michigan Commencement Speech.mp3
    21. GHWB 19910603 Presidential Lecture Series, Andrew Jackson.mp3
    22. GHWB 19910608 Gulf War Memorial Service.mp3
    23. GHWB 19910701 Presidents News Conference In Kennebunkport ME.mp3
    24. GHWB 19910701 Trip to Kennybunkport, ME.mp3
    25. GHWB 19910701 Walker's Point Nom Clarence Thomas Supreme Ct.mp3
    26. GHWB 19910709 National Medal of the Arts Ceremony.mp3
    27. GHWB 19910710 Press Conference.mp3
    28. GHWB 19910717 New Conference In London, United Kingdom.mp3
    29. GHWB 19910725 National Literacy Act.mp3
    30. GHWB 19910728 Press Availability Iraq the Coalition START.mp3
    31. GHWB 19910730 Moscow and Kiev Address.mp3
    32. GHWB 19910730 Toast at State Dinner.mp3
    33. GHWB 19910730 Tour of the Kremlin Grounds.mp3
    34. GHWB 19910730 Wreath Laying Ceremony.mp3
    35. GHWB 19910801 Arrival in Kiev.mp3
    36. GHWB 19910801 Remarks at the Supreme Soviet Building.mp3
    37. GHWB 19910801 Wreath Laying Ceremony.mp3
    38. GHWB 19910820 Kennebunkport ME Attempted Coup-Soviet Union.mp3
    39. GHWB 19910821 Kennebunkport ME Attempted Coup-Soviet Union.mp3
    40. GHWB 19910822 Exchange With Reporters in Kennebunkport ME.mp3
    41. GHWB 19910829 Prime Minister Major UK from Kennebunkport ME.mp3
    42. GHWB 19910912 Meeting with Surviving Buffalo Soldiers.mp3
    43. GHWB 19910923 Address 46 Session UN General Assembly NYC.mp3
    44. GHWB 19910927 Reducing US Soviet Nuclear Weapons.mp3
    45. GHWB 19911001 NBA Champion Chicago Bulls.mp3
    46. GHWB 19911004 Presidents News Conference.mp3
    47. GHWB 19911018 Swearing In Clarence Thomas Supreme Court.mp3
    48. GHWB 19911025 Presidents News Conference.mp3
    49. GHWB 19911103 Interview with David Ward.mp3
    50. GHWB 19911104 Dedication Ronald Reagan Presidential Library.mp3
    51. GHWB 19911118 Presidential Forum Luncheon.mp3
    52. GHWB 19911118 Presidential Medal of Freedom Presentation.mp3
    53. GHWB 19911125 Pardoning of the Thanksgiving Turkey.mp3
    54. GHWB 19911207 50th Anniversary of Pearl Harbor.mp3
    55. GHWB 19911219 Presidents News Conf Foreign Correspondents.mp3
    56. GHWB 19911225 End of the Cold War.mp3
    57. GHWB 19920123 Women's World Cup Soccer Championship.mp3
    58. GHWB 19920128 Address Joint Session Congress On State Union.mp3
    59. GHWB 19920130 National Prayer Breakfast.mp3
    60. GHWB 19920327 National Science Olympiad Medal Winning Teams.mp3
    61. GHWB 19920328 The Great Tarmac.mp3
    62. GHWB 19920501 Address to the Nation.mp3
    63. GHWB 19920519 Working Visit with Nursaltan Nazarbaev.mp3
    64. GHWB 19920525 Memorial Day Message.mp3
    65. GHWB 19920602 Interview on Service During World War II.mp3
    66. GHWB 19920604 50th Anniversary of World War II.mp3
    67. GHWB 19920604 Presidents News Conference.mp3
    68. GHWB 19920616 Pres Boris Yeltsin Strategic Arms Reductions.mp3
    69. GHWB 19920618 QA Session Employees Evergreen Oil Newark CA.mp3

    1. Volume 4 – 27 shows – 628 MB – total playtime 22 hours, 51 minutes
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      Volume 4: $5.00
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    2. GHWB 19920728 Presidential Lecture Series, Harry S Truman.mp3
    3. GHWB 19920811 PM Yitzhak Rabin Israel In Kennebunkport.mp3
    4. GHWB 19920820 Acceptance Speech.mp3
    5. GHWB 19921011 First Presidential Debate.mp3
    6. GHWB 19921015 Second Presidential Debate.mp3
    7. GHWB 19921019 Third Presidential Debate.mp3
    8. GHWB 19921030 Call from George Stephanopoulos.mp3
    9. GHWB 19921103 Concession Speech.mp3
    10. GHWB 19921124 Pardoning of the Thanksgiving Turkey.mp3
    11. GHWB 19921130 Houston On Results Presidential Election.mp3
    12. GHWB 19921204 Address to the Nation on Somalia.mp3
    13. GHWB 19921207 Impersonation of George Bush and Ross Perot.mp3
    14. GHWB 19921215 Address Faculty Students Texas A and M Univ.mp3
    15. GHWB 19930105 US Military Academy In West Poin NY.mp3
    16. GHWB 19930113 Presidential Medal Freedom Pres Ronald Reagan.mp3
    17. GHWB 19941103 Primetime Live Interview.mp3
    18. GHWB 19960524 American President.mp3
    19. GHWB 19971106 Dedication George Bush Presidential Library.mp3
    20. GHWB 19990612 Celebrates 75th Birthday.mp3
    21. GHWB 19991212 American Presidents Series, George Bush.mp3
    22. GHWB 20000000 Checking in with George and Barbara Bush.mp3
    23. GHWB 20011109 White House 200 Year Anniversary Dinner.mp3
    24. GHWB 20041118 William Clinton Presidential Library.mp3
    25. GHWB 20070601 Speaks of Bob Dole.mp3
    26. GHWB 20130425 Dedication George W Bush Presidential Center.mp3
    27. GHWB 20130715 5000th Daily Point of Light Award.mp3
    28. GHWB 20181205 State Funeral.mp3
  • Standard Audio CDs are delivered by mail on archival quality media with up to 60 minutes on each CD and play in all CD players

    240 recordings on 74 Audio CDs. Total playtime 68 hours, 2 min
    240 recordings on 74 Audio CDs
    total playtime 68 hours, 2 min

    George HW Bush Speeches Disc A001

    1. GHWB 19711029 Dick Cavett Show
    2. GHWB 19711206 George Bush's Assignment
    3. GHWB 19711208 India - Pakistan War
    4. GHWB 19711231 New Years Greeting
    5. GHWB 19721129 RNC Chairmanship
    6. GHWB 19721211 RNC Chairmanship
    7. GHWB 19730223 Pretty Women
    8. GHWB 19730430 Watergate Speech

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    George HW Bush Speeches Disc A002

    1. GHWB 19740503 the Republican Party and Mr. Nixon
    2. GHWB 19760130 Swearing In as Director of the CIA
    3. GHWB 19760222 Meeting the Press Interview Part 1

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    George HW Bush Speeches Disc A003

    1. GHWB 19760222 Meeting the Press Interview Part 2
    2. GHWB 19760222 Meeting the Press Interview Part 3
    3. GHWB 19800113 60 Minutes Interview

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    George HW Bush Speeches Disc A004

    1. GHWB 19800423 Texas Primary Debate with Reagan
    2. GHWB 19800717 Acceptance Speech as Vice President RNC

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    George HW Bush Speeches Disc A005

    1. GHWB 19810413 Phone Call Space Shuttle Columbia Astronauts
    2. GHWB 19810527 US Naval Academy Commissioning
    3. GHWB 19810605 James Stockdale, White House Fellows
    4. GHWB 19810607 Bogie Buster Dinner
    5. GHWB 19821115 Statement Following Funeral of Leonid Brezhnev

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    George HW Bush Speeches Disc A006

    1. GHWB 19830207 Face the Nation Interview
    2. GHWB 19831026 Statement After Marine Barracks Bombing
    3. GHWB 19840214 Statement Following Funeral of Yuri Andropov
    4. GHWB 19840503 Ashland College Pep Rally

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    George HW Bush Speeches Disc A007

    1. GHWB 19840505 Texas A and M Commencement Speech
    2. GHWB 19840823 Acceptance Speech as Vice President RNC
    3. GHWB 19840902 40th Anniv Being Shot Down Over Chichi Jima

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    George HW Bush Speeches Disc A008

    1. GHWB 19841104 Reagan Bush Rally, Chicago, IL
    2. GHWB 19850312 Funeral for Konstantin Chernenko
    3. GHWB 19850313 Press Avail After Konstantin Chernenko Funeral
    4. GHWB 19850612 61st Birthday Celebration with Ronald Reagan
    5. GHWB 19850719 Annc First Teacher on Space Shuttle

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    George HW Bush Speeches Disc A009

    1. GHWB 19850909 Landon Lecture
    2. GHWB 19860128 Space Shuttle Challenger Disaster

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    George HW Bush Speeches Disc A010

    1. GHWB 19880818 Acceptance Speech

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    George HW Bush Speeches Disc A011

    1. GHWB 19881108 Victory Speech
    2. GHWB 19881109 Andrews Air Force Base With Dan Quayle
    3. GHWB 19881109 Geeting by Ronald Reagan
    4. GHWB 19881109 Introduction by Ronald Reagan

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    George HW Bush Speeches Disc A012

    1. GHWB 19890120 Inauguration

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    George HW Bush Speeches Disc A013

    1. GHWB 19890127 Presidents News Conference
    2. GHWB 19890131 USS Naval Shipyard Employees Norfolk VI
    3. GHWB 19890202 National Prayer Breakfast

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    George HW Bush Speeches Disc A014

    1. GHWB 19890206 Presidents News Conference
    2. GHWB 19890206 Swearing Samuel Skinner Sec of Transportation

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    George HW Bush Speeches Disc A015

    1. GHWB 19890209 Admin Goals Before Joint Session Congress
    2. GHWB 19890224 Remarks After the Funeral of Emperor Hirohito

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    George HW Bush Speeches Disc A016

    1. GHWB 19890227 Address to the Korean National Assmebly
    2. GHWB 19890306 Veterans of Foreign Wars

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    George HW Bush Speeches Disc A017

    1. GHWB 19890321 Swearing Ceremony Dick Cheney Sec of Defense
    2. GHWB 19890324 Ceremony Space Shuttle Discovery Astronauts
    3. GHWB 19890329 Showing Off Millie's New Puppies
    4. GHWB 19890405 Honoring the Teacher of the Year

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    George HW Bush Speeches Disc A018

    1. GHWB 19890407 Presidents News Conference
    2. GHWB 19890413 Union High School

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    George HW Bush Speeches Disc A019

    1. GHWB 19890417 Address to the Citizens of Hamtramck MI
    2. GHWB 19890418 Natl Conf Bldg Construction Trades Dept AFLCIO
    3. GHWB 19890424 Memorial Ceremony Sailors of the USS Iowa
    4. GHWB 19890425 Law Enforcement Officers, Rancho Del Rio

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    George HW Bush Speeches Disc A020

    1. GHWB 19890426 Address to the Texas State Legislature
    2. GHWB 19890426 Visit With Ronald Reagan
    3. GHWB 19890509 Elections in Panama
    4. GHWB 19890512 Texas A and M Commencement Speech

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    George HW Bush Speeches Disc A021

    1. GHWB 19890605 Presidents News Conference
    2. GHWB 19890608 Press Conference
    3. GHWB 19890612 Proposed Legislation Amend Clean Air Act

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    George HW Bush Speeches Disc A022

    1. GHWB 19890613 Students Sci School Grand Teton Natl Park
    2. GHWB 19890621 NBA Champion Detroit Pistons

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    George HW Bush Speeches Disc A023

    1. GHWB 19890627 Flag Burning
    2. GHWB 19890630 White House Crmny 25th Anniv Civil Rights Act

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    George HW Bush Speeches Disc A024

    1. GHWB 19890706 Journalists From Economic Summit Countries
    2. GHWB 19890711 Economic Summit
    3. GHWB 19890717 Residents Leiden, Netherlands

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    George HW Bush Speeches Disc A025

    1. GHWB 19890905 National Drug Policy
    2. GHWB 19890911 Vocational Education Award Ceremony
    3. GHWB 19890928 Univ Virginia Convocation In Charlottesville
    4. GHWB 19891105 Bicentennial Convocation Philips Andover Acad

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    George HW Bush Speeches Disc A026

    1. GHWB 19891107 Presidents News Conference
    2. GHWB 19891109 Press Statement and Q and A on the Berlin Wall
    3. GHWB 19891117 Minimum Wage Bill
    4. GHWB 19891117 National Medal of the Arts Ceremony
    5. GHWB 19891117 Pardoning of the Thanksgiving Turkey

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    George HW Bush Speeches Disc A027

    1. GHWB 19891128 Upcoming Malta Summit
    2. GHWB 19891203 News Conference with Mikial Gorbachev
    3. GHWB 19891204 Trip to Malta

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    George HW Bush Speeches Disc A028

    1. GHWB 19891211 Remarks And QA Session With Newspaper Editors
    2. GHWB 19891220 Address Ntn Regarding Military Action Panama
    3. GHWB 19891220 Operation Just Cause
    4. GHWB 19891221 Chanukah Celebration

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    George HW Bush Speeches Disc A029

    1. GHWB 19891222 Visit to the National Institute of Health
    2. GHWB 19900103 Capture of Manuel Noriega
    3. GHWB 19900103 Earth Day Proclamation
    4. GHWB 19900107 Pre-Interview Presidential Lecture Series

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    George HW Bush Speeches Disc A030

    1. GHWB 19900107 Presidential Lecture Series, Abraham Lincoln
    2. GHWB 19900109 Proclamation for MLK Federal Holiday

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    George HW Bush Speeches Disc A031

    1. GHWB 19900124 Presidents News Conference

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    George HW Bush Speeches Disc A032

    1. GHWB 19900131 Address Joint Session Congress On State Union
    2. GHWB 19900201 National Prayer Breakfast

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    George HW Bush Speeches Disc A033

    1. GHWB 19900205 Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Control
    2. GHWB 19900212 Presidents News Conference
    3. GHWB 19900215 Following Drug Summit In Cartagena, Colombia

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    George HW Bush Speeches Disc A034

    1. GHWB 19900227 Welcomes Super Bowl Champions SF 49ers
    2. GHWB 19900308 National Transportation Policy Meeting
    3. GHWB 19900313 Presidents News Conference
    4. GHWB 19900329 Coalition on AIDS
    5. GHWB 19900419 Pres Francois Mitterrand France Key Largo FL

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    George HW Bush Speeches Disc A035

    1. GHWB 19900428 White House Correspondence Dinner
    2. GHWB 19900507 Asian American Month
    3. GHWB 19900531 Summit with Mikial Gorbachev
    4. GHWB 19900601 Summit with Mikial Gorbachev

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    George HW Bush Speeches Disc A036

    1. GHWB 19900605 One Millionth Participant Montagomery GI Bill
    2. GHWB 19900608 News Conference with Helmet Kohl
    3. GHWB 19900611 Drug Free Schools
    4. GHWB 19900620 News Conference Huntsville, Alabama
    5. GHWB 19900622 United States Attorneys

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    George HW Bush Speeches Disc A037

    1. GHWB 19900625 Statement With Nelson Mandela
    2. GHWB 19900630 President Mikhail Gorbachev Soviet Union
    3. GHWB 19900726 Signing Americans Disabilities Act into Law
    4. GHWB 19900803 Statement and Questions on Iraq and Kuwait
    5. GHWB 19900808 Nation Concerning Iraq's Invasion Kuwait

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    George HW Bush Speeches Disc A038

    1. GHWB 19900808 Presidents News Conference
    2. GHWB 19900809 Press Availability with Brian Mulroney
    3. GHWB 19900809 Press Conf on the Crisis in the Persian Gulf

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    George HW Bush Speeches Disc A039

    1. GHWB 19900814 Press Conf on the Crisis in the Persian Gulf
    2. GHWB 19900820 Annual Conf Veterans Foreign Wars Baltimore MD

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    George HW Bush Speeches Disc A040

    1. GHWB 19900911 Joint Session Persian Gulf Crisis Natl Deficit
    2. GHWB 19900912 Message to the People of Iraq
    3. GHWB 19901001 Address 45th Session UN General Assembly NY NY

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    George HW Bush Speeches Disc A041

    1. GHWB 19901002 Address on Budget
    2. GHWB 19901009 Presidents News Conference
    3. GHWB 19901015 Fundraiser for Clayton Williams
    4. GHWB 19901108 Press Conf on the Crisis in the Persian Gulf

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    George HW Bush Speeches Disc A042

    1. GHWB 19901113 Medal of Science and Technology Presentation
    2. GHWB 19901114 Pardoning of the Thanksgiving Turkey
    3. GHWB 19901115 Clean Air Act Amendment

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    George HW Bush Speeches Disc A043

    1. GHWB 19901122 Thanksgiving with the Troops
    2. GHWB 19901123 QA after Pres Mohmd Hosni Mubarak Cairo, Egypt
    3. GHWB 19901128 Signs the National Affordable Housing Act

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    George HW Bush Speeches Disc A044

    1. GHWB 19901130 Presidents News Conference
    2. GHWB 19910109 Baker Aziz Meeting in Geneva Switzerland

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    George HW Bush Speeches Disc A045

    1. GHWB 19910112 Presidents News Conference
    2. GHWB 19910116 Address Nation Military Action Persian Gulf
    3. GHWB 19910118 News Conf Persian Gulf Conflict
    4. GHWB 19910123 Reserve Officers Association
    5. GHWB 19910125 Nom Edward R. Madigan Secretary Agriculture QA

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    George HW Bush Speeches Disc A046

    1. GHWB 19910129 Address Joint Sess Congress St Union Address

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    George HW Bush Speeches Disc A047

    1. GHWB 19910131 National Prayer Breakfast
    2. GHWB 19910215 American Association For Advancement Science
    3. GHWB 19910221 Deadline for Iraqi Withdrawal from Kuwait
    4. GHWB 19910223 Address to the Nation Start Ground War Iraq
    5. GHWB 19910226 Iraqi Withdrawal from Kuwait
    6. GHWB 19910227 Address to the Nation, End of the Gulf War
    7. GHWB 19910301 News Conf Persian Gulf Conflict
    8. GHWB 19910302 Armed Forces Radio Address End Gulf War

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    George HW Bush Speeches Disc A048

    1. GHWB 19910306 Announcing the end of the Gulf War
    2. GHWB 19910311 Announcement of the Crime Package

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    George HW Bush Speeches Disc A049

    1. GHWB 19910416 Assistance Iraqi Refugees News Conference
    2. GHWB 19910504 University of Michigan Commencement Speech

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    George HW Bush Speeches Disc A050

    1. GHWB 19910603 Presidential Lecture Series, Andrew Jackson

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    George HW Bush Speeches Disc A051

    1. GHWB 19910608 Gulf War Memorial Service
    2. GHWB 19910701 Presidents News Conference In Kennebunkport ME
    3. GHWB 19910701 Trip to Kennybunkport, ME

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    George HW Bush Speeches Disc A052

    1. GHWB 19910701 Walker's Point Nom Clarence Thomas Supreme Ct
    2. GHWB 19910709 National Medal of the Arts Ceremony

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    George HW Bush Speeches Disc A053

    1. GHWB 19910710 Press Conference
    2. GHWB 19910717 New Conference In London, United Kingdom
    3. GHWB 19910725 National Literacy Act
    4. GHWB 19910728 Press Availability Iraq the Coalition START

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    George HW Bush Speeches Disc A054

    1. GHWB 19910730 Moscow and Kiev Address
    2. GHWB 19910730 Toast at State Dinner
    3. GHWB 19910730 Tour of the Kremlin Grounds

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    George HW Bush Speeches Disc A055

    1. GHWB 19910730 Wreath Laying Ceremony
    2. GHWB 19910801 Arrival in Kiev

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    George HW Bush Speeches Disc A056

    1. GHWB 19910801 Remarks at the Supreme Soviet Building
    2. GHWB 19910801 Wreath Laying Ceremony

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    George HW Bush Speeches Disc A057

    1. GHWB 19910820 Kennebunkport ME Attempted Coup-Soviet Union
    2. GHWB 19910821 Kennebunkport ME Attempted Coup-Soviet Union

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    George HW Bush Speeches Disc A058

    1. GHWB 19910822 Exchange With Reporters in Kennebunkport ME
    2. GHWB 19910829 Prime Minister Major UK from Kennebunkport ME
    3. GHWB 19910912 Meeting with Surviving Buffalo Soldiers

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    George HW Bush Speeches Disc A059

    1. GHWB 19910923 Address 46 Session UN General Assembly NYC
    2. GHWB 19910927 Reducing US Soviet Nuclear Weapons
    3. GHWB 19911001 NBA Champion Chicago Bulls

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    George HW Bush Speeches Disc A060

    1. GHWB 19911004 Presidents News Conference
    2. GHWB 19911018 Swearing In Clarence Thomas Supreme Court

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    George HW Bush Speeches Disc A061

    1. GHWB 19911025 Presidents News Conference
    2. GHWB 19911103 Interview with David Ward
    3. GHWB 19911118 Presidential Forum Luncheon

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    George HW Bush Speeches Disc A062

    1. GHWB 19911118 Presidential Medal of Freedom Presentation
    2. GHWB 19911125 Pardoning of the Thanksgiving Turkey
    3. GHWB 19911207 50th Anniversary of Pearl Harbor

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    George HW Bush Speeches Disc A063

    1. GHWB 19911219 Presidents News Conf Foreign Correspondents
    2. GHWB 19911225 End of the Cold War
    3. GHWB 19920123 Women's World Cup Soccer Championship

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    George HW Bush Speeches Disc A064

    1. GHWB 19920128 Address Joint Session Congress On State Union
    2. GHWB 19920130 National Prayer Breakfast

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    George HW Bush Speeches Disc A065

    1. GHWB 19920327 National Science Olympiad Medal Winning Teams
    2. GHWB 19920328 The Great Tarmac
    3. GHWB 19920501 Address to the Nation
    4. GHWB 19920519 Working Visit with Nursaltan Nazarbaev
    5. GHWB 19920525 Memorial Day Message

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    George HW Bush Speeches Disc A066

    1. GHWB 19920602 Interview on Service During World War II
    2. GHWB 19920604 50th Anniversary of World War II
    3. GHWB 19920604 Presidents News Conference

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    George HW Bush Speeches Disc A067

    1. GHWB 19920616 Pres Boris Yeltsin Strategic Arms Reductions
    2. GHWB 19920618 QA Session Employees Evergreen Oil Newark CA

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    George HW Bush Speeches Disc A068

    1. GHWB 19920728 Presidential Lecture Series, Harry S Truman

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    George HW Bush Speeches Disc A069

    1. GHWB 19920811 PM Yitzhak Rabin Israel In Kennebunkport

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    George HW Bush Speeches Disc A070

    1. GHWB 19920820 Acceptance Speech

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    George HW Bush Speeches Disc A071

    1. GHWB 19921030 Call from George Stephanopoulos
    2. GHWB 19921103 Concession Speech
    3. GHWB 19921124 Pardoning of the Thanksgiving Turkey
    4. GHWB 19921130 Houston On Results Presidential Election
    5. GHWB 19921204 Address to the Nation on Somalia
    6. GHWB 19921207 Impersonation of George Bush and Ross Perot
    7. GHWB 19921215 Address Faculty Students Texas A and M Univ

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    George HW Bush Speeches Disc A072

    1. GHWB 19930105 US Military Academy In West Poin NY
    2. GHWB 19930113 Presidential Medal Freedom Pres Ronald Reagan
    3. GHWB 19941103 Primetime Live Interview

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    George HW Bush Speeches Disc A073

    1. GHWB 19960524 American President
    2. GHWB 19990612 Celebrates 75th Birthday

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    George HW Bush Speeches Disc A074

    1. GHWB 20130715 5000th Daily Point of Light Award
    2. GHWB 20000000 Checking in with George and Barbara Bush
    3. GHWB 20070601 Speaks of Bob Dole

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