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80 Years Ago today in Radio History: As the Japanese ships sailed north through the Surigao Strait on this date, October 25, 1942, they were overwhelmed by torpedo attacks from U.S. PT boats and destroyers, which sank the battleship Fuso and two Japanese destroyers.

Naval Battles in Old Time Radio

Combat at Sea comes with very high stakes, those who volunteer to engage in it for their Country are heroes of the highest order.

Naval Battles

43 old time radio show recordings
(total playtime 23 hours, 2787 min)
available in the following formats:

1 MP3 CD
23 Audio CDs

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Text on OTRCAT.com ©2001-2024 OTRCAT INC All Rights Reserved. Reproduction is prohibited.

Naval BattlesAnyone who has spent time in a Navy town knows that there are several forms of untruth. There are Lies. There are Damn Lies. And, there are Sea Stories.

Another important lesson we learn from Sailors is that just because something is fictional does not mean it is not the truth. Sailors, particularly Military Sailors, are a superstitious lot, with good reason. Death can reach out and snatch them easily enough in the dangerous shipboard environment, the knowledge that an enemy is out there who means them harm would drive anyone to distraction.

Another striking difference between Land Warfare and Battle at Sea is the role of the individual. Success in combat requires a team effort (which is why Americans are so good at it). In land warfare, the entire unit must be focused on winning the objectives. There are bound to be casualties on both sides, but there will also be survivors. At sea, the entire enterprise depends upon the decisions of a single individual, the Captain of the ship. In battle, the Captain does not steer the ship, set the sails, operate the engines, or aim or shoot the guns, but it is his decisions, and his alone which affect the outcome of the Battle. What's more, the lives of his entire crew, and not just those pulling the triggers but everyone from the topmast to the bilge of the engine room, depend upon his decisions and leadership.

  • WashingtonBattle Stations, August 1943, NBC. In the days of sail, it was the trill of the Bos'n's pipe, since the time of electricity, crews have listened for the klaxon call over the loudspeakers for "General Quarters! All hands man your Battle Stations!" Every man on the ship has a place he is supposed to be going into battle. This program's four episodes are an unabashed attempt at Navy propaganda in the midst of the Second World War, but the stories are a compelling snapshot of history.
  • The Cavalcade of America, "Red Lanterns On St. Michael's", August 11, 1941, the Red Network. The United States Submarine Force was an incredibly effective element prosecuting the Second World War, but the first successful submarine combat action took place during the Civil War blockade of Charleston Bay. The CSS Hunley depended upon the muscles of its crew for propulsion who only had the air in their cabin for the mission. If the scheme sounds foolhardy, the entire crew was lost although its target, the USS Housatonic, was sunk.
  • The Cavalcade of America, "Navy Doctor", December 6, 1943, NBC. Brian Donlevy stars as Dr. Flowers, the ship's surgeon aboard the USS Astoria, a heavy cruiser attacked and sunk by the Japanese off Tulagi.
  • SubmarineThe Cavalcade of America, "The Silent Service", June 12, 1951, NBC. Dick Powell stars as LCDR Roy Benson, skipper of the USS Trigger. As the sub's second skipper, he was considered a "jinx", mostly because the torpedoes issued to the Force had faulty magnetic exploders. Benson turns the crew around even though Trigger is assigned minelaying duty, just miles off Tokyo Bay!
  • The Cavalcade of America, "The Ship the Nazis Had to Get", October 16, 1951, NBC. Ray Milland stars as the skipper of the SS Seatrain Texas hauling a cargo of tanks to Africa to help the British defend against Rommel's Africa Korps. The Seatrain Texas must sail without convoy escort, around the Cape of Good Hope, while Rommel is being resupplied across the Mediterranean.
  • Escape, "Up Periscope!" August 8, 1951, CBS. Just after his first War Patrol on S-51, Lt Baker is relieved of his command for being deaf in one ear. While drowning his sorrow, a mysterious Chinaman makes a unique offer, take command of a broken-down Chinese sub at the mouth of the Yangtze River and sink as many Japanese ships as he can.
  • Escape, "Pressure", March 22, 1953, CBS. A Japanese Destroyer in the South China Sea has the USS Amberfish trapped four hundred feet below the surface, and the crippled sub is beginning to fill with poisonous chlorine gas from the batteries. Will the captain and crew make the right decisions and escape, or are they doomed to succumb to pressure?
  • Escape, "Clear For Action", June 14, 1953. A French Sloop of War is preying on American Merchantmen in the Caribbean, but Captain Steele and the USS Panther cannot afford to fire first without starting a war with the French or the English.
  • Lux Radio Theatre, "Destroyer (1943, Columbia Pictures)", April 3, 1944, CBS. Edward G. Robinson stars as a retired Chief Bosun's Mate who forces his way aboard the newly commissioned USS John Paul Jones in this story of the New Navy meets the Old Navy and the discovery that they need each other.
  • Lux Radio Theatre, "Captain Horatio Hornblower (1951, Warner Bros.)", January 21, 1952. Gregory Peck stars as C.S. Forester's literary Captain whose ship is given a secret mission to the Caribbean during the Napoleonic War.
  • Lux Radio Theatre, "Submarine Command (1951, Paramount)", November 17, 1952. William Holden stars as the XO of the USS Tiger Shark on its last War Patrol. The sub is on the surface when it is attacked, and they are forced to submerge before the Captain can get below. The ship winds up in mothballs and needs to be brought into service for Korea.
  • Lux Radio Theatre, "The African Queen (1951, Horizon Pictures), December 15, 1952. Greer Garson plays Rose Sayer but Bogey reprises the role which won the Oscar for Best Actor.
  • Man Behind the GunThe Man Behind the Gun, October 1942 to March 1944, three-time winner of Billboard Magazine's "Top Documentary" award. The stories are all "based on fact", which is to say actual action during WWII, but the names and characters were "wholly fictitious". This device allowed the writers and producers to present the Allied Sailors and Marines (as well as Soldiers and Airmen) in the most heroic light. Naval actions profiled include the USS Boise in the Battle of the Coral Sea, patrols by PT Boat skippers in the South Pacific, and a profile of a depth charge attack from the point of view of the submarine's Pharmacist's Mate ("Doc" to his crew).
  • "Now Hear This", June through November 1951, NBC for Navy Recruiting. The shows are narrated by "Boats", a gruff old Petty Officer whose tattooed forearms are thicker than mooring hawsers and drinks countless cups coffee so black and thick a spoon would stand in the middle of the cup. Stories include crews dealing with shipboard fires, shore bombardment missions in Korea, Patrol planes flying through storms, Marine Landings, submarine patrols, Underwater  Demolition Team (predecessors to the Navy SEALs) actions, destroyer patrols off the Aleutians, PT Boat action in the South Pacific, the Seabees building and defending what they build, and the USS Philadelphia being reported sunk 38 times.
  • Suspense, October 22, 1951, "The Log of the Marne". Based on a true incident. A British Naval vessel is under attack by Communists during the Chinese Civil War.

For additional information about Naval Warfare and the inspiration of this compilation, see Tim Deforest's Article "Naval Warfare in Old Time Radio." For more boating tales in Old Time Radio, see also:  Ships, Yachts and Boats, Cruise of the Poll Parrot, Men at Sea, Racing BoatsSubmarines, Battle Stations, Titanic, Naval Battles in OTREscape: Ocean Tales, and Spooky Tales of the Sea.

Text on OTRCAT.com ©2001-2024 OTRCAT INC All Rights Reserved. Reproduction is prohibited.

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  • MP3 CDs are delivered by mail. These archival quality MP3 CDs are playable in your computer and many MP3 player devices.

    43 recordings on 1 MP3 CD for just $5.00. Total playtime 23 hours, 2787 min
    43 recordings on 1 MP3 CD for just $5.00
    total playtime 23 hours, 2787 min
    Add MP3 CD Collection to Cart

    1. 43 shows – total playtime 23 hours, 46 minutes
    2. Battle Stations 430805 01the Battle Of Atlantic.mp3
    3. Battle Stations 430812 02 Eastern Sea Frontier.mp3
    4. Battle Stations 430819 03 Navys Air Arm.mp3
    5. Battle Stations 430825 04 Air Arm Of Ww 1.mp3
    6. Calv 410811 239 Red Lanterns On St Michaels.mp3
    7. Calv 431206 360 Navy Doctor.mp3
    8. Calv 510612 704 Silent Service 4844.mp3
    9. Calv 511016 714 Ship Nazis Had To Get.mp3
    10. Escape 510808 148 Up Periscope.mp3
    11. Escape 530322 188 Pressure.mp3
    12. Escape 530614 187 Clear For Action.mp3
    13. Lux 440403 Destroyer Edward G. Robinson Dennis Okeefe.mp3
    14. Lux 520121 774 Captain Horatio Hornblower.mp3
    15. Lux 521117 803 Submarine Command.mp3
    16. Lux 521215 African Queen Humphrey Bogart Greer Garson.mp3
    17. Man Behind Gun 430321 Uss Boise Pt. 1.mp3
    18. Man Behind Gun 430328 26 Uss Boise Pt2 10 Percent Not Enough.mp3
    19. Man Behind Gun 440212 Pt Name Prep Joe.mp3
    20. Man Behind Gun 440219 Incident In Pacific.mp3
    21. Nht 510624 01 Fire At Sea.mp3
    22. Nht 510701 02 Unification Plan.mp3
    23. Nht 510708 03 Operation Submarine.mp3
    24. Nht 510715 04 Hawaiian Rescue.mp3
    25. Nht 510722 05 Marine Landing.mp3
    26. Nht 510729 06 Underwater Demolition Team.mp3
    27. Nht 510805 07 Aleutian Islands.mp3
    28. Nht 510812 08 Pt Boats.mp3
    29. Nht 510819 09 Fog Bound.mp3
    30. Nht 510826 10 Seabees In Action.mp3
    31. Nht 510902 11 Uss Philadelphia.mp3
    32. Nht 510909 12 Ten Day Leave.mp3
    33. Nht 510916 13 What Makes Hero.mp3
    34. Nht 510923 14 No Blood For Battle.mp3
    35. Nht 510930 15 Retreads.mp3
    36. Nht 511007 16 Lady.mp3
    37. Nht 511014 17 Emperors Bathtub.mp3
    38. Nht 511021 18 Right Cross.mp3
    39. Nht 511028 19 No More Tomorrow.mp3
    40. Nht 511104 20 Too Long Remembered.mp3
    41. Raymond Gram Swing 410509 Monitor And Merrimac.mp3
    42. Suspense 511022 444 Log Of Marne.mp3
    43. You Are There 470811 05 Drake Defeats Spanish Armada.mp3
    44. You Are There 481226 56 Monitor And Merrimac.mp3
  • MP3 downloads are available instantly after purchase!

    43 recordings on 1 MP3 Collection Download for just $5.00. Total playtime 23 hours, 2787 min
    43 recordings on 1 MP3 Collection Download for just $5.00
    612 MB – total playtime 23 hours, 46 min
    Add Instant Download Collection to Cart

    1. 43 shows – 612 MB – total playtime 23 hours, 46 minutes
    2. Battle Stations 430805 01the Battle Of Atlantic.mp3
    3. Battle Stations 430812 02 Eastern Sea Frontier.mp3
    4. Battle Stations 430819 03 Navys Air Arm.mp3
    5. Battle Stations 430825 04 Air Arm Of Ww 1.mp3
    6. Calv 410811 239 Red Lanterns On St Michaels.mp3
    7. Calv 431206 360 Navy Doctor.mp3
    8. Calv 510612 704 Silent Service 4844.mp3
    9. Calv 511016 714 Ship Nazis Had To Get.mp3
    10. Escape 510808 148 Up Periscope.mp3
    11. Escape 530322 188 Pressure.mp3
    12. Escape 530614 187 Clear For Action.mp3
    13. Lux 440403 Destroyer Edward G. Robinson Dennis Okeefe.mp3
    14. Lux 520121 774 Captain Horatio Hornblower.mp3
    15. Lux 521117 803 Submarine Command.mp3
    16. Lux 521215 African Queen Humphrey Bogart Greer Garson.mp3
    17. Man Behind Gun 430321 Uss Boise Pt. 1.mp3
    18. Man Behind Gun 430328 26 Uss Boise Pt2 10 Percent Not Enough.mp3
    19. Man Behind Gun 440212 Pt Name Prep Joe.mp3
    20. Man Behind Gun 440219 Incident In Pacific.mp3
    21. Nht 510624 01 Fire At Sea.mp3
    22. Nht 510701 02 Unification Plan.mp3
    23. Nht 510708 03 Operation Submarine.mp3
    24. Nht 510715 04 Hawaiian Rescue.mp3
    25. Nht 510722 05 Marine Landing.mp3
    26. Nht 510729 06 Underwater Demolition Team.mp3
    27. Nht 510805 07 Aleutian Islands.mp3
    28. Nht 510812 08 Pt Boats.mp3
    29. Nht 510819 09 Fog Bound.mp3
    30. Nht 510826 10 Seabees In Action.mp3
    31. Nht 510902 11 Uss Philadelphia.mp3
    32. Nht 510909 12 Ten Day Leave.mp3
    33. Nht 510916 13 What Makes Hero.mp3
    34. Nht 510923 14 No Blood For Battle.mp3
    35. Nht 510930 15 Retreads.mp3
    36. Nht 511007 16 Lady.mp3
    37. Nht 511014 17 Emperors Bathtub.mp3
    38. Nht 511021 18 Right Cross.mp3
    39. Nht 511028 19 No More Tomorrow.mp3
    40. Nht 511104 20 Too Long Remembered.mp3
    41. Raymond Gram Swing 410509 Monitor And Merrimac.mp3
    42. Suspense 511022 444 Log Of Marne.mp3
    43. You Are There 470811 05 Drake Defeats Spanish Armada.mp3
    44. You Are There 481226 56 Monitor And Merrimac.mp3
  • Standard Audio CDs are delivered by mail on archival quality media with up to 60 minutes on each CD and play in all CD players

    43 recordings on 23 Audio CDs. Total playtime 21 hours, 46 min
    43 recordings on 23 Audio CDs
    total playtime 21 hours, 46 min

    Naval Battles Disc A001

    1. Raymond Gram Swing 410509 Monitor And Merrimac
    2. Calv 410811 239 Red Lanterns On St Michaels

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Naval Battles Disc A002

    1. Man Behind Gun 430321 Uss Boise Pt. 1
    2. Man Behind Gun 430328 26 Uss Boise Pt2 10 Percent Not Enough

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Naval Battles Disc A003

    1. Battle Stations 430805 01the Battle Of Atlantic
    2. Battle Stations 430812 02 Eastern Sea Frontier

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Naval Battles Disc A004

    1. Battle Stations 430819 03 Navys Air Arm
    2. Battle Stations 430825 04 Air Arm Of Ww 1

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Naval Battles Disc A005

    1. Calv 431206 360 Navy Doctor
    2. Man Behind Gun 440212 Pt Name Prep Joe

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Naval Battles Disc A006

    1. Man Behind Gun 440219 Incident In Pacific

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Naval Battles Disc A007

    1. Lux 440403 Destroyer Edward G. Robinson Dennis Okeefe

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Naval Battles Disc A008

    1. You Are There 470811 05 Drake Defeats Spanish Armada
    2. You Are There 481226 56 Monitor And Merrimac

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Naval Battles Disc A009

    1. Calv 510612 704 Silent Service 4844
    2. Nht 510624 01 Fire At Sea

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Naval Battles Disc A010

    1. Nht 510701 02 Unification Plan
    2. Nht 510708 03 Operation Submarine

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Naval Battles Disc A011

    1. Nht 510715 04 Hawaiian Rescue
    2. Nht 510722 05 Marine Landing

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Naval Battles Disc A012

    1. Nht 510729 06 Underwater Demolition Team
    2. Nht 510805 07 Aleutian Islands

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Naval Battles Disc A013

    1. Escape 510808 148 Up Periscope
    2. Nht 510812 08 Pt Boats

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Naval Battles Disc A014

    1. Nht 510819 09 Fog Bound
    2. Nht 510826 10 Seabees In Action

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Naval Battles Disc A015

    1. Nht 510902 11 Uss Philadelphia
    2. Nht 510909 12 Ten Day Leave

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Naval Battles Disc A016

    1. Nht 510916 13 What Makes Hero
    2. Nht 510923 14 No Blood For Battle

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Naval Battles Disc A017

    1. Nht 510930 15 Retreads
    2. Nht 511007 16 Lady

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Naval Battles Disc A018

    1. Nht 511014 17 Emperors Bathtub
    2. Calv 511016 714 Ship Nazis Had To Get

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Naval Battles Disc A019

    1. Nht 511021 18 Right Cross
    2. Suspense 511022 444 Log Of Marne

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Naval Battles Disc A020

    1. Nht 511028 19 No More Tomorrow
    2. Nht 511104 20 Too Long Remembered

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Naval Battles Disc A021

    1. Lux 521117 803 Submarine Command

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Naval Battles Disc A022

    1. Lux 521215 African Queen Humphrey Bogart Greer Garson

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Naval Battles Disc A023

    1. Escape 530322 188 Pressure
    2. Escape 530614 187 Clear For Action

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00