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Presidential Election 2004

The first time since 1988 that the GOP candidate won both popular and electoral majority, George W Bush was reelecting to the Presidency.

Presidential Election 2004

109 old time radio show recordings
(total playtime 71 hours, 683 min)
available in the following formats:

3 MP3 CDs
43 Audio CDs

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The Presidential Election of 2004 really started as early as 1999 before the Presidential Election of 2000 even started.  While being interviewed by a ghost writer for his campaign autobiography A CHARGE TO KEEP; Governor George W. Bush talked about how his father, George HW Bush had bungled Desert Storm and wasted his political capital in the Presidential Election of 1992 against Bill Clinton and Ross Perot, only to lose his re-election to Bill ClintonGeorge W. Bush said that if he were president he would have a war to get re-elected and use his political capital to get what he wanted done.

Bush Wins!Given the controversial circumstances of the Presidential Election of 2000 against Vice President Al Gore, George W. Bush entered the presidency under a cloud of illegitimacy.  In his first eight months as president, he was having problems appointing judges and getting his tax cuts passed to the point that Republican Senator Jim Jeffords of Vermont changed to an Independent caucusing with the Democratic Party, thus giving the Democrats the majority in the Senate.  Then, on September 11, 2001, everything changed.  The United States had been attacked by a foreign but faceless enemy. George W. Bush would begin to build that political capital.

As 2001 turned into 2002, the President spoke of what was called an Axis of Evil: Iran, Iraq, and North Korea.  The target for this wartime president was to go in and finish the job that his father started.  He was going to take out Saddam Hussein and bring democracy to the Middle East.  Thought 2002, the Bush administration laid out their argument for going to war with Iraq.  Colin Powell addressed the United Nations about the weapons of mass destruction.  Even members of Congress like Joe Biden and Hillary Clinton voted in support of allowing for the United States to go to war with Iraq.  Then, after Saddam Hussein ignored all ultimatums by the United States to remove the WMDs, the United States started a Shock and Awe campaign against Iraq in March 2003.  By May 1, 2003 aboard the USS Abraham Lincoln, President George W. Bush who flew himself onto the aircraft carrier in a Top Gun style move declared "MISSION ACCOMPLISHED".  Saddam Hussein would be captured in December 2003.

Kerry Campaign ButtonThroughout 2003, the Democratic Party was regrouping to challenge the incumbent president who declared in the fall of 2004 that presidenting was hard work.  Al Gore, the obvious choice to rematch with George W. Bush decided in December 2002 not to run in 2004 because he felt that the campaign should be about the future and not about the past.  Early in, Vermont governor Howard Dean, MD seemed to be the frontrunner to beat.  Al Gore even endorsed him over his 2000 running mate, Joseph Lieberman.  But, on the night of the Iowa Caucuses, with strong support by Iowa's governor and first lady Tom and Christie Vilsack, Senator John Kerry won the Iowa Caucus.  Howard Dean, with the infamous, "Dean Scream" was done.

John Kerry went on to win primaries and caucuses despite his being accused of being a flip flopper.  After all but receiving the Democratic Party's nomination, Kerry was faced with choosing a running mate.  The shortlist came down to three names: Representative Richard Gephardt of Missouri, Senator John Edwards of North Carolina (both of whom ran for President in the Primaries) and Governor Tom Vilsack of Iowa.  Senator Kerry chose Senator Edwards.  Now, it was off to Boston.

The Democratic National Convention was held in Boston, John Kerry's backyard.  It had the usual fanfare and speeches from Party heavyweights like Bill and Hillary Clinton, Jimmy Carter, and Ted Kennedy.  Former First Son, Ron Reagan spoke to the convention six weeks after his father's death to talk about the importance of stem cell research.  But the big event of the week was that of a state senator from Illinois named Barack Obama who delivered the Keynote Address.  Obama would energize the crowd with his there's no red states or blue states, only the United States rhetoric.  That speech had pundits wondering if Barack Obama would one day live in the White House.

GOP 2004 As for the Republican Convention, it would be held in New York City, one of the three sites of the terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001.  This convention was a lot of flag waving, mom, apple pie, and God bless the USA.  The Republican Party had every reason to be proud of their president.

As summer turned to fall, John Kerry's record as a veteran were being questioned.  After serving in Vietnam on a swift boat, Kerry returned to the United States joining Vietnam Veterans Against the War and testifying before Congress in 1971.  The Republican Party put out a group called Swift Boats for Truth making John Kerry seem as treasonous toward our Vietnam veterans as Jane Fonda.

As Election Day neared, it was still anyone's contest.  But due to some irregularities with voting machines in Cuyahoga County, Ohio and the fact that there were not enough provisional ballots to swing in John Kerry's favor, George W. Bush had won the presidency in both the Electoral Vote and the Popular Vote.  This was the first time since the Presidential Election of 1988 that the Republican candidate won both.  It is also the last time since.

While 2004 was George W. Bush's re-election, the real star that night was Barack Obama, winning his race for the United States Senate.  This would be the springboard for him to run a serious campaign for the presidency in 2008.

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Text on OTRCAT.com ©2001-2025 OTRCAT INC All Rights Reserved. Reproduction is prohibited.

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  • MP3 CDs are delivered by mail. These archival quality MP3 CDs are playable in your computer and many MP3 player devices.

    109 recordings on 3 MP3 CDs for just $15.00. Total playtime 71 hours, 683 min
    109 recordings on 3 MP3 CDs for just $15.00
    total playtime 71 hours, 683 min
    Add MP3 CD Collection to Cart

    1. Volume 1 – 39 shows – total playtime 23 hours
      MP3 CD
      Volume 1: $5.00
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    2. 20010911 GW Bush 1st Statement on Terrorist Attack.mp3
    3. 20010911 GW Bush 2nd Statement on Terrorist Attack.mp3
    4. 20010911 GW Bush Address to Nation on Terror Attacks.mp3
    5. 20010911 H.Clinton Statement on Terror Attacks.mp3
    6. 20010911 Wesley Clark John Edwards Charlie Rose Intrvw.mp3
    7. 20010914 GW Bush Bullhorn Speech.mp3
    8. 20010914 GW Bush September 11 Memorial Service.mp3
    9. 20010916 Dick Cheney Meet Press Intrvw Pt1.mp3
    10. 20010916 Dick Cheney Meet Press Intrvw Pt2.mp3
    11. 20010916 Dick Cheney Meet Press Intrvw Pt3.mp3
    12. 20010916 Dick Cheney Meet Press Intrvw Pt4.mp3
    13. 20010920 GW Bush Joint Session Congress.mp3
    14. 20011007 GW Bush 1st US Strikes in Afghanistan.mp3
    15. 20020129 GW Bush State Union.mp3
    16. 20020912 GW Bush Address to UN General Assembly.mp3
    17. 20021007 GW Bush Threat Iraq.mp3
    18. 20021008 John Edwards War Iraq.mp3
    19. 20021008 John Kerry War Iraq Pt1.mp3
    20. 20021008 John Kerry War Iraq Pt2.mp3
    21. 20021215 Al Gore Not Candidate in 2004.mp3
    22. 20030128 GW Bush State Union.mp3
    23. 20030317 GW Bush Ultimatum to Saddam Hussein.mp3
    24. 20030319 GW Bush Operation Iraqi Freedom.mp3
    25. 20030501 GW Bush Mission Accomplished.mp3
    26. 20030503 Dem Primary Debate.mp3
    27. 20030507 Joe Lieberman, Top Ten List.mp3
    28. 20030605 Joe Biden Chuck Hagel NBC Nightly News Intrvw.mp3
    29. 20030904; Dem Primary Debate.mp3
    30. 20030906 John Edwards Campaigning in Iowa.mp3
    31. 20030909 Dem Primary Debate.mp3
    32. 20030910 Joe Lieberman Council on Foreign Relations.mp3
    33. 20030913 Tom Harkin Steak Fry.mp3
    34. 20030925 Dem Primary Debate.mp3
    35. 20031009 Dem Primary Debate.mp3
    36. 20031013 Dennis Kucinich Announces His Candidacy President.mp3
    37. 20031013 John Edwards Chris Matthews Intrvw.mp3
    38. 20031020 John Kerry Chris Matthews Intrvw.mp3
    39. 20031026 Dem Primary Debate.mp3
    40. 20031027 Al Sharpton Chris Matthews Intrvw.mp3

    1. Volume 2 – 33 shows – total playtime 24 hours, 32 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 2: $5.00
      Add To Cart
    2. 20031103 Dick Gephardt Chris Matthews Intrvw.mp3
    3. 20031106 John Edwards NH Institute Politics.mp3
    4. 20031117 Carol Mosley Braun Chris Matthews Intrvw.mp3
    5. 20031117 Joe Lieberman NH Institute Politics.mp3
    6. 20031118 Dem Primary Debate.mp3
    7. 20031123 Wesley Clarke, Face the Nation.mp3
    8. 20031201 Howard Dean Chris Matthews Intrvw.mp3
    9. 20031208 Wesley Clark Chris Matthews Intrvw.mp3
    10. 20031209 Dem Primary Debate.mp3
    11. 20031214 GW Bush Saddam Hussein Captured.mp3
    12. 20031215 Joe Lieberman Chris Matthews Intrvw.mp3
    13. 20040104 Dem Primary Debate.mp3
    14. 20040114 GW Bush Vision Space Exploration.mp3
    15. 20040119 Howard Dean Dean Scream.mp3
    16. 20040119 John Edwards IA Caucus Concession Speech.mp3
    17. 20040120 GW Bush State Union.mp3
    18. 20040122 Dem Primary Debate.mp3
    19. 20040129 Dem Primary Debate.mp3
    20. 20040208 GW Bush Tim Russert Intrvw.mp3
    21. 20040226 Dem Primary Debate.mp3
    22. 20040229 Dem Primary Debate.mp3
    23. 20040330 John Kerry UCSD Event.mp3
    24. 20040620 Joe Biden Lindsey Graham This Week Intrvw.mp3
    25. 20040725 Al Gore DNC Speech.mp3
    26. 20040725 H.Clinton DNC Speech.mp3
    27. 20040725 Jimmy Carter DNC Speech.mp3
    28. 20040725 William Jefferson Clinton DNC Speech.mp3
    29. 20040727 B.Obama Keynote Address DNC.mp3
    30. 20040727 Howard Dean DNC Speech.mp3
    31. 20040727 Ron Reagan DNC Speech.mp3
    32. 20040727 Ted Kennedy DNC Speech.mp3
    33. 20040727 Teresa Heinz Kerry DNC Speech.mp3
    34. 20041014 George W. Bush, Central Point OR Rally.mp3

    1. Volume 3 – 37 shows – total playtime 23 hours, 38 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 3: $5.00
      Add To Cart
    2. 20040728 Al Sharpton DNC Speech.mp3
    3. 20040728 John Edwards Acceptance Speech at DNC.mp3
    4. 20040729 John Kerry Acceptance Speech at DNC.mp3
    5. 20040830 John McCain RNC Speech.mp3
    6. 20040830 Rudy Giuliani RNC Speech Pt1.mp3
    7. 20040830 Rudy Giuliani RNC Speech Pt2.mp3
    8. 20040830 Rudy Giuliani RNC Speech Pt3.mp3
    9. 20040830 Rudy Giuliani RNC Speech Pt4.mp3
    10. 20040831 Arnold Schwarzenegger RNC Speech.mp3
    11. 20040831 Barbara Jenna Bush RNC Introduction.mp3
    12. 20040831 Laura Bush RNC Speech Pt1.mp3
    13. 20040831 Laura Bush RNC Speech Pt2.mp3
    14. 20040831 Laura Bush RNC Speech Pt3.mp3
    15. 20040901 Dick Cheney Acceptance Speech at RNC.mp3
    16. 20040901 Zell Miller RNC Speech.mp3
    17. 20040902 GW Bush Acceptance Speech at RNC.mp3
    18. 20040930 GW Bush John Kerry Presidential Debate.mp3
    19. 20041005 Dick Cheney John Edwards VP Debate.mp3
    20. 20041008 GW Bush John Kerry Presidential Debate.mp3
    21. 20041013 GW Bush John Kerry Presidential Debate.mp3
    22. 20041018 Joe Biden Council on Foreign Relations.mp3
    23. 20041021 B.Obama Alan Keyes US Senate Debate IL.mp3
    24. 20041026 B.Obama Alan Keyes US Senate Debate IL.mp3
    25. 20041102 B.Obama US Senate IL Victory Speech.mp3
    26. 20041102 Election Night Coverage Pt1.mp3
    27. 20041102 Election Night Coverage Pt2.mp3
    28. 20041102 Election Night Coverage Pt3.mp3
    29. 20041102 Election Night Coverage Pt4.mp3
    30. 20041102 Election Night Coverage Pt5.mp3
    31. 20041102 Election Night Coverage Pt6.mp3
    32. 20041103 B.Obama Early Show Intrvw.mp3
    33. 20041103 GW Bush Victory Speech.mp3
    34. 20041103 John Kerry Concession Speech.mp3
    35. 20041123 B.Obama Charlie Rose Intrvw.mp3
    36. 20041126 B.Obama David Letterman Intrvw.mp3
    37. 20041206 B.Obama Economic Club Chicago.mp3
    38. 20050120 GW Bush Inaugural Address.mp3
  • MP3 downloads are available instantly after purchase!

    109 recordings on 3 MP3 Collection Downloads for just $15.00. Total playtime 71 hours, 683 min
    109 recordings on 3 MP3 Collection Downloads for just $15.00
    1955 MB – total playtime 71 hours, 11 min
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    1. Volume 1 – 39 shows – 632 MB – total playtime 23 hours
      Instant Download
      Volume 1: $5.00
      Add To Cart
    2. 20010911 GW Bush 1st Statement on Terrorist Attack.mp3
    3. 20010911 GW Bush 2nd Statement on Terrorist Attack.mp3
    4. 20010911 GW Bush Address to Nation on Terror Attacks.mp3
    5. 20010911 H.Clinton Statement on Terror Attacks.mp3
    6. 20010911 Wesley Clark John Edwards Charlie Rose Intrvw.mp3
    7. 20010914 GW Bush Bullhorn Speech.mp3
    8. 20010914 GW Bush September 11 Memorial Service.mp3
    9. 20010916 Dick Cheney Meet Press Intrvw Pt1.mp3
    10. 20010916 Dick Cheney Meet Press Intrvw Pt2.mp3
    11. 20010916 Dick Cheney Meet Press Intrvw Pt3.mp3
    12. 20010916 Dick Cheney Meet Press Intrvw Pt4.mp3
    13. 20010920 GW Bush Joint Session Congress.mp3
    14. 20011007 GW Bush 1st US Strikes in Afghanistan.mp3
    15. 20020129 GW Bush State Union.mp3
    16. 20020912 GW Bush Address to UN General Assembly.mp3
    17. 20021007 GW Bush Threat Iraq.mp3
    18. 20021008 John Edwards War Iraq.mp3
    19. 20021008 John Kerry War Iraq Pt1.mp3
    20. 20021008 John Kerry War Iraq Pt2.mp3
    21. 20021215 Al Gore Not Candidate in 2004.mp3
    22. 20030128 GW Bush State Union.mp3
    23. 20030317 GW Bush Ultimatum to Saddam Hussein.mp3
    24. 20030319 GW Bush Operation Iraqi Freedom.mp3
    25. 20030501 GW Bush Mission Accomplished.mp3
    26. 20030503 Dem Primary Debate.mp3
    27. 20030507 Joe Lieberman, Top Ten List.mp3
    28. 20030605 Joe Biden Chuck Hagel NBC Nightly News Intrvw.mp3
    29. 20030904; Dem Primary Debate.mp3
    30. 20030906 John Edwards Campaigning in Iowa.mp3
    31. 20030909 Dem Primary Debate.mp3
    32. 20030910 Joe Lieberman Council on Foreign Relations.mp3
    33. 20030913 Tom Harkin Steak Fry.mp3
    34. 20030925 Dem Primary Debate.mp3
    35. 20031009 Dem Primary Debate.mp3
    36. 20031013 Dennis Kucinich Announces His Candidacy President.mp3
    37. 20031013 John Edwards Chris Matthews Intrvw.mp3
    38. 20031020 John Kerry Chris Matthews Intrvw.mp3
    39. 20031026 Dem Primary Debate.mp3
    40. 20031027 Al Sharpton Chris Matthews Intrvw.mp3

    1. Volume 2 – 33 shows – 674 MB – total playtime 24 hours, 32 minutes
      Instant Download
      Volume 2: $5.00
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    2. 20031103 Dick Gephardt Chris Matthews Intrvw.mp3
    3. 20031106 John Edwards NH Institute Politics.mp3
    4. 20031117 Carol Mosley Braun Chris Matthews Intrvw.mp3
    5. 20031117 Joe Lieberman NH Institute Politics.mp3
    6. 20031118 Dem Primary Debate.mp3
    7. 20031123 Wesley Clarke, Face the Nation.mp3
    8. 20031201 Howard Dean Chris Matthews Intrvw.mp3
    9. 20031208 Wesley Clark Chris Matthews Intrvw.mp3
    10. 20031209 Dem Primary Debate.mp3
    11. 20031214 GW Bush Saddam Hussein Captured.mp3
    12. 20031215 Joe Lieberman Chris Matthews Intrvw.mp3
    13. 20040104 Dem Primary Debate.mp3
    14. 20040114 GW Bush Vision Space Exploration.mp3
    15. 20040119 Howard Dean Dean Scream.mp3
    16. 20040119 John Edwards IA Caucus Concession Speech.mp3
    17. 20040120 GW Bush State Union.mp3
    18. 20040122 Dem Primary Debate.mp3
    19. 20040129 Dem Primary Debate.mp3
    20. 20040208 GW Bush Tim Russert Intrvw.mp3
    21. 20040226 Dem Primary Debate.mp3
    22. 20040229 Dem Primary Debate.mp3
    23. 20040330 John Kerry UCSD Event.mp3
    24. 20040620 Joe Biden Lindsey Graham This Week Intrvw.mp3
    25. 20040725 Al Gore DNC Speech.mp3
    26. 20040725 H.Clinton DNC Speech.mp3
    27. 20040725 Jimmy Carter DNC Speech.mp3
    28. 20040725 William Jefferson Clinton DNC Speech.mp3
    29. 20040727 B.Obama Keynote Address DNC.mp3
    30. 20040727 Howard Dean DNC Speech.mp3
    31. 20040727 Ron Reagan DNC Speech.mp3
    32. 20040727 Ted Kennedy DNC Speech.mp3
    33. 20040727 Teresa Heinz Kerry DNC Speech.mp3
    34. 20041014 George W. Bush, Central Point OR Rally.mp3

    1. Volume 3 – 37 shows – 649 MB – total playtime 23 hours, 38 minutes
      Instant Download
      Volume 3: $5.00
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    2. 20040728 Al Sharpton DNC Speech.mp3
    3. 20040728 John Edwards Acceptance Speech at DNC.mp3
    4. 20040729 John Kerry Acceptance Speech at DNC.mp3
    5. 20040830 John McCain RNC Speech.mp3
    6. 20040830 Rudy Giuliani RNC Speech Pt1.mp3
    7. 20040830 Rudy Giuliani RNC Speech Pt2.mp3
    8. 20040830 Rudy Giuliani RNC Speech Pt3.mp3
    9. 20040830 Rudy Giuliani RNC Speech Pt4.mp3
    10. 20040831 Arnold Schwarzenegger RNC Speech.mp3
    11. 20040831 Barbara Jenna Bush RNC Introduction.mp3
    12. 20040831 Laura Bush RNC Speech Pt1.mp3
    13. 20040831 Laura Bush RNC Speech Pt2.mp3
    14. 20040831 Laura Bush RNC Speech Pt3.mp3
    15. 20040901 Dick Cheney Acceptance Speech at RNC.mp3
    16. 20040901 Zell Miller RNC Speech.mp3
    17. 20040902 GW Bush Acceptance Speech at RNC.mp3
    18. 20040930 GW Bush John Kerry Presidential Debate.mp3
    19. 20041005 Dick Cheney John Edwards VP Debate.mp3
    20. 20041008 GW Bush John Kerry Presidential Debate.mp3
    21. 20041013 GW Bush John Kerry Presidential Debate.mp3
    22. 20041018 Joe Biden Council on Foreign Relations.mp3
    23. 20041021 B.Obama Alan Keyes US Senate Debate IL.mp3
    24. 20041026 B.Obama Alan Keyes US Senate Debate IL.mp3
    25. 20041102 B.Obama US Senate IL Victory Speech.mp3
    26. 20041102 Election Night Coverage Pt1.mp3
    27. 20041102 Election Night Coverage Pt2.mp3
    28. 20041102 Election Night Coverage Pt3.mp3
    29. 20041102 Election Night Coverage Pt4.mp3
    30. 20041102 Election Night Coverage Pt5.mp3
    31. 20041102 Election Night Coverage Pt6.mp3
    32. 20041103 B.Obama Early Show Intrvw.mp3
    33. 20041103 GW Bush Victory Speech.mp3
    34. 20041103 John Kerry Concession Speech.mp3
    35. 20041123 B.Obama Charlie Rose Intrvw.mp3
    36. 20041126 B.Obama David Letterman Intrvw.mp3
    37. 20041206 B.Obama Economic Club Chicago.mp3
    38. 20050120 GW Bush Inaugural Address.mp3
  • Standard Audio CDs are delivered by mail on archival quality media with up to 60 minutes on each CD and play in all CD players

    109 recordings on 43 Audio CDs. Total playtime 38 hours, 59 min
    109 recordings on 43 Audio CDs
    total playtime 38 hours, 59 min

    Presidential Election 2004 Disc A001

    1. 20010911 GW Bush 1st Statement on Terrorist Attack
    2. 20010911 GW Bush 2nd Statement on Terrorist Attack
    3. 20010911 GW Bush Address to Nation on Terror Attacks
    4. 20010911 H.Clinton Statement on Terror Attacks
    5. 20010911 Wesley Clark John Edwards Charlie Rose Intrvw
    6. 20010914 GW Bush Bullhorn Speech

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Presidential Election 2004 Disc A002

    1. 20010914 GW Bush September 11 Memorial Service
    2. 20010916 Dick Cheney Meet Press Intrvw Pt1
    3. 20010916 Dick Cheney Meet Press Intrvw Pt2
    4. 20010916 Dick Cheney Meet Press Intrvw Pt3
    5. 20010916 Dick Cheney Meet Press Intrvw Pt4

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Presidential Election 2004 Disc A003

    1. 20010920 GW Bush Joint Session Congress
    2. 20011007 GW Bush 1st US Strikes in Afghanistan

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Presidential Election 2004 Disc A004

    1. 20020129 GW Bush State Union

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Presidential Election 2004 Disc A005

    1. 20020912 GW Bush Address to UN General Assembly
    2. 20021007 GW Bush Threat Iraq
    3. 20021008 John Edwards War Iraq
    4. 20021008 John Kerry War Iraq Pt1

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Presidential Election 2004 Disc A006

    1. 20021008 John Kerry War Iraq Pt2
    2. 20021215 Al Gore Not Candidate in 2004

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Presidential Election 2004 Disc A007

    1. 20030128 GW Bush State Union

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Presidential Election 2004 Disc A008

    1. 20030317 GW Bush Ultimatum to Saddam Hussein
    2. 20030319 GW Bush Operation Iraqi Freedom
    3. 20030501 GW Bush Mission Accomplished
    4. 20030507 Joe Lieberman, Top Ten List
    5. 20030605 Joe Biden Chuck Hagel NBC Nightly News Intrvw

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Presidential Election 2004 Disc A009

    1. 20030910 Joe Lieberman Council on Foreign Relations

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Presidential Election 2004 Disc A010

    1. 20030913 Tom Harkin Steak Fry

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Presidential Election 2004 Disc A011

    1. 20031013 Dennis Kucinich Announces His Candidacy President

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Presidential Election 2004 Disc A012

    1. 20031013 John Edwards Chris Matthews Intrvw

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Presidential Election 2004 Disc A013

    1. 20031020 John Kerry Chris Matthews Intrvw

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Presidential Election 2004 Disc A014

    1. 20031027 Al Sharpton Chris Matthews Intrvw

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Presidential Election 2004 Disc A015

    1. 20031103 Dick Gephardt Chris Matthews Intrvw

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Presidential Election 2004 Disc A016

    1. 20031106 John Edwards NH Institute Politics

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Presidential Election 2004 Disc A017

    1. 20031117 Carol Mosley Braun Chris Matthews Intrvw

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Presidential Election 2004 Disc A018

    1. 20031117 Joe Lieberman NH Institute Politics

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Presidential Election 2004 Disc A019

    1. 20031123 Wesley Clarke, Face the Nation

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Presidential Election 2004 Disc A020

    1. 20031201 Howard Dean Chris Matthews Intrvw

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Presidential Election 2004 Disc A021

    1. 20031208 Wesley Clark Chris Matthews Intrvw
    2. 20031214 GW Bush Saddam Hussein Captured

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Presidential Election 2004 Disc A022

    1. 20031215 Joe Lieberman Chris Matthews Intrvw

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Presidential Election 2004 Disc A023

    1. 20040114 GW Bush Vision Space Exploration
    2. 20040119 Howard Dean Dean Scream
    3. 20040119 John Edwards IA Caucus Concession Speech

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    Presidential Election 2004 Disc A024

    1. 20040120 GW Bush State Union

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Presidential Election 2004 Disc A025

    1. 20040208 GW Bush Tim Russert Intrvw

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Presidential Election 2004 Disc A026

    1. 20040229 Dem Primary Debate

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Presidential Election 2004 Disc A027

    1. 20040330 John Kerry UCSD Event
    2. 20040620 Joe Biden Lindsey Graham This Week Intrvw

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Presidential Election 2004 Disc A028

    1. 20040725 Al Gore DNC Speech
    2. 20040725 H.Clinton DNC Speech
    3. 20040725 Jimmy Carter DNC Speech

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Presidential Election 2004 Disc A029

    1. 20040725 William Jefferson Clinton DNC Speech
    2. 20040727 B.Obama Keynote Address DNC
    3. 20040727 Howard Dean DNC Speech
    4. 20040727 Ron Reagan DNC Speech

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Presidential Election 2004 Disc A030

    1. 20040727 Ted Kennedy DNC Speech
    2. 20040727 Teresa Heinz Kerry DNC Speech
    3. 20040728 Al Sharpton DNC Speech

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Presidential Election 2004 Disc A031

    1. 20040728 John Edwards Acceptance Speech at DNC

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Presidential Election 2004 Disc A032

    1. 20040729 John Kerry Acceptance Speech at DNC

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Presidential Election 2004 Disc A033

    1. 20040830 John McCain RNC Speech
    2. 20040830 Rudy Giuliani RNC Speech Pt1
    3. 20040830 Rudy Giuliani RNC Speech Pt2
    4. 20040830 Rudy Giuliani RNC Speech Pt3
    5. 20040830 Rudy Giuliani RNC Speech Pt4

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Presidential Election 2004 Disc A034

    1. 20040831 Arnold Schwarzenegger RNC Speech
    2. 20040831 Barbara Jenna Bush RNC Introduction
    3. 20040831 Laura Bush RNC Speech Pt1
    4. 20040831 Laura Bush RNC Speech Pt2
    5. 20040831 Laura Bush RNC Speech Pt3

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Presidential Election 2004 Disc A035

    1. 20040901 Dick Cheney Acceptance Speech at RNC
    2. 20040901 Zell Miller RNC Speech

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Presidential Election 2004 Disc A036

    1. 20041014 George W. Bush, Central Point OR Rally

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Presidential Election 2004 Disc A037

    1. 20041018 Joe Biden Council on Foreign Relations

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Presidential Election 2004 Disc A038

    1. 20041021 B.Obama Alan Keyes US Senate Debate IL

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Presidential Election 2004 Disc A039

    1. 20041026 B.Obama Alan Keyes US Senate Debate IL
    2. 20041102 B.Obama US Senate IL Victory Speech

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Presidential Election 2004 Disc A040

    1. 20041102 Election Night Coverage Pt1
    2. 20041102 Election Night Coverage Pt3

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Presidential Election 2004 Disc A041

    1. 20041102 Election Night Coverage Pt4
    2. 20041102 Election Night Coverage Pt6
    3. 20041103 B.Obama Early Show Intrvw
    4. 20041103 GW Bush Victory Speech
    5. 20041103 John Kerry Concession Speech

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Presidential Election 2004 Disc A042

    1. 20041123 B.Obama Charlie Rose Intrvw
    2. 20041126 B.Obama David Letterman Intrvw

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Presidential Election 2004 Disc A043

    1. 20041206 B.Obama Economic Club Chicago
    2. 20050120 GW Bush Inaugural Address

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