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Scientists, Professors, and Inventors in Old Time Radio

Commercial radio was just one result of the efforts of scientist over the years. Radio also explored the contributions of scientists and inventors whether they were trying to create a better world or destroy the one we have. This compilation contains a wide variety of radio shows dealing with science and understanding the world we live in.

Scientists and Inventors

221 old time radio show recordings
(total playtime 86 hours, 12 min)
available in the following formats:

4 MP3 CDs
91 Audio CDs

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"X Minus One: Dr Grimshaw's Sanitarium"

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Text on OTRCAT.com ©2001-2025 OTRCAT INC All Rights Reserved. Reproduction is prohibited.

Science! 1940sScience is the systematic process of discovering and organizing knowledge about nature and the world we live in. Many of the technological advances and wonderful inventions which have made the world a better place to live in are based on knowledge gained by scientists. One of the most marvelous inventions of the Twentieth Century was the radio and broadcasting technology which resulting in the commercial radio industry that created the programming for the Old Time Radio era.

On a philosophical plane, defining science can be seen as a quest for true and verifiable facts, but there is more to science than simply listing fact. Scientists must overcome more than simple ignorance, but prejudice and sometimes superstition as well. On the surface, the knowledge gained by science is neither good or evil, but the uses that the knowledge is put to is rarely so cut and dried. Ethical considerations are key to stories of "mad scientists" in science fiction, but those concerns also raise their heads in situations of military security, especially at the beginning of the atomic age in the post-War period when many of our favorite radio dramas were created.

  • Science deals in hard facts, but the contribution of scientists can be hampered by their very humanity. This fact is not lost on John Krozer, the evil industrialist who puts a dying scientist in suspended animation so he can pick his brain in the future. Can Commander Corry and Cadet Happy foil his nefarious plans on Space Patrol?
  • Academy Award Theatre presents an adaptation of the film The Story of Louis Pasteur. Pasteur was a pioneering French chemist who helped develop germ theory and its importance to sanitation and health.
  • Research is the foundation of scientific discovery, and the basis of the Westinghouse sponsored Adventures in Research. The technology company was understandably enthused over the contributions of scientist-philosopher Roger Bacon, immigrant telephone pioneer Michael Pupin, and William Hyde Wollaston who discovered Palladium and Rhodium.
  • Although many of his creations lie on the fantastical edge of gory science fiction, the creator of Arch Oboler's Plays also explored the divine nature of "The Truth" while researching the mystery of cosmic rays.
  • Sunray Therapy 1920sThe realm of magic is the last place we would expect to find an appreciation for the hard facts of science. When Blackstone the Magic Detective hears the pleas of an immigrant scientist on the cusp of a medical breakthrough, he knows he must help protect him from Nazi saboteurs.
  • Science teaches us that we must accept what is obviously impossible, but that we should also keep an open mind. In "The Carmumian Return", Captain Starr of Space gets a visit from one of the greatest scientists in the solar system, a man who has been dead for 50 years!
  • Although The Columbia Workshop primarily concerned itself with experimental techniques of radio drama, in "Electrical Demonstration" the program explores the contributions of electrical engineers and scientists. A network scientific consultant explains the technical efforts required prepare New York's Columbia Theater as a facility for broadcasting, including soundproofing and acoustical engineering. Later, a play is presented using parabolic microphones that can follow the actors as they move about the stage.
  • Science ultimately led to the dawn of the Atomic Age. The implications of these discoveries were not fully understood when Command Performance presented a send-up of "Superman" starring Bob Hope as the Man of Steel, Bela Lugosi as the evil Doctor "Bikini" and Sterling Holloway as his assistant Professor "Atoll". Counterspy must rescue a kidnapped atomic scientist in Switzerland. Steve Mitchell is sent to smuggle an atomic scientist out of the French Riviera on Dangerous Assignment.
  • Differential Analyzer 1930sThe computer age is one of science's latest achievements, but the devices were just beginning to be understood during "The Thinking Machine", a homemade calculator invented by a bank clerk. The "Imzac" can predict stock market prices as well as the clerk's work at the bank.
  • In Green Hornet's "A Light in the Dark". A blind refugee scientist receives an operation which restores his sight but finds out the procedure was the gift of a Gestapo spy. Now, he is being forced to steal the secret plans for his patron, Professor Hall's invention.
  • Before, during, and after the Second World War, considerable scientific effort went into aviation with the knowledge that whoever had the best planes would have a considerable military advantage. During the "Mystery of the Wailing Witches" serial arc, Hop Harrigan is imprisoned by a scientist who has developed a jet-powered flying wing.
  • Walter Winchell reported in the December 19, 1948, edition of The Jergens Journal that former Nazi scientists working for Communist Russia have developed a new version of the V-2 guided missile that is so accurate it can be dropped in your front lawn if they have your address.
  • Microscopes -- look at them... all at once!!!The series from the Institute for Democratic Education, Lest We Forget, was dedicated to celebrating the lives and achievements of people who helped to create the sort of America we can all be proud of. Among the scientists profiled on the program were George Washington Carver, the former slave whose work in soil conservation helped save Southern agriculture, German-American anthropologist Franz Boas who helped refute Hitler's theories of racial superiority, and Dr. Louis Slotin, the Canadian immigrant who worked on the Manhattan Project, helping to assemble the first atomic bomb and who was killed in a laboratory accident when a chain-reaction began in mass of plutonium. Slotin disassembled the mass with his bare hands but received a fatal dose of gamma radiation.
  • As the importance of science became more and more obvious in the post-War years, The Man Called X found more and more of his missions dealing with scientists and their discoveries. Ken Thurston gets the call when the data from an Arctic Expedition is stolen and one of the scientists murdered. In another adventure, he searches for an atomic scientist who goes missing in Switzerland and in yet another, a scientist working to discover a cure for radiation poisoning is murdered while doing field work in Japan.
  • A well-produced biography of Madame Curie, the scientist who discovered radium, and one of Alfred Nobel, inventor of dynamite, are presented on Radio Readers Digest.
  • Heavy water, like regular water except the hydrogen atoms in the molecules have a higher atomic weight, is used to control the ingredients used to create an atomic bomb, is one of the most precious liquids known to man. A scientist smuggles the European supply of heavy water out of Nazi territory in a beer bottle on Secret Missions.

See also: Role of Science in War and Mad Scientists in Old Time Radio.

Text on OTRCAT.com ©2001-2025 OTRCAT INC All Rights Reserved. Reproduction is prohibited.

These classic recordings are available in the following formats:

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    Amazing compilation and dramatizations! Love it!

    Bruce Verified Purchase

    They also had seen a key X-ray photograph taken by Ray Gosling and shown to them without his or Franklin's permission -- or, indeed, knowledge.

    John Verified Purchase

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  • MP3 CDs are delivered by mail. These archival quality MP3 CDs are playable in your computer and many MP3 player devices.

    221 recordings on 4 MP3 CDs for just $20.00. Total playtime 86 hours, 12 min
    221 recordings on 4 MP3 CDs for just $20.00
    total playtime 86 hours, 12 min
    Add MP3 CD Collection to Cart

    1. Volume 1 – 57 shows – total playtime 21 hours, 50 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 1: $5.00
      Add To Cart
    2. 2000 Plus 500517 Insect.mp3
    3. 2000 Plus 501105 Giant Walks.mp3
    4. Academy Award Th 460413 03 Life Of Louis Pasteur.mp3
    5. Academy Award Theater 461113 Night Train.mp3
    6. Academy Award Theater 461218 Lost Angel.mp3
    7. Adventures In Research 450000 Gustave Dalen.mp3
    8. Adventures In Research 451016 142 New Kind Of Movie.mp3
    9. Adventures In Research 480302 266 First Automobile.mp3
    10. Adventures In Research 480720 286 Demon Of Devonshire.mp3
    11. Adventures In Research 540119 572 Immigrant Inventor.mp3
    12. Adventures In Research 540511 588 And Then Night.mp3
    13. Adventures In Research 540914 606 Recluse Of Fitzroy Square.mp3
    14. Amos And Andy Show 441124 Spot Removal Formula.mp3
    15. Arch Obolers Plays 450628 12 Truth.mp3
    16. Arch Obolers Plays 641205 Revolt Of Worms.mp3
    17. Ask Dr Science 121 Why Scientists Words Like Quark Googel.mp3
    18. Barptcbsrn 590729 023 Biff Burns With Fight Maniac.mp3
    19. Barptcbsrn 591026 086 Professor Graggins Space Ship.mp3
    20. Barptcbsrn 600205 160 Green Pickerel.mp3
    21. Barptcbsrn 600302 178 One Fellas Family.mp3
    22. Barptcbsrn 600413 208 Mr Science.mp3
    23. Bb 4906158 Professor And Rufus Rob Bank.mp3
    24. Behind Scenes 470000 16 F W Woolworth.mp3
    25. Bing Crosby Rosemary Clooney 620830 Anything You Can Do.mp3
    26. Black Castle 421216 Escape To Death.mp3
    27. Blackstone 490828 48 Criminal Who Caught Himself.mp3
    28. Bob Hope 410128 097 Basil Rathbone.mp3
    29. Box 13 490731 Archimedes And Roman.mp3
    30. Bunco Squad 500415 Case Of Bookworm.mp3
    31. Calling All Detectives 480909 261 Scientist Killed.mp3
    32. Captain Starr Of Space 530000 X Carnumian Return.mp3
    33. CAV 380209 Oliver Wendell Holmes.mp3
    34. CAV 400326 Story Of John Fitch.mp3
    35. CAV 410505 Trials And Triumphs Of Horatio Alger.mp3
    36. CAV 450827 Assignment For Professor.mp3
    37. CAV 470908 532 Kitchen Scientist.mp3
    38. CAV 470908 Kitchen Scientist.mp3
    39. CAV 471208 Diamonds In Sky.mp3
    40. CAV 480223 This Way To Tomorrow.mp3
    41. Cloak And Dagger 501006 Delay On Route.mp3
    42. Columbia Workshop 361121 Electrical Demon 200 Were Chosen.mp3
    43. Columbia Workshop 370725 049 Matter Of Life And Death.mp3
    44. Columbia Workshop 380129 075 Madame Curie.mp3
    45. Command Performance 461110 238 Superman Bob Hope Bela Lugosi.mp3
    46. Counterspy 491020 Case Of International Intrigue.mp3
    47. Counterspy 500404 Magic Murder.mp3
    48. Counterspy 500418 Fabulous Formula Pt1.mp3
    49. Counterspy 531221 Case Of Diamond Thieves.mp3
    50. Danger With Granger Worried Wife Scientist Fbi..mp3
    51. Dangerous Assignment 500424 017 Alaska Missing Scientists.mp3
    52. Dangerous Assignment 510113 044 Missing Scientist.mp3
    53. Dangerous Assignment 510113 046 Spain Missing Scientist.mp3
    54. Dangerous Assignment 510421 058 Pen Mightier Than Sword.mp3
    55. Dangerous Assignment 530204 145 Assignment Greece.mp3
    56. Dangerous Assignment 530204 146 Greece Missing Scientist.mp3
    57. Dark Fantasy 411219 Men Call Me Mad.mp3
    58. Dick Tracy 380420 0078 Purple Rider Exposed.mp3

    1. Volume 2 – 55 shows – total playtime 20 hours, 14 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 2: $5.00
      Add To Cart
    2. Destination Freedom 481017 017 Boy Who Was Traded For Horse.mp3
    3. Diary Of Fate 480525 Walter Vincent.mp3
    4. Dimension X 500422 Report On Barnhouse Effect.mp3
    5. Dimension X 500922 Dr Grimshaws Sanitarium.mp3
    6. Eb And Zeb 122 Lesson From Prof. Thistlewaite.mp3
    7. Eb And Zeb 383 Episode 383.mp3
    8. Eb And Zeb 384 Episode 384.mp3
    9. Eb And Zeb 388 Episode 388.mp3
    10. Eerie Stories 000000 Disappearing Professors.mp3
    11. Eleventh Hour 16 Scientist Quits.mp3
    12. Encore Theater 460611 02 Life Of Louis Pasteur.mp3
    13. Escape 530906 Train From Olbiefelde.mp3
    14. Eternal Light 480815 0194 Head Of Table.mp3
    15. Eternal Light 500416 0276 Miracle In Making.mp3
    16. F D R 400510 Fdr 0024 Speech To American Scientists.mp3
    17. Falcon 520828 Case Of Careless Corpse.mp3
    18. Favorite Story 470920 002 Diamond Lens.mp3
    19. First Nighter 441011 0643 Oh Say Can You See Repeat.mp3
    20. Fred Allen Fred Allen Show 400207 019 Political Amateur Hour.mp3
    21. Ft 520123 254 Thinking Machine.mp3
    22. Ft 540707 377 Last Smash.mp3
    23. Ganda 047 Jimmy Eyes Business Opportunity.mp3
    24. Ganda 078 Camping Petrfdi Wood Lizards Spider Entomologist.mp3
    25. Ganda 096 Phoenix Az Meet Inventor Takeoff Minicopter.mp3
    26. Green Hornet 430822 Murder Gas.mp3
    27. Green Hornet 440212 639 Light In Dark.mp3
    28. Green Hornet 521003 1023 Spy Master.mp3
    29. Hall Of Fantasy 530406 20 Return From Death.mp3
    30. Hall Of Fantasy 530518 26 Crawling Thing.mp3
    31. Henry Morgan Show 461030 009 Pockets.mp3
    32. Hermits Cave 000000 Nameless Day.mp3
    33. Hermits Cave 000000 Professors Elixir.mp3
    34. Hermits Cave 000000 Search For Life.mp3
    35. Hermits Cave Spirits Of Vengeance.mp3
    36. Heroes Of Civilization 1936 27 Prof Drinker.mp3
    37. Heroes Of Civilization Au 360000 23 Anton Leewenhoek.mp3
    38. Hop Harrigan 471119 1338 Mystery Of Wailing Witches 4.mp3
    39. Horatio 460716 1334 Pt 11.mp3
    40. Horatio 460717 1335 Pt 12.mp3
    41. Horatio 460719 1337 Pt 14.mp3
    42. Hour Of St Francis 520427 Evening Star.mp3
    43. I Love Adventure 480425 China Coast.mp3
    44. Inner Sanctum Mysteries 411221 Man From Yesterday.mp3
    45. Inner Sanctum Mysteries 451211 Dark Chamber.mp3
    46. Iwcf 530729 67 Line Is Busy.mp3
    47. Jergens Journal 481219.mp3
    48. KMHl 480108 Where Did Robinson Crusoe Go William Powell.mp3
    49. Lest We Forget 460000 09 Franz Boaz.mp3
    50. Lest We Forget 460000 George Washington Carver.mp3
    51. Lest We Forget American Dream 470000 08 Chain Reaction.mp3
    52. Let George Do It 500612 Iron Cat.mp3
    53. Lights Out 421013 Revolt Of Worms.mp3
    54. Lights Out 470716 002 Death Robbery.mp3
    55. Little Orphan Annie 360616 1164 Wright Brothers 33rd Anniv.mp3
    56. Lives Of Harry Lime 520620 47 Professor Regrets.mp3

    1. Volume 3 – 54 shows – total playtime 24 hours, 53 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 3: $5.00
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    2. Lux Radio Theater 361123 108 Story Of Louis Pasteur.mp3
    3. Lux Radio Theater 450521 484 And Now Tomorrow.mp3
    4. Lux Radio Theater 480503 614 Cloak And Dagger.mp3
    5. Lux Radio Theater 520428 788 No Highway In Sky.mp3
    6. Macabre 620108 8 Edge Of Evil.mp3
    7. Magic Island 360000 Ep 015 Staged Escape Attempt.mp3
    8. Magic Key 370815 097 Flight From Glory.mp3
    9. Magic Key 371107 109 Gertrud Wettergren Eve Curie.mp3
    10. Man Called X 471123 Report From Arctic.mp3
    11. Man Called X 501103 Professor Charney Has Disappeared.mp3
    12. Man Called X 510120 Japan Underground.mp3
    13. Man Called X 520108 Formula H Stolen.mp3
    14. Man Hunt 000000 Story Of Crystal Clue No End.mp3
    15. Mr Moto 510613 05 Kuriloff Papers.mp3
    16. Mr Moto 510708 08 Sabotage.mp3
    17. Murder At Midnight 461104 Heavy Death.mp3
    18. Murder At Midnight 470224 Terror Out Of Space.mp3
    19. Mysterious Traveler 470727 114 Man Insects Hated.mp3
    20. Mysterious Traveler 500314 Big Brain.mp3
    21. Mysterious Traveler 500411 Operation Tomorrow.mp3
    22. Mysterious Traveler 510501 Planet Zevius.mp3
    23. New National Guard Show 000000 25 Boy With Green Thumb.mp3
    24. Peril 000000 14 Man Against City.mp3
    25. Philip Marlowe 490108 Restless Day.mp3
    26. Philo Vance 500516 Manicure Murder Case.mp3
    27. Phyl Coe Mysteries 370921 Mystery Of Death Ray Tube.mp3
    28. Planet Man 500000 Episode 39 Slats Tricks Dantro.mp3
    29. Planet Man 500000 Episode 53 Secret Council.mp3
    30. Police Headquarters 320000 Episode 37 Stolen Brain.mp3
    31. Pwh 550515 345 Test.mp3
    32. Quiet Please 470727 006 I Remember Tomorrow.mp3
    33. Quiet Please 480202 035 Pathetic Fallacy.mp3
    34. Quiet Please 490227 089 If I Should Wake Before I Die.mp3
    35. Radio Readers Digest 470911 079 Madame Curie.mp3
    36. Radio Readers Digest 480122 098 Strange John Ericson.mp3
    37. Ranger Bill 560606 Ep 178 Catching Big Fish With Small Hook.mp3
    38. RGT 550307 World We Know.mp3
    39. Romance 551210 Grasshopper.mp3
    40. Roy Rogers Missing Atomic Scientist.mp3
    41. Sam Spade 19480725 Mad Scientist Caper.mp3
    42. Sam Spade 480725 109 Mad Scientist Caper.mp3
    43. Secret Missions 490313 Battle For Heavy Water.mp3
    44. Security Agent Usa 490901 Security Agent Usa.mp3
    45. Sherlock Holmes 460408 210 Disappearing Scientists.mp3
    46. Sherlock Holmes 460408 Disappearing Scientists.mp3
    47. Space Patrol 521025 Hole In Empty Space.mp3
    48. Space Patrol 530103 Brain Bank And Space Binoculars.mp3
    49. Space Patrol 530425 Prisoner Of Pluto.mp3
    50. Space Patrol 531107 Cyclone In Outer Space.mp3
    51. Space Patrol 531205 Baccarrittis Secret Weapon.mp3
    52. Space Patrol 540821 Formula For Crime.mp3
    53. Strange As It Seems 390921 Worlds Most Ingenious Salesman.mp3
    54. Strange Dr Weird 441121 Journey Into Unknown.mp3
    55. Strange Dr Weird 450102 Tiger Cat.mp3

    1. Volume 4 – 55 shows – total playtime 19 hours, 14 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 4: $5.00
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    2. Strange Dr Weird 450130 Man Who Lived Twice.mp3
    3. Strange Dr Weird 450508 Murder One Million Bc.mp3
    4. Studio One 480120 Amazing Dr Clitterhouse.mp3
    5. Studio X 480000 Professor Goes For Walk.mp3
    6. Superman 451012 Atom Man Ep03of20.mp3
    7. Superman 451017 Atom Man Ep06of20.mp3
    8. Superman 451026 Atom Man Ep13of20.mp3
    9. Superman 470530 Superman Vs Kryptonite.mp3
    10. Superman 491126 Puzzle of the Poison Pomegranate.mp3
    11. Suspense 430727 Last Letter Of Dr Bronson.mp3
    12. Suspense 480207 Donovans Brain.mp3
    13. Suspense 500504 Statement Of Mary Blake.mp3
    14. Suspense 521103 Frankenstein.mp3
    15. Suspense 580608 Invisible Ape.mp3
    16. Suspense 580803 Voice Of Company A.mp3
    17. Suspense 620304 915 Doom Machine.mp3
    18. Suspense 620701 Black Death.mp3
    19. Taos 400226 0007 Dr. Dahlgrens Atomic Beam Machine.mp3
    20. Taos 400510 0039 Airplane Disasters At Bridger Field Pt 06.mp3
    21. Taos 400826 0085 Professor Thorpes Bathysphere Pt 01.mp3
    22. Taos 400902 0088 Professor Thorpes Bathysphere Pt 04.mp3
    23. Taos 410512 0196 Grayson Submarine Pt 01.mp3
    24. Taos 421130 0391 Midnight Intruder Pt 07.mp3
    25. Taos 421215 0402 Lost Continent Of Atlantis Pt 04.mp3
    26. Taos 430105 0416 Tin Men Pt 02.mp3
    27. Taos 430322 0470 Dr. Camerons Helicopter Pt 04.mp3
    28. Taos 451010 1136 Atom Man Pt 01.mp3
    29. Taos 460104 1197 Looking For Kryptonite Pt 23.mp3
    30. Taos 460215 1227 Radar Rocket Pt 01.mp3
    31. Taos 460218 1228 Radar Rocket Pt 02.mp3
    32. Taos 460220 1230 Radar Rocket Pt 04.mp3
    33. Taos 460221 1231 Radar Rocket Pt 05.mp3
    34. Taos 460306 1240 Radar Rocket Pt 14.mp3
    35. Taos 460307 1241 Radar Rocket Pt 15.mp3
    36. Taos 500114 0072 Voices Of Dead.mp3
    37. Terry Pirates 411210 048 Missing Scientist.mp3
    38. Theater Five 640924 Evil That Men Do.mp3
    39. Theater Five 650218 Its Work Of Art.mp3
    40. Tom Corbett 520306 20 Asteroid Of Danger Part 2.mp3
    41. Vic And Sade 440615 X Aunt Besss 5th Letter.mp3
    42. Vox Pop 480121 Congressmen Richard Nixon Glenn Davis Tn.mp3
    43. We People 400206 Daughter Of Lillian Russell.mp3
    44. Weird Circle 440917 Ghost Touch.mp3
    45. Whistler 430605 055 Shadow Of Mind.mp3
    46. Whistler 440611 108 Doctor Prescribes Death.mp3
    47. Whistler 470924 278 Sleep My Pretty One.mp3
    48. Whistler 490417 358 Sleep My Pretty One.mp3
    49. Wild Bill Hickok 540519 236 Rimrock Rainmaker.mp3
    50. Words At War 440208 35 George Washington Carver.mp3
    51. Words At War 450501 94 Hide Out.mp3
    52. X Minus One 550714 Dr Grimshaws Sanitarium.mp3
    53. X Minus One 560828 Surface Tension.mp3
    54. X Minus One 571219 Double Dare.mp3
    55. Yours Truly Johnny Dollar 580112 Boron 112 Matter.mp3
    56. Yours Truly Johnny Dollar 600313 Deep Down Matter.mp3
  • MP3 downloads are available instantly after purchase!

    221 recordings on 4 MP3 Collection Downloads for just $20.00. Total playtime 86 hours, 12 min
    221 recordings on 4 MP3 Collection Downloads for just $20.00
    2343 MB – total playtime 86 hours, 12 min
    Add Instant Download Collection to Cart

    1. Volume 1 – 57 shows – 590 MB – total playtime 21 hours, 50 minutes
      Instant Download
      Volume 1: $5.00
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    2. 2000 Plus 500517 Insect.mp3
    3. 2000 Plus 501105 Giant Walks.mp3
    4. Academy Award Th 460413 03 Life Of Louis Pasteur.mp3
    5. Academy Award Theater 461113 Night Train.mp3
    6. Academy Award Theater 461218 Lost Angel.mp3
    7. Adventures In Research 450000 Gustave Dalen.mp3
    8. Adventures In Research 451016 142 New Kind Of Movie.mp3
    9. Adventures In Research 480302 266 First Automobile.mp3
    10. Adventures In Research 480720 286 Demon Of Devonshire.mp3
    11. Adventures In Research 540119 572 Immigrant Inventor.mp3
    12. Adventures In Research 540511 588 And Then Night.mp3
    13. Adventures In Research 540914 606 Recluse Of Fitzroy Square.mp3
    14. Amos And Andy Show 441124 Spot Removal Formula.mp3
    15. Arch Obolers Plays 450628 12 Truth.mp3
    16. Arch Obolers Plays 641205 Revolt Of Worms.mp3
    17. Ask Dr Science 121 Why Scientists Words Like Quark Googel.mp3
    18. Barptcbsrn 590729 023 Biff Burns With Fight Maniac.mp3
    19. Barptcbsrn 591026 086 Professor Graggins Space Ship.mp3
    20. Barptcbsrn 600205 160 Green Pickerel.mp3
    21. Barptcbsrn 600302 178 One Fellas Family.mp3
    22. Barptcbsrn 600413 208 Mr Science.mp3
    23. Bb 4906158 Professor And Rufus Rob Bank.mp3
    24. Behind Scenes 470000 16 F W Woolworth.mp3
    25. Bing Crosby Rosemary Clooney 620830 Anything You Can Do.mp3
    26. Black Castle 421216 Escape To Death.mp3
    27. Blackstone 490828 48 Criminal Who Caught Himself.mp3
    28. Bob Hope 410128 097 Basil Rathbone.mp3
    29. Box 13 490731 Archimedes And Roman.mp3
    30. Bunco Squad 500415 Case Of Bookworm.mp3
    31. Calling All Detectives 480909 261 Scientist Killed.mp3
    32. Captain Starr Of Space 530000 X Carnumian Return.mp3
    33. CAV 380209 Oliver Wendell Holmes.mp3
    34. CAV 400326 Story Of John Fitch.mp3
    35. CAV 410505 Trials And Triumphs Of Horatio Alger.mp3
    36. CAV 450827 Assignment For Professor.mp3
    37. CAV 470908 532 Kitchen Scientist.mp3
    38. CAV 470908 Kitchen Scientist.mp3
    39. CAV 471208 Diamonds In Sky.mp3
    40. CAV 480223 This Way To Tomorrow.mp3
    41. Cloak And Dagger 501006 Delay On Route.mp3
    42. Columbia Workshop 361121 Electrical Demon 200 Were Chosen.mp3
    43. Columbia Workshop 370725 049 Matter Of Life And Death.mp3
    44. Columbia Workshop 380129 075 Madame Curie.mp3
    45. Command Performance 461110 238 Superman Bob Hope Bela Lugosi.mp3
    46. Counterspy 491020 Case Of International Intrigue.mp3
    47. Counterspy 500404 Magic Murder.mp3
    48. Counterspy 500418 Fabulous Formula Pt1.mp3
    49. Counterspy 531221 Case Of Diamond Thieves.mp3
    50. Danger With Granger Worried Wife Scientist Fbi..mp3
    51. Dangerous Assignment 500424 017 Alaska Missing Scientists.mp3
    52. Dangerous Assignment 510113 044 Missing Scientist.mp3
    53. Dangerous Assignment 510113 046 Spain Missing Scientist.mp3
    54. Dangerous Assignment 510421 058 Pen Mightier Than Sword.mp3
    55. Dangerous Assignment 530204 145 Assignment Greece.mp3
    56. Dangerous Assignment 530204 146 Greece Missing Scientist.mp3
    57. Dark Fantasy 411219 Men Call Me Mad.mp3
    58. Dick Tracy 380420 0078 Purple Rider Exposed.mp3

    1. Volume 2 – 55 shows – 549 MB – total playtime 20 hours, 14 minutes
      Instant Download
      Volume 2: $5.00
      Add To Cart
    2. Destination Freedom 481017 017 Boy Who Was Traded For Horse.mp3
    3. Diary Of Fate 480525 Walter Vincent.mp3
    4. Dimension X 500422 Report On Barnhouse Effect.mp3
    5. Dimension X 500922 Dr Grimshaws Sanitarium.mp3
    6. Eb And Zeb 122 Lesson From Prof. Thistlewaite.mp3
    7. Eb And Zeb 383 Episode 383.mp3
    8. Eb And Zeb 384 Episode 384.mp3
    9. Eb And Zeb 388 Episode 388.mp3
    10. Eerie Stories 000000 Disappearing Professors.mp3
    11. Eleventh Hour 16 Scientist Quits.mp3
    12. Encore Theater 460611 02 Life Of Louis Pasteur.mp3
    13. Escape 530906 Train From Olbiefelde.mp3
    14. Eternal Light 480815 0194 Head Of Table.mp3
    15. Eternal Light 500416 0276 Miracle In Making.mp3
    16. F D R 400510 Fdr 0024 Speech To American Scientists.mp3
    17. Falcon 520828 Case Of Careless Corpse.mp3
    18. Favorite Story 470920 002 Diamond Lens.mp3
    19. First Nighter 441011 0643 Oh Say Can You See Repeat.mp3
    20. Fred Allen Fred Allen Show 400207 019 Political Amateur Hour.mp3
    21. Ft 520123 254 Thinking Machine.mp3
    22. Ft 540707 377 Last Smash.mp3
    23. Ganda 047 Jimmy Eyes Business Opportunity.mp3
    24. Ganda 078 Camping Petrfdi Wood Lizards Spider Entomologist.mp3
    25. Ganda 096 Phoenix Az Meet Inventor Takeoff Minicopter.mp3
    26. Green Hornet 430822 Murder Gas.mp3
    27. Green Hornet 440212 639 Light In Dark.mp3
    28. Green Hornet 521003 1023 Spy Master.mp3
    29. Hall Of Fantasy 530406 20 Return From Death.mp3
    30. Hall Of Fantasy 530518 26 Crawling Thing.mp3
    31. Henry Morgan Show 461030 009 Pockets.mp3
    32. Hermits Cave 000000 Nameless Day.mp3
    33. Hermits Cave 000000 Professors Elixir.mp3
    34. Hermits Cave 000000 Search For Life.mp3
    35. Hermits Cave Spirits Of Vengeance.mp3
    36. Heroes Of Civilization 1936 27 Prof Drinker.mp3
    37. Heroes Of Civilization Au 360000 23 Anton Leewenhoek.mp3
    38. Hop Harrigan 471119 1338 Mystery Of Wailing Witches 4.mp3
    39. Horatio 460716 1334 Pt 11.mp3
    40. Horatio 460717 1335 Pt 12.mp3
    41. Horatio 460719 1337 Pt 14.mp3
    42. Hour Of St Francis 520427 Evening Star.mp3
    43. I Love Adventure 480425 China Coast.mp3
    44. Inner Sanctum Mysteries 411221 Man From Yesterday.mp3
    45. Inner Sanctum Mysteries 451211 Dark Chamber.mp3
    46. Iwcf 530729 67 Line Is Busy.mp3
    47. Jergens Journal 481219.mp3
    48. KMHl 480108 Where Did Robinson Crusoe Go William Powell.mp3
    49. Lest We Forget 460000 09 Franz Boaz.mp3
    50. Lest We Forget 460000 George Washington Carver.mp3
    51. Lest We Forget American Dream 470000 08 Chain Reaction.mp3
    52. Let George Do It 500612 Iron Cat.mp3
    53. Lights Out 421013 Revolt Of Worms.mp3
    54. Lights Out 470716 002 Death Robbery.mp3
    55. Little Orphan Annie 360616 1164 Wright Brothers 33rd Anniv.mp3
    56. Lives Of Harry Lime 520620 47 Professor Regrets.mp3

    1. Volume 3 – 54 shows – 676 MB – total playtime 24 hours, 53 minutes
      Instant Download
      Volume 3: $5.00
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    2. Lux Radio Theater 361123 108 Story Of Louis Pasteur.mp3
    3. Lux Radio Theater 450521 484 And Now Tomorrow.mp3
    4. Lux Radio Theater 480503 614 Cloak And Dagger.mp3
    5. Lux Radio Theater 520428 788 No Highway In Sky.mp3
    6. Macabre 620108 8 Edge Of Evil.mp3
    7. Magic Island 360000 Ep 015 Staged Escape Attempt.mp3
    8. Magic Key 370815 097 Flight From Glory.mp3
    9. Magic Key 371107 109 Gertrud Wettergren Eve Curie.mp3
    10. Man Called X 471123 Report From Arctic.mp3
    11. Man Called X 501103 Professor Charney Has Disappeared.mp3
    12. Man Called X 510120 Japan Underground.mp3
    13. Man Called X 520108 Formula H Stolen.mp3
    14. Man Hunt 000000 Story Of Crystal Clue No End.mp3
    15. Mr Moto 510613 05 Kuriloff Papers.mp3
    16. Mr Moto 510708 08 Sabotage.mp3
    17. Murder At Midnight 461104 Heavy Death.mp3
    18. Murder At Midnight 470224 Terror Out Of Space.mp3
    19. Mysterious Traveler 470727 114 Man Insects Hated.mp3
    20. Mysterious Traveler 500314 Big Brain.mp3
    21. Mysterious Traveler 500411 Operation Tomorrow.mp3
    22. Mysterious Traveler 510501 Planet Zevius.mp3
    23. New National Guard Show 000000 25 Boy With Green Thumb.mp3
    24. Peril 000000 14 Man Against City.mp3
    25. Philip Marlowe 490108 Restless Day.mp3
    26. Philo Vance 500516 Manicure Murder Case.mp3
    27. Phyl Coe Mysteries 370921 Mystery Of Death Ray Tube.mp3
    28. Planet Man 500000 Episode 39 Slats Tricks Dantro.mp3
    29. Planet Man 500000 Episode 53 Secret Council.mp3
    30. Police Headquarters 320000 Episode 37 Stolen Brain.mp3
    31. Pwh 550515 345 Test.mp3
    32. Quiet Please 470727 006 I Remember Tomorrow.mp3
    33. Quiet Please 480202 035 Pathetic Fallacy.mp3
    34. Quiet Please 490227 089 If I Should Wake Before I Die.mp3
    35. Radio Readers Digest 470911 079 Madame Curie.mp3
    36. Radio Readers Digest 480122 098 Strange John Ericson.mp3
    37. Ranger Bill 560606 Ep 178 Catching Big Fish With Small Hook.mp3
    38. RGT 550307 World We Know.mp3
    39. Romance 551210 Grasshopper.mp3
    40. Roy Rogers Missing Atomic Scientist.mp3
    41. Sam Spade 19480725 Mad Scientist Caper.mp3
    42. Sam Spade 480725 109 Mad Scientist Caper.mp3
    43. Secret Missions 490313 Battle For Heavy Water.mp3
    44. Security Agent Usa 490901 Security Agent Usa.mp3
    45. Sherlock Holmes 460408 210 Disappearing Scientists.mp3
    46. Sherlock Holmes 460408 Disappearing Scientists.mp3
    47. Space Patrol 521025 Hole In Empty Space.mp3
    48. Space Patrol 530103 Brain Bank And Space Binoculars.mp3
    49. Space Patrol 530425 Prisoner Of Pluto.mp3
    50. Space Patrol 531107 Cyclone In Outer Space.mp3
    51. Space Patrol 531205 Baccarrittis Secret Weapon.mp3
    52. Space Patrol 540821 Formula For Crime.mp3
    53. Strange As It Seems 390921 Worlds Most Ingenious Salesman.mp3
    54. Strange Dr Weird 441121 Journey Into Unknown.mp3
    55. Strange Dr Weird 450102 Tiger Cat.mp3

    1. Volume 4 – 55 shows – 528 MB – total playtime 19 hours, 14 minutes
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      Volume 4: $5.00
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    2. Strange Dr Weird 450130 Man Who Lived Twice.mp3
    3. Strange Dr Weird 450508 Murder One Million Bc.mp3
    4. Studio One 480120 Amazing Dr Clitterhouse.mp3
    5. Studio X 480000 Professor Goes For Walk.mp3
    6. Superman 451012 Atom Man Ep03of20.mp3
    7. Superman 451017 Atom Man Ep06of20.mp3
    8. Superman 451026 Atom Man Ep13of20.mp3
    9. Superman 470530 Superman Vs Kryptonite.mp3
    10. Superman 491126 Puzzle of the Poison Pomegranate.mp3
    11. Suspense 430727 Last Letter Of Dr Bronson.mp3
    12. Suspense 480207 Donovans Brain.mp3
    13. Suspense 500504 Statement Of Mary Blake.mp3
    14. Suspense 521103 Frankenstein.mp3
    15. Suspense 580608 Invisible Ape.mp3
    16. Suspense 580803 Voice Of Company A.mp3
    17. Suspense 620304 915 Doom Machine.mp3
    18. Suspense 620701 Black Death.mp3
    19. Taos 400226 0007 Dr. Dahlgrens Atomic Beam Machine.mp3
    20. Taos 400510 0039 Airplane Disasters At Bridger Field Pt 06.mp3
    21. Taos 400826 0085 Professor Thorpes Bathysphere Pt 01.mp3
    22. Taos 400902 0088 Professor Thorpes Bathysphere Pt 04.mp3
    23. Taos 410512 0196 Grayson Submarine Pt 01.mp3
    24. Taos 421130 0391 Midnight Intruder Pt 07.mp3
    25. Taos 421215 0402 Lost Continent Of Atlantis Pt 04.mp3
    26. Taos 430105 0416 Tin Men Pt 02.mp3
    27. Taos 430322 0470 Dr. Camerons Helicopter Pt 04.mp3
    28. Taos 451010 1136 Atom Man Pt 01.mp3
    29. Taos 460104 1197 Looking For Kryptonite Pt 23.mp3
    30. Taos 460215 1227 Radar Rocket Pt 01.mp3
    31. Taos 460218 1228 Radar Rocket Pt 02.mp3
    32. Taos 460220 1230 Radar Rocket Pt 04.mp3
    33. Taos 460221 1231 Radar Rocket Pt 05.mp3
    34. Taos 460306 1240 Radar Rocket Pt 14.mp3
    35. Taos 460307 1241 Radar Rocket Pt 15.mp3
    36. Taos 500114 0072 Voices Of Dead.mp3
    37. Terry Pirates 411210 048 Missing Scientist.mp3
    38. Theater Five 640924 Evil That Men Do.mp3
    39. Theater Five 650218 Its Work Of Art.mp3
    40. Tom Corbett 520306 20 Asteroid Of Danger Part 2.mp3
    41. Vic And Sade 440615 X Aunt Besss 5th Letter.mp3
    42. Vox Pop 480121 Congressmen Richard Nixon Glenn Davis Tn.mp3
    43. We People 400206 Daughter Of Lillian Russell.mp3
    44. Weird Circle 440917 Ghost Touch.mp3
    45. Whistler 430605 055 Shadow Of Mind.mp3
    46. Whistler 440611 108 Doctor Prescribes Death.mp3
    47. Whistler 470924 278 Sleep My Pretty One.mp3
    48. Whistler 490417 358 Sleep My Pretty One.mp3
    49. Wild Bill Hickok 540519 236 Rimrock Rainmaker.mp3
    50. Words At War 440208 35 George Washington Carver.mp3
    51. Words At War 450501 94 Hide Out.mp3
    52. X Minus One 550714 Dr Grimshaws Sanitarium.mp3
    53. X Minus One 560828 Surface Tension.mp3
    54. X Minus One 571219 Double Dare.mp3
    55. Yours Truly Johnny Dollar 580112 Boron 112 Matter.mp3
    56. Yours Truly Johnny Dollar 600313 Deep Down Matter.mp3
  • Standard Audio CDs are delivered by mail on archival quality media with up to 60 minutes on each CD and play in all CD players

    221 recordings on 91 Audio CDs. Total playtime 86 hours, 12 min
    221 recordings on 91 Audio CDs
    total playtime 86 hours, 12 min

    Scientists and Inventors Disc A001

    1. Ask Dr Science 121 Why Scientists Words Like Quark Googel
    2. Danger With Granger Worried Wife Scientist Fbi.
    3. Eb And Zeb 122 Lesson From Prof. Thistlewaite
    4. Eb And Zeb 383 Episode 383
    5. Eb And Zeb 384 Episode 384
    6. Eb And Zeb 388 Episode 388

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    Scientists and Inventors Disc A002

    1. Eleventh Hour 16 Scientist Quits
    2. Ganda 047 Jimmy Eyes Business Opportunity
    3. Ganda 078 Camping Petrfdi Wood Lizards Spider Entomologist
    4. Ganda 096 Phoenix Az Meet Inventor Takeoff Minicopter

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    Scientists and Inventors Disc A003

    1. Hermits Cave Spirits Of Vengeance
    2. Heroes Of Civilization 1936 27 Prof Drinker
    3. Roy Rogers Missing Atomic Scientist

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    Scientists and Inventors Disc A004

    1. Sam Spade 19480725 Mad Scientist Caper
    2. Eerie Stories 000000 Disappearing Professors
    3. Hermits Cave 000000 Nameless Day

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    Scientists and Inventors Disc A005

    1. Hermits Cave 000000 Professors Elixir
    2. Hermits Cave 000000 Search For Life
    3. Man Hunt 000000 Story Of Crystal Clue No End

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    Scientists and Inventors Disc A006

    1. New National Guard Show 000000 25 Boy With Green Thumb
    2. Peril 000000 14 Man Against City
    3. Police Headquarters 320000 Episode 37 Stolen Brain
    4. Heroes Of Civilization Au 360000 23 Anton Leewenhoek

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    Scientists and Inventors Disc A007

    1. Magic Island 360000 Ep 015 Staged Escape Attempt
    2. Little Orphan Annie 360616 1164 Wright Brothers 33rd Anniv
    3. Columbia Workshop 361121 Electrical Demon 200 Were Chosen

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    Scientists and Inventors Disc A008

    1. Lux Radio Theater 361123 108 Story Of Louis Pasteur

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    Scientists and Inventors Disc A009

    1. Columbia Workshop 370725 049 Matter Of Life And Death

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    Scientists and Inventors Disc A010

    1. Magic Key 370815 097 Flight From Glory

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    Scientists and Inventors Disc A011

    1. Phyl Coe Mysteries 370921 Mystery Of Death Ray Tube
    2. Magic Key 371107 109 Gertrud Wettergren Eve Curie
    3. Columbia Workshop 380129 075 Madame Curie

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    Scientists and Inventors Disc A012

    1. CAV 380209 Oliver Wendell Holmes
    2. Dick Tracy 380420 0078 Purple Rider Exposed

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    Scientists and Inventors Disc A013

    1. Strange As It Seems 390921 Worlds Most Ingenious Salesman
    2. We People 400206 Daughter Of Lillian Russell

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    Scientists and Inventors Disc A014

    1. Fred Allen Fred Allen Show 400207 019 Political Amateur Hour
    2. Taos 400226 0007 Dr. Dahlgrens Atomic Beam Machine

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    Scientists and Inventors Disc A015

    1. CAV 400326 Story Of John Fitch
    2. F D R 400510 Fdr 0024 Speech To American Scientists
    3. Taos 400510 0039 Airplane Disasters At Bridger Field Pt 06
    4. Taos 400826 0085 Professor Thorpes Bathysphere Pt 01
    5. Taos 400902 0088 Professor Thorpes Bathysphere Pt 04

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    Scientists and Inventors Disc A016

    1. Bob Hope 410128 097 Basil Rathbone
    2. CAV 410505 Trials And Triumphs Of Horatio Alger
    3. Taos 410512 0196 Grayson Submarine Pt 01

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    Scientists and Inventors Disc A017

    1. Terry Pirates 411210 048 Missing Scientist
    2. Dark Fantasy 411219 Men Call Me Mad
    3. Inner Sanctum Mysteries 411221 Man From Yesterday

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    Scientists and Inventors Disc A018

    1. Lights Out 421013 Revolt Of Worms
    2. Taos 421130 0391 Midnight Intruder Pt 07
    3. Taos 421215 0402 Lost Continent Of Atlantis Pt 04
    4. Black Castle 421216 Escape To Death

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    Scientists and Inventors Disc A019

    1. Taos 430105 0416 Tin Men Pt 02
    2. Taos 430322 0470 Dr. Camerons Helicopter Pt 04
    3. Whistler 430605 055 Shadow Of Mind

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    Scientists and Inventors Disc A020

    1. Suspense 430727 Last Letter Of Dr Bronson
    2. Green Hornet 430822 Murder Gas

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    Scientists and Inventors Disc A021

    1. Words At War 440208 35 George Washington Carver
    2. Green Hornet 440212 639 Light In Dark

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    Scientists and Inventors Disc A022

    1. Whistler 440611 108 Doctor Prescribes Death
    2. Vic And Sade 440615 X Aunt Besss 5th Letter
    3. Weird Circle 440917 Ghost Touch

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    Scientists and Inventors Disc A023

    1. First Nighter 441011 0643 Oh Say Can You See Repeat
    2. Strange Dr Weird 441121 Journey Into Unknown

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    Scientists and Inventors Disc A024

    1. Amos And Andy Show 441124 Spot Removal Formula
    2. Adventures In Research 450000 Gustave Dalen
    3. Strange Dr Weird 450102 Tiger Cat
    4. Strange Dr Weird 450130 Man Who Lived Twice

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    Scientists and Inventors Disc A025

    1. Words At War 450501 94 Hide Out
    2. Strange Dr Weird 450508 Murder One Million Bc

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    Scientists and Inventors Disc A026

    1. Lux Radio Theater 450521 484 And Now Tomorrow

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    Scientists and Inventors Disc A027

    1. Arch Obolers Plays 450628 12 Truth
    2. CAV 450827 Assignment For Professor
    3. Taos 451010 1136 Atom Man Pt 01

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    Scientists and Inventors Disc A028

    1. Superman 451012 Atom Man Ep03of20
    2. Adventures In Research 451016 142 New Kind Of Movie
    3. Superman 451017 Atom Man Ep06of20
    4. Superman 451026 Atom Man Ep13of20

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    Scientists and Inventors Disc A029

    1. Inner Sanctum Mysteries 451211 Dark Chamber
    2. Lest We Forget 460000 09 Franz Boaz
    3. Lest We Forget 460000 George Washington Carver

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    Scientists and Inventors Disc A030

    1. Taos 460104 1197 Looking For Kryptonite Pt 23
    2. Taos 460215 1227 Radar Rocket Pt 01
    3. Taos 460218 1228 Radar Rocket Pt 02
    4. Taos 460220 1230 Radar Rocket Pt 04

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    Scientists and Inventors Disc A031

    1. Taos 460221 1231 Radar Rocket Pt 05
    2. Taos 460306 1240 Radar Rocket Pt 14
    3. Taos 460307 1241 Radar Rocket Pt 15
    4. Sherlock Holmes 460408 210 Disappearing Scientists

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    Scientists and Inventors Disc A032

    1. Sherlock Holmes 460408 Disappearing Scientists
    2. Academy Award Th 460413 03 Life Of Louis Pasteur

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    Scientists and Inventors Disc A033

    1. Encore Theater 460611 02 Life Of Louis Pasteur
    2. Horatio 460716 1334 Pt 11
    3. Horatio 460717 1335 Pt 12

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    Scientists and Inventors Disc A034

    1. Horatio 460719 1337 Pt 14
    2. Henry Morgan Show 461030 009 Pockets

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    Scientists and Inventors Disc A035

    1. Murder At Midnight 461104 Heavy Death
    2. Command Performance 461110 238 Superman Bob Hope Bela Lugosi

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    Scientists and Inventors Disc A036

    1. Academy Award Theater 461113 Night Train
    2. Academy Award Theater 461218 Lost Angel
    3. Behind Scenes 470000 16 F W Woolworth

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    Scientists and Inventors Disc A037

    1. Lest We Forget American Dream 470000 08 Chain Reaction
    2. Murder At Midnight 470224 Terror Out Of Space
    3. Superman 470530 Superman Vs Kryptonite

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    Scientists and Inventors Disc A038

    1. Lights Out 470716 002 Death Robbery
    2. Mysterious Traveler 470727 114 Man Insects Hated

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    Scientists and Inventors Disc A039

    1. Quiet Please 470727 006 I Remember Tomorrow
    2. CAV 470908 532 Kitchen Scientist

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    Scientists and Inventors Disc A040

    1. CAV 470908 Kitchen Scientist
    2. Radio Readers Digest 470911 079 Madame Curie

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    Scientists and Inventors Disc A041

    1. Favorite Story 470920 002 Diamond Lens
    2. Whistler 470924 278 Sleep My Pretty One

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    Scientists and Inventors Disc A042

    1. Hop Harrigan 471119 1338 Mystery Of Wailing Witches 4
    2. Man Called X 471123 Report From Arctic

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    Scientists and Inventors Disc A043

    1. CAV 471208 Diamonds In Sky
    2. Studio X 480000 Professor Goes For Walk
    3. KMHl 480108 Where Did Robinson Crusoe Go William Powell

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    Scientists and Inventors Disc A044

    1. Studio One 480120 Amazing Dr Clitterhouse

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    Scientists and Inventors Disc A045

    1. Vox Pop 480121 Congressmen Richard Nixon Glenn Davis Tn
    2. Radio Readers Digest 480122 098 Strange John Ericson

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    Scientists and Inventors Disc A046

    1. Quiet Please 480202 035 Pathetic Fallacy

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    Scientists and Inventors Disc A047

    1. Suspense 480207 Donovans Brain

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    Scientists and Inventors Disc A048

    1. CAV 480223 This Way To Tomorrow
    2. Adventures In Research 480302 266 First Automobile

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    Scientists and Inventors Disc A049

    1. I Love Adventure 480425 China Coast

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    Scientists and Inventors Disc A050

    1. Lux Radio Theater 480503 614 Cloak And Dagger

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    Scientists and Inventors Disc A051

    1. Diary Of Fate 480525 Walter Vincent
    2. Adventures In Research 480720 286 Demon Of Devonshire

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    Scientists and Inventors Disc A052

    1. Sam Spade 480725 109 Mad Scientist Caper
    2. Eternal Light 480815 0194 Head Of Table
    3. Calling All Detectives 480909 261 Scientist Killed

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    Scientists and Inventors Disc A053

    1. Destination Freedom 481017 017 Boy Who Was Traded For Horse
    2. Jergens Journal 481219

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    Scientists and Inventors Disc A054

    1. Philip Marlowe 490108 Restless Day
    2. Quiet Please 490227 089 If I Should Wake Before I Die

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    Scientists and Inventors Disc A055

    1. Secret Missions 490313 Battle For Heavy Water
    2. Whistler 490417 358 Sleep My Pretty One

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    Scientists and Inventors Disc A056

    1. Bb 4906158 Professor And Rufus Rob Bank
    2. Box 13 490731 Archimedes And Roman
    3. Blackstone 490828 48 Criminal Who Caught Himself

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    Scientists and Inventors Disc A057

    1. Security Agent Usa 490901 Security Agent Usa
    2. Counterspy 491020 Case Of International Intrigue

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    Scientists and Inventors Disc A058

    1. Superman 491126 Puzzle of the Poison Pomegranate
    2. Planet Man 500000 Episode 39 Slats Tricks Dantro
    3. Planet Man 500000 Episode 53 Secret Council

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    Scientists and Inventors Disc A059

    1. Taos 500114 0072 Voices Of Dead
    2. Mysterious Traveler 500314 Big Brain

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    Scientists and Inventors Disc A060

    1. Counterspy 500404 Magic Murder
    2. Mysterious Traveler 500411 Operation Tomorrow

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    Scientists and Inventors Disc A061

    1. Bunco Squad 500415 Case Of Bookworm
    2. Eternal Light 500416 0276 Miracle In Making

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    Scientists and Inventors Disc A062

    1. Counterspy 500418 Fabulous Formula Pt1
    2. Dimension X 500422 Report On Barnhouse Effect

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    Scientists and Inventors Disc A063

    1. Dangerous Assignment 500424 017 Alaska Missing Scientists
    2. Suspense 500504 Statement Of Mary Blake

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    Scientists and Inventors Disc A064

    1. Philo Vance 500516 Manicure Murder Case
    2. 2000 Plus 500517 Insect

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    Scientists and Inventors Disc A065

    1. Let George Do It 500612 Iron Cat
    2. Dimension X 500922 Dr Grimshaws Sanitarium

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    Scientists and Inventors Disc A066

    1. Cloak And Dagger 501006 Delay On Route
    2. Man Called X 501103 Professor Charney Has Disappeared

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    Scientists and Inventors Disc A067

    1. 2000 Plus 501105 Giant Walks
    2. Dangerous Assignment 510113 044 Missing Scientist

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    Scientists and Inventors Disc A068

    1. Dangerous Assignment 510113 046 Spain Missing Scientist
    2. Man Called X 510120 Japan Underground

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    Scientists and Inventors Disc A069

    1. Dangerous Assignment 510421 058 Pen Mightier Than Sword
    2. Mysterious Traveler 510501 Planet Zevius

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    Scientists and Inventors Disc A070

    1. Mr Moto 510613 05 Kuriloff Papers
    2. Mr Moto 510708 08 Sabotage
    3. Man Called X 520108 Formula H Stolen

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    Scientists and Inventors Disc A071

    1. Ft 520123 254 Thinking Machine
    2. Tom Corbett 520306 20 Asteroid Of Danger Part 2
    3. Hour Of St Francis 520427 Evening Star

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    Scientists and Inventors Disc A072

    1. Lux Radio Theater 520428 788 No Highway In Sky

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    Scientists and Inventors Disc A073

    1. Lives Of Harry Lime 520620 47 Professor Regrets
    2. Falcon 520828 Case Of Careless Corpse

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    Scientists and Inventors Disc A074

    1. Green Hornet 521003 1023 Spy Master
    2. Space Patrol 521025 Hole In Empty Space

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    Scientists and Inventors Disc A075

    1. Suspense 521103 Frankenstein
    2. Captain Starr Of Space 530000 X Carnumian Return

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    Scientists and Inventors Disc A076

    1. Space Patrol 530103 Brain Bank And Space Binoculars
    2. Dangerous Assignment 530204 145 Assignment Greece

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    Scientists and Inventors Disc A077

    1. Dangerous Assignment 530204 146 Greece Missing Scientist
    2. Hall Of Fantasy 530406 20 Return From Death

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    Scientists and Inventors Disc A078

    1. Space Patrol 530425 Prisoner Of Pluto
    2. Hall Of Fantasy 530518 26 Crawling Thing

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    Scientists and Inventors Disc A079

    1. Iwcf 530729 67 Line Is Busy
    2. Escape 530906 Train From Olbiefelde

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    Scientists and Inventors Disc A080

    1. Space Patrol 531107 Cyclone In Outer Space
    2. Space Patrol 531205 Baccarrittis Secret Weapon

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    Scientists and Inventors Disc A081

    1. Counterspy 531221 Case Of Diamond Thieves
    2. Adventures In Research 540119 572 Immigrant Inventor
    3. Adventures In Research 540511 588 And Then Night

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    Scientists and Inventors Disc A082

    1. Wild Bill Hickok 540519 236 Rimrock Rainmaker
    2. Ft 540707 377 Last Smash

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    Scientists and Inventors Disc A083

    1. Space Patrol 540821 Formula For Crime
    2. Adventures In Research 540914 606 Recluse Of Fitzroy Square
    3. RGT 550307 World We Know

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    Scientists and Inventors Disc A084

    1. Pwh 550515 345 Test
    2. X Minus One 550714 Dr Grimshaws Sanitarium

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    Scientists and Inventors Disc A085

    1. Romance 551210 Grasshopper
    2. Ranger Bill 560606 Ep 178 Catching Big Fish With Small Hook

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    Scientists and Inventors Disc A086

    1. X Minus One 560828 Surface Tension
    2. X Minus One 571219 Double Dare
    3. Yours Truly Johnny Dollar 580112 Boron 112 Matter

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    Scientists and Inventors Disc A087

    1. Suspense 580608 Invisible Ape
    2. Suspense 580803 Voice Of Company A
    3. Barptcbsrn 590729 023 Biff Burns With Fight Maniac
    4. Barptcbsrn 591026 086 Professor Graggins Space Ship

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    Scientists and Inventors Disc A088

    1. Barptcbsrn 600205 160 Green Pickerel
    2. Barptcbsrn 600302 178 One Fellas Family
    3. Yours Truly Johnny Dollar 600313 Deep Down Matter
    4. Barptcbsrn 600413 208 Mr Science

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    Scientists and Inventors Disc A089

    1. Macabre 620108 8 Edge Of Evil
    2. Suspense 620304 915 Doom Machine

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    Scientists and Inventors Disc A090

    1. Suspense 620701 Black Death
    2. Bing Crosby Rosemary Clooney 620830 Anything You Can Do
    3. Theater Five 640924 Evil That Men Do

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    Scientists and Inventors Disc A091

    1. Arch Obolers Plays 641205 Revolt Of Worms
    2. Theater Five 650218 Its Work Of Art

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