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News Recordings 1939

New headlines were dominated by the news Europe from the Spanish Civil War to the Blitzkrieg of Poland.

News Recordings 1939

100 old time radio show recordings
(total playtime 11 hours, 1065 min)
available in the following formats:

1 MP3 CD
11 Audio CDs

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Play a sample episode from September 01, 1939:

"Sept 1 1939 News with Lionel Marson"

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Text on OTRCAT.com ©2001-2024 OTRCAT INC All Rights Reserved. Reproduction is prohibited.

German Invasion of PolandOur 1939 collection begins with the winds of War swirling, but life going on as normally as can be expected. We begin with a clip from the BBC describing how to take care of our gas mask, and another clip of Prime Minister Chamberlain speaking after the Invasion of Czechoslovakia.

Prime Minister ChamberlainA historically significant concert was given on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial by Marian Anderson, considered the greatest contralto alive at the time. In his introduction, Secretary of the Interior, Howard Ickes explained that the outdoor concert was to allow more people to enjoy Ms. Anderson's marvelous talent. In fact, she had wanted to perform in Washington D.C.'s largest arena, Constitution Hall, but was barred because of her color. When Secretary Ickes and Eleanor Roosevelt heard about it, they made arrangements for the Easter Sunday concert which was attended by 75,000 appreciative listeners. Our collection also includes an episode of The Bob Hope Show with guest Betty Grable.

The majority of 1939's radio news was dominated by the coming of War in Europe. For American listeners and their leaders, the important question was how to keep out of the fighting while not giving aid to the enemies of our friends. There would be no easy answer, although the issue would be discussed by politicians and commentators alike.

Robert (Bob) TroutSome parties were not shy about lending support to friends of the United States. CBS, NBC and the Mutual Broadcasting System all had correspondents in Europe, as well as a wealth of commentators state-side who were ready to give their interpretation of events.

CBS had well known announcer Bob Trout in New York, and his broadcasts often called upon Edward R. Murrow in London or William Shirer in Berlin. The Columbia network also had the reporting and commentary of H.V. Kaltenborn before 1940. Mutual took advantage of Sigrid Schultz's services. William Shirer would write "No other American correspondent in Berlin knew so much of what was going on behind the scenes as did Sigrid Schultz." NBC broadcast commentary from Dorothy Thompson, "the first lady of American journalism". After the Invasion of Poland, Ms. Thompson was on the air fifteen consecutive days and nights.

Many of our 1939 News Broadcasts come from the BBC. Great Britain and France were to be the two biggest thorns in Hitler's side in the months before invading Poland. Prime Minister Chamberlain's efforts to avoid War are still being debated by historians. Opinions range from too little, too late to a noble, even heroic effort against insurmountable odds.

All of the news services went into overdrive on September 1, 1939, the day that Nazi Germany crossed the border into Poland. England and France immediately declared War on Germany, but little was done militarily for several months.

During the period known as the "Sitzkrieg" or Phoney War, two significant military engagements took place, the Soviet assault on Finland and Battle of the River Plate. Two months after invading Poland, the Soviets expected to roll over the outnumbered and poorly equipped Finns. German pocket battleship Graf Spee However, the Russian army leadership was still suffering from Stalin's purges. Although the sheer number of Soviet troops and equipment would wear down the Finns, Russia was not able to achieve its goal of total conquest.

The German pocket battleship Graf Spee had been acting as a commerce raider since the beginning of the War, sinking several merchant vessels in the Indian Ocean and the South Atlantic. A squadron of smaller British ships were sighted by the Spee, but initially believed to be a pair of small destroyers escorting a convoy. Too late the German captain realized he was engaging three British cruisers. The Spee was damaged in the engagement, but not fatally so. She made her way to Montevideo to make repairs. The government of neutral Uruguay informed the Graf Spee that she had to leave port within 72 hours. Unable to effect the necessary repairs in that time, the Captain chose to scuttle his ship rather than face sinking by the British.

Text on OTRCAT.com ©2001-2024 OTRCAT INC All Rights Reserved. Reproduction is prohibited.

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    As someone who loves history recordings like this make the past come alive. Can't thank OTRCAT enough.

    Paul Verified Purchase

    Ten out of ten from the start u are back in touch with the world then and now because sound says more than film some time s .live events feel real .feel the world as if you were there

    Derek Verified Purchase

    Anybody interested in 20th century history should know about these. There's some dross, of course, but the good material outweighs it. As others said, these news broadcasts give you an incredible feeling for what was happening and how people felt about it. Seriously, top-notch for anybody interested in history. (True for all the years and subjects I've listened to so far.)

    Ken Verified Purchase

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  • MP3 CDs are delivered by mail. These archival quality MP3 CDs are playable in your computer and many MP3 player devices.

    100 recordings on 1 MP3 CD for just $5.00. Total playtime 11 hours, 1065 min
    100 recordings on 1 MP3 CD for just $5.00
    total playtime 11 hours, 1065 min
    Add MP3 CD Collection to Cart

    1. 100 shows – total playtime 11 hours, 17 minutes
    2. News 390308 BBC Gas Mask Drill.mp3
    3. News 390312 PTT Reportage De Lintronisation Du Pape PIE XII.mp3
    4. News 390315 BBC Chamberlain After Czech Invasion.mp3
    5. News 390409 Marian Anderson Concert.mp3
    6. News 390411 NBC Bob Hope Guest Betty Grable.mp3
    7. News 390426 Former Prime Minister Stanley Baldwin Speaks NY.mp3
    8. News 390500 NBC Duke Windsor Appeasement Broadcast Verdun.mp3
    9. News 390523 USS Squalus Rescue.mp3
    10. News 390618 WCCO Anoka Tornado.mp3
    11. News 390706 Herbert Hoover Urges US Neutrality.mp3
    12. News 390717 Edward Murrow News From Europe.mp3
    13. News 390823 Rep Martin Dies Nazi Bolshevism Soviet Fascism.mp3
    14. News 390827 BBC Czech Ambsdr In London-Poland Situation.mp3
    15. News 390827 BBC News.mp3
    16. News 390827 CBS HV Kaltenborn Reports On The Eve Of War.mp3
    17. News 390828 CBS European News.mp3
    18. News 390828 CBS London Before War Murrow.mp3
    19. News 390828 Edward MurrowLondon Before War Murrow.mp3
    20. News 390828 MBS Sigrid Schultz In Berlin.mp3
    21. News 390831 BBC Alvar Liddell Reports German 16Pt Plan.mp3
    22. News 390831 BBC Polish Question 16 Points.mp3
    23. News 3908xx FDR Speech There Can Be No Peace.mp3
    24. News 390901 BBC Alvar Liddell Reports Evacuation Children.mp3
    25. News 390901 BBC Alvar Liddell Reports The Invasion Of Poland.mp3
    26. News 390901 BBC Evacuation of London.mp3
    27. News 390901 BBC Evacuees Waterloo Seymour Joly de Lotbinire.mp3
    28. News 390901 BBC Ignace Paderewski War Looming Poland.mp3
    29. News 390901 BBC Invasion of Poland Lionel Marson.mp3
    30. News 390901 BBC S J de Lotbinire Reports Evacuation.mp3
    31. News 390901 BBC S J de Lotbinire Reports Train Now Leaving.mp3
    32. News 390901 CBS Adolf Hitler Announces War With Poland.mp3
    33. News 390901 Herbert Hoover Speaks At The Onset Of The War.mp3
    34. News 390901 Polish Ambassador To US On War With Germany.mp3
    35. News 390901 PPR Radio Warsaw Reports On German Invasion.mp3
    36. News 390902 BBC News.mp3
    37. News 390902 Chamberlain Declares War.mp3
    38. News 390903 1000 BBC Outbreak of War with Germany.mp3
    39. News 390903 1115 BBC Britain Declares War On Germany.mp3
    40. News 390903 BBC Britain Declares War On Germany.mp3
    41. News 390903 BBC Defense Order Closing Entertainment.mp3
    42. News 390903 BBC King George VI Addresses the Nation.mp3
    43. News 390903 BBC King George VI Addrs The Nation Excerpts 1.mp3
    44. News 390903 BBC King George VI Addrs The Nation Excerpts 2.mp3
    45. News 390903 BBC Places Of Entertainment To Be Closed.mp3
    46. News 390903 BBC PM Chamberlain Declaration of War.mp3
    47. News 390903 BBC Prime Minister Chamberlain Declares War.mp3
    48. News 390903 CBC Canada Declares War on Germany.mp3
    49. News 390903 CBS AP Bulletin On Peace Efforts.mp3
    50. News 390903 Edward Murrow News From Europe.mp3
    51. News 390903 FDR Speaks About The War Beginning In Europe.mp3
    52. News 390903 Fireside Chat War In Europe.mp3
    53. News 390903 NBC Hitler Invasion of Poland Dorothy Thompson.mp3
    54. News 390904 BBC News.mp3
    55. News 390904 CBS Edward R Murrow British Class System.mp3
    56. News 390906 BBC Survivors Recall Sinking SS Athenia.mp3
    57. News 390907 CBS William L Shirer In Berlin.mp3
    58. News 390907 CBS William L Shirer News From Berlin.mp3
    59. News 390910 BBC Evacuee Message To Parents.mp3
    60. News 390910 BBC We Have Been Evacuated.mp3
    61. News 390919 Edward Murrow Robert Trout News Of Europe.mp3
    62. News 390920 NBC Reports On Adolph Hitlers Danzig Address.mp3
    63. News 390921 CBS French Premier Daladiers Message To France.mp3
    64. News 390921 FDR Addresses Extraordinary Session Of Congress.mp3
    65. News 390922 CBS Adolf Hitler Poland HV Kaltenborn Commentary.mp3
    66. News 390922 CBS H V Kaltenborn Commentary.mp3
    67. News 390928 William L. Shirer Interviews Herbert Schultze.mp3
    68. News 391001 BBC Winston Churchill The First Month of the War.mp3
    69. News 391007 CBS Elmer Davis With The News.mp3
    70. News 391015 BBC Richard Dimbleby By A French Road.mp3
    71. News 391016 Elsie and Doris Waters Gert Daisy the Blackout.mp3
    72. News 391024 CBS Elmer Davis Reports City Flint Still Missing.mp3
    73. News 391027 NBC Story Behind Headlines Outbreak European War.mp3
    74. News 391030 CBS Elmer Davis Reports On Neutrality Bill.mp3
    75. News 391031 CBS Elmer Davis Reports On Molotovs Speech.mp3
    76. News 391111 BBC HM Queen Elizabeth Calls on Women.mp3
    77. News 391111 BBC Queen Elizabeth Fortitude Of Women.mp3
    78. News 391112 BBC Winston Churchill Ten Weeks Of War.mp3
    79. News 391127 CBS Edward R Murrow Underground Air Raid.mp3
    80. News 391129 BBC War Comes to London Voluntary Hospitals.mp3
    81. News 391130 CBS Elmer Davis And George Fielding Elliot.mp3
    82. News 391130 CBS Elmer Davis Russian Air Raids On Helsinki.mp3
    83. News 3911xx BBC Our War Aims Now and After Viscount Halifax.mp3
    84. News 3911xx God Bless You Mr Chamberlain.mp3
    85. News 391201 CBS Elmer Davis The Defense Of Finland Continues.mp3
    86. News 391202 CBS Elmer Davis Reports Germany Accuses Sweden.mp3
    87. News 391213 RSH Lord Haw Haw NYT Cruiser Exeter Damaged.mp3
    88. News 391217 From Montevideo Uruguay The End Of Graf Spee.mp3
    89. News 391217 News Bulletin On Graf Spee.mp3
    90. News 391218 BBC Churchill Sinking of Graff Spee.mp3
    91. News 391218 BBC Winston Churchill Sinkig The Graf Spee.mp3
    92. News 391218 CBS Elmer Davis Reports On Russo Finnish Front.mp3
    93. News 391219 CBS Elmer Davis German Liner Columbus Scuttled.mp3
    94. News 391220 CBS Elmer Davis Swedish Volunteer Units Finland.mp3
    95. News 391231 Siegfried Line Nazi Parody.mp3
    96. News 391231 Siegfried Line.mp3
    97. News 3912xx BBC Tommy Handley Very Little Nazi.mp3
    98. News 39xxxx RSH Lord Haw Haw Germany Calling Sign On.mp3
    99. News 39xxxx RSH Lord Haw Haw Sign Off.mp3
    100. News 39xxxx Shinola.mp3
    101. News 39xxxx XERA Pickard Family.mp3
  • MP3 downloads are available instantly after purchase!

    100 recordings on 1 MP3 Collection Download for just $5.00. Total playtime 11 hours, 1065 min
    100 recordings on 1 MP3 Collection Download for just $5.00
    310 MB – total playtime 11 hours, 17 min
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    1. 100 shows – 310 MB – total playtime 11 hours, 17 minutes
    2. News 390308 BBC Gas Mask Drill.mp3
    3. News 390312 PTT Reportage De Lintronisation Du Pape PIE XII.mp3
    4. News 390315 BBC Chamberlain After Czech Invasion.mp3
    5. News 390409 Marian Anderson Concert.mp3
    6. News 390411 NBC Bob Hope Guest Betty Grable.mp3
    7. News 390426 Former Prime Minister Stanley Baldwin Speaks NY.mp3
    8. News 390500 NBC Duke Windsor Appeasement Broadcast Verdun.mp3
    9. News 390523 USS Squalus Rescue.mp3
    10. News 390618 WCCO Anoka Tornado.mp3
    11. News 390706 Herbert Hoover Urges US Neutrality.mp3
    12. News 390717 Edward Murrow News From Europe.mp3
    13. News 390823 Rep Martin Dies Nazi Bolshevism Soviet Fascism.mp3
    14. News 390827 BBC Czech Ambsdr In London-Poland Situation.mp3
    15. News 390827 BBC News.mp3
    16. News 390827 CBS HV Kaltenborn Reports On The Eve Of War.mp3
    17. News 390828 CBS European News.mp3
    18. News 390828 CBS London Before War Murrow.mp3
    19. News 390828 Edward MurrowLondon Before War Murrow.mp3
    20. News 390828 MBS Sigrid Schultz In Berlin.mp3
    21. News 390831 BBC Alvar Liddell Reports German 16Pt Plan.mp3
    22. News 390831 BBC Polish Question 16 Points.mp3
    23. News 3908xx FDR Speech There Can Be No Peace.mp3
    24. News 390901 BBC Alvar Liddell Reports Evacuation Children.mp3
    25. News 390901 BBC Alvar Liddell Reports The Invasion Of Poland.mp3
    26. News 390901 BBC Evacuation of London.mp3
    27. News 390901 BBC Evacuees Waterloo Seymour Joly de Lotbinire.mp3
    28. News 390901 BBC Ignace Paderewski War Looming Poland.mp3
    29. News 390901 BBC Invasion of Poland Lionel Marson.mp3
    30. News 390901 BBC S J de Lotbinire Reports Evacuation.mp3
    31. News 390901 BBC S J de Lotbinire Reports Train Now Leaving.mp3
    32. News 390901 CBS Adolf Hitler Announces War With Poland.mp3
    33. News 390901 Herbert Hoover Speaks At The Onset Of The War.mp3
    34. News 390901 Polish Ambassador To US On War With Germany.mp3
    35. News 390901 PPR Radio Warsaw Reports On German Invasion.mp3
    36. News 390902 BBC News.mp3
    37. News 390902 Chamberlain Declares War.mp3
    38. News 390903 1000 BBC Outbreak of War with Germany.mp3
    39. News 390903 1115 BBC Britain Declares War On Germany.mp3
    40. News 390903 BBC Britain Declares War On Germany.mp3
    41. News 390903 BBC Defense Order Closing Entertainment.mp3
    42. News 390903 BBC King George VI Addresses the Nation.mp3
    43. News 390903 BBC King George VI Addrs The Nation Excerpts 1.mp3
    44. News 390903 BBC King George VI Addrs The Nation Excerpts 2.mp3
    45. News 390903 BBC Places Of Entertainment To Be Closed.mp3
    46. News 390903 BBC PM Chamberlain Declaration of War.mp3
    47. News 390903 BBC Prime Minister Chamberlain Declares War.mp3
    48. News 390903 CBC Canada Declares War on Germany.mp3
    49. News 390903 CBS AP Bulletin On Peace Efforts.mp3
    50. News 390903 Edward Murrow News From Europe.mp3
    51. News 390903 FDR Speaks About The War Beginning In Europe.mp3
    52. News 390903 Fireside Chat War In Europe.mp3
    53. News 390903 NBC Hitler Invasion of Poland Dorothy Thompson.mp3
    54. News 390904 BBC News.mp3
    55. News 390904 CBS Edward R Murrow British Class System.mp3
    56. News 390906 BBC Survivors Recall Sinking SS Athenia.mp3
    57. News 390907 CBS William L Shirer In Berlin.mp3
    58. News 390907 CBS William L Shirer News From Berlin.mp3
    59. News 390910 BBC Evacuee Message To Parents.mp3
    60. News 390910 BBC We Have Been Evacuated.mp3
    61. News 390919 Edward Murrow Robert Trout News Of Europe.mp3
    62. News 390920 NBC Reports On Adolph Hitlers Danzig Address.mp3
    63. News 390921 CBS French Premier Daladiers Message To France.mp3
    64. News 390921 FDR Addresses Extraordinary Session Of Congress.mp3
    65. News 390922 CBS Adolf Hitler Poland HV Kaltenborn Commentary.mp3
    66. News 390922 CBS H V Kaltenborn Commentary.mp3
    67. News 390928 William L. Shirer Interviews Herbert Schultze.mp3
    68. News 391001 BBC Winston Churchill The First Month of the War.mp3
    69. News 391007 CBS Elmer Davis With The News.mp3
    70. News 391015 BBC Richard Dimbleby By A French Road.mp3
    71. News 391016 Elsie and Doris Waters Gert Daisy the Blackout.mp3
    72. News 391024 CBS Elmer Davis Reports City Flint Still Missing.mp3
    73. News 391027 NBC Story Behind Headlines Outbreak European War.mp3
    74. News 391030 CBS Elmer Davis Reports On Neutrality Bill.mp3
    75. News 391031 CBS Elmer Davis Reports On Molotovs Speech.mp3
    76. News 391111 BBC HM Queen Elizabeth Calls on Women.mp3
    77. News 391111 BBC Queen Elizabeth Fortitude Of Women.mp3
    78. News 391112 BBC Winston Churchill Ten Weeks Of War.mp3
    79. News 391127 CBS Edward R Murrow Underground Air Raid.mp3
    80. News 391129 BBC War Comes to London Voluntary Hospitals.mp3
    81. News 391130 CBS Elmer Davis And George Fielding Elliot.mp3
    82. News 391130 CBS Elmer Davis Russian Air Raids On Helsinki.mp3
    83. News 3911xx BBC Our War Aims Now and After Viscount Halifax.mp3
    84. News 3911xx God Bless You Mr Chamberlain.mp3
    85. News 391201 CBS Elmer Davis The Defense Of Finland Continues.mp3
    86. News 391202 CBS Elmer Davis Reports Germany Accuses Sweden.mp3
    87. News 391213 RSH Lord Haw Haw NYT Cruiser Exeter Damaged.mp3
    88. News 391217 From Montevideo Uruguay The End Of Graf Spee.mp3
    89. News 391217 News Bulletin On Graf Spee.mp3
    90. News 391218 BBC Churchill Sinking of Graff Spee.mp3
    91. News 391218 BBC Winston Churchill Sinkig The Graf Spee.mp3
    92. News 391218 CBS Elmer Davis Reports On Russo Finnish Front.mp3
    93. News 391219 CBS Elmer Davis German Liner Columbus Scuttled.mp3
    94. News 391220 CBS Elmer Davis Swedish Volunteer Units Finland.mp3
    95. News 391231 Siegfried Line Nazi Parody.mp3
    96. News 391231 Siegfried Line.mp3
    97. News 3912xx BBC Tommy Handley Very Little Nazi.mp3
    98. News 39xxxx RSH Lord Haw Haw Germany Calling Sign On.mp3
    99. News 39xxxx RSH Lord Haw Haw Sign Off.mp3
    100. News 39xxxx Shinola.mp3
    101. News 39xxxx XERA Pickard Family.mp3
  • Standard Audio CDs are delivered by mail on archival quality media with up to 60 minutes on each CD and play in all CD players

    100 recordings on 11 Audio CDs. Total playtime 11 hours, 17 min
    100 recordings on 11 Audio CDs
    total playtime 11 hours, 17 min

    News Recordings 1939 Disc A001

    1. News 3908xx FDR Speech There Can Be No Peace
    2. News 3911xx BBC Our War Aims Now and After Viscount Halifax
    3. News 3911xx God Bless You Mr Chamberlain
    4. News 3912xx BBC Tommy Handley Very Little Nazi
    5. News 39xxxx RSH Lord Haw Haw Germany Calling Sign On
    6. News 39xxxx RSH Lord Haw Haw Sign Off
    7. News 39xxxx Shinola
    8. News 39xxxx XERA Pickard Family
    9. News 390308 BBC Gas Mask Drill
    10. News 390312 PTT Reportage De Lintronisation Du Pape PIE XII
    11. News 390315 BBC Chamberlain After Czech Invasion

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    News Recordings 1939 Disc A002

    1. News 390409 Marian Anderson Concert
    2. News 390411 NBC Bob Hope Guest Betty Grable
    3. News 390426 Former Prime Minister Stanley Baldwin Speaks NY
    4. News 390500 NBC Duke Windsor Appeasement Broadcast Verdun

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    News Recordings 1939 Disc A003

    1. News 390523 USS Squalus Rescue
    2. News 390618 WCCO Anoka Tornado
    3. News 390706 Herbert Hoover Urges US Neutrality
    4. News 390717 Edward Murrow News From Europe
    5. News 390823 Rep Martin Dies Nazi Bolshevism Soviet Fascism
    6. News 390827 BBC Czech Ambsdr In London-Poland Situation
    7. News 390827 BBC News
    8. News 390827 CBS HV Kaltenborn Reports On The Eve Of War
    9. News 390828 CBS European News
    10. News 390828 CBS London Before War Murrow
    11. News 390828 Edward MurrowLondon Before War Murrow

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    News Recordings 1939 Disc A004

    1. News 390828 MBS Sigrid Schultz In Berlin
    2. News 390831 BBC Alvar Liddell Reports German 16Pt Plan
    3. News 390831 BBC Polish Question 16 Points
    4. News 390901 BBC Alvar Liddell Reports Evacuation Children
    5. News 390901 BBC Alvar Liddell Reports The Invasion Of Poland
    6. News 390901 BBC Evacuation of London
    7. News 390901 BBC Evacuees Waterloo Seymour Joly de Lotbinire
    8. News 390901 BBC Ignace Paderewski War Looming Poland
    9. News 390901 BBC Invasion of Poland Lionel Marson
    10. News 390901 BBC S J de Lotbinire Reports Evacuation
    11. News 390901 BBC S J de Lotbinire Reports Train Now Leaving
    12. News 390901 CBS Adolf Hitler Announces War With Poland
    13. News 390901 Herbert Hoover Speaks At The Onset Of The War
    14. News 390901 Polish Ambassador To US On War With Germany
    15. News 390901 PPR Radio Warsaw Reports On German Invasion

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    News Recordings 1939 Disc A005

    1. News 390902 BBC News
    2. News 390902 Chamberlain Declares War
    3. News 390903 1000 BBC Outbreak of War with Germany

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    News Recordings 1939 Disc A006

    1. News 390903 1115 BBC Britain Declares War On Germany
    2. News 390903 BBC Britain Declares War On Germany
    3. News 390903 BBC Defense Order Closing Entertainment
    4. News 390903 BBC King George VI Addresses the Nation
    5. News 390903 BBC King George VI Addrs The Nation Excerpts 1
    6. News 390903 BBC King George VI Addrs The Nation Excerpts 2
    7. News 390903 BBC Places Of Entertainment To Be Closed
    8. News 390903 BBC PM Chamberlain Declaration of War
    9. News 390903 BBC Prime Minister Chamberlain Declares War
    10. News 390903 CBC Canada Declares War on Germany
    11. News 390903 CBS AP Bulletin On Peace Efforts
    12. News 390903 Edward Murrow News From Europe
    13. News 390903 FDR Speaks About The War Beginning In Europe
    14. News 390903 Fireside Chat War In Europe

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    News Recordings 1939 Disc A007

    1. News 390903 NBC Hitler Invasion of Poland Dorothy Thompson
    2. News 390904 BBC News
    3. News 390904 CBS Edward R Murrow British Class System

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    News Recordings 1939 Disc A008

    1. News 390906 BBC Survivors Recall Sinking SS Athenia
    2. News 390907 CBS William L Shirer In Berlin
    3. News 390907 CBS William L Shirer News From Berlin
    4. News 390910 BBC Evacuee Message To Parents
    5. News 390910 BBC We Have Been Evacuated
    6. News 390919 Edward Murrow Robert Trout News Of Europe
    7. News 390920 NBC Reports On Adolph Hitlers Danzig Address
    8. News 390921 CBS French Premier Daladiers Message To France

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    News Recordings 1939 Disc A009

    1. News 390921 FDR Addresses Extraordinary Session Of Congress
    2. News 390922 CBS Adolf Hitler Poland HV Kaltenborn Commentary
    3. News 390922 CBS H V Kaltenborn Commentary
    4. News 390928 William L. Shirer Interviews Herbert Schultze

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    News Recordings 1939 Disc A010

    1. News 391001 BBC Winston Churchill The First Month of the War
    2. News 391007 CBS Elmer Davis With The News
    3. News 391015 BBC Richard Dimbleby By A French Road
    4. News 391016 Elsie and Doris Waters Gert Daisy the Blackout
    5. News 391024 CBS Elmer Davis Reports City Flint Still Missing
    6. News 391027 NBC Story Behind Headlines Outbreak European War
    7. News 391030 CBS Elmer Davis Reports On Neutrality Bill
    8. News 391031 CBS Elmer Davis Reports On Molotovs Speech
    9. News 391111 BBC HM Queen Elizabeth Calls on Women
    10. News 391111 BBC Queen Elizabeth Fortitude Of Women
    11. News 391112 BBC Winston Churchill Ten Weeks Of War
    12. News 391127 CBS Edward R Murrow Underground Air Raid

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    News Recordings 1939 Disc A011

    1. News 391129 BBC War Comes to London Voluntary Hospitals
    2. News 391130 CBS Elmer Davis And George Fielding Elliot
    3. News 391130 CBS Elmer Davis Russian Air Raids On Helsinki
    4. News 391201 CBS Elmer Davis The Defense Of Finland Continues
    5. News 391202 CBS Elmer Davis Reports Germany Accuses Sweden
    6. News 391213 RSH Lord Haw Haw NYT Cruiser Exeter Damaged
    7. News 391217 From Montevideo Uruguay The End Of Graf Spee
    8. News 391217 News Bulletin On Graf Spee
    9. News 391218 BBC Churchill Sinking of Graff Spee
    10. News 391218 BBC Winston Churchill Sinkig The Graf Spee
    11. News 391218 CBS Elmer Davis Reports On Russo Finnish Front
    12. News 391219 CBS Elmer Davis German Liner Columbus Scuttled
    13. News 391220 CBS Elmer Davis Swedish Volunteer Units Finland
    14. News 391231 Siegfried Line Nazi Parody
    15. News 391231 Siegfried Line

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