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Fibber and Molly Fight World War Two

The Battle of Wistful Vista may not have made the history books, but WWII was won as much on the Home Front as the Front Lines.

Fibber McGee and Molly WWII

44 old time radio show recordings
(total playtime 21 hours, 24 min)
available in the following formats:

1 MP3 CD
22 Audio CDs

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Play a sample episode from October 04, 1943:

"Rent the Spare Room To a War Worker"

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Fibber McGee and MollyIt almost seems silly to analyze the success of Fibber McGee and Molly because they were such a natural fit for radio. People began to discover that they did not have to go to the local vaudeville house to get their laughs, the radio dial was peppered with vaudevillians who were happy to beam the laughs into their own living room. The residents of 79 Wistful Vista could have been anyone's neighbor, and so they became everyone's neighbors. The public loved them and couldn't imagine missing a Monday night filled with Fibber's antics. Even more important, the sponsor loved them! Pitches for Glo-Coat and Car-Nu were more than just fitted in between the laughs, they got laughs on their own. Product innovation and an aggressive corporate management count for a lot, but Fibber and Molly deserve a good deal of credit for helping Johnson Wax to keep all their employees through the years of the Great Depression.

As the new decade was beginning, it was obvious that ominous things were happening in Europe but in homes across America, including 79 Wistful Vista, folks were just glad that things were getting back on track. Life may not have been as gay as it had been during the Jazzy Twenties, but everyone seemed to have enough to eat, they could listen to their radios after supper, and the only people living in tents were not displaced farmers but soldiers in the increasingly active military (remember the ominous noises coming from Europe?).

Jim and Marian Jordan, along with their writer, Don Quinn, created a friendly and welcoming, if completely fictional community filled with characters that almost everyone could identify with. Like everywhere else in America, change came rapidly to Wistful Vista after the bombs fell on Pearl Harbor. The December 9, 1941, broadcast opens with announcer Harlow Wilcox reading a telegram from the President of the Johnson Wax company explaining that, while serious matters are afoot, it is important to continue with fun shows like Fibber and Molly to maintain national morale, but the sponsor encourages the network to jump in if any War News comes across the wire.

Fibber 1941Rationing was an inconvenient reality, but the McGees' took it in stride as doing their part in the War Effort. There were service banners in windows around town, but thankfully Gold Stars were rare or nonexistent. The whole town got to put up a service flag for Mayor La Trivia. Actor Gale Gordon became a regular member of the company in January 1940 but didn't settle into his regular role as Mayor La Trivia until October of 1941. The bachelor mayor was a perfect vehicle for Gordon's specialty "slow-burn explosion", especially after a frustrating exchange with Fibber and the Missus. Sometimes, after the mayor storms off in utter frustration, Fibber and Molly "break the fourth wall" and admit that they are deliberately spinning the mayor up. However, on December 1, 1942, as the mayor is leaving town to join the Coast Guard (Gordon achieved the rank of Gunners Mate First Class and piloted landing craft) he manages to get the last word in on Fibber. Petty Officer Gordon occasionally appeared on Fibber and Molly as Petty Officer La Trivia.

Unlike other radio comedies, the Wistful Vista gang did not do any remote broadcasts from military installations, but then again, camp shows would not have fit their format as well as they did for shows like The Jack Benny Program or The Bob Hope Show. Jim and Marian did appear in character on a few AFRS programs like Command Performance.

  • December 9, 1941, America had only been in the War for two days when Fibber and Molly came on the air, so little was prepared to put the show on a War Footing. Harlow Wilcox reads a telegram from the president of Johnson Wax and, although they are professional enough to put on a good show, the cast seems somewhat subdued. After delivering the program's last punchline, Wilcox reads another message form the sponsor encouraging everyone to buy Defense Bonds and the audience and crew break out in a chorus of "My Country 'Tis of Thee".
  • February 24, 1942, Because of the rubber shortage and tire rationing, Fibber buys a horse, but he hasn't told Molly yet. Why not? Because he hasn't come up with a good way to break the news to her. 
  • May 12, 1942, Is there a foreign spy loose in Wistful Vista? Fibber spotted a suspicious-looking stranger who is following him around town, snapping pictures of everything. The biggest question is why would a spy be following a small-town busy body?
  • December 1, 1942, Gas Rationing has come to Wistful Vista and Fibber is having none of it. It even clouds the fact that Mayor La Trivia is joining the Coast Guard. Everyone else in town gets behind rationing to save rubber for the War Effort but Fibber does not believe he can take care of everything on his plate with just four gallons per week. However, it is La Trivia who lets Fibber have it as he is leaving to serve his country.
  • October 5, 1943, The McGees' are busy cleaning out the spare room because they are taking in a War Worker who will be working at the local aircraft plant. Petty Officer La Trivia shows up for a visit while they are waiting for Al Darling. Imagine the surprise when Al turns out to be Alice!
  • January 30, 1945, Fibber and Molly meet a Merchant Mariner who has finished his hitch and cannot find a place to stay while waiting for his train in the morning. There is always room at 79 Wistful Vista, which Seaman Tommy is more interested in when he hears about Alice Darling, but the important thing on his mind is whether or not to sign up for another hitch.
  • October 2, 1945, Fibber gets out his old Army uniform to greet Mayor La Trivia who is returning from the Pacific. Alice lets on that the aircraft plant will be converting to make baby carriages. Too Fibber's irritation, Mrs. Carstairs is taking over the whole welcoming ceremony.

These recordings are part of the more extensive Fibber McGee and Molly compilation.

Text on OTRCAT.com ©2001-2025 OTRCAT INC All Rights Reserved. Reproduction is prohibited.

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    i love them because you think of them by your imagination i find fibber and molly aldrich family great gildersleeve and archie andrews favorites

    Steven Verified Purchase

    Great window to the times of WWII

    Steven Verified Purchase

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  • MP3 CDs are delivered by mail. These archival quality MP3 CDs are playable in your computer and many MP3 player devices.

    44 recordings on 1 MP3 CD for just $5.00. Total playtime 21 hours, 24 min
    44 recordings on 1 MP3 CD for just $5.00
    total playtime 21 hours, 24 min
    Add MP3 CD Collection to Cart

    1. 44 shows – total playtime 21 hours, 24 minutes
    2. FMM 410506 0286 Collecting Games And Books For Army Camps.mp3
    3. FMM 411209 0304 40% Off.mp3
    4. FMM 411216 0305 Fibber Cuts His Own Christmas Tree.mp3
    5. FMM 420224 0315 Fibber Buys a Horse.mp3
    6. FMM 420303 0316 Boomers Suitcase.mp3
    7. FMM 420324 0318 Fibber Writes a Song.mp3
    8. FMM 420414 0321 Spring Festival Parade.mp3
    9. FMM 420505 0324 Sugar Substitute.mp3
    10. FMM 420512 0325 Spy.mp3
    11. FMM 420609 0329 Pot Roast For Dinner.mp3
    12. FMM 420623 0331 Packing For Vacation Locked Suitcase.mp3
    13. FMM 421013 0334 Fibber Converts Furnace To Coal.mp3
    14. FMM 421027 0336 Old Timer On the Lam.mp3
    15. FMM 421201 0341 Mileage Rationing.mp3
    16. FMM 421208 0342 Women Taking Over Vacuum Cleaner.mp3
    17. FMM 430119 0348 Mrs Uppington Joins the Wacs.mp3
    18. FMM 430216 0352 Looking For Skilled War Workers.mp3
    19. FMM 430302 0354 Breakfast In Bed For Molly.mp3
    20. FMM 430316 0356 Fibbers Horoscope.mp3
    21. FMM 430323 0357 Red Cross Collector Mcgee.mp3
    22. FMM 430330 0358 The Washing Machine.mp3
    23. FMM 430413 0360 Indian Fighter Uncle Sycamore On Radio.mp3
    24. FMM 430427 0362 Black Market Meat.mp3
    25. FMM 430601 0367 Fibbers Thumb Caught In the Bowling Ball.mp3
    26. FMM 430615 0369 Fibber Fixes Docs Car.mp3
    27. FMM 430622 0370 Getting Ready For Camping Trip.mp3
    28. FMM 431005 0372 Rent the Spare Room To a War Worker.mp3
    29. FMM 431012 0373 Commission For Witneys Daughter.mp3
    30. FMM 431207 0381 The War Is Not Almost Over.mp3
    31. FMM 440111 0386 1943 Income Tax Return.mp3
    32. FMM 440208 0390 Home Made Ice Cream.mp3
    33. FMM 440307 0394 Fibber Makes a Radio Speech Red Cross.mp3
    34. FMM 440418 0400 German Spy.mp3
    35. FMM 440509 0403 Alice Darlings New Boyfriend.mp3
    36. FMM 440606 0407 The Invasion Of Europe.mp3
    37. FMM 441128 0416 Wallace Wimple, Physical Culture Specialist.mp3
    38. FMM 441212 0418 Radio Quiz Show.mp3
    39. FMM 450130 0425 Merchant Marines.mp3
    40. FMM 450227 0429 Red Cross.mp3
    41. FMM 450327 0433 Sending Docs Clothes To the Clothing Drive.mp3
    42. FMM 450501 0438 Briefcase Bronson.mp3
    43. FMM 450508 0439 Housing Survey.mp3
    44. FMM 450522 0441 Fibber Is In Charge Of War Bond Concert.mp3
    45. FMM 451002 0447 Welcoming Mayor La Trivia Home From Pacific.mp3
  • MP3 downloads are available instantly after purchase!

    44 recordings on 1 MP3 Collection Download for just $5.00. Total playtime 21 hours, 24 min
    44 recordings on 1 MP3 Collection Download for just $5.00
    588 MB – total playtime 21 hours, 24 min
    Add Instant Download Collection to Cart

    1. 44 shows – 588 MB – total playtime 21 hours, 24 minutes
    2. FMM 410506 0286 Collecting Games And Books For Army Camps.mp3
    3. FMM 411209 0304 40% Off.mp3
    4. FMM 411216 0305 Fibber Cuts His Own Christmas Tree.mp3
    5. FMM 420224 0315 Fibber Buys a Horse.mp3
    6. FMM 420303 0316 Boomers Suitcase.mp3
    7. FMM 420324 0318 Fibber Writes a Song.mp3
    8. FMM 420414 0321 Spring Festival Parade.mp3
    9. FMM 420505 0324 Sugar Substitute.mp3
    10. FMM 420512 0325 Spy.mp3
    11. FMM 420609 0329 Pot Roast For Dinner.mp3
    12. FMM 420623 0331 Packing For Vacation Locked Suitcase.mp3
    13. FMM 421013 0334 Fibber Converts Furnace To Coal.mp3
    14. FMM 421027 0336 Old Timer On the Lam.mp3
    15. FMM 421201 0341 Mileage Rationing.mp3
    16. FMM 421208 0342 Women Taking Over Vacuum Cleaner.mp3
    17. FMM 430119 0348 Mrs Uppington Joins the Wacs.mp3
    18. FMM 430216 0352 Looking For Skilled War Workers.mp3
    19. FMM 430302 0354 Breakfast In Bed For Molly.mp3
    20. FMM 430316 0356 Fibbers Horoscope.mp3
    21. FMM 430323 0357 Red Cross Collector Mcgee.mp3
    22. FMM 430330 0358 The Washing Machine.mp3
    23. FMM 430413 0360 Indian Fighter Uncle Sycamore On Radio.mp3
    24. FMM 430427 0362 Black Market Meat.mp3
    25. FMM 430601 0367 Fibbers Thumb Caught In the Bowling Ball.mp3
    26. FMM 430615 0369 Fibber Fixes Docs Car.mp3
    27. FMM 430622 0370 Getting Ready For Camping Trip.mp3
    28. FMM 431005 0372 Rent the Spare Room To a War Worker.mp3
    29. FMM 431012 0373 Commission For Witneys Daughter.mp3
    30. FMM 431207 0381 The War Is Not Almost Over.mp3
    31. FMM 440111 0386 1943 Income Tax Return.mp3
    32. FMM 440208 0390 Home Made Ice Cream.mp3
    33. FMM 440307 0394 Fibber Makes a Radio Speech Red Cross.mp3
    34. FMM 440418 0400 German Spy.mp3
    35. FMM 440509 0403 Alice Darlings New Boyfriend.mp3
    36. FMM 440606 0407 The Invasion Of Europe.mp3
    37. FMM 441128 0416 Wallace Wimple, Physical Culture Specialist.mp3
    38. FMM 441212 0418 Radio Quiz Show.mp3
    39. FMM 450130 0425 Merchant Marines.mp3
    40. FMM 450227 0429 Red Cross.mp3
    41. FMM 450327 0433 Sending Docs Clothes To the Clothing Drive.mp3
    42. FMM 450501 0438 Briefcase Bronson.mp3
    43. FMM 450508 0439 Housing Survey.mp3
    44. FMM 450522 0441 Fibber Is In Charge Of War Bond Concert.mp3
    45. FMM 451002 0447 Welcoming Mayor La Trivia Home From Pacific.mp3
  • Standard Audio CDs are delivered by mail on archival quality media with up to 60 minutes on each CD and play in all CD players

    44 recordings on 22 Audio CDs. Total playtime 21 hours, 24 min
    44 recordings on 22 Audio CDs
    total playtime 21 hours, 24 min

    Fibber McGee and Molly WWII Disc A001

    1. FMM 410506 0286 Collecting Games And Books For Army Camps
    2. FMM 411209 0304 40% Off

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Fibber McGee and Molly WWII Disc A002

    1. FMM 411216 0305 Fibber Cuts His Own Christmas Tree
    2. FMM 420224 0315 Fibber Buys a Horse

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Fibber McGee and Molly WWII Disc A003

    1. FMM 420303 0316 Boomers Suitcase
    2. FMM 420324 0318 Fibber Writes a Song

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Fibber McGee and Molly WWII Disc A004

    1. FMM 420414 0321 Spring Festival Parade
    2. FMM 420505 0324 Sugar Substitute

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Fibber McGee and Molly WWII Disc A005

    1. FMM 420512 0325 Spy
    2. FMM 420609 0329 Pot Roast For Dinner

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Fibber McGee and Molly WWII Disc A006

    1. FMM 420623 0331 Packing For Vacation Locked Suitcase
    2. FMM 421013 0334 Fibber Converts Furnace To Coal

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Fibber McGee and Molly WWII Disc A007

    1. FMM 421027 0336 Old Timer On the Lam
    2. FMM 421201 0341 Mileage Rationing

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Fibber McGee and Molly WWII Disc A008

    1. FMM 421208 0342 Women Taking Over Vacuum Cleaner
    2. FMM 430119 0348 Mrs Uppington Joins the Wacs

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Fibber McGee and Molly WWII Disc A009

    1. FMM 430216 0352 Looking For Skilled War Workers
    2. FMM 430302 0354 Breakfast In Bed For Molly

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Fibber McGee and Molly WWII Disc A010

    1. FMM 430316 0356 Fibbers Horoscope
    2. FMM 430323 0357 Red Cross Collector Mcgee

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Fibber McGee and Molly WWII Disc A011

    1. FMM 430330 0358 The Washing Machine
    2. FMM 430413 0360 Indian Fighter Uncle Sycamore On Radio

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Fibber McGee and Molly WWII Disc A012

    1. FMM 430427 0362 Black Market Meat
    2. FMM 430601 0367 Fibbers Thumb Caught In the Bowling Ball

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Fibber McGee and Molly WWII Disc A013

    1. FMM 430615 0369 Fibber Fixes Docs Car
    2. FMM 430622 0370 Getting Ready For Camping Trip

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Fibber McGee and Molly WWII Disc A014

    1. FMM 431005 0372 Rent the Spare Room To a War Worker
    2. FMM 431012 0373 Commission For Witneys Daughter

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Fibber McGee and Molly WWII Disc A015

    1. FMM 431207 0381 The War Is Not Almost Over
    2. FMM 440111 0386 1943 Income Tax Return

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Fibber McGee and Molly WWII Disc A016

    1. FMM 440208 0390 Home Made Ice Cream
    2. FMM 440307 0394 Fibber Makes a Radio Speech Red Cross

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Fibber McGee and Molly WWII Disc A017

    1. FMM 440418 0400 German Spy
    2. FMM 440509 0403 Alice Darlings New Boyfriend

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Fibber McGee and Molly WWII Disc A018

    1. FMM 440606 0407 The Invasion Of Europe
    2. FMM 441128 0416 Wallace Wimple, Physical Culture Specialist

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Fibber McGee and Molly WWII Disc A019

    1. FMM 441212 0418 Radio Quiz Show
    2. FMM 450130 0425 Merchant Marines

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Fibber McGee and Molly WWII Disc A020

    1. FMM 450227 0429 Red Cross
    2. FMM 450327 0433 Sending Docs Clothes To the Clothing Drive

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Fibber McGee and Molly WWII Disc A021

    1. FMM 450501 0438 Briefcase Bronson
    2. FMM 450508 0439 Housing Survey

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Fibber McGee and Molly WWII Disc A022

    1. FMM 450522 0441 Fibber Is In Charge Of War Bond Concert
    2. FMM 451002 0447 Welcoming Mayor La Trivia Home From Pacific

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00


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