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Box Thirteen

Alan Ladd in Box 13 found adventures that did not depend on a new corpse every week. Dan Holiday, retired newspaper man turned fiction writer and adventurer extraordinaire. To gain ideas for his books, he places an ad in the paper "Adventure wanted – will go anywhere, do anything – Box 13."

Box 13

52 old time radio show recordings
(total playtime 23 hours, 215 min)
available in the following formats:

1 MP3 CD
26 Audio CDs

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Play a sample episode from January 09, 1949:

"The Better Man"

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Alan Ladd
All-time favorite Mystery-adventure (1948-49)

"Adventure wanted--
will go anywhere--
do anything--
Box 13.

Alan Ladd publicity still.

The theory goes that to write adventure stories, a writer first has to have adventures. The premise is a good one, even if it is not necessarily true. It was good enough for Ellery Queen, but it was fully developed by Alan Ladd who starred as the mystery novelist Dan Holiday in Box 13.

The hook for Box 13 was a classified ad that Holiday took out in the Star-Times newspaper which read: "Adventure wanted, will go anywhere, do anything – write Box 13, Star-Times". Some fans might argue that the concept is closer to the ad used by George Valentine in Let George Do It. Alan Ladd, whose movie career hit its apex in the post-War years, made a name for himself in noir-thrillers and Westerns but had the dashing good looks of an Errol Flynn or Douglas Fairbanks and would have fit in with the pre-Code swash-buckling heroes.

Box 13

Due to stomach problems, Ladd was listed "4-F" by the draft board. He did manage to get into the USAAF's First Motion Picture Unit and stationed at the Walla Walla Army Air Base in Southeast Washington State but was eventually given an honorable medical discharge. After his return to filmmaking, another physical examination upgraded his status to 1A and he seemed to be facing recall to service. By this time. Paramount had built a series of projects around him and the studio pulled strings to have Ladd deferred. He was set for re-induction in May 1945 but just before his time to report there was an announcement that all draftees over the age of 30 would be deferred. Ladd joined several other showbiz figures who benefitted from deferment in volunteering for overseas work with the USO.

Although the War may have been winding down, a good deal of Hollywood's male talent was still in uniform, so Paramount felt it needed Ladd.  He and his agent tried to squeeze more out of the studio because of this, and Ladd was slapped with a suspension just as other leading men were mustering out of the service. 

Since beginning his show business career in Radio (in 1936 he was doing as many as twenty shows each week at KFWB Los Angeles) Ladd had kept a presence on Radio Row, notably in film adaptations for Lux Radio Theatre and Screen Director's Playhouse. A remarkable example was his portrayal of Rick Blaine (Bogey's part) in Lux's adaptation of Casablanca (1942, Warner Bros) on January 24, 1944. While dealing with the studio brass, Ladd got in touch with some of his old gang at KFWB and formed Mayfair Syndication Company, which created Box 13.

At the time, sponsors were beginning to shy away from the popular "hard-boiled" detective format that depended on a grisly murder each week. Sponsors hesitated to have their products associated with a new corpse each week. Box 13 kept the high adventure and "Code of Honor" listeners demanded, but murder was not always part of the mix.

See also The Alan Ladd Collection, Douglas of the World, and Hardboiled Detectives.

Alan Ladd on the microphone.

Text on OTRCAT.com ©2001-2024 OTRCAT INC All Rights Reserved. Reproduction is prohibited.

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  • Show Rating

    45     6


    Excellent series. As someone that simply loves the "radio" era 1930-1950's Box 13 has stories that are timeless and yet nostalgic, making me want to relive a simpler time is life.

    Gregory Verified Purchase

    Alan Ladd may be a bit bland for some tastes, but these shows are blessed with many excellent scripts.

    Jack Verified Purchase

    Box 13 joins Let George Do It as OTR shows that are part detective, part mystery, part drama, and worth adding to any collection of highly entertaining Golden Age of Radio shows. Distinctive scripts, superior casting, excellent production quality, and fun listening. Nothing available in 2021 even comes close to old time radio, and the old saw is true, "They don't make 'em like this anymore."

    Dave Verified Purchase

    I'm a relatively new fan of OTR, having discovered Escape on Audible. It made me look into more titles and I discovered this site. I've bought many titles including Box 13. I loved the unique story point of this title which was the way of contacting reporter Alan Ladd through the postal box number 13. Its a shame that more episodes were not made but the ones that were are superb and as with all otrcat prices the value for money is excellent.

    Jason Verified Purchase

    Great series, very entertaining, well worth the time to listen to.

    Bryan Verified Purchase

    I like shows like Box 13, Let George Do It and Rocky Fortune where the protagonist encounters all sorts of unusual people and situation not necessarily crime-related.

    Brett Verified Purchase

    I found out about Let George do it. I really like that. Not a fan of Rocky Fortune

    Bruce Verified Purchase

    That used to be my favorite OTR. At one point I had every episode


    it’s too bad it only lasted a year. Would have been a great tv show


    Does anyone know why it didn’t last?


    I think the show was produced by Ladd's production company so it must have been his decision to quit.

    Walt Verified Purchase

    It seems that a show, well I like always is short. Well not all Johnny Dollar


    I enjoyed listening to Box 13. The stories were very interesting.

    Eugene Verified Purchase

    You don't hear much about Alan Ladd nowadays and yet he had an excellent radio series, Box 13, and many good movies such as Shane, and the fact he started as a radio star in many soap operas. He married a well known talent agent, Sue Carol and she carefully guided his career getting him a contract at Paramount Studies. Together they built a production company, Mayfair Productions, which among many things produced his radio show. Unfortunately he came to a tragic end turning to alcohol and died alone early in life.

    Walter Verified Purchase

    My mother worked at the Donnelley Printing Company in the early 1940s, and her job was to emboss in gold the names of buyers of encyclopedias. Half a century later (she's 94 now), she is still proud of the fact that she's the person who put Alan Ladd's name on his encyclopedia set!

    Dan Verified Purchase

    I like shows like Box 13, Let George Do It and Rocky Fortune where the protagonist encounters all sorts of unusual people and situation not necessarily crime-related.

    Brett Verified Purchase

    I listen to Box 13 with Alan Ladd. It was the case about a friend who should have been left millions but his grandpa just left him his house. It was good, I have to listen to more of these

    Bruce Verified Purchase

    it’s too bad it only lasted a year. Would have been a great tv show

    Brice Verified Purchase

    I think the show was produced by Ladd's production company so it must have been his decision to quit.

    Walt Verified Purchase

    That used to be my favorite OTR. At one point I had every episode


    I really enjoy Box 13, even though I find Alan Ladd's acting a bit stilted, but for pure entertainment and a relaxing listen this is one of my go to shows. Whenever I am filling out a form with box numbers, the "Box 13...Box 13..." of the intro come to my mind!

    Peter Verified Purchase

    I am concurrently enjoying "Box 13," "Let George Do It," and "Bulldog Drummond." Seems all three shows share the same basic premise: An ad is placed in the paper looking for adventure and offering help to others, by a guy who is either bored or looking for "material." "Box 13" and "George" begin the same way, with the letter being read aloud, beginning with the sender and fading into finishing by the recipient. Of course, "Drummond" started as novels by "Sapper" McNeile and movies starring Ronald Colman, Ray Milland, and others. The novels and films are very entertaining.

    Shelley Verified Purchase

    I prefer box 13 over the others but like them all

    Nate Verified Purchase

    I've listened to all, Box 13. They were worth the time.

    Ken Verified Purchase

    I loved box 13 and wished it could have been a series or movie.

    Wardell Verified Purchase

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  • MP3 CDs are delivered by mail. These archival quality MP3 CDs are playable in your computer and many MP3 player devices.

    52 recordings on 1 MP3 CD for just $5.00. Total playtime 23 hours, 215 min
    52 recordings on 1 MP3 CD for just $5.00
    total playtime 23 hours, 215 min
    Add MP3 CD Collection to Cart

    1. 52 shows – total playtime 23 hours, 3 minutes
    2. Box 13 480822 01 The First Letter.mp3
    3. Box 13 480829 02 Insurance Fraud.mp3
    4. Box 13 480905 03 Blackmail Is Murder.mp3
    5. Box 13 480912 04 Actor's Alibi.mp3
    6. Box 13 480919 05 Extra Extra.mp3
    7. Box 13 480926 06 Shanghaied.mp3
    8. Box 13 481003 07 Short Assignment.mp3
    9. Box 13 481010 08 Double Mothers.mp3
    10. Box 13 481017 09 A Book of Poems.mp3
    11. Box 13 481024 10 The Great Torino.mp3
    12. Box 13 481031 11 Suicide or Murder.mp3
    13. Box 13 481107 12 Triple Cross.mp3
    14. Box 13 481114 13 Damsel In Distress.mp3
    15. Box 13 481121 14 Diamond In The Sky.mp3
    16. Box 13 481128 15 Double Right Cross.mp3
    17. Box 13 481205 16 Look Pleasant, Please.mp3
    18. Box 13 481212 17 The Haunted Artist.mp3
    19. Box 13 481219 18 The Sad Night.mp3
    20. Box 13 481226 19 The Hot Box.mp3
    21. Box 13 490102 20 The Better Man.mp3
    22. Box 13 490109 21 The Professor and The Puzzle.mp3
    23. Box 13 490116 22 The Dowager and Dan Holiday.mp3
    24. Box 13 490123 23 Three To Die.mp3
    25. Box 13 490130 24 The Philanthropist.mp3
    26. Box 13 490206 25 Last Will and Nursery Rhyme.mp3
    27. Box 13 490213 26 Delinquent's Dilemma.mp3
    28. Box 13 490220 27 Flash of Light.mp3
    29. Box 13 490227 28 Hare and Hounds.mp3
    30. Box 13 490306 29 Hunt and Peck.mp3
    31. Box 13 490313 30 Death Is A Doll.mp3
    32. Box 13 490320 31 One One Three Point Five.mp3
    33. Box 13 490327 32 Dan and The Wonderful Lamp.mp3
    34. Box 13 490403 33 Tempest In A Casserole.mp3
    35. Box 13 490410 34 Mexican Maze.mp3
    36. Box 13 490417 35 Sealed Instructions.mp3
    37. Box 13 490424 36 Find Me, Find Death.mp3
    38. Box 13 490501 37 Much Too Lucky.mp3
    39. Box 13 490508 38 One of These Four.mp3
    40. Box 13 490515 39 Daytime Nightmare.mp3
    41. Box 13 490522 40 Death Is No Joke.mp3
    42. Box 13 490529 41 The Treasure of Hang Li.mp3
    43. Box 13 490605 42 Design For Danger.mp3
    44. Box 13 490612 43 The Dead Man Walks.mp3
    45. Box 13 490619 44 Killer At Large.mp3
    46. Box 13 490626 45 Speed To Burn.mp3
    47. Box 13 490703 46 House of Darkness.mp3
    48. Box 13 490710 47 Double Trouble.mp3
    49. Box 13 490717 48 The Biter Bitten.mp3
    50. Box 13 490724 49 The Perfect Crime.mp3
    51. Box 13 490731 50 Archimedes and The Roman.mp3
    52. Box 13 490807 51 The Clay Pigeon.mp3
    53. Box 13 490814 52 Round Robin.mp3
  • MP3 downloads are available instantly after purchase!

    52 recordings on 1 MP3 Collection Download for just $5.00. Total playtime 23 hours, 215 min
    52 recordings on 1 MP3 Collection Download for just $5.00
    633 MB – total playtime 23 hours, 3 min
    Add Instant Download Collection to Cart

    1. 52 shows – 633 MB – total playtime 23 hours, 3 minutes
    2. Box 13 480822 01 The First Letter.mp3
    3. Box 13 480829 02 Insurance Fraud.mp3
    4. Box 13 480905 03 Blackmail Is Murder.mp3
    5. Box 13 480912 04 Actor's Alibi.mp3
    6. Box 13 480919 05 Extra Extra.mp3
    7. Box 13 480926 06 Shanghaied.mp3
    8. Box 13 481003 07 Short Assignment.mp3
    9. Box 13 481010 08 Double Mothers.mp3
    10. Box 13 481017 09 A Book of Poems.mp3
    11. Box 13 481024 10 The Great Torino.mp3
    12. Box 13 481031 11 Suicide or Murder.mp3
    13. Box 13 481107 12 Triple Cross.mp3
    14. Box 13 481114 13 Damsel In Distress.mp3
    15. Box 13 481121 14 Diamond In The Sky.mp3
    16. Box 13 481128 15 Double Right Cross.mp3
    17. Box 13 481205 16 Look Pleasant, Please.mp3
    18. Box 13 481212 17 The Haunted Artist.mp3
    19. Box 13 481219 18 The Sad Night.mp3
    20. Box 13 481226 19 The Hot Box.mp3
    21. Box 13 490102 20 The Better Man.mp3
    22. Box 13 490109 21 The Professor and The Puzzle.mp3
    23. Box 13 490116 22 The Dowager and Dan Holiday.mp3
    24. Box 13 490123 23 Three To Die.mp3
    25. Box 13 490130 24 The Philanthropist.mp3
    26. Box 13 490206 25 Last Will and Nursery Rhyme.mp3
    27. Box 13 490213 26 Delinquent's Dilemma.mp3
    28. Box 13 490220 27 Flash of Light.mp3
    29. Box 13 490227 28 Hare and Hounds.mp3
    30. Box 13 490306 29 Hunt and Peck.mp3
    31. Box 13 490313 30 Death Is A Doll.mp3
    32. Box 13 490320 31 One One Three Point Five.mp3
    33. Box 13 490327 32 Dan and The Wonderful Lamp.mp3
    34. Box 13 490403 33 Tempest In A Casserole.mp3
    35. Box 13 490410 34 Mexican Maze.mp3
    36. Box 13 490417 35 Sealed Instructions.mp3
    37. Box 13 490424 36 Find Me, Find Death.mp3
    38. Box 13 490501 37 Much Too Lucky.mp3
    39. Box 13 490508 38 One of These Four.mp3
    40. Box 13 490515 39 Daytime Nightmare.mp3
    41. Box 13 490522 40 Death Is No Joke.mp3
    42. Box 13 490529 41 The Treasure of Hang Li.mp3
    43. Box 13 490605 42 Design For Danger.mp3
    44. Box 13 490612 43 The Dead Man Walks.mp3
    45. Box 13 490619 44 Killer At Large.mp3
    46. Box 13 490626 45 Speed To Burn.mp3
    47. Box 13 490703 46 House of Darkness.mp3
    48. Box 13 490710 47 Double Trouble.mp3
    49. Box 13 490717 48 The Biter Bitten.mp3
    50. Box 13 490724 49 The Perfect Crime.mp3
    51. Box 13 490731 50 Archimedes and The Roman.mp3
    52. Box 13 490807 51 The Clay Pigeon.mp3
    53. Box 13 490814 52 Round Robin.mp3
  • Standard Audio CDs are delivered by mail on archival quality media with up to 60 minutes on each CD and play in all CD players

    52 recordings on 26 Audio CDs. Total playtime 23 hours, 3 min
    52 recordings on 26 Audio CDs
    total playtime 23 hours, 3 min

    Box 13 Disc A001

    1. Box 13 480822 01 The First Letter
    2. Box 13 480829 02 Insurance Fraud

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Box 13 Disc A002

    1. Box 13 480905 03 Blackmail Is Murder
    2. Box 13 480912 04 Actor's Alibi

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Box 13 Disc A003

    1. Box 13 480919 05 Extra Extra
    2. Box 13 480926 06 Shanghaied

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Box 13 Disc A004

    1. Box 13 481003 07 Short Assignment
    2. Box 13 481010 08 Double Mothers

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Box 13 Disc A005

    1. Box 13 481017 09 A Book of Poems
    2. Box 13 481024 10 The Great Torino

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Box 13 Disc A006

    1. Box 13 481031 11 Suicide or Murder
    2. Box 13 481107 12 Triple Cross

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Box 13 Disc A007

    1. Box 13 481114 13 Damsel In Distress
    2. Box 13 481121 14 Diamond In The Sky

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Box 13 Disc A008

    1. Box 13 481128 15 Double Right Cross
    2. Box 13 481205 16 Look Pleasant, Please

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Box 13 Disc A009

    1. Box 13 481212 17 The Haunted Artist
    2. Box 13 481219 18 The Sad Night

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Box 13 Disc A010

    1. Box 13 481226 19 The Hot Box
    2. Box 13 490102 20 The Better Man

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Box 13 Disc A011

    1. Box 13 490109 21 The Professor and The Puzzle
    2. Box 13 490116 22 The Dowager and Dan Holiday

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Box 13 Disc A012

    1. Box 13 490123 23 Three To Die
    2. Box 13 490130 24 The Philanthropist

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Box 13 Disc A013

    1. Box 13 490206 25 Last Will and Nursery Rhyme
    2. Box 13 490213 26 Delinquent's Dilemma

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Box 13 Disc A014

    1. Box 13 490220 27 Flash of Light
    2. Box 13 490227 28 Hare and Hounds

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Box 13 Disc A015

    1. Box 13 490306 29 Hunt and Peck
    2. Box 13 490313 30 Death Is A Doll

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Box 13 Disc A016

    1. Box 13 490320 31 One One Three Point Five
    2. Box 13 490327 32 Dan and The Wonderful Lamp

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Box 13 Disc A017

    1. Box 13 490403 33 Tempest In A Casserole
    2. Box 13 490410 34 Mexican Maze

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Box 13 Disc A018

    1. Box 13 490417 35 Sealed Instructions
    2. Box 13 490424 36 Find Me, Find Death

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Box 13 Disc A019

    1. Box 13 490501 37 Much Too Lucky
    2. Box 13 490508 38 One of These Four

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Box 13 Disc A020

    1. Box 13 490515 39 Daytime Nightmare
    2. Box 13 490522 40 Death Is No Joke

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Box 13 Disc A021

    1. Box 13 490529 41 The Treasure of Hang Li
    2. Box 13 490605 42 Design For Danger

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Box 13 Disc A022

    1. Box 13 490612 43 The Dead Man Walks
    2. Box 13 490619 44 Killer At Large

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Box 13 Disc A023

    1. Box 13 490626 45 Speed To Burn
    2. Box 13 490703 46 House of Darkness

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Box 13 Disc A024

    1. Box 13 490710 47 Double Trouble
    2. Box 13 490717 48 The Biter Bitten

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Box 13 Disc A025

    1. Box 13 490724 49 The Perfect Crime
    2. Box 13 490731 50 Archimedes and The Roman

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Box 13 Disc A026

    1. Box 13 490807 51 The Clay Pigeon
    2. Box 13 490814 52 Round Robin

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00