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Airplanes and Pilots in Old Time Radio

Adults and children alike marveled at the new found reality of air adventures popularized after WWI and air travel was a huge part of America's consciousness between the two World Wars. This compilation contains episodes from all different series and genres of old time radio focused the listening audience's fascination with airplanes and pilots.

Airplanes and Pilots in Old Time Radio

174 old time radio show recordings
(total playtime 74 hours, 27 min)
available in the following formats:

4 MP3 CDs
83 Audio CDs

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Play a sample episode from August 14, 1954:

"The Coward"

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Text on OTRCAT.com ©2001-2025 OTRCAT INC All Rights Reserved. Reproduction is prohibited.

Bob Hope AirplaneThe first half of the 20th century saw the budding age of radio and the budding age of air travel. As often the case, war brings innovation as countries compete for dominance. WWI was the first war that airplanes were used as weapons. This revolutionized war and brought the battles into the sky. It also created a new breed of heroes: pilots.

Adults and children alike marveled at the new found reality of air adventures popularized after WWI and air travel was a huge part of America's consciousness between the two World Wars.

Airplanes from the 20th CenturyPilots and air stories flew in the the air and the airwave in a variety of old time radio shows. Many shows features the true stories of pilots and interviews with actual pilot heros.

  • Some Science Fiction shows featured pilots, such as Escape "Man from Tomorrow" where a pilot develops his fives sense and gains sixth sense.
  • Snakes on a plane! In Escape "Serenade for a Cobra", a pilot/thief is terrorized by a cobra in the cockpit.
  • In Suspense, two kids sneak into a drone used for training and get stuck as the drone takes off.
  • Bob Hope fantasizes that he is Captain Hope, only to crash his plane and maroon his crew in the desert.
  • Jack Benny and company dramatize the Wright Brothers' discovery of flight.

Once the end of WWII came to a close, the mystery and intrigue of air travel lost the fantasy part as flying became more mainstream. Young audiences turned their eyes and ears to the next flying frontier: space.

For other aviation adventure series, see also: Air Adventures of Jimmy Allen, Anne of the Airlines, Air Stories of the World War, Captain Midnight,Hop Harrigan, Howie Wing, A Saga of Aviation, Rare Aviation Old Time Radio Shows, Airmail MysterySky King, Speed Gibson, Tailspin Tommy, Terry & the Pirates, Sky King, Sky Blazers, Charles Lindbergh Recordings, Amelia Earhart, and Smilin' Jack.

Text on OTRCAT.com ©2001-2025 OTRCAT INC All Rights Reserved. Reproduction is prohibited.

These classic recordings are available in the following formats:

  • Show Rating

    8     0


    This collection is interesting on several levels. It tells many good stories. It includes drama, adventure, reality, and juvenile shows … keeping your entertainment alway fresh. Never dull. Never run of the mill. Anyone who likes flying (I did fly on business for 30 years, was in every US state, most of Canada, and lots of Mexico) will find some of these shows “as good as it gets”. I listened to the entire collection in about five nights - because I was fully captivated. Thanks Jon, keep the great collections coming. I love ‘em!

    Gordon Verified Purchase

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  • MP3 CDs are delivered by mail. These archival quality MP3 CDs are playable in your computer and many MP3 player devices.

    174 recordings on 4 MP3 CDs for just $20.00. Total playtime 74 hours, 27 min
    174 recordings on 4 MP3 CDs for just $20.00
    total playtime 74 hours, 27 min
    Add MP3 CD Collection to Cart

    1. Volume 1 – 51 shows – total playtime 22 hours, 19 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 1: $5.00
      Add To Cart
    2. Academy Award Th 460601 10 Arise My Love.mp3
    3. Adv In Research 195 Sofar.mp3
    4. Air Force Hour 500603 Triumph Of Old Glory.mp3
    5. Air Force Hour 500610 June Is Bustin Out All Over.mp3
    6. Air Force Party 470631 40th Anniv Of Army Air.mp3
    7. Aldrich Family 400430 044 Model Airplane.mp3
    8. Battle Stations 430819 03 Navys Air Arm.mp3
    9. Bb 460212 044 Marjorie Conden Kidnapping.mp3
    10. Believe It Or Not 351201 009 Aviation Oddities.mp3
    11. Believe It Or Not 440404 057 Danger Is My Business.mp3
    12. Benny Allen Feud 6 Of 6 Wright Brothers True Story.mp3
    13. Biography In Sound 550809 26 Atom.mp3
    14. Blue Beetle 400731 3536 Smashing Restaurant Racket.mp3
    15. Bob Hope 3955 450213 252 From Murock, California Tony Romano.mp3
    16. Bob Hope 460319 Frances Langford Cleveland Gov Frank J.mp3
    17. Bob Hope 510306 Ava Gardner.mp3
    18. Bob Ray 600610 250 Wally Ballou From Salt Flats, Vermont.mp3
    19. Bobby Benson And B Bar B Riders 511117 Salute To Soldier.mp3
    20. Boston Blackie 461126 098 Lenny Powell Murder.mp3
    21. Calling All Cars 350807 089 Celestial Journey.mp3
    22. CALV 430125 315 Flying Tigers.mp3
    23. CALV 450528 437 Recon Pilot.mp3
    24. CALV 460318 471 Alaskan Bush Pilot.mp3
    25. CALV 520610 748 Daughter with Wings.mp3
    26. Campbell Playhouse 400225 51 Only Angels Have Wings.mp3
    27. Can You Imagine That 31 Marriage Customs.mp3
    28. CBS News 400810 Daring Daytime Raid On Berlin.mp3
    29. Ceiling Unlimited 421221 07 Gremlins.mp3
    30. Charlie Chan [aus11] Frightened Shroff.mp3
    31. Cinnamon Bear 371130 02 Weary Willy.mp3
    32. Confession 530705 X Doris Kane Case.mp3
    33. Crime Does Not Pay 500508 31 Dont Write, Telephone.mp3
    34. CW 360815 005 Case History.mp3
    35. CW 440328 004 Savage Encounter.mp3
    36. CW 450807 006 Savage Encounter.mp3
    37. Dangerous Assignment 510303 051 London Secret Code.mp3
    38. Daredevils Hollywood 380527 Cecil Kellogg.mp3
    39. Daredevils Of Hollywood 380513 06 Bob Clark.mp3
    40. Daredevils Of Hollywood 380627 19 Frank Clark.mp3
    41. Dark Fantasy 420227 15 Spawn Of Subhuman.mp3
    42. Doctors Wife 520630 Sanders See Mrs Irwins House.mp3
    43. Duffys Tavern 500907 380 Army Surplus Helicopter.mp3
    44. Eb And Zeb 122 Lesson From Prof. Thistlewaite.mp3
    45. Escape 500207 109 Outer Limit.mp3
    46. Escape 500616 Serenade For Cobra.mp3
    47. Escape 530823 210 The Man From Tomorrow.mp3
    48. Escape 540814 222 Coward.mp3
    49. Eternal Light 500423 290 On Wings Of Eagles.mp3
    50. Eternal Light 690216 Icarus In Wheelchair-RPT 580413.mp3
    51. Fibber Mcgee And Molly 470211 0503 Aeronautics.mp3
    52. Fifth Horseman 460718 03 Promise.mp3

    1. Volume 2 – 49 shows – total playtime 24 hours, 34 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 2: $5.00
      Add To Cart
    2. Ft 550413 416 In Nature Of Warning.mp3
    3. Gang Busters 450929 0401 John K Giles, Escape Artist.mp3
    4. George Bruces Air Stories 320719 Ace Without Country.mp3
    5. George Bruces Air Stories 320802 Sky Borne.mp3
    6. George Bruces Air Stories 320809 Zero Flight.mp3
    7. Gildersleeve 471224 Christmas Stray Puppy.mp3
    8. Good News 390330 066 W Walter Pidgeon.mp3
    9. I L M 520603 12 Hermit Of San Felipe Atabapo.mp3
    10. Iwacftfbi 520709 Ep12 Dangerous Dollars, The.mp3
    11. Jack Armstrong 440125 Amphibian Fire Over Jungle.mp3
    12. Jack Benny 410126 1217 Jack Packs F.mp3
    13. Jack Benny 440416 512 Bob Hope Parody.mp3
    14. Jack Benny 440507 515 Making Of Horn Blows At Midnight.mp3
    15. Jerry At Fair Oaks Ep 09 Financing An Invention.mp3
    16. Jerry Fair Oaks 38 12 $25000 Turned Down.mp3
    17. Jerry Fair Oaks 38 34 Plot For Safety.mp3
    18. Jerry Fair Oaks 38 42 All Are Arrested.mp3
    19. Jerry Fair Oaks 38 54 Punishment For Fighting With Red.mp3
    20. Johnny Nighthawk Ming Lama [h Duff].mp3
    21. Jungle Jim 351221 E8 Headhunters.mp3
    22. Jungle Jim 360418 E25 Lo Tounge Murdered.mp3
    23. Jungle Jim 370605 E84 Myra Destroys Bhutans Plane Plans.mp3
    24. Jungle Jim 390107 E167 Escape Plans.mp3
    25. Jungle Jim 420404 E336 Waiting For New Orders.mp3
    26. Lux 390227 208 Ceiling Zero.mp3
    27. Lux 390529 221 Only Angels Have Wings.mp3
    28. Lux 430920 407 Flight For Freedom.mp3
    29. Lux 491107 675 High Wall.mp3
    30. Lux 500306 692 Slatterys Hurricane.mp3
    31. Lux 550111 905 Island In Sky.mp3
    32. Lux Radio Theater 401007 276 Wings Of Navy.mp3
    33. Lux Radio Theater 420330 345 I Wanted Wings.mp3
    34. Lux Radio Theater 420525 353 Test Pilot.mp3
    35. Lux Radio Theater 531012 850 Breaking Sound Barrier.mp3
    36. Lux Radio Theater 550412 918 Stairway To Heaven Repeat.mp3
    37. Magic Key 360322 024 New England Floods.mp3
    38. Man Behind Gun 430106 Spitfire Pilot Ronald Twine. Elgin V.mp3
    39. Man Called X 520108 66 Formula H Stolen.mp3
    40. Mandrake Magician 410630 100 Red Biplane Attacks Mandrake.mp3
    41. Mandrake Magician 410915 133 Bomb Is About To Explode.mp3
    42. Mysterious Traveler 500314 246 Big Brain.mp3
    43. National Hour 460106 08 Aviation In Peace Time.mp3
    44. Obsession 03 Clinging Hate William Gargan.mp3
    45. OFRH 490508 Noah Witnessed By Faith.mp3
    46. One Mans Family 580228 G129c44 General Manager Returns.mp3
    47. Philo Vance 490208 31 Flying Murder Case.mp3
    48. Player, 480000 81 Pinwheel Roll.mp3
    49. Proudly We Hail 511202 165 In Dead Of Night.mp3
    50. Proudly We Hail 520406 183 Jet Flight.mp3

    1. Volume 3 – 52 shows – total playtime 17 hours, 50 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 3: $5.00
      Add To Cart
    2. Frank Race 490619 08 Airborne Adventure.mp3
    3. Lincoln Highway 420214 101 The Aviatrix Triangle.mp3
    4. Proudly We Hail 520420 185 Operation Wingtip.mp3
    5. Proudly We Hail 530301 230 Robinson Crusoe Of Schinzdo.mp3
    6. Proudly We Hail 530503 239 Old Pro.mp3
    7. Proudly We Hail 530802 252 Parapilot.mp3
    8. Proudly We Hail 531129 269 Lucifer Heads North.mp3
    9. Proudly We Hail 531206 270 Focus on Mig Alley.mp3
    10. Proudly We Hail Long Flight.mp3
    11. PStory 441210 075 Japans Secret Police.mp3
    12. Quiet Please 481205 077 Very Unimportant Person.mp3
    13. Ripleys Believe It Or Not 351201 09 Aviation Oddities.mp3
    14. Rocky Jordan 490424 e25 Consignment for Naples.mp3
    15. Screen Directors Playhouse 491202 045 All My Sons.mp3
    16. Shadow Of Fu Manchu 390904 103 Nayland Smith Tortured.mp3
    17. Si And Elmer 22 Dangerous Mystery Case Part 12.mp3
    18. Silent Men 520203 16 Big Kill.mp3
    19. Silver Theater 381016 203 Wings In Dark.mp3
    20. Silver Theater 390122 217 1o2 Misty Mountain.mp3
    21. Silver Theater 390129 218 2o2 Misty Mountian.mp3
    22. Silver Theater 390521 234 1o2 Crossroads For Two.mp3
    23. Silver Theater 390528 235 2o2 Crossroads For Two.mp3
    24. Superman 400301 009 Lois Kidnapped Thrown From Plane.mp3
    25. Superman 400313 014 Kent Falls Off Plane To Canyon City.mp3
    26. Superman 400429 034 Protection Racket.mp3
    27. Superman 401016 107 Yellow Mask Jewel Robbery.mp3
    28. Superman 401018 108 Yellow Mask Jewel Robbery.mp3
    29. Superman 401025 111 Yellow Mask Jewel Robbery.mp3
    30. Superman 410131 153 Black Pearl Of Osyrus.mp3
    31. Superman 410221 162 Dragons Teeth.mp3
    32. Superman 410714 223 Fur Smuggling.mp3
    33. Superman 411121 279 Pan Am Highway.mp3
    34. Superman 411124 280 Pan Am Highway.mp3
    35. Superman 420119 304 Lita, Leopard Woman.mp3
    36. Superman 420917 014 Tiny Men.mp3
    37. Superman 421102 046 Headless Indian.mp3
    38. Superman 421104 048 Headless Indian.mp3
    39. Superman 430107 004 Tin Man.mp3
    40. Superman 470612 1249 Superman Vs. Kryptonite Pt 22[33] V.mp3
    41. Superman 471017 1581 Secret Rocket.mp3
    42. Superman 471020 1582 Secret Rocket.mp3
    43. Superman 480602 1438 Mysteryofthesleepingbeauty4132b3.mp3
    44. Superman 480603 1439 Mysteryofthesleepingbeauty.mp3
    45. Superman 480701 1459 Secretofmeteorisland,the14.mp3
    46. Suspense 561118 674 Long Night.mp3
    47. Suspense 570224 687 227 Minutes of Hate.mp3
    48. Suspense 571103 723 Firing Run 13144 23817 24m46s Afrts.mp3
    49. Suspense 571201 727 Jet Stream Edited.mp3
    50. Tiyfbi 520307 E362 Skyway Man.mp3
    51. To Fiy With Fighting Navy 421001 Program 4.mp3
    52. Treasury Salute 440911 096 2nd Lieutentan John C Morgan.mp3
    53. Treasury Star Parade 430000 183 Story Of Nikolia Gastello.mp3

    1. Volume 4 – 22 shows – total playtime 9 hours, 42 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 4: $5.00
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    2. Treasury Star Parade 430102 133 I Got Wings.mp3
    3. Truth Or Consequences 450623.mp3
    4. Two Daffodils 310000 3081 Skit About An Airline.mp3
    5. Vox Pop 420112 Aviation Cadets Randolph AFB TX.mp3
    6. Vox Pop 450813 X El Toro, Ca 2.mp3
    7. Whistler 460729 218 My Love Comes Home.mp3
    8. Whistler 480428 309 Tough Guy.mp3
    9. Whistler 480512 311 Chain Reaction.mp3
    10. Whistler 490522 364 Fatal Fraud.mp3
    11. Whistler 510204 453 Murder Over Burma.mp3
    12. Whistler 510422 464 Kind Thought.mp3
    13. Whistler 511104 492 Man On Run.mp3
    14. Whistler 520629 526 Night Flight.mp3
    15. Words At War 430821 10 Malta Spitfire.mp3
    16. Words At War 440912 63 One Man Air Force.mp3
    17. Your AAF 450826 21 Interview With Crew Of Enola Gay.mp3
    18. YTJD 490904 018 Expiring Nickels And Egyptian Jacket.mp3
    19. YTJD 510711 106 Fairway.mp3
    20. YTJD 530721 174 Black Doll AFRTS.mp3
    21. YTJD 560731 449 Sea Legs Matter.mp3
    22. YTJD540105 198 Fairway Matter.mp3
    23. YTJD580525 590 Midnight Sun Matter.mp3
  • MP3 downloads are available instantly after purchase!

    174 recordings on 4 MP3 Collection Downloads for just $20.00. Total playtime 74 hours, 27 min
    174 recordings on 4 MP3 Collection Downloads for just $20.00
    2043 MB – total playtime 74 hours, 27 min
    Add Instant Download Collection to Cart

    1. Volume 1 – 51 shows – 605 MB – total playtime 22 hours, 19 minutes
      Instant Download
      Volume 1: $5.00
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    2. Academy Award Th 460601 10 Arise My Love.mp3
    3. Adv In Research 195 Sofar.mp3
    4. Air Force Hour 500603 Triumph Of Old Glory.mp3
    5. Air Force Hour 500610 June Is Bustin Out All Over.mp3
    6. Air Force Party 470631 40th Anniv Of Army Air.mp3
    7. Aldrich Family 400430 044 Model Airplane.mp3
    8. Battle Stations 430819 03 Navys Air Arm.mp3
    9. Bb 460212 044 Marjorie Conden Kidnapping.mp3
    10. Believe It Or Not 351201 009 Aviation Oddities.mp3
    11. Believe It Or Not 440404 057 Danger Is My Business.mp3
    12. Benny Allen Feud 6 Of 6 Wright Brothers True Story.mp3
    13. Biography In Sound 550809 26 Atom.mp3
    14. Blue Beetle 400731 3536 Smashing Restaurant Racket.mp3
    15. Bob Hope 3955 450213 252 From Murock, California Tony Romano.mp3
    16. Bob Hope 460319 Frances Langford Cleveland Gov Frank J.mp3
    17. Bob Hope 510306 Ava Gardner.mp3
    18. Bob Ray 600610 250 Wally Ballou From Salt Flats, Vermont.mp3
    19. Bobby Benson And B Bar B Riders 511117 Salute To Soldier.mp3
    20. Boston Blackie 461126 098 Lenny Powell Murder.mp3
    21. Calling All Cars 350807 089 Celestial Journey.mp3
    22. CALV 430125 315 Flying Tigers.mp3
    23. CALV 450528 437 Recon Pilot.mp3
    24. CALV 460318 471 Alaskan Bush Pilot.mp3
    25. CALV 520610 748 Daughter with Wings.mp3
    26. Campbell Playhouse 400225 51 Only Angels Have Wings.mp3
    27. Can You Imagine That 31 Marriage Customs.mp3
    28. CBS News 400810 Daring Daytime Raid On Berlin.mp3
    29. Ceiling Unlimited 421221 07 Gremlins.mp3
    30. Charlie Chan [aus11] Frightened Shroff.mp3
    31. Cinnamon Bear 371130 02 Weary Willy.mp3
    32. Confession 530705 X Doris Kane Case.mp3
    33. Crime Does Not Pay 500508 31 Dont Write, Telephone.mp3
    34. CW 360815 005 Case History.mp3
    35. CW 440328 004 Savage Encounter.mp3
    36. CW 450807 006 Savage Encounter.mp3
    37. Dangerous Assignment 510303 051 London Secret Code.mp3
    38. Daredevils Hollywood 380527 Cecil Kellogg.mp3
    39. Daredevils Of Hollywood 380513 06 Bob Clark.mp3
    40. Daredevils Of Hollywood 380627 19 Frank Clark.mp3
    41. Dark Fantasy 420227 15 Spawn Of Subhuman.mp3
    42. Doctors Wife 520630 Sanders See Mrs Irwins House.mp3
    43. Duffys Tavern 500907 380 Army Surplus Helicopter.mp3
    44. Eb And Zeb 122 Lesson From Prof. Thistlewaite.mp3
    45. Escape 500207 109 Outer Limit.mp3
    46. Escape 500616 Serenade For Cobra.mp3
    47. Escape 530823 210 The Man From Tomorrow.mp3
    48. Escape 540814 222 Coward.mp3
    49. Eternal Light 500423 290 On Wings Of Eagles.mp3
    50. Eternal Light 690216 Icarus In Wheelchair-RPT 580413.mp3
    51. Fibber Mcgee And Molly 470211 0503 Aeronautics.mp3
    52. Fifth Horseman 460718 03 Promise.mp3

    1. Volume 2 – 49 shows – 682 MB – total playtime 24 hours, 34 minutes
      Instant Download
      Volume 2: $5.00
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    2. Ft 550413 416 In Nature Of Warning.mp3
    3. Gang Busters 450929 0401 John K Giles, Escape Artist.mp3
    4. George Bruces Air Stories 320719 Ace Without Country.mp3
    5. George Bruces Air Stories 320802 Sky Borne.mp3
    6. George Bruces Air Stories 320809 Zero Flight.mp3
    7. Gildersleeve 471224 Christmas Stray Puppy.mp3
    8. Good News 390330 066 W Walter Pidgeon.mp3
    9. I L M 520603 12 Hermit Of San Felipe Atabapo.mp3
    10. Iwacftfbi 520709 Ep12 Dangerous Dollars, The.mp3
    11. Jack Armstrong 440125 Amphibian Fire Over Jungle.mp3
    12. Jack Benny 410126 1217 Jack Packs F.mp3
    13. Jack Benny 440416 512 Bob Hope Parody.mp3
    14. Jack Benny 440507 515 Making Of Horn Blows At Midnight.mp3
    15. Jerry At Fair Oaks Ep 09 Financing An Invention.mp3
    16. Jerry Fair Oaks 38 12 $25000 Turned Down.mp3
    17. Jerry Fair Oaks 38 34 Plot For Safety.mp3
    18. Jerry Fair Oaks 38 42 All Are Arrested.mp3
    19. Jerry Fair Oaks 38 54 Punishment For Fighting With Red.mp3
    20. Johnny Nighthawk Ming Lama [h Duff].mp3
    21. Jungle Jim 351221 E8 Headhunters.mp3
    22. Jungle Jim 360418 E25 Lo Tounge Murdered.mp3
    23. Jungle Jim 370605 E84 Myra Destroys Bhutans Plane Plans.mp3
    24. Jungle Jim 390107 E167 Escape Plans.mp3
    25. Jungle Jim 420404 E336 Waiting For New Orders.mp3
    26. Lux 390227 208 Ceiling Zero.mp3
    27. Lux 390529 221 Only Angels Have Wings.mp3
    28. Lux 430920 407 Flight For Freedom.mp3
    29. Lux 491107 675 High Wall.mp3
    30. Lux 500306 692 Slatterys Hurricane.mp3
    31. Lux 550111 905 Island In Sky.mp3
    32. Lux Radio Theater 401007 276 Wings Of Navy.mp3
    33. Lux Radio Theater 420330 345 I Wanted Wings.mp3
    34. Lux Radio Theater 420525 353 Test Pilot.mp3
    35. Lux Radio Theater 531012 850 Breaking Sound Barrier.mp3
    36. Lux Radio Theater 550412 918 Stairway To Heaven Repeat.mp3
    37. Magic Key 360322 024 New England Floods.mp3
    38. Man Behind Gun 430106 Spitfire Pilot Ronald Twine. Elgin V.mp3
    39. Man Called X 520108 66 Formula H Stolen.mp3
    40. Mandrake Magician 410630 100 Red Biplane Attacks Mandrake.mp3
    41. Mandrake Magician 410915 133 Bomb Is About To Explode.mp3
    42. Mysterious Traveler 500314 246 Big Brain.mp3
    43. National Hour 460106 08 Aviation In Peace Time.mp3
    44. Obsession 03 Clinging Hate William Gargan.mp3
    45. OFRH 490508 Noah Witnessed By Faith.mp3
    46. One Mans Family 580228 G129c44 General Manager Returns.mp3
    47. Philo Vance 490208 31 Flying Murder Case.mp3
    48. Player, 480000 81 Pinwheel Roll.mp3
    49. Proudly We Hail 511202 165 In Dead Of Night.mp3
    50. Proudly We Hail 520406 183 Jet Flight.mp3

    1. Volume 3 – 52 shows – 490 MB – total playtime 17 hours, 50 minutes
      Instant Download
      Volume 3: $5.00
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    2. Frank Race 490619 08 Airborne Adventure.mp3
    3. Lincoln Highway 420214 101 The Aviatrix Triangle.mp3
    4. Proudly We Hail 520420 185 Operation Wingtip.mp3
    5. Proudly We Hail 530301 230 Robinson Crusoe Of Schinzdo.mp3
    6. Proudly We Hail 530503 239 Old Pro.mp3
    7. Proudly We Hail 530802 252 Parapilot.mp3
    8. Proudly We Hail 531129 269 Lucifer Heads North.mp3
    9. Proudly We Hail 531206 270 Focus on Mig Alley.mp3
    10. Proudly We Hail Long Flight.mp3
    11. PStory 441210 075 Japans Secret Police.mp3
    12. Quiet Please 481205 077 Very Unimportant Person.mp3
    13. Ripleys Believe It Or Not 351201 09 Aviation Oddities.mp3
    14. Rocky Jordan 490424 e25 Consignment for Naples.mp3
    15. Screen Directors Playhouse 491202 045 All My Sons.mp3
    16. Shadow Of Fu Manchu 390904 103 Nayland Smith Tortured.mp3
    17. Si And Elmer 22 Dangerous Mystery Case Part 12.mp3
    18. Silent Men 520203 16 Big Kill.mp3
    19. Silver Theater 381016 203 Wings In Dark.mp3
    20. Silver Theater 390122 217 1o2 Misty Mountain.mp3
    21. Silver Theater 390129 218 2o2 Misty Mountian.mp3
    22. Silver Theater 390521 234 1o2 Crossroads For Two.mp3
    23. Silver Theater 390528 235 2o2 Crossroads For Two.mp3
    24. Superman 400301 009 Lois Kidnapped Thrown From Plane.mp3
    25. Superman 400313 014 Kent Falls Off Plane To Canyon City.mp3
    26. Superman 400429 034 Protection Racket.mp3
    27. Superman 401016 107 Yellow Mask Jewel Robbery.mp3
    28. Superman 401018 108 Yellow Mask Jewel Robbery.mp3
    29. Superman 401025 111 Yellow Mask Jewel Robbery.mp3
    30. Superman 410131 153 Black Pearl Of Osyrus.mp3
    31. Superman 410221 162 Dragons Teeth.mp3
    32. Superman 410714 223 Fur Smuggling.mp3
    33. Superman 411121 279 Pan Am Highway.mp3
    34. Superman 411124 280 Pan Am Highway.mp3
    35. Superman 420119 304 Lita, Leopard Woman.mp3
    36. Superman 420917 014 Tiny Men.mp3
    37. Superman 421102 046 Headless Indian.mp3
    38. Superman 421104 048 Headless Indian.mp3
    39. Superman 430107 004 Tin Man.mp3
    40. Superman 470612 1249 Superman Vs. Kryptonite Pt 22[33] V.mp3
    41. Superman 471017 1581 Secret Rocket.mp3
    42. Superman 471020 1582 Secret Rocket.mp3
    43. Superman 480602 1438 Mysteryofthesleepingbeauty4132b3.mp3
    44. Superman 480603 1439 Mysteryofthesleepingbeauty.mp3
    45. Superman 480701 1459 Secretofmeteorisland,the14.mp3
    46. Suspense 561118 674 Long Night.mp3
    47. Suspense 570224 687 227 Minutes of Hate.mp3
    48. Suspense 571103 723 Firing Run 13144 23817 24m46s Afrts.mp3
    49. Suspense 571201 727 Jet Stream Edited.mp3
    50. Tiyfbi 520307 E362 Skyway Man.mp3
    51. To Fiy With Fighting Navy 421001 Program 4.mp3
    52. Treasury Salute 440911 096 2nd Lieutentan John C Morgan.mp3
    53. Treasury Star Parade 430000 183 Story Of Nikolia Gastello.mp3

    1. Volume 4 – 22 shows – 267 MB – total playtime 9 hours, 42 minutes
      Instant Download
      Volume 4: $5.00
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    2. Treasury Star Parade 430102 133 I Got Wings.mp3
    3. Truth Or Consequences 450623.mp3
    4. Two Daffodils 310000 3081 Skit About An Airline.mp3
    5. Vox Pop 420112 Aviation Cadets Randolph AFB TX.mp3
    6. Vox Pop 450813 X El Toro, Ca 2.mp3
    7. Whistler 460729 218 My Love Comes Home.mp3
    8. Whistler 480428 309 Tough Guy.mp3
    9. Whistler 480512 311 Chain Reaction.mp3
    10. Whistler 490522 364 Fatal Fraud.mp3
    11. Whistler 510204 453 Murder Over Burma.mp3
    12. Whistler 510422 464 Kind Thought.mp3
    13. Whistler 511104 492 Man On Run.mp3
    14. Whistler 520629 526 Night Flight.mp3
    15. Words At War 430821 10 Malta Spitfire.mp3
    16. Words At War 440912 63 One Man Air Force.mp3
    17. Your AAF 450826 21 Interview With Crew Of Enola Gay.mp3
    18. YTJD 490904 018 Expiring Nickels And Egyptian Jacket.mp3
    19. YTJD 510711 106 Fairway.mp3
    20. YTJD 530721 174 Black Doll AFRTS.mp3
    21. YTJD 560731 449 Sea Legs Matter.mp3
    22. YTJD540105 198 Fairway Matter.mp3
    23. YTJD580525 590 Midnight Sun Matter.mp3
  • Standard Audio CDs are delivered by mail on archival quality media with up to 60 minutes on each CD and play in all CD players

    174 recordings on 83 Audio CDs. Total playtime 74 hours, 27 min
    174 recordings on 83 Audio CDs
    total playtime 74 hours, 27 min

    Airplanes and Pilots in Old Time Radio Disc A001

    1. Adv In Research 195 Sofar
    2. Air Force Party 470631 40th Anniv Of Army Air
    3. Benny Allen Feud 6 Of 6 Wright Brothers True Story

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    Airplanes and Pilots in Old Time Radio Disc A002

    1. Can You Imagine That 31 Marriage Customs
    2. Charlie Chan [aus11] Frightened Shroff
    3. Eb And Zeb 122 Lesson From Prof. Thistlewaite
    4. Jerry At Fair Oaks Ep 09 Financing An Invention
    5. Jerry Fair Oaks 38 12 $25000 Turned Down

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    Airplanes and Pilots in Old Time Radio Disc A003

    1. Jerry Fair Oaks 38 34 Plot For Safety
    2. Jerry Fair Oaks 38 42 All Are Arrested
    3. Jerry Fair Oaks 38 54 Punishment For Fighting With Red
    4. Johnny Nighthawk Ming Lama [h Duff]

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    Airplanes and Pilots in Old Time Radio Disc A004

    1. Obsession 03 Clinging Hate William Gargan
    2. Proudly We Hail Long Flight
    3. Si And Elmer 22 Dangerous Mystery Case Part 12

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    Airplanes and Pilots in Old Time Radio Disc A005

    1. Two Daffodils 310000 3081 Skit About An Airline
    2. George Bruces Air Stories 320719 Ace Without Country
    3. George Bruces Air Stories 320802 Sky Borne
    4. George Bruces Air Stories 320809 Zero Flight

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    Airplanes and Pilots in Old Time Radio Disc A006

    1. Calling All Cars 350807 089 Celestial Journey
    2. Believe It Or Not 351201 009 Aviation Oddities

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    Airplanes and Pilots in Old Time Radio Disc A007

    1. Ripleys Believe It Or Not 351201 09 Aviation Oddities
    2. Jungle Jim 351221 E8 Headhunters

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    Airplanes and Pilots in Old Time Radio Disc A008

    1. Magic Key 360322 024 New England Floods

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    Airplanes and Pilots in Old Time Radio Disc A009

    1. Jungle Jim 360418 E25 Lo Tounge Murdered
    2. CW 360815 005 Case History
    3. Jungle Jim 370605 E84 Myra Destroys Bhutans Plane Plans

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    Airplanes and Pilots in Old Time Radio Disc A010

    1. Cinnamon Bear 371130 02 Weary Willy
    2. Daredevils Of Hollywood 380513 06 Bob Clark
    3. Daredevils Hollywood 380527 Cecil Kellogg
    4. Daredevils Of Hollywood 380627 19 Frank Clark

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    Airplanes and Pilots in Old Time Radio Disc A011

    1. Silver Theater 381016 203 Wings In Dark
    2. Jungle Jim 390107 E167 Escape Plans

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    Airplanes and Pilots in Old Time Radio Disc A012

    1. Silver Theater 390122 217 1o2 Misty Mountain
    2. Silver Theater 390129 218 2o2 Misty Mountian

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    Airplanes and Pilots in Old Time Radio Disc A013

    1. Lux 390227 208 Ceiling Zero

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    Airplanes and Pilots in Old Time Radio Disc A014

    1. Good News 390330 066 W Walter Pidgeon

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    Airplanes and Pilots in Old Time Radio Disc A015

    1. Silver Theater 390521 234 1o2 Crossroads For Two
    2. Silver Theater 390528 235 2o2 Crossroads For Two

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    Airplanes and Pilots in Old Time Radio Disc A016

    1. Lux 390529 221 Only Angels Have Wings

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    Airplanes and Pilots in Old Time Radio Disc A017

    1. Shadow Of Fu Manchu 390904 103 Nayland Smith Tortured

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    Airplanes and Pilots in Old Time Radio Disc A018

    1. Campbell Playhouse 400225 51 Only Angels Have Wings

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    Airplanes and Pilots in Old Time Radio Disc A019

    1. Superman 400301 009 Lois Kidnapped Thrown From Plane
    2. Superman 400313 014 Kent Falls Off Plane To Canyon City
    3. Superman 400429 034 Protection Racket
    4. Aldrich Family 400430 044 Model Airplane

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    Airplanes and Pilots in Old Time Radio Disc A020

    1. Blue Beetle 400731 3536 Smashing Restaurant Racket
    2. CBS News 400810 Daring Daytime Raid On Berlin

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    Airplanes and Pilots in Old Time Radio Disc A021

    1. Lux Radio Theater 401007 276 Wings Of Navy
    2. Superman 401016 107 Yellow Mask Jewel Robbery

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    Airplanes and Pilots in Old Time Radio Disc A022

    1. Superman 401018 108 Yellow Mask Jewel Robbery
    2. Superman 401025 111 Yellow Mask Jewel Robbery
    3. Jack Benny 410126 1217 Jack Packs F
    4. Superman 410131 153 Black Pearl Of Osyrus

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    Airplanes and Pilots in Old Time Radio Disc A023

    1. Superman 410221 162 Dragons Teeth
    2. Mandrake Magician 410630 100 Red Biplane Attacks Mandrake
    3. Superman 410714 223 Fur Smuggling
    4. Mandrake Magician 410915 133 Bomb Is About To Explode
    5. Superman 411121 279 Pan Am Highway
    6. Superman 411124 280 Pan Am Highway

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    Airplanes and Pilots in Old Time Radio Disc A024

    1. Vox Pop 420112 Aviation Cadets Randolph AFB TX
    2. Superman 420119 304 Lita, Leopard Woman

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    Airplanes and Pilots in Old Time Radio Disc A025

    1. Lincoln Highway 420214 101 The Aviatrix Triangle
    2. Dark Fantasy 420227 15 Spawn Of Subhuman

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    Airplanes and Pilots in Old Time Radio Disc A026

    1. Lux Radio Theater 420330 345 I Wanted Wings

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    Airplanes and Pilots in Old Time Radio Disc A027

    1. Jungle Jim 420404 E336 Waiting For New Orders

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    Airplanes and Pilots in Old Time Radio Disc A028

    1. Lux Radio Theater 420525 353 Test Pilot

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    Airplanes and Pilots in Old Time Radio Disc A029

    1. Superman 420917 014 Tiny Men
    2. To Fiy With Fighting Navy 421001 Program 4
    3. Superman 421102 046 Headless Indian
    4. Superman 421104 048 Headless Indian

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    Airplanes and Pilots in Old Time Radio Disc A030

    1. Ceiling Unlimited 421221 07 Gremlins
    2. Treasury Star Parade 430000 183 Story Of Nikolia Gastello
    3. Treasury Star Parade 430102 133 I Got Wings

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    Airplanes and Pilots in Old Time Radio Disc A031

    1. Man Behind Gun 430106 Spitfire Pilot Ronald Twine. Elgin V
    2. Superman 430107 004 Tin Man

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    Airplanes and Pilots in Old Time Radio Disc A032

    1. CALV 430125 315 Flying Tigers
    2. Battle Stations 430819 03 Navys Air Arm

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    Airplanes and Pilots in Old Time Radio Disc A033

    1. Words At War 430821 10 Malta Spitfire

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    Airplanes and Pilots in Old Time Radio Disc A034

    1. Lux 430920 407 Flight For Freedom

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    Airplanes and Pilots in Old Time Radio Disc A035

    1. Jack Armstrong 440125 Amphibian Fire Over Jungle
    2. CW 440328 004 Savage Encounter
    3. Believe It Or Not 440404 057 Danger Is My Business

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    Airplanes and Pilots in Old Time Radio Disc A036

    1. Jack Benny 440416 512 Bob Hope Parody
    2. Jack Benny 440507 515 Making Of Horn Blows At Midnight

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    Airplanes and Pilots in Old Time Radio Disc A037

    1. Treasury Salute 440911 096 2nd Lieutentan John C Morgan
    2. Words At War 440912 63 One Man Air Force

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    Airplanes and Pilots in Old Time Radio Disc A038

    1. PStory 441210 075 Japans Secret Police
    2. Bob Hope 3955 450213 252 From Murock, California Tony Romano

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    Airplanes and Pilots in Old Time Radio Disc A039

    1. CALV 450528 437 Recon Pilot
    2. Truth Or Consequences 450623

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    Airplanes and Pilots in Old Time Radio Disc A040

    1. CW 450807 006 Savage Encounter
    2. Vox Pop 450813 X El Toro, Ca 2

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    Airplanes and Pilots in Old Time Radio Disc A041

    1. Your AAF 450826 21 Interview With Crew Of Enola Gay
    2. Gang Busters 450929 0401 John K Giles, Escape Artist

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    Airplanes and Pilots in Old Time Radio Disc A042

    1. National Hour 460106 08 Aviation In Peace Time
    2. Bb 460212 044 Marjorie Conden Kidnapping

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    Airplanes and Pilots in Old Time Radio Disc A043

    1. CALV 460318 471 Alaskan Bush Pilot
    2. Bob Hope 460319 Frances Langford Cleveland Gov Frank J

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    Airplanes and Pilots in Old Time Radio Disc A044

    1. Academy Award Th 460601 10 Arise My Love
    2. Fifth Horseman 460718 03 Promise

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    Airplanes and Pilots in Old Time Radio Disc A045

    1. Whistler 460729 218 My Love Comes Home
    2. Boston Blackie 461126 098 Lenny Powell Murder

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    Airplanes and Pilots in Old Time Radio Disc A046

    1. Fibber Mcgee And Molly 470211 0503 Aeronautics
    2. Superman 470612 1249 Superman Vs. Kryptonite Pt 22[33] V
    3. Superman 471017 1581 Secret Rocket
    4. Superman 471020 1582 Secret Rocket

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    Airplanes and Pilots in Old Time Radio Disc A047

    1. Gildersleeve 471224 Christmas Stray Puppy
    2. Player, 480000 81 Pinwheel Roll

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    Airplanes and Pilots in Old Time Radio Disc A048

    1. Whistler 480428 309 Tough Guy
    2. Whistler 480512 311 Chain Reaction

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    Airplanes and Pilots in Old Time Radio Disc A049

    1. Superman 480602 1438 Mysteryofthesleepingbeauty4132b3
    2. Superman 480603 1439 Mysteryofthesleepingbeauty
    3. Superman 480701 1459 Secretofmeteorisland,the14

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    Airplanes and Pilots in Old Time Radio Disc A050

    1. Quiet Please 481205 077 Very Unimportant Person
    2. Philo Vance 490208 31 Flying Murder Case

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    Airplanes and Pilots in Old Time Radio Disc A051

    1. Rocky Jordan 490424 e25 Consignment for Naples

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    Airplanes and Pilots in Old Time Radio Disc A052

    1. OFRH 490508 Noah Witnessed By Faith

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    Airplanes and Pilots in Old Time Radio Disc A053

    1. Whistler 490522 364 Fatal Fraud
    2. Frank Race 490619 08 Airborne Adventure

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    Airplanes and Pilots in Old Time Radio Disc A054

    1. YTJD 490904 018 Expiring Nickels And Egyptian Jacket

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    Airplanes and Pilots in Old Time Radio Disc A055

    1. Lux 491107 675 High Wall

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    Airplanes and Pilots in Old Time Radio Disc A056

    1. Screen Directors Playhouse 491202 045 All My Sons
    2. Escape 500207 109 Outer Limit

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    Airplanes and Pilots in Old Time Radio Disc A057

    1. Lux 500306 692 Slatterys Hurricane

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    Airplanes and Pilots in Old Time Radio Disc A058

    1. Mysterious Traveler 500314 246 Big Brain
    2. Eternal Light 500423 290 On Wings Of Eagles

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    Airplanes and Pilots in Old Time Radio Disc A059

    1. Crime Does Not Pay 500508 31 Dont Write, Telephone
    2. Air Force Hour 500603 Triumph Of Old Glory

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    Airplanes and Pilots in Old Time Radio Disc A060

    1. Air Force Hour 500610 June Is Bustin Out All Over
    2. Escape 500616 Serenade For Cobra

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    Airplanes and Pilots in Old Time Radio Disc A061

    1. Duffys Tavern 500907 380 Army Surplus Helicopter
    2. Whistler 510204 453 Murder Over Burma

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    Airplanes and Pilots in Old Time Radio Disc A062

    1. Dangerous Assignment 510303 051 London Secret Code
    2. Bob Hope 510306 Ava Gardner

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    Airplanes and Pilots in Old Time Radio Disc A063

    1. Whistler 510422 464 Kind Thought
    2. YTJD 510711 106 Fairway

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    Airplanes and Pilots in Old Time Radio Disc A064

    1. Whistler 511104 492 Man On Run
    2. Bobby Benson And B Bar B Riders 511117 Salute To Soldier

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    Airplanes and Pilots in Old Time Radio Disc A065

    1. Proudly We Hail 511202 165 In Dead Of Night
    2. Man Called X 520108 66 Formula H Stolen

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    Airplanes and Pilots in Old Time Radio Disc A066

    1. Silent Men 520203 16 Big Kill
    2. Tiyfbi 520307 E362 Skyway Man

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    Airplanes and Pilots in Old Time Radio Disc A067

    1. Proudly We Hail 520406 183 Jet Flight
    2. Proudly We Hail 520420 185 Operation Wingtip
    3. I L M 520603 12 Hermit Of San Felipe Atabapo

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    Airplanes and Pilots in Old Time Radio Disc A068

    1. CALV 520610 748 Daughter with Wings
    2. Whistler 520629 526 Night Flight

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    Airplanes and Pilots in Old Time Radio Disc A069

    1. Doctors Wife 520630 Sanders See Mrs Irwins House
    2. Iwacftfbi 520709 Ep12 Dangerous Dollars, The

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    Airplanes and Pilots in Old Time Radio Disc A070

    1. Proudly We Hail 530301 230 Robinson Crusoe Of Schinzdo
    2. Proudly We Hail 530503 239 Old Pro

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    Airplanes and Pilots in Old Time Radio Disc A071

    1. Confession 530705 X Doris Kane Case
    2. YTJD 530721 174 Black Doll AFRTS

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    Airplanes and Pilots in Old Time Radio Disc A072

    1. Proudly We Hail 530802 252 Parapilot
    2. Escape 530823 210 The Man From Tomorrow

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    Airplanes and Pilots in Old Time Radio Disc A073

    1. Lux Radio Theater 531012 850 Breaking Sound Barrier

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    Airplanes and Pilots in Old Time Radio Disc A074

    1. Proudly We Hail 531129 269 Lucifer Heads North
    2. Proudly We Hail 531206 270 Focus on Mig Alley

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    Airplanes and Pilots in Old Time Radio Disc A075

    1. YTJD540105 198 Fairway Matter
    2. Escape 540814 222 Coward

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    Airplanes and Pilots in Old Time Radio Disc A076

    1. Lux 550111 905 Island In Sky

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    Airplanes and Pilots in Old Time Radio Disc A077

    1. Lux Radio Theater 550412 918 Stairway To Heaven Repeat

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    Airplanes and Pilots in Old Time Radio Disc A078

    1. Ft 550413 416 In Nature Of Warning

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    Airplanes and Pilots in Old Time Radio Disc A079

    1. Biography In Sound 550809 26 Atom

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    Airplanes and Pilots in Old Time Radio Disc A080

    1. YTJD 560731 449 Sea Legs Matter
    2. Suspense 561118 674 Long Night

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    Airplanes and Pilots in Old Time Radio Disc A081

    1. Suspense 570224 687 227 Minutes of Hate
    2. Suspense 571103 723 Firing Run 13144 23817 24m46s Afrts

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    Airplanes and Pilots in Old Time Radio Disc A082

    1. Suspense 571201 727 Jet Stream Edited
    2. One Mans Family 580228 G129c44 General Manager Returns
    3. YTJD580525 590 Midnight Sun Matter
    4. Bob Ray 600610 250 Wally Ballou From Salt Flats, Vermont

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    Airplanes and Pilots in Old Time Radio Disc A083

    1. Eternal Light 690216 Icarus In Wheelchair-RPT 580413

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