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Wolfman Jack Recordings

As a DJ, he played a rowdy combination of Rock and Rhythm and Blues, and his trademark raspy voice conveyed an unending sense of mischief.

Wolfman Jack

83 old time radio show recordings
(total playtime 6 hours, 9 min)
available in the following formats:

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7 Audio CDs

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Wolfman Jack
(1938 – 1995)

The importance of music to radio programming is obvious, but from the perspective of Old Time Radio, the importance of radio to music is less so. This is partially due to the limitations of recording technology. During the first several decades of the radio era, the phonograph players and the relatively low fidelity of radio receivers meant that music over the radio was not as satisfying as it could have been. It also meant that most music had to be broadcast live, which could be a complicated feat, especially for the small studios of local stations.

Wolman JackRock and Roll, however, was almost ideal for radio, and radio helped to spread the influence of Rock somewhat rapidly. Early Rock hits were usually made up of one or two guitars, a bass, drums, and a singer, so low fidelity was less of a problem, and the networks were putting their programming emphasis on Television, freeing up more airtime for Rock Music and, especially, Rock and Roll personalities. Rock quickly developed a reputation as the music of rebellion. To paraphrase the 1953 film The Wild One, "What are you rebelling against?", "What do you got?"

This attitude of youthful rebellion came less from the music and more from the on-air personas of the DJs promoting Rock. The King of the late-night Rock and Roll troublemakers was the immortal Wolfman Jack.

"The Wolfman" was born Robert Smith in Brooklyn, New York, 1938. His father was a Sunday school teacher and editor of Financial World who would leave his wife and kids when little Bob was just a child. Recognizing that there were many temptations for young Bob on the streets of Flatbush, the elder Smith bought his son a huge Zenith Trans-Oceanicradio set to help keep him out of trouble. Bob used the set to tune in distant stations and developed a love for Rhythm and Blues music and an admiration for the disk jockeys who played it on the late-night stations, including "Jocko" Henderson of Philadelphia, New York's "Dr. Jive" (Tommy Smalls), the "Moon Dog" from Cleveland, Alan Freed, and Nashville's "John R." Richbourg.

When Bob was sixteen, the most notorious of these DJs, Alan Freed, staged a series of Rock and Roll shows at the Paramount Theater (Freed claimed to have invented the term "Rock and Roll" to describe the music). Hoping to meet his hero, Bob stationed himself outside Paramount stage door, and not only did he attract Freed's attention, he was hired as a "gofer" at the Paramount.

Although he had dropped out of high school, Smith decided to pursue a broadcasting career and attended the National Academy of Broadcasting in Washington D.C. He supported himself as a door-to-door encyclopedia and Fuller Brush salesman during the day, and although a high school dropout, finished at the top of his class. His first job after leaving the school in 1960 was at WYOU in Newport News, Virginia, using the persona of "Daddy Jules". When the station adopted a Beautiful Music format, he became "Roger Gordon and Music in Good Taste". Moving on to KCIJ in Shreveport, Louisiana, in 1962, he became "Big Smith with the Records" and began developing the Wolfman Jack character. He also met and married Lucy "Lou" Lamb, to whom he would be married for the rest of his life.

"Wolfman" was a tribute to Smith's enthusiasm for horror movies as well as to Chicago bluesman Howlin' Wolf Burnett, and Jack was a play on late '50's hipster slang ("Hit the road, Jack"). He began working at a club located in an old Quonset hut on the edge of town called The Tub where he hosted weekly mixed-race teenage dance parties. After the local chapter of the KKK twice burnt crosses on his lawn, the family decided to leave Louisiana.

"Border Blaster" XERF AM's broadcast facilities were located in Ciudad Acuña, Coahuila, Mexico, just across the border from Del Rio, Texas. Pumping out 250,000 watts of power (U.S. "clear channel" stations were limited to 50,000 watts), XERF had been the station of early radio preachers and patent medicine salesmen. It was claimed that a driver could tune the station on his car radio before leaving Seattle and never lose the station until he arrived in New York. Young Bob Smith had no trouble picking up "the Big X" on his old Trans-Oceanic, and he was convinced that as Wolfman Jack he would be able to "sell anything" on the air.

Wolfman JackThe power of the border station meant that everyone in the U.S. could, potentially, hear the Wolfman, and thanks to his on-air antics, once they began listening they were unlikely to tune him out. He played a rowdy combination of Rock and Rhythm and Blues, and his trademark raspy voice conveyed an unending sense of mischief. His shows became a combination of long-form infomercial pitching anything from dog food to sexual-enhancement pills ("Put some zing in your Ling nuts!") and rowdy party complete with "crank phone calls" and encouraging his fans, "Everybody get naked!". The fun seemed to come to an end in 1970 when the government of Catholic Mexico shut down XERF (mostly to keep their citizens from being bothered by fundamentalist Protestant preacher who used the station). Wolfman was out of a job in Mexico, but he was ready to conquer "Estados Unidos" over the next few years.

The Wolfman had to take a pay cut to be hired by KDAY Los Angeles, but he was able to supplement his income by selling tapes of his border blasting antics to other stations. In 1972, NBC-TV tapped him to co-host The Midnight Special music series and budding director George Lucas featured him in his award-winning American Graffiti (1973). His screen time was limited to a short scene, but his voice-overs helped to tie the film together and in appreciation, Lucas gave him a fraction of a "point" in the royalties. The film was a surprise hit and guaranteed Smith and his family an income for life.

After publishing his autobiography, Have Mercy!: Confessions of the Original Rock 'N' Roll Animal in 1995, he embarked on a twenty-day tour to promote the book. On July 1, he made what would be his last broadcast from the Hard Rock Café in Washington D.C., before returning home to Belvidere, North Carolina. According to a family spokesman; "He walked up the driveway, went inside the house and hugged his wife. Then he just fell down and was dead". He was 57.

See also:  Alan Freed ShowAlan Freed Rock n Roll Dance PartyAirchecks from Great Radio Stations, Vintage Airchecks from Great Radio Stations, DJ MadnessAirchecks of the 1960sAirchecks of the 1970s, and Airchecks of the 1980s and 1990s

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    13     3


    He was that rowdy combination, with a deep soul and giving heart

    George Verified Purchase

    You failed to mention Wolfman Jack was lured away from XERF to work at XERB in 1966. How in the world could you leave out this very important information since it was the biggest decision of his career? I recorded him at XERB in 1966 including him on the air at the transmitter a week before he officially began working on the air August 1, 1966. He was at XERB until at least 1971.

    Pat Maestro

    I just finished the book he wrote just before his death, "Have Mercy!" Absolutely enjoyable and an excellent representation of him as he shows through in every sentence. Everyone who enjoyed him back in the day should read it.

    Robert Verified Purchase

    Use to listen to him - he was great!


    I myself can't really say that I have ever heard him on the radio in his glory days. On tv programs that I have they cast him for a Halloween Party. American Graffitti movie has him and I know that skit from the movie. Now as for nowadays, he had courage on this world and how things worked for some and not for others. He would agree all God's children we are. Clever messages, weird thinking on his gimmick of asking people if they were naked. I feel that I can say that this collection makes me feel like he's on the radio programs again. Jingles and car dealers with deals on wheels. His answering phone lines was indeed unique and there are some times he sounds like a loveable teddy bear with kids. History with the Beatles and other well known artists. They say that Wolfman Jack will make your song rise to the top of the charts.... Great to have the chance to relive the good old days and programs like Wolfman Jack.

    Andrea Verified Purchase

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  • MP3 CDs are delivered by mail. These archival quality MP3 CDs are playable in your computer and many MP3 player devices.

    83 recordings on 1 MP3 CD for just $5.00. Total playtime 6 hours, 9 min
    83 recordings on 1 MP3 CD for just $5.00
    total playtime 6 hours, 9 min
    Add MP3 CD Collection to Cart

    1. 83 shows – total playtime 6 hours, 9 minutes
    2. The Night Wolfman Died 950701 Krla.mp3
    3. Todd Rundrgen Something.mp3
    4. Wolfman Jack 01 Rare Xerf.mp3
    5. Wolfman Jack 01 Wpgc.mp3
    6. Wolfman Jack 01on Wnbc.mp3
    7. Wolfman Jack 02 On Wnbc.mp3
    8. Wolfman Jack 02 Rare Xerf.mp3
    9. Wolfman Jack 02 Wpgc Night.mp3
    10. Wolfman Jack 03 On Wnbc.mp3
    11. Wolfman Jack 04 On Wnbc.mp3
    12. Wolfman Jack 560 Ksfo.mp3
    13. Wolfman Jack 6704dd 01 Xerb Classic Phone Bit.mp3
    14. Wolfman Jack 6704dd 02 Xerb Wolf On Phone.mp3
    15. Wolfman Jack 73 Wbz Gets Naked.mp3
    16. Wolfman Jack 740913 Wdgy Minn Spt.mp3
    17. Wolfman Jack 75 Kxly Spokane.mp3
    18. Wolfman Jack 800923 Ending News.mp3
    19. Wolfman Jack 82 Kfxm.mp3
    20. Wolfman Jack 84 01 Wgr.mp3
    21. Wolfman Jack 84 02 Wgr.mp3
    22. Wolfman Jack 84 Kaar In Wa..mp3
    23. Wolfman Jack 88 Keyn.mp3
    24. Wolfman Jack Afrn.mp3
    25. Wolfman Jack American Graffiti Booker T Platters Only You.mp3
    26. Wolfman Jack Amon Duul Ii Utopia.mp3
    27. Wolfman Jack Back To 60s.mp3
    28. Wolfman Jack Beatles Spiritual Regeneration Dedic Maharishi.mp3
    29. Wolfman Jack Borden Commercial Wcbsfm 101.mp3
    30. Wolfman Jack Buddy Holly Thatll Be Day.mp3
    31. Wolfman Jack Buster Brown Fanny Mae.mp3
    32. Wolfman Jack Classic Radio 50s 60s Radio.mp3
    33. Wolfman Jack Coasters Charley Brown.mp3
    34. Wolfman Jack Comedy Chokers Wild.mp3
    35. Wolfman Jack Comedy Conan Librarian.mp3
    36. Wolfman Jack Comedy Days Of Out Wives.mp3
    37. Wolfman Jack Comedy Moose Call.mp3
    38. Wolfman Jack Comedy Trillionth Word.mp3
    39. Wolfman Jack Cover Of Rollingstone.mp3
    40. Wolfman Jack Dialing For Dollars.mp3
    41. Wolfman Jack Drag Race Commercial.mp3
    42. Wolfman Jack Flash Cadillac Continental Kidsdid Yo.mp3
    43. Wolfman Jack Fun103.mp3
    44. Wolfman Jack Guess Who Clap For Wolfman.mp3
    45. Wolfman Jack Happy New Year.mp3
    46. Wolfman Jack I Aint Never Seen White Man.mp3
    47. Wolfman Jack Jingle.mp3
    48. Wolfman Jack Joy103.mp3
    49. Wolfman Jack Kcbq 10q..mp3
    50. Wolfman Jack Kday 1.mp3
    51. Wolfman Jack Kday 2.mp3
    52. Wolfman Jack Kday Radio Show.mp3
    53. Wolfman Jack Kgtr.mp3
    54. Wolfman Jack Kqak.mp3
    55. Wolfman Jack Ksos.mp3
    56. Wolfman Jack Monotones Book Of Love.mp3
    57. Wolfman Jack Newb103.mp3
    58. Wolfman Jack Oldies Radio Show 1991 1 Of 6.mp3
    59. Wolfman Jack On Wnbc.mp3
    60. Wolfman Jack On Wror Goldengreat 98.mp3
    61. Wolfman Jack On Wsm.mp3
    62. Wolfman Jack On Xerb 1969.mp3
    63. Wolfman Jack Regents Barbara Anne.mp3
    64. Wolfman Jack Side 1 Only Al.mp3
    65. Wolfman Jack Side 2 Only A.mp3
    66. Wolfman Jack Stampeders Hit Road Jack.mp3
    67. Wolfman Jack Survey.mp3
    68. Wolfman Jack Todd Rundgren Somethinganything.mp3
    69. Wolfman Jack Wnex.mp3
    70. Wolfman Jack Wrqk.mp3
    71. Wolfman Jack Wwtc Tag 1.mp3
    72. Wolfman Jack Wwtc Tag 2.mp3
    73. Wolfman Jack Xerb 1.mp3
    74. Wolfman Jack Xerb 1[69].mp3
    75. Wolfman Jack Xerb 1970.mp3
    76. Wolfman Jack Xerb Call.mp3
    77. Wolfman Jack Xerb Jingle.mp3
    78. Wolfman Jack Xerb Phones 2 6970.mp3
    79. Wolfman Jack Xerb Phones 3 6970.mp3
    80. Wolfman Jack Xerb Phones 3 Rare 196970.mp3
    81. Wolfman Jack Xerb Windup Wolfman Intro.mp3
    82. Wolfman Jack Xerf Famous Chick Com.mp3
    83. Wolfman Jack Xerf.mp3
    84. Wolfman Jack Xprs.mp3
  • MP3 downloads are available instantly after purchase!

    83 recordings on 1 MP3 Collection Download for just $5.00. Total playtime 6 hours, 9 min
    83 recordings on 1 MP3 Collection Download for just $5.00
    368 MB – total playtime 6 hours, 9 min
    Add Instant Download Collection to Cart

    1. 83 shows – 368 MB – total playtime 6 hours, 9 minutes
    2. The Night Wolfman Died 950701 Krla.mp3
    3. Todd Rundrgen Something.mp3
    4. Wolfman Jack 01 Rare Xerf.mp3
    5. Wolfman Jack 01 Wpgc.mp3
    6. Wolfman Jack 01on Wnbc.mp3
    7. Wolfman Jack 02 On Wnbc.mp3
    8. Wolfman Jack 02 Rare Xerf.mp3
    9. Wolfman Jack 02 Wpgc Night.mp3
    10. Wolfman Jack 03 On Wnbc.mp3
    11. Wolfman Jack 04 On Wnbc.mp3
    12. Wolfman Jack 560 Ksfo.mp3
    13. Wolfman Jack 6704dd 01 Xerb Classic Phone Bit.mp3
    14. Wolfman Jack 6704dd 02 Xerb Wolf On Phone.mp3
    15. Wolfman Jack 73 Wbz Gets Naked.mp3
    16. Wolfman Jack 740913 Wdgy Minn Spt.mp3
    17. Wolfman Jack 75 Kxly Spokane.mp3
    18. Wolfman Jack 800923 Ending News.mp3
    19. Wolfman Jack 82 Kfxm.mp3
    20. Wolfman Jack 84 01 Wgr.mp3
    21. Wolfman Jack 84 02 Wgr.mp3
    22. Wolfman Jack 84 Kaar In Wa..mp3
    23. Wolfman Jack 88 Keyn.mp3
    24. Wolfman Jack Afrn.mp3
    25. Wolfman Jack American Graffiti Booker T Platters Only You.mp3
    26. Wolfman Jack Amon Duul Ii Utopia.mp3
    27. Wolfman Jack Back To 60s.mp3
    28. Wolfman Jack Beatles Spiritual Regeneration Dedic Maharishi.mp3
    29. Wolfman Jack Borden Commercial Wcbsfm 101.mp3
    30. Wolfman Jack Buddy Holly Thatll Be Day.mp3
    31. Wolfman Jack Buster Brown Fanny Mae.mp3
    32. Wolfman Jack Classic Radio 50s 60s Radio.mp3
    33. Wolfman Jack Coasters Charley Brown.mp3
    34. Wolfman Jack Comedy Chokers Wild.mp3
    35. Wolfman Jack Comedy Conan Librarian.mp3
    36. Wolfman Jack Comedy Days Of Out Wives.mp3
    37. Wolfman Jack Comedy Moose Call.mp3
    38. Wolfman Jack Comedy Trillionth Word.mp3
    39. Wolfman Jack Cover Of Rollingstone.mp3
    40. Wolfman Jack Dialing For Dollars.mp3
    41. Wolfman Jack Drag Race Commercial.mp3
    42. Wolfman Jack Flash Cadillac Continental Kidsdid Yo.mp3
    43. Wolfman Jack Fun103.mp3
    44. Wolfman Jack Guess Who Clap For Wolfman.mp3
    45. Wolfman Jack Happy New Year.mp3
    46. Wolfman Jack I Aint Never Seen White Man.mp3
    47. Wolfman Jack Jingle.mp3
    48. Wolfman Jack Joy103.mp3
    49. Wolfman Jack Kcbq 10q..mp3
    50. Wolfman Jack Kday 1.mp3
    51. Wolfman Jack Kday 2.mp3
    52. Wolfman Jack Kday Radio Show.mp3
    53. Wolfman Jack Kgtr.mp3
    54. Wolfman Jack Kqak.mp3
    55. Wolfman Jack Ksos.mp3
    56. Wolfman Jack Monotones Book Of Love.mp3
    57. Wolfman Jack Newb103.mp3
    58. Wolfman Jack Oldies Radio Show 1991 1 Of 6.mp3
    59. Wolfman Jack On Wnbc.mp3
    60. Wolfman Jack On Wror Goldengreat 98.mp3
    61. Wolfman Jack On Wsm.mp3
    62. Wolfman Jack On Xerb 1969.mp3
    63. Wolfman Jack Regents Barbara Anne.mp3
    64. Wolfman Jack Side 1 Only Al.mp3
    65. Wolfman Jack Side 2 Only A.mp3
    66. Wolfman Jack Stampeders Hit Road Jack.mp3
    67. Wolfman Jack Survey.mp3
    68. Wolfman Jack Todd Rundgren Somethinganything.mp3
    69. Wolfman Jack Wnex.mp3
    70. Wolfman Jack Wrqk.mp3
    71. Wolfman Jack Wwtc Tag 1.mp3
    72. Wolfman Jack Wwtc Tag 2.mp3
    73. Wolfman Jack Xerb 1.mp3
    74. Wolfman Jack Xerb 1[69].mp3
    75. Wolfman Jack Xerb 1970.mp3
    76. Wolfman Jack Xerb Call.mp3
    77. Wolfman Jack Xerb Jingle.mp3
    78. Wolfman Jack Xerb Phones 2 6970.mp3
    79. Wolfman Jack Xerb Phones 3 6970.mp3
    80. Wolfman Jack Xerb Phones 3 Rare 196970.mp3
    81. Wolfman Jack Xerb Windup Wolfman Intro.mp3
    82. Wolfman Jack Xerf Famous Chick Com.mp3
    83. Wolfman Jack Xerf.mp3
    84. Wolfman Jack Xprs.mp3
  • Standard Audio CDs are delivered by mail on archival quality media with up to 60 minutes on each CD and play in all CD players

    83 recordings on 7 Audio CDs. Total playtime 6 hours, 9 min
    83 recordings on 7 Audio CDs
    total playtime 6 hours, 9 min

    Wolfman Jack Disc A001

    1. Todd Rundrgen Something
    2. Wolfman Jack 01 Rare Xerf
    3. Wolfman Jack 01 Wpgc
    4. Wolfman Jack 01on Wnbc
    5. Wolfman Jack 02 On Wnbc
    6. Wolfman Jack 02 Rare Xerf
    7. Wolfman Jack 02 Wpgc Night
    8. Wolfman Jack 03 On Wnbc
    9. Wolfman Jack 04 On Wnbc
    10. Wolfman Jack 560 Ksfo
    11. Wolfman Jack 6704dd 01 Xerb Classic Phone Bit
    12. Wolfman Jack 6704dd 02 Xerb Wolf On Phone
    13. Wolfman Jack 73 Wbz Gets Naked

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Wolfman Jack Disc A002

    1. Wolfman Jack 75 Kxly Spokane
    2. Wolfman Jack 82 Kfxm
    3. Wolfman Jack 84 01 Wgr
    4. Wolfman Jack 84 02 Wgr
    5. Wolfman Jack 84 Kaar In Wa.
    6. Wolfman Jack 88 Keyn

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Wolfman Jack Disc A003

    1. Wolfman Jack Afrn
    2. Wolfman Jack American Graffiti Booker T Platters Only You
    3. Wolfman Jack Amon Duul Ii Utopia
    4. Wolfman Jack Back To 60s
    5. Wolfman Jack Beatles Spiritual Regeneration Dedic Maharishi
    6. Wolfman Jack Borden Commercial Wcbsfm 101
    7. Wolfman Jack Buddy Holly Thatll Be Day
    8. Wolfman Jack Buster Brown Fanny Mae
    9. Wolfman Jack Classic Radio 50s 60s Radio
    10. Wolfman Jack Coasters Charley Brown
    11. Wolfman Jack Comedy Chokers Wild
    12. Wolfman Jack Comedy Conan Librarian
    13. Wolfman Jack Comedy Days Of Out Wives
    14. Wolfman Jack Comedy Moose Call
    15. Wolfman Jack Comedy Trillionth Word
    16. Wolfman Jack Cover Of Rollingstone
    17. Wolfman Jack Dialing For Dollars
    18. Wolfman Jack Drag Race Commercial
    19. Wolfman Jack Flash Cadillac Continental Kidsdid Yo
    20. Wolfman Jack Fun103
    21. Wolfman Jack Guess Who Clap For Wolfman
    22. Wolfman Jack Happy New Year
    23. Wolfman Jack I Aint Never Seen White Man
    24. Wolfman Jack Jingle
    25. Wolfman Jack Joy103
    26. Wolfman Jack Kcbq 10q.
    27. Wolfman Jack Kday 1
    28. Wolfman Jack Kday 2
    29. Wolfman Jack Kday Radio Show
    30. Wolfman Jack Kgtr
    31. Wolfman Jack Kqak
    32. Wolfman Jack Ksos
    33. Wolfman Jack Monotones Book Of Love
    34. Wolfman Jack Newb103

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Wolfman Jack Disc A004

    1. Wolfman Jack Oldies Radio Show 1991 1 Of 6
    2. Wolfman Jack On Wnbc
    3. Wolfman Jack On Wror Goldengreat 98
    4. Wolfman Jack On Wsm
    5. Wolfman Jack On Xerb 1969
    6. Wolfman Jack Regents Barbara Anne
    7. Wolfman Jack Side 1 Only Al

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Wolfman Jack Disc A005

    1. Wolfman Jack Side 2 Only A
    2. Wolfman Jack Stampeders Hit Road Jack
    3. Wolfman Jack Survey
    4. Wolfman Jack Todd Rundgren Somethinganything
    5. Wolfman Jack Wnex
    6. Wolfman Jack Wrqk
    7. Wolfman Jack Wwtc Tag 1
    8. Wolfman Jack Wwtc Tag 2
    9. Wolfman Jack Xerb 1
    10. Wolfman Jack Xerb 1[69]

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Wolfman Jack Disc A006

    1. Wolfman Jack Xerb 1970
    2. Wolfman Jack Xerb Call
    3. Wolfman Jack Xerb Jingle
    4. Wolfman Jack Xerb Phones 2 6970
    5. Wolfman Jack Xerb Phones 3 6970
    6. Wolfman Jack Xerb Phones 3 Rare 196970
    7. Wolfman Jack Xerb Windup Wolfman Intro
    8. Wolfman Jack Xerf Famous Chick Com
    9. Wolfman Jack Xerf
    10. Wolfman Jack Xprs

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Wolfman Jack Disc A007

    1. Wolfman Jack 740913 Wdgy Minn Spt
    2. Wolfman Jack 800923 Ending News
    3. The Night Wolfman Died 950701 Krla

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00


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