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Watergate Scandal News

Valuable up close look at events as they were unfolding during Nixon's Watergate Scandal.

Watergate Scandal News

150 old time radio show recordings
(total playtime 68 hours, 46 min)
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3 MP3 CDs
37 Audio CDs

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"First Line Report 1973"

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Text on OTRCAT.com ©2001-2025 OTRCAT INC All Rights Reserved. Reproduction is prohibited.

Nixon Resigning

The Watergate Scandal rocked the Nation to its very core. There have been Constitutional and political scandals before and since Watergate, but even with the advances of news coverage, none have had the fundamental impact on the soul of the Nation.

Many historians and commentators have stated that Watergate was a case of abuse of power, and this is certainly true. History shows that President Nixon abused his power by exceeding the authority granted him by the constitution. However it can be argued that the media abused their power as well, but their abuse may have stemmed from not fully understanding how much power it held.

The advances in coverage are part of what makes this radio coverage of Watergate interesting. By the 1970's Television News had become a respected source of news and information. It lacked behind the Print Media in it's detail and depth of coverage, but no one can deny its growing editorial impact at the time. Watergate took place after the Golden Age of Radio,which lasted until TV began to dominate in the 50s.

Television, which had a Golden Age of its own, was not the mature news source it is today. Cable television, and most importantly, the Cable News Network's 24 hour news coverage, had yet to enter the the scene. When the Senate Watergate Committee Hearings began they were covered live by ABC, CBS, and NBC Television news, and replayed in the evening by PBS. Soon the commercial networks began rotating their coverage of the hearings, but the event was of such national interest that 85% of homes watched some portion of the coverage. (National Public Radio, a fairly new service at the time, carried 'Gavel to gavel' coverage, allowing people to follow the drama at work or in their cars, and gaining a lot of respect for the fledgling NPR.)

Nixon & KennedyRise of a President

Richard Nixon "made his bones" as a freshman congressman working with the House Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC). He helped to bring an end to the impasse of the Alger Hiss spy case. Hiss was convicted of perjury and Nixon went on to the Senate. He was elected as Eisenhower's Vice President. As VP, Nixon was "heir apparent" for the Presidency, and used the office to raise his image with the American public. The 1960 Presidential race was close, but won by John Kennedy's call for "New Blood" in the White House. (Nixon's only other electoral defeat to this point had been for Student Body President at Whittier High School in 1929.)

Nixon stayed mostly out of the public eye after the 1960 race. He did run and was defeated in the 1962 California Governor's race (he would quip to the media in his concession speech: "You won't have Nixon to kick around anymore.") He maintained the support of the Republican base, but was hesitant to run for the President in 1968 until encouraged to do so by Evangelist Billy Graham. Nixon won the election running on a platform of restoring Law and Order and bringing an end to the War in Vietnam. Many observers, both inside and out of the White House noted that the administration's primary goal seemed to be winning re-election in 1972. And here it would seem, is the logical beginning of the Watergate story. A definite beginning is hard to pinpoint; Watergate is such a twisted and confusing story.


The Affair, the Scandal

In a White House memo dated July 24, 1971, E. Howard Hunt and G. Gordon Liddy, among others, formed the "White House Plumbers" whose job would be to stop the leaks of classified information to the News media. Their first operation was the burglary of the office of Daniel Elsberg's psychiatrist. Elsberg had leaked the "Pentagon Papers." (The Pentagon Papers were a lengthy report on the actions of the Kennedy and Johnson administrations concerning the Vietnam War. Because the revelations would have been an embarrassment to previous administrations, Nixon was prepared to happily let the leak go, but was convinced by his Security Adviser, Henry Kissinger, that failing to oppose publication would set unfavorable precedent toward future secrets.)

On the evening of June 17, 1972, an security guard in the Watergate Hotel and Office Complex noticed that several locks had been taped open. At 2:30am five men were arrested burglarizing and placing wire-tap equipment in the office of the Democratic National Committee. Address books belonging to the burglars contained listing for Hunt at the White House. Checks and cash in the burglar's possession were also traced back to the White House.

Watergate Burglars

On Sept 17, the Watergate Burglars, along with Hunt and Liddy, were indicted by a Federal Grand Jury. On November 7, 1972, Richard Nixon was re-elected in a landslide victory.

The "Watergate Affair" soon became the "Watergate Scandal." Central to the scandal were alleged efforts by the Administration to cover-up any connection between the President and the Burglars. The Senate Watergate Committee began their hearings in May of 1973, and Special Prosecutor Archibald Cox was appointed to oversea the investigation into possible Presidential impropriety.

NixonIt would come to light that Nixon had installed a taping system in the White House that was to record all conversations and telephone calls in the Oval Office. The tapes were considered to be vital evidence to the investigations, and were subpoenaed, but the President was reluctant to hand them over, citing national security. He proposed submission of summary transcriptions of the tapes, contents of which would be confirmed by Sen John Stennis, but this was unacceptable to the special prosecutor and the Senate Committee.

On Oct 20, "the Saturday Night Massacre," Nixon ordered the firing of the Special Prosecutor Archibald Cox. Attorney General Elliot Richardson and Deputy Attorney General William Ruckelshaus had both assured the Senate Committee that Special Prosecutor Cox would encounter no interference in his investigation, so they resigned their offices rather than fire Cox. The firing fell to Solicitor General William Bork, who as third in line at the Justice Department, and had not personally made the assurances to the committee.

A new special prosecutor, Leon Jaworski, was appointed. In a press conference at Disney World in Florida the President declared "I am not a crook." In time a "Smoking Gun" tape would be released, detailing the information given to the President in the days after the burglary. At the time the Smoking Gun Tape was released, congress was moving to impeach the President. On Aug 8, 1974, Richard Nixon became the first President of the United States to resign his office.

The Past through a Larger Window

Spiro AgnewOne of the most interesting aspects revealed by the radio news recordings in this collection is the shear multitude of crisis faced by the Nation and its President during this time. Though the Watergate Affair brought about the downfall of the President, it could have been considered a relatively minor lapse of judgement when seen against the back drop of the other issues the President was facing.

Three of the most pressing issues were the Vice-Presidential Crisis, The Middle East Crisis, and the Inflation/Energy Crisis.

In October of 1973 Vice President Spiro Agnew was forced to resign his office and plead No Contest to Tax Evasion charges in his home state of Maryland. The charges were part of a plea bargain; Agnew had been accused of accepting bribes while Governor of Maryland. Nixon nominated House Minority Leader, Gerald Ford of Michigan, to replace Agnew under the 25th Amendment. Ford was confirmed and took the Vice-Presidential Oath of Office on Nov 27, 1973.

On Oct 6, 1973, the Egyptian Army crossed the Suez Canal to attack Israel. The attack was coordinated with the Syrian Army, which attacked the Golan Heights at the same time. The attacks were part of an effort to reclaim territory lost to Israel during the Six Day War of 1967. Although Israel was caught mostly by surprise on Judaism's most holy day, Yom Kippur, (when most of the nation was shut down) Israeli defenders quickly brought the attacks to a stale mate, and were soon making advances. Both the U.S. and the Soviets began funneling large amounts of military supplies to the side they supported. Early in the war Israel let it be known that they would consider a nuclear option if forced "to a point of last resort," and they had indications they were approaching that point. The US supply line was opened to prevent this from happening, but this also forced the Soviets to supply their Arab Allies. This was the greatest threat of nuclear confrontation since the Cuban Missile Crisis.

Henry KissingerA cease fire which had been arranged by the Superpowers through the UN on Oct 22 quickly fell apart, leading to heightened tension between the US and the Soviets. Egyptian President Sadat called for the Soviet Union and the US to oversea the Cease Fire, and Soviet Premier Breshnev responded by informing President Nixon the the Soviets would act "unilaterally" if the US would not cooperate; in other words the Soviets would openly support the Arabs. While this was occurring Israeli forces improved their positions, and completely encircled the Egyptian 3rd Army. The US pressured Israel to not destroy the trapped 3rd Army, and this lead to both sides accepting the cease-fire imposed on Oct 25.

The oil producing Arab Nations were not at all pleased with American support for Israel. Their response was to impose an oil embargo on the US, which made America's ongoing economic problems that much worse.

The Bretton Woods Agreements were developed by economists of the Allied Nations during WWII to set up international monetary standards. Basically, the Agreements stated that the American Dollar would be based on a Gold Standard, and that the currencies of other nations would be pegged to the dollar. This system was fine for the US as long as the dollar was stable. However costs from the Vietnam War along with increased domestic spending resulted in high rates of inflation.

To counter inflation and to pay off foreign debt, the U.S. printed more dollars and sent them overseas. Seeing the dollar as devalued, other nations began to demand the dollars they held be exchanged for gold, which dangerously drew down the Gold Reserve. As the dollar continued to lose value against European currencies, the Swiss franc was withdrawn from the Bretton Woods agreement on Aug 9, 1971. In order to stabilize the inflation rate, President Nixon imposed a 90 day wage and price freeze, a 10% import surcharge, and without consulting members of the international monetary fund, "Closed the Gold Window," taking the US off of the Gold Standard.

NixonThe President was credited with saving the dollar from foreign price gougers, but the ongoing inflationary pressures and jitters over a "floating currency" resulted in a Bull Market Stock crash that lasted from Jan 1973 through December 1974 (the US Market would not reach its former levels until Aug 1993). In the middle of this the Organization of Arab Petroleum Exporting Countries announced their embargo in response to the Yom Kippur War.

By the last week in Feb, 1974, the AAA reported that 20% of the gasoline stations in the US had no gas to sell. An Odd-Even rationing system was imposed, where drivers were allowed to buy gas based on the last digit of their license plate. The national 55 mph speed limit was also put into place.

Diplomatic negotiations between Israel and the Arabs, aided by Henry Kissinger, finally led to a degree of peace in the region, and the embargo was lifted in Mar 1974, but the repercussions of the Oil Crisis and the Economic Crisis would be felt for the rest of the 70s.

These reports are not history in the academic sense. That requires first hand review of the original material that the reports are based on. What these reports are a valuable up close look at events as they were unfolding. This has value of its own, not only in judging a President and the decisions he made, but in evaluating the current news media with it's omni-present 24 hour news cycle.

Note: This collection is included in the final volumes of the Nixon Collection.

Text on OTRCAT.com ©2001-2025 OTRCAT INC All Rights Reserved. Reproduction is prohibited.

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    I am enjoying listening to the Watergate CD and noticed several newscasts from WBEN, Buffalo. I grew up in a small town outside of Buffalo, NY and listened to WBEN along with a couple other local radio stations.

    Sal Verified Purchase

    I really enjoyed both Watergate CD's. All of Watergate happened my last two years of high school, so I was very familiar with all of the names and events of 1973-74.

    Tom Verified Purchase

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    150 recordings on 3 MP3 CDs for just $15.00. Total playtime 68 hours, 46 min
    150 recordings on 3 MP3 CDs for just $15.00
    total playtime 68 hours, 46 min
    Add MP3 CD Collection to Cart

    1. Volume 1 – 78 shows – total playtime 22 hours, 48 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 1: $5.00
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    2. 20220617 Lamar Waldron Reflections 50th Annv Watergate.mp3
    3. 710808 Cbsna Roger Mudd Tape Doctoring.mp3
    4. 710808 Cbswnt Agnew Protests Attacks Against Him Wben.mp3
    5. 730000 Cbsflr Marvin Kalb Russian Missile Superiority Psa.mp3
    6. 730321 Nixon John Dean Full Cancer on Presidency.mp3
    7. 730430 Cbsna Richard C Hottelet White House Swept Clean.mp3
    8. 730430 Cbsnsr Nixon Denies Any Wrongdoing.mp3
    9. 730430 Cbwst Dean Sacked Haldeman And Erlichman Resign.mp3
    10. 730430 Lowell Thomas Watergate Wageprice Bill Dectv Packg.mp3
    11. 730501 Cbsn 6am Osgood Nixons Kissenger Vietnam Summit.mp3
    12. 730507 Abcn 730am Bill Beal Bob Dole Israel Turns 25 Wbce.mp3
    13. 730507 Cbsflr Dan Rather Usmc Commandant Involved In Breakin.mp3
    14. 730507 Cbsn 6am Dallas Townsend Eliot Richardson CO Flood.mp3
    15. 730507 Cbsn7am C.Osgood Cushman Unauthorizrd Surveillance.mp3
    16. 730507 Cbsna W.Cronkite NYT Interview Of George Mcgovern.mp3
    17. 730507 Cbwst D.Edwards Chas Colson Inv Pentagon Papers Case.mp3
    18. 730507 Lowell Thomas Nixon Denys Wrongdoing Fighting Beirut.mp3
    19. 730509 Cbsflr Bob Shiaffer Stories Might Been Newsworthy.mp3
    20. 730509 Cbsna Walter Cronkite Look At Impeachment.mp3
    21. 730509 Cbwst D.Edwards Dean Haldeman Erlichman Indicted.mp3
    22. 730511 Cbsflr Robert Pierpoint Revolving Doors White House.mp3
    23. 730511 Cbwst John Mitchell Maurice Stands Dean Testify.mp3
    24. 730516 Cbsflr Dan Rather Republicans Trying Build Firewall.mp3
    25. 730516 James O. Powell, the Implications of Watergate.mp3
    26. 730517 Bruce Kehrli Testimony Before the Committee.mp3
    27. 730517 Cbsflr Marvin Kalb Kissengers Washington Problems.mp3
    28. 730518 Herbert Porter Testimony Before the Committee.mp3
    29. 730518 Robert Reiner Testimony Before the Committee.mp3
    30. 730518-22 Watergate Hearings James McCord Jr.mp3
    31. 730521 Cbsflr Dan Rather Reporters Travels And Polls.mp3
    32. 730522 Cbsflr Marvin Kalb Right To Be Let Alone.mp3
    33. 730523 Cbsflr Dan Rather President Admits Limited Knowledge.mp3
    34. 730524 Cbsflr Marvin Kalb Watergate And Foreign Embassies.mp3
    35. 730525 Cbsflr Dan Rather President Nixon Takes To Attack.mp3
    36. 730528 Cbsflr Dan Rather Some Future Americans Parents.mp3
    37. 730529 Cbsflr D Rather Agnew Could Be Indicted Prices Rise.mp3
    38. 730529 Cbsflr George Herman Codfish War.mp3
    39. 730530 Cbsflr Dan Rather Presidents Trip To Iceland.mp3
    40. 730606-13 Watergate Hearings Hugh Sloan and Maurice Stans.mp3
    41. 730607 Cbs News Christopher Glen Prosecutor Cox Rel Summary.mp3
    42. 730614 Watergate HearingsJeb Stuart Magruder.mp3
    43. 730615 Cbsflr Dan Rather New Faces In Old Jobs.mp3
    44. 730615 Cbsflr Dan Rather New Nixon Team Good About Them.mp3
    45. 730618 Cbsflr Dan Rather Brezhnev Watergate And Economy.mp3
    46. 730618 Cbsflr Dan Rather Nixons Seventh Crisis.mp3
    47. 730619 Cbsflr Bernard Kalb Brezhnev Summit Peking Waits.mp3
    48. 730619 Cbsflr Bernard Kalb Chinas Summit Concerns.mp3
    49. 730620 Cbsflr D Rather Nixon Compromises With Congress.mp3
    50. 730620 Cbsflr Dan Rather Good News About Economy.mp3
    51. 730621 Cbsflr Marvin Kalb Bresnevs U S Visit.mp3
    52. 730621 Cbsflr Marvin Kalb Incidental Comments On Summit.mp3
    53. 730625-26 Watergate Hearings John Dean.mp3
    54. 730627 Cbsflr Robert Pierpoint Nixons Personal Style Problem.mp3
    55. 730627 Cbsflr Robert Pierpoint Nixons Personal Style.mp3
    56. 730628 Cbsflr Marvin Kalb Meeting Newsman Responsibly.mp3
    57. 730628 Cbsflr Marvin Kalb White House Eludes News Conf.mp3
    58. 730629 Cbsflr Robert Pierpoint Attack Dean Not Nixon Ziegler.mp3
    59. 730629 Cbsflr Robert Pierpoint Blaming John Dean Fails.mp3
    60. 730630 Cbsflr Marvin Kalb Compromise On Capitol Hill.mp3
    61. 730701 Cbsn Marvin Kalb Israeli Ambdr Slain DC Whcu Aircheck.mp3
    62. 730701 Cbsn Tony Sargent Col Yosef Alon Ass NYC Whcu.mp3
    63. 730701 Cbsnsr Bernard Kalb Economic Address President Nixon.mp3
    64. 730701 Cbsnsr Nixon Addresses Nations Economy Price Freezes.mp3
    65. 730701 Face Nation Charles Colson.mp3
    66. 730702 Cbsflr Robert Pierpoint Cost Of Casa Pacifica.mp3
    67. 730703 Cbsflr Marvin Kalb Stopping Cambodia Bombing.mp3
    68. 730704 Cbsflr Dan Rather Gasoline Shortage Suspicions.mp3
    69. 730705 Cbsflr Marvin Kalb Unescos Privacy Fears.mp3
    70. 730706 Cbsflr Dan Rather China Day At San Clemente.mp3
    71. 730707 Cbsflr Marvin Kalb Oil And Link To Israel.mp3
    72. 730708 Face Nation Senator Robert Bird.mp3
    73. 730710 Cbsna Roger Mudd Mitchell Publicises Role Watergate.mp3
    74. 730710 Cbswnt John Mitchell Takes Stand Today Wben.mp3
    75. 730711 Cbsflr Dan Rather Nixon’s Phase4 Economic Program.mp3
    76. 730712 Cbsflr Marvin Kalb Fullbrightjackson Duel.mp3
    77. 730713 Cbsflr Dan Rather Nixon Hospitalized Pnemonia.mp3
    78. 730715 Cbsn Walter Cronkite Middleeast Ceasefire In Effect.mp3
    79. 730715 Face Nation Senator Daniel K Inouqye Dhi.mp3

    1. Volume 2 – 36 shows – total playtime 22 hours, 28 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 2: $5.00
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    2. 730716 Alexander Butterfield Testimony Before Committee.mp3
    3. 730720 Cbsflr Dan Rather President Leaves Hospital.mp3
    4. 730724 Cbsflr Marvin Kalb All Quiet At State Department.mp3
    5. 730725 Cbsflr Dan Rather John Connelly Melvyn Laird Resign.mp3
    6. 730731 Cbsflr Marvin Kalb Whitlam Leaves Tanaka Arrives.mp3
    7. 730800 Cbsnsr Nixons Speech On Legislative Goals.mp3
    8. 730801 Cbsflr Dan Rather Murky Vicious Little Things.mp3
    9. 730802 Richard Helms Testimony Before Committee.mp3
    10. 730803 Cbsflr Marvin Kalb Kissinger Speaks Around Watergate.mp3
    11. 730803 Vernon Walters Testimony Before the Committee.mp3
    12. 730805 Face Nation Senator Herman Talmadge Dga.mp3
    13. 730807 Cbsflr Marvin Kalb New Cambodia Operations Hearings.mp3
    14. 730808 Cbsflr Dan Rather Agnew Battles To Save Reputation.mp3
    15. 730808 Henry Petersen Testimony Before Committee.mp3
    16. 730808 Richard Kleindienst Testimony Before the Committee.mp3
    17. 730809 Cbsflr Marvin Kalb Cambodia Bombings Then And Now.mp3
    18. 730810 Cbsflr Dan Rather Rethinking Unthinkable.mp3
    19. 730811 Cbsflr Marvin Kalb Oil And Fuel Shortage.mp3
    20. 730812 Face Nation Senator Lowell E Weicker Jr Rct.mp3
    21. 730813 Cbsflr Dan Rather 25th Amendment No Open.mp3
    22. 730814 Cbsflr Marvin Kalb End Of Cambodia Bombings.mp3
    23. 730815 Cbsflr Dan Rather Nixon’s 3rd Expl Of Watergate.mp3
    24. 730815 Cbsnsr Discussion Of President Nixon’s Speech.mp3
    25. 730815 Cbsnsr Nixon Addresses Nation Watergate Scandal Wben.mp3
    26. 730816 Cbsflr Marvin Kalb All Quiet Over Cambodia.mp3
    27. 730820 Face Nation Sen George Mcgovern On Watergate Tapes.mp3
    28. 730820 Malcolm Muggeridge, Has America Had It.mp3
    29. 730822 Michael Foot, Democracy and Political Scandal.mp3
    30. 730823 Cbsflr Marvin Kalb Rogers Resigns Kissenger Sec State.mp3
    31. 730824 Cbsflr D Rather Regan Considering Bid WH 76 Whcu.mp3
    32. 730825 Cbsflr Marvin Kalb Sec Of State Rogers Meets Press.mp3
    33. 730926 Watergate Hearings Patrick J. Buchanan.mp3
    34. 730928 Samuel Lubell, the Nixon Presidency.mp3
    35. 730930 Cbsflr D Rather Connelly Considered Repl Agnew Texaco.mp3
    36. 731003 Robert Benz Testimony Before Committee.mp3
    37. 731004 Martin Kelly Testimony Before the Collection.mp3

    1. Volume 3 – 36 shows – total playtime 23 hours, 29 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 3: $5.00
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    2. 731009 John Buckley Testimony Before the Committee.mp3
    3. 731020 Cbsflr D Rather Nixon Fires Watergate Special Prossc.mp3
    4. 731022 Cbc Eliot Richardson Explains His Decision To Resign.mp3
    5. 731022 Cbsflr Bob Schieffer As Win Ws Middle East Crisis.mp3
    6. 731022 Cbswnr Review Of Saturday Massacre.mp3
    7. 731026 Cbsnsr N Strauser Press Conf Middle East Crisis Whcu.mp3
    8. 731027 Cbsflr D Rather Crisis Of Confidence Alka Seltzer.mp3
    9. 731027 Cbsn Nixon To Surrender Tapes To Judge Sirica.mp3
    10. 731031 Cbsn Cronkite Donald Segretti’s Dirty Tricks Muskie.mp3
    11. 731101 Cbsnsr Leon Jaworski Named Special Prosecutor Wben.mp3
    12. 731102 Cbsn Walter Cronkite Nixon Reverses Decision On Tapes.mp3
    13. 731107 Cbsn W Cronkite Nixon’s Energy Initiatives Reviewed.mp3
    14. 731108 Cbsflr Bernard Kalb Kom’s Sacred Icon Ford.mp3
    15. 731109 Cbsn W Cronkite Case Of Lester Zygmanik True Value.mp3
    16. 731117 Cbsnsr V Benton Nixon Press Conference From Orlando.mp3
    17. 731123 Face Nation Sen Charles Mathias Jr Rmd Nixon Cntrdict.mp3
    18. 731125 Cbsnsr R Pierpoint Nixon Energy Speech Followup.mp3
    19. 731126 Cbsflr B Schieffer Last DevelopmentsTapes Alkaseltzer.mp3
    20. 731126 Cbsnsr Nixon Turns Over Tapes To Judge Sirica.mp3
    21. 731128 Cbsflr D Rather Confusion Factor Milton Bradley.mp3
    22. 731130 Cbsflr Bernard Kalb Duo Of Détente True Value.mp3
    23. 731206 Cbsn Neil Strauser Gerald Ford VP Acceptance Speech.mp3
    24. 740203 Gerald Ford Face Nation Invtvw.mp3
    25. 740313 Alexander Bickle Courts Impeachment.mp3
    26. 740503 George Bush, the Republican Party and Mr. Nixon.mp3
    27. 740510 E. Howard Hunt, the Blackmailing of the President.mp3
    28. 740628 Gerald Ford, the Future of the GOP.mp3
    29. 740708 United States vs Nixon Oral Argument.mp3
    30. 740709 Woodward Bernstein Limits Journalistic Inv.mp3
    31. 760920 W. Mark Felt and Roy Cohn, Subversion and the Law.mp3
    32. 761213 Reems Dershowitz Deep Throat 1st Amend.mp3
    33. 771020 David Frost Interview.mp3
    34. 970630 George McGovern, Watergate 25 Years Later.mp3
    35. Nixon Resignation Address.mp3
    36. Nixon Resigns 1974.mp3
    37. Nixons Final Presidential Speech 1974.mp3
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    150 recordings on 3 MP3 Collection Downloads for just $15.00. Total playtime 68 hours, 46 min
    150 recordings on 3 MP3 Collection Downloads for just $15.00
    1889 MB – total playtime 68 hours, 46 min
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    1. Volume 1 – 78 shows – 627 MB – total playtime 22 hours, 48 minutes
      Instant Download
      Volume 1: $5.00
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    2. 20220617 Lamar Waldron Reflections 50th Annv Watergate.mp3
    3. 710808 Cbsna Roger Mudd Tape Doctoring.mp3
    4. 710808 Cbswnt Agnew Protests Attacks Against Him Wben.mp3
    5. 730000 Cbsflr Marvin Kalb Russian Missile Superiority Psa.mp3
    6. 730321 Nixon John Dean Full Cancer on Presidency.mp3
    7. 730430 Cbsna Richard C Hottelet White House Swept Clean.mp3
    8. 730430 Cbsnsr Nixon Denies Any Wrongdoing.mp3
    9. 730430 Cbwst Dean Sacked Haldeman And Erlichman Resign.mp3
    10. 730430 Lowell Thomas Watergate Wageprice Bill Dectv Packg.mp3
    11. 730501 Cbsn 6am Osgood Nixons Kissenger Vietnam Summit.mp3
    12. 730507 Abcn 730am Bill Beal Bob Dole Israel Turns 25 Wbce.mp3
    13. 730507 Cbsflr Dan Rather Usmc Commandant Involved In Breakin.mp3
    14. 730507 Cbsn 6am Dallas Townsend Eliot Richardson CO Flood.mp3
    15. 730507 Cbsn7am C.Osgood Cushman Unauthorizrd Surveillance.mp3
    16. 730507 Cbsna W.Cronkite NYT Interview Of George Mcgovern.mp3
    17. 730507 Cbwst D.Edwards Chas Colson Inv Pentagon Papers Case.mp3
    18. 730507 Lowell Thomas Nixon Denys Wrongdoing Fighting Beirut.mp3
    19. 730509 Cbsflr Bob Shiaffer Stories Might Been Newsworthy.mp3
    20. 730509 Cbsna Walter Cronkite Look At Impeachment.mp3
    21. 730509 Cbwst D.Edwards Dean Haldeman Erlichman Indicted.mp3
    22. 730511 Cbsflr Robert Pierpoint Revolving Doors White House.mp3
    23. 730511 Cbwst John Mitchell Maurice Stands Dean Testify.mp3
    24. 730516 Cbsflr Dan Rather Republicans Trying Build Firewall.mp3
    25. 730516 James O. Powell, the Implications of Watergate.mp3
    26. 730517 Bruce Kehrli Testimony Before the Committee.mp3
    27. 730517 Cbsflr Marvin Kalb Kissengers Washington Problems.mp3
    28. 730518 Herbert Porter Testimony Before the Committee.mp3
    29. 730518 Robert Reiner Testimony Before the Committee.mp3
    30. 730518-22 Watergate Hearings James McCord Jr.mp3
    31. 730521 Cbsflr Dan Rather Reporters Travels And Polls.mp3
    32. 730522 Cbsflr Marvin Kalb Right To Be Let Alone.mp3
    33. 730523 Cbsflr Dan Rather President Admits Limited Knowledge.mp3
    34. 730524 Cbsflr Marvin Kalb Watergate And Foreign Embassies.mp3
    35. 730525 Cbsflr Dan Rather President Nixon Takes To Attack.mp3
    36. 730528 Cbsflr Dan Rather Some Future Americans Parents.mp3
    37. 730529 Cbsflr D Rather Agnew Could Be Indicted Prices Rise.mp3
    38. 730529 Cbsflr George Herman Codfish War.mp3
    39. 730530 Cbsflr Dan Rather Presidents Trip To Iceland.mp3
    40. 730606-13 Watergate Hearings Hugh Sloan and Maurice Stans.mp3
    41. 730607 Cbs News Christopher Glen Prosecutor Cox Rel Summary.mp3
    42. 730614 Watergate HearingsJeb Stuart Magruder.mp3
    43. 730615 Cbsflr Dan Rather New Faces In Old Jobs.mp3
    44. 730615 Cbsflr Dan Rather New Nixon Team Good About Them.mp3
    45. 730618 Cbsflr Dan Rather Brezhnev Watergate And Economy.mp3
    46. 730618 Cbsflr Dan Rather Nixons Seventh Crisis.mp3
    47. 730619 Cbsflr Bernard Kalb Brezhnev Summit Peking Waits.mp3
    48. 730619 Cbsflr Bernard Kalb Chinas Summit Concerns.mp3
    49. 730620 Cbsflr D Rather Nixon Compromises With Congress.mp3
    50. 730620 Cbsflr Dan Rather Good News About Economy.mp3
    51. 730621 Cbsflr Marvin Kalb Bresnevs U S Visit.mp3
    52. 730621 Cbsflr Marvin Kalb Incidental Comments On Summit.mp3
    53. 730625-26 Watergate Hearings John Dean.mp3
    54. 730627 Cbsflr Robert Pierpoint Nixons Personal Style Problem.mp3
    55. 730627 Cbsflr Robert Pierpoint Nixons Personal Style.mp3
    56. 730628 Cbsflr Marvin Kalb Meeting Newsman Responsibly.mp3
    57. 730628 Cbsflr Marvin Kalb White House Eludes News Conf.mp3
    58. 730629 Cbsflr Robert Pierpoint Attack Dean Not Nixon Ziegler.mp3
    59. 730629 Cbsflr Robert Pierpoint Blaming John Dean Fails.mp3
    60. 730630 Cbsflr Marvin Kalb Compromise On Capitol Hill.mp3
    61. 730701 Cbsn Marvin Kalb Israeli Ambdr Slain DC Whcu Aircheck.mp3
    62. 730701 Cbsn Tony Sargent Col Yosef Alon Ass NYC Whcu.mp3
    63. 730701 Cbsnsr Bernard Kalb Economic Address President Nixon.mp3
    64. 730701 Cbsnsr Nixon Addresses Nations Economy Price Freezes.mp3
    65. 730701 Face Nation Charles Colson.mp3
    66. 730702 Cbsflr Robert Pierpoint Cost Of Casa Pacifica.mp3
    67. 730703 Cbsflr Marvin Kalb Stopping Cambodia Bombing.mp3
    68. 730704 Cbsflr Dan Rather Gasoline Shortage Suspicions.mp3
    69. 730705 Cbsflr Marvin Kalb Unescos Privacy Fears.mp3
    70. 730706 Cbsflr Dan Rather China Day At San Clemente.mp3
    71. 730707 Cbsflr Marvin Kalb Oil And Link To Israel.mp3
    72. 730708 Face Nation Senator Robert Bird.mp3
    73. 730710 Cbsna Roger Mudd Mitchell Publicises Role Watergate.mp3
    74. 730710 Cbswnt John Mitchell Takes Stand Today Wben.mp3
    75. 730711 Cbsflr Dan Rather Nixon’s Phase4 Economic Program.mp3
    76. 730712 Cbsflr Marvin Kalb Fullbrightjackson Duel.mp3
    77. 730713 Cbsflr Dan Rather Nixon Hospitalized Pnemonia.mp3
    78. 730715 Cbsn Walter Cronkite Middleeast Ceasefire In Effect.mp3
    79. 730715 Face Nation Senator Daniel K Inouqye Dhi.mp3

    1. Volume 2 – 36 shows – 617 MB – total playtime 22 hours, 28 minutes
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      Volume 2: $5.00
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    2. 730716 Alexander Butterfield Testimony Before Committee.mp3
    3. 730720 Cbsflr Dan Rather President Leaves Hospital.mp3
    4. 730724 Cbsflr Marvin Kalb All Quiet At State Department.mp3
    5. 730725 Cbsflr Dan Rather John Connelly Melvyn Laird Resign.mp3
    6. 730731 Cbsflr Marvin Kalb Whitlam Leaves Tanaka Arrives.mp3
    7. 730800 Cbsnsr Nixons Speech On Legislative Goals.mp3
    8. 730801 Cbsflr Dan Rather Murky Vicious Little Things.mp3
    9. 730802 Richard Helms Testimony Before Committee.mp3
    10. 730803 Cbsflr Marvin Kalb Kissinger Speaks Around Watergate.mp3
    11. 730803 Vernon Walters Testimony Before the Committee.mp3
    12. 730805 Face Nation Senator Herman Talmadge Dga.mp3
    13. 730807 Cbsflr Marvin Kalb New Cambodia Operations Hearings.mp3
    14. 730808 Cbsflr Dan Rather Agnew Battles To Save Reputation.mp3
    15. 730808 Henry Petersen Testimony Before Committee.mp3
    16. 730808 Richard Kleindienst Testimony Before the Committee.mp3
    17. 730809 Cbsflr Marvin Kalb Cambodia Bombings Then And Now.mp3
    18. 730810 Cbsflr Dan Rather Rethinking Unthinkable.mp3
    19. 730811 Cbsflr Marvin Kalb Oil And Fuel Shortage.mp3
    20. 730812 Face Nation Senator Lowell E Weicker Jr Rct.mp3
    21. 730813 Cbsflr Dan Rather 25th Amendment No Open.mp3
    22. 730814 Cbsflr Marvin Kalb End Of Cambodia Bombings.mp3
    23. 730815 Cbsflr Dan Rather Nixon’s 3rd Expl Of Watergate.mp3
    24. 730815 Cbsnsr Discussion Of President Nixon’s Speech.mp3
    25. 730815 Cbsnsr Nixon Addresses Nation Watergate Scandal Wben.mp3
    26. 730816 Cbsflr Marvin Kalb All Quiet Over Cambodia.mp3
    27. 730820 Face Nation Sen George Mcgovern On Watergate Tapes.mp3
    28. 730820 Malcolm Muggeridge, Has America Had It.mp3
    29. 730822 Michael Foot, Democracy and Political Scandal.mp3
    30. 730823 Cbsflr Marvin Kalb Rogers Resigns Kissenger Sec State.mp3
    31. 730824 Cbsflr D Rather Regan Considering Bid WH 76 Whcu.mp3
    32. 730825 Cbsflr Marvin Kalb Sec Of State Rogers Meets Press.mp3
    33. 730926 Watergate Hearings Patrick J. Buchanan.mp3
    34. 730928 Samuel Lubell, the Nixon Presidency.mp3
    35. 730930 Cbsflr D Rather Connelly Considered Repl Agnew Texaco.mp3
    36. 731003 Robert Benz Testimony Before Committee.mp3
    37. 731004 Martin Kelly Testimony Before the Collection.mp3

    1. Volume 3 – 36 shows – 645 MB – total playtime 23 hours, 29 minutes
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      Volume 3: $5.00
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    2. 731009 John Buckley Testimony Before the Committee.mp3
    3. 731020 Cbsflr D Rather Nixon Fires Watergate Special Prossc.mp3
    4. 731022 Cbc Eliot Richardson Explains His Decision To Resign.mp3
    5. 731022 Cbsflr Bob Schieffer As Win Ws Middle East Crisis.mp3
    6. 731022 Cbswnr Review Of Saturday Massacre.mp3
    7. 731026 Cbsnsr N Strauser Press Conf Middle East Crisis Whcu.mp3
    8. 731027 Cbsflr D Rather Crisis Of Confidence Alka Seltzer.mp3
    9. 731027 Cbsn Nixon To Surrender Tapes To Judge Sirica.mp3
    10. 731031 Cbsn Cronkite Donald Segretti’s Dirty Tricks Muskie.mp3
    11. 731101 Cbsnsr Leon Jaworski Named Special Prosecutor Wben.mp3
    12. 731102 Cbsn Walter Cronkite Nixon Reverses Decision On Tapes.mp3
    13. 731107 Cbsn W Cronkite Nixon’s Energy Initiatives Reviewed.mp3
    14. 731108 Cbsflr Bernard Kalb Kom’s Sacred Icon Ford.mp3
    15. 731109 Cbsn W Cronkite Case Of Lester Zygmanik True Value.mp3
    16. 731117 Cbsnsr V Benton Nixon Press Conference From Orlando.mp3
    17. 731123 Face Nation Sen Charles Mathias Jr Rmd Nixon Cntrdict.mp3
    18. 731125 Cbsnsr R Pierpoint Nixon Energy Speech Followup.mp3
    19. 731126 Cbsflr B Schieffer Last DevelopmentsTapes Alkaseltzer.mp3
    20. 731126 Cbsnsr Nixon Turns Over Tapes To Judge Sirica.mp3
    21. 731128 Cbsflr D Rather Confusion Factor Milton Bradley.mp3
    22. 731130 Cbsflr Bernard Kalb Duo Of Détente True Value.mp3
    23. 731206 Cbsn Neil Strauser Gerald Ford VP Acceptance Speech.mp3
    24. 740203 Gerald Ford Face Nation Invtvw.mp3
    25. 740313 Alexander Bickle Courts Impeachment.mp3
    26. 740503 George Bush, the Republican Party and Mr. Nixon.mp3
    27. 740510 E. Howard Hunt, the Blackmailing of the President.mp3
    28. 740628 Gerald Ford, the Future of the GOP.mp3
    29. 740708 United States vs Nixon Oral Argument.mp3
    30. 740709 Woodward Bernstein Limits Journalistic Inv.mp3
    31. 760920 W. Mark Felt and Roy Cohn, Subversion and the Law.mp3
    32. 761213 Reems Dershowitz Deep Throat 1st Amend.mp3
    33. 771020 David Frost Interview.mp3
    34. 970630 George McGovern, Watergate 25 Years Later.mp3
    35. Nixon Resignation Address.mp3
    36. Nixon Resigns 1974.mp3
    37. Nixons Final Presidential Speech 1974.mp3
  • Standard Audio CDs are delivered by mail on archival quality media with up to 60 minutes on each CD and play in all CD players

    150 recordings on 37 Audio CDs. Total playtime 35 hours, 8 min
    150 recordings on 37 Audio CDs
    total playtime 35 hours, 8 min

    Watergate Scandal News Disc A001

    1. 20220617 Lamar Waldron Reflections 50th Annv Watergate
    2. Nixon Resignation Address
    3. Nixon Resigns 1974
    4. 710808 Cbsna Roger Mudd Tape Doctoring
    5. 710808 Cbswnt Agnew Protests Attacks Against Him Wben
    6. 730000 Cbsflr Marvin Kalb Russian Missile Superiority Psa

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    Watergate Scandal News Disc A002

    1. 730430 Cbsna Richard C Hottelet White House Swept Clean
    2. 730430 Cbsnsr Nixon Denies Any Wrongdoing
    3. 730430 Cbwst Dean Sacked Haldeman And Erlichman Resign
    4. 730430 Lowell Thomas Watergate Wageprice Bill Dectv Packg
    5. 730501 Cbsn 6am Osgood Nixons Kissenger Vietnam Summit
    6. 730507 Abcn 730am Bill Beal Bob Dole Israel Turns 25 Wbce

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    Watergate Scandal News Disc A003

    1. 730507 Cbsflr Dan Rather Usmc Commandant Involved In Breakin
    2. 730507 Cbsn 6am Dallas Townsend Eliot Richardson CO Flood
    3. 730507 Cbsn7am C.Osgood Cushman Unauthorizrd Surveillance
    4. 730507 Cbsna W.Cronkite NYT Interview Of George Mcgovern
    5. 730507 Cbwst D.Edwards Chas Colson Inv Pentagon Papers Case
    6. 730507 Lowell Thomas Nixon Denys Wrongdoing Fighting Beirut
    7. 730509 Cbsflr Bob Shiaffer Stories Might Been Newsworthy
    8. 730509 Cbsna Walter Cronkite Look At Impeachment

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    Watergate Scandal News Disc A004

    1. 730509 Cbwst D.Edwards Dean Haldeman Erlichman Indicted
    2. 730511 Cbsflr Robert Pierpoint Revolving Doors White House
    3. 730511 Cbwst John Mitchell Maurice Stands Dean Testify
    4. 730516 Cbsflr Dan Rather Republicans Trying Build Firewall

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    Watergate Scandal News Disc A005

    1. 730516 James O. Powell, the Implications of Watergate

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    Watergate Scandal News Disc A006

    1. 730517 Bruce Kehrli Testimony Before the Committee
    2. 730517 Cbsflr Marvin Kalb Kissengers Washington Problems
    3. 730521 Cbsflr Dan Rather Reporters Travels And Polls

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Watergate Scandal News Disc A007

    1. 730522 Cbsflr Marvin Kalb Right To Be Let Alone
    2. 730523 Cbsflr Dan Rather President Admits Limited Knowledge
    3. 730524 Cbsflr Marvin Kalb Watergate And Foreign Embassies
    4. 730525 Cbsflr Dan Rather President Nixon Takes To Attack
    5. 730528 Cbsflr Dan Rather Some Future Americans Parents
    6. 730529 Cbsflr D Rather Agnew Could Be Indicted Prices Rise
    7. 730529 Cbsflr George Herman Codfish War
    8. 730530 Cbsflr Dan Rather Presidents Trip To Iceland

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    Watergate Scandal News Disc A008

    1. 730606-13 Watergate Hearings Hugh Sloan and Maurice Stans
    2. 730607 Cbs News Christopher Glen Prosecutor Cox Rel Summary

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    Watergate Scandal News Disc A009

    1. 730614 Watergate HearingsJeb Stuart Magruder
    2. 730615 Cbsflr Dan Rather New Faces In Old Jobs
    3. 730615 Cbsflr Dan Rather New Nixon Team Good About Them
    4. 730618 Cbsflr Dan Rather Brezhnev Watergate And Economy
    5. 730618 Cbsflr Dan Rather Nixons Seventh Crisis
    6. 730619 Cbsflr Bernard Kalb Brezhnev Summit Peking Waits
    7. 730619 Cbsflr Bernard Kalb Chinas Summit Concerns
    8. 730620 Cbsflr D Rather Nixon Compromises With Congress
    9. 730620 Cbsflr Dan Rather Good News About Economy
    10. 730621 Cbsflr Marvin Kalb Bresnevs U S Visit
    11. 730621 Cbsflr Marvin Kalb Incidental Comments On Summit

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    Watergate Scandal News Disc A010

    1. 730625-26 Watergate Hearings John Dean
    2. 730627 Cbsflr Robert Pierpoint Nixons Personal Style Problem

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    Watergate Scandal News Disc A011

    1. 730627 Cbsflr Robert Pierpoint Nixons Personal Style
    2. 730628 Cbsflr Marvin Kalb Meeting Newsman Responsibly
    3. 730628 Cbsflr Marvin Kalb White House Eludes News Conf
    4. 730629 Cbsflr Robert Pierpoint Attack Dean Not Nixon Ziegler
    5. 730629 Cbsflr Robert Pierpoint Blaming John Dean Fails
    6. 730630 Cbsflr Marvin Kalb Compromise On Capitol Hill
    7. 730701 Cbsn Marvin Kalb Israeli Ambdr Slain DC Whcu Aircheck
    8. 730701 Cbsn Tony Sargent Col Yosef Alon Ass NYC Whcu
    9. 730701 Cbsnsr Bernard Kalb Economic Address President Nixon

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Watergate Scandal News Disc A012

    1. 730701 Cbsnsr Nixon Addresses Nations Economy Price Freezes
    2. 730701 Face Nation Charles Colson
    3. 730702 Cbsflr Robert Pierpoint Cost Of Casa Pacifica
    4. 730703 Cbsflr Marvin Kalb Stopping Cambodia Bombing
    5. 730704 Cbsflr Dan Rather Gasoline Shortage Suspicions
    6. 730705 Cbsflr Marvin Kalb Unescos Privacy Fears

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    Watergate Scandal News Disc A013

    1. 730706 Cbsflr Dan Rather China Day At San Clemente
    2. 730707 Cbsflr Marvin Kalb Oil And Link To Israel
    3. 730708 Face Nation Senator Robert Bird
    4. 730710 Cbsna Roger Mudd Mitchell Publicises Role Watergate
    5. 730710 Cbswnt John Mitchell Takes Stand Today Wben

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Watergate Scandal News Disc A014

    1. 730711 Cbsflr Dan Rather Nixon’s Phase4 Economic Program
    2. 730712 Cbsflr Marvin Kalb Fullbrightjackson Duel
    3. 730713 Cbsflr Dan Rather Nixon Hospitalized Pnemonia
    4. 730715 Cbsn Walter Cronkite Middleeast Ceasefire In Effect
    5. 730715 Face Nation Senator Daniel K Inouqye Dhi

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    Watergate Scandal News Disc A015

    1. 730716 Alexander Butterfield Testimony Before Committee
    2. 730720 Cbsflr Dan Rather President Leaves Hospital

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Watergate Scandal News Disc A016

    1. 730724 Cbsflr Marvin Kalb All Quiet At State Department
    2. 730725 Cbsflr Dan Rather John Connelly Melvyn Laird Resign
    3. 730731 Cbsflr Marvin Kalb Whitlam Leaves Tanaka Arrives
    4. 730800 Cbsnsr Nixons Speech On Legislative Goals
    5. 730801 Cbsflr Dan Rather Murky Vicious Little Things
    6. 730802 Richard Helms Testimony Before Committee
    7. 730803 Cbsflr Marvin Kalb Kissinger Speaks Around Watergate

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Watergate Scandal News Disc A017

    1. 730805 Face Nation Senator Herman Talmadge Dga
    2. 730807 Cbsflr Marvin Kalb New Cambodia Operations Hearings
    3. 730808 Cbsflr Dan Rather Agnew Battles To Save Reputation
    4. 730809 Cbsflr Marvin Kalb Cambodia Bombings Then And Now
    5. 730810 Cbsflr Dan Rather Rethinking Unthinkable
    6. 730811 Cbsflr Marvin Kalb Oil And Fuel Shortage

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Watergate Scandal News Disc A018

    1. 730812 Face Nation Senator Lowell E Weicker Jr Rct
    2. 730813 Cbsflr Dan Rather 25th Amendment No Open
    3. 730814 Cbsflr Marvin Kalb End Of Cambodia Bombings
    4. 730815 Cbsflr Dan Rather Nixon’s 3rd Expl Of Watergate
    5. 730815 Cbsnsr Discussion Of President Nixon’s Speech

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    Watergate Scandal News Disc A019

    1. 730815 Cbsnsr Nixon Addresses Nation Watergate Scandal Wben
    2. 730816 Cbsflr Marvin Kalb All Quiet Over Cambodia

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    Watergate Scandal News Disc A020

    1. 730820 Face Nation Sen George Mcgovern On Watergate Tapes

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    Watergate Scandal News Disc A021

    1. 730820 Malcolm Muggeridge, Has America Had It

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Watergate Scandal News Disc A022

    1. 730822 Michael Foot, Democracy and Political Scandal
    2. 730823 Cbsflr Marvin Kalb Rogers Resigns Kissenger Sec State

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Watergate Scandal News Disc A023

    1. 730824 Cbsflr D Rather Regan Considering Bid WH 76 Whcu
    2. 730825 Cbsflr Marvin Kalb Sec Of State Rogers Meets Press

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    Watergate Scandal News Disc A024

    1. 730928 Samuel Lubell, the Nixon Presidency
    2. 730930 Cbsflr D Rather Connelly Considered Repl Agnew Texaco

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    Watergate Scandal News Disc A025

    1. 731020 Cbsflr D Rather Nixon Fires Watergate Special Prossc
    2. 731022 Cbc Eliot Richardson Explains His Decision To Resign
    3. 731022 Cbsflr Bob Schieffer As Win Ws Middle East Crisis
    4. 731022 Cbswnr Review Of Saturday Massacre

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    Watergate Scandal News Disc A026

    1. 731026 Cbsnsr N Strauser Press Conf Middle East Crisis Whcu
    2. 731027 Cbsflr D Rather Crisis Of Confidence Alka Seltzer
    3. 731027 Cbsn Nixon To Surrender Tapes To Judge Sirica
    4. 731031 Cbsn Cronkite Donald Segretti’s Dirty Tricks Muskie

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    Watergate Scandal News Disc A027

    1. 731101 Cbsnsr Leon Jaworski Named Special Prosecutor Wben
    2. 731102 Cbsn Walter Cronkite Nixon Reverses Decision On Tapes
    3. 731107 Cbsn W Cronkite Nixon’s Energy Initiatives Reviewed
    4. 731108 Cbsflr Bernard Kalb Kom’s Sacred Icon Ford
    5. 731109 Cbsn W Cronkite Case Of Lester Zygmanik True Value

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    Watergate Scandal News Disc A028

    1. 731123 Face Nation Sen Charles Mathias Jr Rmd Nixon Cntrdict
    2. 731125 Cbsnsr R Pierpoint Nixon Energy Speech Followup
    3. 731126 Cbsflr B Schieffer Last DevelopmentsTapes Alkaseltzer

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    Watergate Scandal News Disc A029

    1. 731126 Cbsnsr Nixon Turns Over Tapes To Judge Sirica
    2. 731128 Cbsflr D Rather Confusion Factor Milton Bradley
    3. 731130 Cbsflr Bernard Kalb Duo Of Détente True Value
    4. 731206 Cbsn Neil Strauser Gerald Ford VP Acceptance Speech

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    Watergate Scandal News Disc A030

    1. 740203 Gerald Ford Face Nation Invtvw

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    Watergate Scandal News Disc A031

    1. 740313 Alexander Bickle Courts Impeachment

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    Watergate Scandal News Disc A032

    1. 740503 George Bush, the Republican Party and Mr. Nixon

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    Watergate Scandal News Disc A033

    1. 740510 E. Howard Hunt, the Blackmailing of the President

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    Watergate Scandal News Disc A034

    1. 740628 Gerald Ford, the Future of the GOP

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    Watergate Scandal News Disc A035

    1. 740709 Woodward Bernstein Limits Journalistic Inv

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    Watergate Scandal News Disc A036

    1. 760920 W. Mark Felt and Roy Cohn, Subversion and the Law

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    Watergate Scandal News Disc A037

    1. 761213 Reems Dershowitz Deep Throat 1st Amend

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