How to load and play old time radio MP3s in my iPod or iPhone using a PC Computer

Here's a step by step procedure on how to transfer the radio shows to your iPod or iPhone using iTunes on a Windows PC computer:
Insert the MP3 CD into your CDROM drive in your PC computer
- Plug in the iPod to your computer (using the USB connector)
- Start the program, iTunes (if it hasn't already opened automatically)
- In iTunes, choose the menu File > Add Folder to Library
- Open the folder of MP3 files from the MP3 CD (typically on the D: drive)
- All the radio shows you imported will now appear in the music library (usually on the upper left of the iTunes window)
- Click on your iPod (on the left side of iTunes)
- Select the menu File > New Playlist (which you can rename "OTR" if you like)
- Click on the Library icon on the upper left and locate the radio shows you want to transfer to the iPod
- Drag and drop these files into the new playlist you created
Your iPod should now sync itself and the radio shows are available for away from the computer listening!
Click here for alternative directions on loading your iPod using your Apple Macintosh computer.
There are thousands of old time radio episodes at you can listen to online.
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