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Rare Westerns in Old Time Radio

This collection contains many rare episodes of western-theme old time radio shows, many of which are the only known existing episodes to have survived. Tales of the Old West were very popular during Radio's Golden Age, although not every show made it to the big time.

Rare Westerns

51 old time radio show recordings
(total playtime 20 hours, 20 min)
available in the following formats:

1 MP3 CD
22 Audio CDs

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"Rin Tin Tin"

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Rin Tin Tin

One of the first genres that highlighted a uniquely American-historical subject was western-theme television, radio, comic books, and film. This genre began in the 1880's and gained popularity through the 1950s and 1960's and continues today. This collection includes some of the most rare western-theme old time radio shows known to exist.

The historical period we refer to as the Old West seems as though it was just a glimmer in the full sweep of American History, but the mythology of this period looms large in the American psyche. Some would theorize that closing the Frontier is what changed the people of this land from European immigrants into Americans.

The frontier began shrinking even before the Revolution, and for many decades there was always unsettled land in North America, just waiting for someone with the grit to take it and develop it. Eventually, the railroads were developed, which meant if these settlers ever had a surplus, they could get it to market. The cowboy myth arose in areas where the easiest and most profitable crop was livestock which could be left to fend for itself until it was time to drive the animals to market.

Silver Eagle, Don AmecheThe Old West could not have existed without the Eastern cities to support it. The "dudes" who came out West to seek their fortunes are often the object of ridicule in Western fiction, but every Western hero had been a dude when they first arrived on the Frontier. This is the great appeal of the mythology of the Old West, it was a place and a time when where a newcomer could survive on his wits and willingness to work hard. To be sure, the West is filled with stories where failure was the result of bad luck, but more often, if failure occurred it was the result of not living up to the Western ideal.  

This collection contains many rare episodes of western-theme old time radio shows, many of which are the only known existing episodes to have survived. This collection celebrates the rare radio shows celebrating and exploring the western genre.  Included in the first volume of the collection are episodes from:

  • Hashknife Hartley and Sleepy Stevens, about 1950, Mutual/Don Lee Network. A pair of working cowpokes who come off the dusty trail and get roped into some detective work. Barton Yarborough's distinctive drawl is recognizable as Sleepy, the prototypical sidekick.
  • Mesa Memories, pre-War Syndication. A sound-picture of the Arizona outback, woven by a group of old cowboys sitting around the fire, drinking coffee, eatin' beans, and spinning yarns. Somehow, they manage to get in a political message, as well.
  • The Seal of the Don, 1933, Syndicated for Hancock Oil of California. Set in the old Spanish Mission days of Los Angeles. The story is reminiscent of Zorro because our Hero, Don Hancock, has to deal with corrupt Spanish officials who run Old California for their Mexican overlords.
  • Wild Bill ElliottThe National Radio Theatre, WFMT Chicago, NPR, December 13, 1981, "The Outcasts of Poker Flat". A retelling of Brett Harte's classic story of a small town determined to stop its oral decline, and the vigilante commission drives out all the gamblers and sporting women (there is only one of the first and two of the latter).
  • The Law West of the Pecos, February 3, 1944, audition program. Walter Brennan stars as Judge Roy Bean who does his best to uphold the law of the land from his courtroom, set up in a saloon! Andy Devine appears a cowhand Buck Taylor.
  • The Capture of Lizzie Stone, 1940, Ginger Rogers stars as a pretty but tough lady outlaw whose gang terrorized the West. Sidekick Barton Yarborough comes into camp to hand out the latest wanted poster. Lizzie has the hots for the new Deputy Marshall so plans to break up the gang and go straight.
  • McMahan's Midnight Round-Up: March 25, 1942, Audition Program. News and cowboy music presented with a rodeo format while pitching the Southern California McMahan's Furniture.
  • Rin Tin Tin is most known for his films and television shows, but the famous dog also starred in a radio show; there are some very rare episodes included with this collection.
  • Borax ChipsDeath Valley Days was an extremely popular show in the late 1930s and was based on true western stories about bandits, rangers, and other western themes. Oneof the most respected shows of early radio, Death Valley Days was well written and endured throughout the decades. When the show began in 1930, many of the areas authors wrote about were still quite rough in nature, with many roads but mostly mere trails.
  • Saunders of the Circle X + this orphan broadcast is a rootin' tootin' western serial yarn. Bill has a showdown with sneaky Mr. Dinnell about his illegal dam.
  • Silver Eagle - Mounties, 'Injuns', and high adventure! It's a combination that's hard to beat when it comes to action packed radio.
  • Wild Bill Elliott - after departing big budget films, Elliott appeared in 1950's radio broadcast.  This  western variety series with often starring Andrews Sisters and Gabby Hayes.
  • Zane Grey  - based on this American author (and dentists) popular adventure novels helped idolize the American western frontier.

Death Valley DaysAdditionally, there is a number of "Other Episodes with Western Themes" in a folder which contains some excellent episodes from various other series (including Bill Stern, Silver Theater, Suspense and others...) all with a western flair.

For more adventurous animals, see also: Adventures of Champion (Gene Autry's Horse), Lassie, Rin Tin Tin, The Challenge of the Yukon, and the Original OTRCAT Dog Collection.

Text on OTRCAT.com ©2001-2025 OTRCAT INC All Rights Reserved. Reproduction is prohibited.

These classic recordings are available in the following formats:

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    I feel like a real nut, I just put a brand new stereo in my car to replace the failed one and now I'm loading up a thumb drive with Fibber McGee and Molly. $300 to listen to 70 year old shows on my five minute commute. That's how obsessed I am. All thanks to you at OTRCAT.

    Dale Verified Purchase

    All I can say is that if you like westerns,you will enjoy these rare westerns.There is a wide variety including some Lux western movie presentations.If you are picky about western quality shows like Gunsmoke,Have Gun Will Travel,etc.,you may find some a bit boring;otherwise,you should find all these shows well worth the price.

    Mitchell Verified Purchase

    l would appreciate very much to get a catalog and sales offers from you. I have loved old time radio even when hearing it being broadcast as a child. When I had my tonsils removed, the strongest memory of the hospital stay was listening on "my own radio set" (no TVs except in main lounges then) to "a hearty 'heigh-ho-Silver' The Loooone Ranger!". I have over 150 recordings of classic programs only on reel-to-reel tape, vinyl records and audio cassettes that I want to get transferred to CDs to add to the 100+ CDs I have, many from you. Thank you and God bless your whole family.

    David Verified Purchase

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  • MP3 CDs are delivered by mail. These archival quality MP3 CDs are playable in your computer and many MP3 player devices.

    51 recordings on 1 MP3 CD for just $5.00. Total playtime 20 hours, 20 min
    51 recordings on 1 MP3 CD for just $5.00
    total playtime 20 hours, 20 min
    Add MP3 CD Collection to Cart

    1. 51 shows – total playtime 20 hours, 20 minutes
    2. Aat460504 06 Stagecoach.mp3
    3. Aat460608 11 Ruggles Of Red Gap.mp3
    4. Bill Stern 450914 E306 Brace Beemer.mp3
    5. Bill Stern 461025 E364 Gene Autry.mp3
    6. Bill Stern 470613 E396 Roy Rogers.mp3
    7. Bill Stern 471010 E419 Gene Autry.mp3
    8. Bing Crosby 440629 With Roy Rogers.mp3
    9. Bm471207 With Roy Rogers.mp3
    10. Bm541226 Hoppy.mp3
    11. Bob Hope 520610 San Diego Nas Dale Evans Roy Rogers.mp3
    12. Bugle Themejosef Bonimeu.s. Borax, Inc 0.32.mp3
    13. Fred 421025 Roy Rogers Courting Of Jenny Sugs.mp3
    14. Kmh 490317 Guests Roy Rogers And Dale Evans.mp3
    15. Martin Lewis 490802 18 W Hoppy.mp3
    16. Roy Rogers Audition Bloopers And False Starts 480328.mp3
    17. Sa 000000 Fast Runner2 Nd Half.mp3
    18. Sa 480506 E001 Stage To Calvaydos.mp3
    19. Sa 490324 E060 Land Our Fathers.mp3
    20. Sa 490324 E244 Wasteland.mp3
    21. Sa 500102 E156 Leader.mp3
    22. Sa 500207 E171 Sands Of Gold.mp3
    23. Sa 510621 E292 Long Summer Big Pow Wow.mp3
    24. Sa 510621 E292 Long Summerlast Broadcast.mp3
    25. Sdp 490805 E028 Fort Apache.mp3
    26. Sdp 500303 E058 Paleface.mp3
    27. Silver Theater 390409 28 Man From Medicine Bow.mp3
    28. Spns407 501214 Killing In Abilene.mp3
    29. Capture Of Lizzie Stone 40000x Starring Ginger Rogers.mp3
    30. Death Valley Days 000000 Dear Teacher.mp3
    31. Death Valley Days 360827 305 Sam Bass.mp3
    32. Death Valley Days 380617 398 Burro That Had No Name.mp3
    33. H Hartley Sleepy Stevens Range War.mp3
    34. H Hartley Sleepy Stevens The Double Cross.mp3
    35. Hawk Durango 460802 Brazos John Eastern Bride.mp3
    36. Hawk Larabee 461107.mp3
    37. Hawk Larabee 470718 Mountain Central Railroad.mp3
    38. Hawk Larabee 470906 Blind Chuckaluck.mp3
    39. Hawk Larabee 471228 Brannigan.mp3
    40. Law West Of Pecos First Show.mp3
    41. Mcmahans Midnight Roundup 19420325 Audition.mp3
    42. Mesa Memories Austin Tecumseh Marlborough.mp3
    43. National Radio Theatre 811213 Outcasts Of Poker Flat.mp3
    44. Rin Tin Tin 551113 Ambassador.mp3
    45. Rin Tin Tin 551127 White Buffalo.mp3
    46. Saunders Of Circle X 411113 07 Dam.mp3
    47. Seal Of Don 330320 Charged With Treason 11.mp3
    48. Seal Of Don 330322 Dying Eduardo Brings Ne.mp3
    49. Silver Eagle 540720 Decoy For Death.mp3
    50. Wild Bill Elliott 480703 First Show.mp3
    51. Wild Bill Elliott Ep. 3 500.mp3
    52. Zane Grey Show Tex Thorne.mp3
  • MP3 downloads are available instantly after purchase!

    51 recordings on 1 MP3 Collection Download for just $5.00. Total playtime 20 hours, 20 min
    51 recordings on 1 MP3 Collection Download for just $5.00
    559 MB – total playtime 20 hours, 20 min
    Add Instant Download Collection to Cart

    1. 51 shows – 559 MB – total playtime 20 hours, 20 minutes
    2. Aat460504 06 Stagecoach.mp3
    3. Aat460608 11 Ruggles Of Red Gap.mp3
    4. Bill Stern 450914 E306 Brace Beemer.mp3
    5. Bill Stern 461025 E364 Gene Autry.mp3
    6. Bill Stern 470613 E396 Roy Rogers.mp3
    7. Bill Stern 471010 E419 Gene Autry.mp3
    8. Bing Crosby 440629 With Roy Rogers.mp3
    9. Bm471207 With Roy Rogers.mp3
    10. Bm541226 Hoppy.mp3
    11. Bob Hope 520610 San Diego Nas Dale Evans Roy Rogers.mp3
    12. Bugle Themejosef Bonimeu.s. Borax, Inc 0.32.mp3
    13. Fred 421025 Roy Rogers Courting Of Jenny Sugs.mp3
    14. Kmh 490317 Guests Roy Rogers And Dale Evans.mp3
    15. Martin Lewis 490802 18 W Hoppy.mp3
    16. Roy Rogers Audition Bloopers And False Starts 480328.mp3
    17. Sa 000000 Fast Runner2 Nd Half.mp3
    18. Sa 480506 E001 Stage To Calvaydos.mp3
    19. Sa 490324 E060 Land Our Fathers.mp3
    20. Sa 490324 E244 Wasteland.mp3
    21. Sa 500102 E156 Leader.mp3
    22. Sa 500207 E171 Sands Of Gold.mp3
    23. Sa 510621 E292 Long Summer Big Pow Wow.mp3
    24. Sa 510621 E292 Long Summerlast Broadcast.mp3
    25. Sdp 490805 E028 Fort Apache.mp3
    26. Sdp 500303 E058 Paleface.mp3
    27. Silver Theater 390409 28 Man From Medicine Bow.mp3
    28. Spns407 501214 Killing In Abilene.mp3
    29. Capture Of Lizzie Stone 40000x Starring Ginger Rogers.mp3
    30. Death Valley Days 000000 Dear Teacher.mp3
    31. Death Valley Days 360827 305 Sam Bass.mp3
    32. Death Valley Days 380617 398 Burro That Had No Name.mp3
    33. H Hartley Sleepy Stevens Range War.mp3
    34. H Hartley Sleepy Stevens The Double Cross.mp3
    35. Hawk Durango 460802 Brazos John Eastern Bride.mp3
    36. Hawk Larabee 461107.mp3
    37. Hawk Larabee 470718 Mountain Central Railroad.mp3
    38. Hawk Larabee 470906 Blind Chuckaluck.mp3
    39. Hawk Larabee 471228 Brannigan.mp3
    40. Law West Of Pecos First Show.mp3
    41. Mcmahans Midnight Roundup 19420325 Audition.mp3
    42. Mesa Memories Austin Tecumseh Marlborough.mp3
    43. National Radio Theatre 811213 Outcasts Of Poker Flat.mp3
    44. Rin Tin Tin 551113 Ambassador.mp3
    45. Rin Tin Tin 551127 White Buffalo.mp3
    46. Saunders Of Circle X 411113 07 Dam.mp3
    47. Seal Of Don 330320 Charged With Treason 11.mp3
    48. Seal Of Don 330322 Dying Eduardo Brings Ne.mp3
    49. Silver Eagle 540720 Decoy For Death.mp3
    50. Wild Bill Elliott 480703 First Show.mp3
    51. Wild Bill Elliott Ep. 3 500.mp3
    52. Zane Grey Show Tex Thorne.mp3
  • Standard Audio CDs are delivered by mail on archival quality media with up to 60 minutes on each CD and play in all CD players

    51 recordings on 22 Audio CDs. Total playtime 20 hours, 20 min
    51 recordings on 22 Audio CDs
    total playtime 20 hours, 20 min

    Rare Westerns Disc A001

    1. Bugle Themejosef Bonimeu.s. Borax, Inc 0.32
    2. Capture Of Lizzie Stone 40000x Starring Ginger Rogers
    3. H Hartley Sleepy Stevens Range War
    4. H Hartley Sleepy Stevens The Double Cross

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Rare Westerns Disc A002

    1. Law West Of Pecos First Show
    2. Mcmahans Midnight Roundup 19420325 Audition

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Rare Westerns Disc A003

    1. Mesa Memories Austin Tecumseh Marlborough
    2. Wild Bill Elliott Ep. 3 500
    3. Zane Grey Show Tex Thorne

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Rare Westerns Disc A004

    1. Sa 000000 Fast Runner2 Nd Half
    2. Death Valley Days 000000 Dear Teacher
    3. Seal Of Don 330320 Charged With Treason 11
    4. Seal Of Don 330322 Dying Eduardo Brings Ne

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Rare Westerns Disc A005

    1. Death Valley Days 360827 305 Sam Bass
    2. Death Valley Days 380617 398 Burro That Had No Name

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Rare Westerns Disc A006

    1. Silver Theater 390409 28 Man From Medicine Bow
    2. Saunders Of Circle X 411113 07 Dam

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Rare Westerns Disc A007

    1. Fred 421025 Roy Rogers Courting Of Jenny Sugs
    2. Bing Crosby 440629 With Roy Rogers

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Rare Westerns Disc A008

    1. Bill Stern 450914 E306 Brace Beemer
    2. Aat460504 06 Stagecoach

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Rare Westerns Disc A009

    1. Aat460608 11 Ruggles Of Red Gap
    2. Hawk Durango 460802 Brazos John Eastern Bride

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Rare Westerns Disc A010

    1. Bill Stern 461025 E364 Gene Autry
    2. Hawk Larabee 461107
    3. Bill Stern 470613 E396 Roy Rogers

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Rare Westerns Disc A011

    1. Hawk Larabee 470718 Mountain Central Railroad
    2. Hawk Larabee 470906 Blind Chuckaluck
    3. Bill Stern 471010 E419 Gene Autry

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Rare Westerns Disc A012

    1. Bm471207 With Roy Rogers
    2. Hawk Larabee 471228 Brannigan
    3. Roy Rogers Audition Bloopers And False Starts 480328

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Rare Westerns Disc A013

    1. Sa 480506 E001 Stage To Calvaydos
    2. Wild Bill Elliott 480703 First Show

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Rare Westerns Disc A014

    1. Kmh 490317 Guests Roy Rogers And Dale Evans
    2. Sa 490324 E060 Land Our Fathers

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Rare Westerns Disc A015

    1. Sa 490324 E244 Wasteland
    2. Martin Lewis 490802 18 W Hoppy

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Rare Westerns Disc A016

    1. Sdp 490805 E028 Fort Apache
    2. Sa 500102 E156 Leader

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Rare Westerns Disc A017

    1. Sa 500207 E171 Sands Of Gold
    2. Sdp 500303 E058 Paleface

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Rare Westerns Disc A018

    1. Spns407 501214 Killing In Abilene
    2. Sa 510621 E292 Long Summer Big Pow Wow

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Rare Westerns Disc A019

    1. Sa 510621 E292 Long Summerlast Broadcast
    2. Bob Hope 520610 San Diego Nas Dale Evans Roy Rogers
    3. Silver Eagle 540720 Decoy For Death

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Rare Westerns Disc A020

    1. Bm541226 Hoppy
    2. Rin Tin Tin 551113 Ambassador

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Rare Westerns Disc A021

    1. Rin Tin Tin 551127 White Buffalo

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Rare Westerns Disc A022

    1. National Radio Theatre 811213 Outcasts Of Poker Flat

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00


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