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Baseball and World Series Broadcasts

This extensive collection has some great classic baseball recordings in radio history!

Baseball and World Series Broadcasts

412 old time radio show recordings
(total playtime 1007 hours, 24 min)
available in the following formats:

44 MP3 CDs
12 Audio CDs

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Text on OTRCAT.com ©2001-2025 OTRCAT INC All Rights Reserved. Reproduction is prohibited.

MLB BookAn interesting aspect of sports, and Baseball in particular, is that even after the contest is over, it can be relived and discussed for years. In some ways this lends excitement to the current season; many of the rivalries that make the game so entertaining go back to games played by men who went to the Dugout in the Sky years ago. Many of these old games have enough drama to be entertaining in their own right.

Yankee's Lou GehrigThis collection begins with the Sept 20, 1934 game between the NY Yankees at Detroit. This is the second game of a late season, two game series. Although the Tigers are leading in the American League Pennant Race (which they would win back to back beginning in 1934) the Yankees are not about to lie down and let Detroit take it all without a fight. And there are other dramas unfolding in the game. Charlie Gehringer of Detroit and the Yankee's Lou Gehrig are hitting in the .350s and slugging for the AL Batting title. Despite their back to back losses, the Tigers only need to win four games to clinch the pennant (which they will do in the second half of a double header against the White Sox on the 26th). Significant to our interests, this game is the earliest known full recording of a Major League game.

Short of going to the ball park, many fans prefer to "watch" the ball games on the radio. This 1934 Yankees-Tigers game is fun to listen to in order to hear the back-ground; the crowd noises, the press typewriters and ticker-tape machine, and announcer Ty Tyson not only calling the game for the radio, but operating the ballpark Public Address system as well.

Dizzy DeanAlthough they won the Pennant in 1934, the World Series that year would not be as joyful for the Tigers, as they went up against the "Gas House Gang" of the St. Louis Cardinals. The Cards were known for their Blue Collar ethic; playing hard with a seeming lack of discipline, drinking hard and showing up to the ballpark in dirty uniforms. The Redbirds were led by the Dean boys, Dizzy and Paul. The Series would go a full seven games, with the Dean boys each getting two of the Cardinal's wins. Dizzy was almost taken out of the series early. He was put in as a pinch runner in Game 4, and he broke up a double play by blocking the relay throw- with his head! Dizzy was rushed, unconscious, to the hospital, but was deemed fit to continue to play (the headlines the next day hailed: "X-Ray of Dean's Head Shows Nothing") Another legend from the '34 series has Player/Manager Frankie Frisch walking to the mound from Second base during Game 7. The frustrated manager told Dizzy that if he didn't quit "fooling around" he would pull him from the game. Dean looked at Frisch and said "No you won't." Frisch thought about it for a moment, then returned to Second.

Our Collection next moves to Comiskey Park with the Philadelphia Athletics visiting the Chicago White Sox on Jul 30, 1936; the Boston Red Sox visiting on Aug 2, and the Chicago City Championship against the Cubs on Oct 2. The cross-town series seems to be an exhibition outing to help drum up interest in baseball. The important October Baseball action in '36 would be another cross-town rivalry.

1936 YankeesThe 1936 World Series would be a "Subway Series" between the NY Yankees and the Giants. It was a time of change for the Yankees. '36 was the first time the Yankees would play a World Series without Babe Ruth, but the first with Joe DiMaggio. The Giants made the most of their home-field at the Polo Grounds in Game 1, handing the Yankees a 1-6 loss, but the Yankees gave the senior circuit a comeuppance the next day with an 18-4 drubbing, still the most lop-sided score of a World Series game. The Giants weren't able to recover, and the American League Champs became the World Series winners in six games.

The Subway Series would be reprised the next year. The Yankees would be champions again in five games, and though they played beautifully (the Yankees committed no errors in the '37 series, a first), it would be Lou Gehrig's last healthy season.

Gehrig reported that he was "tired" during the second half of the 1938 season. The Yankees would make their third consecutive World Series appearance, this time against the Chicago Cubs. Gehrig, who had previously been thought to be Babe Ruth's Home Run heir, had 4 hits out of 14 at bats, all singles. (During 1939 Spring training, Gehrig would collapse while on the field. On Apr 30 he went hitless against the Washington Senators in his 2,130th consecutive Big League game. The next day was a day off, but on May 2, Gehrig benched himself. He would soon be diagnosed with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis late called Lou Gehrig's Disease.)

Lou Gehrig wasn't the only sad story of the 1938 series. Dizzy Dean, leader of the '34 St. Louis "Gas House Gang", led the Chicago Cubs through the 1938 National League race, but ran out of gas himself during the World Series, and the Cubs were left behind in four straight games.

The Midsummer Classic is also part of our collection, beginning with the 6th Major League All-Star Game in 1938, played in Cincinnati. Also featured is the 1939 All Star Game at Yankee Stadium, and each All Star Game through 1943. The '48, '56, '60, and '66 All Star Games are included.

Scanning our collection, you may notice that the list thins during the War Years. This could be incorrectly interpreted as Major League Baseball disappearing during the Second World War. Soon after the United States entered hostilities, Baseball commissioner Kenesaw Mountain Landis wrote what would be remembered as the "Green Light Letter" to President Roosevelt. Although the nation was moving to a War-footing, Landis begged the President to allow Professional Baseball to continue. Roosevelt replied by saying that there would be less unemployment and longer work hours due to the War, and that the opportunity for people to relax at the Ballpark would be more important than ever.

This was no protection for players from their draft boards, and many Major League players served with distinction. The 1942 All-Star Game at New York's Polo Grounds takes on special meaning when seen in this light. Listeners and fans cannot forget that there is a War going on- the game is delayed and mandated to end at 9:30 because of a scheduled "Black Out Practice" in New York City. As a follow-on to the Major League All-Star game, the winning squad (the American League) was scheduled to appear two nights later at Cleveland's Municipal Stadium to play a squad of Army and Navy players.

Jackie Robinson playing for KC MonarchsAnother important milestone for both Baseball, and the Nation, would be the breakdown of Baseball's Color Line when Jackie Robinson signed with the Brooklyn Dodgers in 1945. Robinson deservedly gets most of the recognition and praise for the move. As important as Jackie Robinson was to the toppling of the color barrier, credit also needs to be given to the Dodger's General Manager, Branch Rickey.

There had been no formal rule in Baseball to keep Blacks from playing since the 1880s; the Color Barrier was a "Gentlemen's Agreement". However Rickey objected to it on both idealistic and business grounds. The idealism stemmed at least in part on his experience as a Minor League Player, when one of his teammates was denied accommodation in the hotel where the team was staying. Rickey would later state "I may not be able to do something about racism in every field, but I can sure do something about it in baseball." The move also made good business sense- the Negro Leagues, while not as profitable as the Majors, had developed some marvelous athletic talent. Rickey recognized that the organization that broke the Color Barrier would have first pick of that talent. Jackie Robinson was indeed a talent the Dodgers could be proud of. He was awarded the inaugural Major League Rookie of the Year Award in 1947.

Until 1953, Major League Baseball was made up of only eight American League and eight National League teams, the furthest West and South of which was St. Louis. The longest possible road trip would involve no more than a 24 hour train ride. The initial ripples of expansion met with little opposition, except perhaps in the team's home markets. In '53 the Boston Braves became the Milwaukee Braves, and the next year the St. Louis Browns became the Baltimore Orioles and the Philadelphia Athletics became the Kansas City Athletics. These were all three less than successful teams from small markets.

This is a contrast to the objections raised when the Brooklyn Dodgers moved to California, followed by the Giants, before the 1957 season. Heart-broken New York fans were without a National League Team until the expansion Mets were established in 1962. Having two teams in California made it economically feasible for teams to travel to the West Coast.

More moves and expansion would result in the 30 Major League Teams we have today.

Our collection ends with the 1966 World Series, which the featured the Baltimore Orioles sweeping the LA Dodgers. This is by no means the end of Baseball history. 1966 would see the formation of the Major League Baseball Players Association. 1966 World SeriesThe Marketing and Hype era was still on the horizon; the increase of athleticism thanks to improved training, and the rise of Free Agency would change the game in ways that were hard to imagine in 1966. The Designated Hitter and Astro-Turf were also still to come.

But 1966 is a good place for the collection to end. In 1965, the first network to carry nationwide baseball coverage with the Saturday "Game of the Week." Although it was a ratings failure, the network coverage helped Major League Baseball open a revenue stream that changed the game, perhaps more than any other single factor.

Baseball remains what it always has been: a game. Granted, it is a game that influences and is influenced by great sums of money. But it is just a game, which can be enjoyed and relived time and time again. By listening to the great games of years past, we allow the great players to continue living, and to remain young forever. Perhaps, in this way, we find a way to hold on to our own youth. We find a world where the grass remains green, and the crack of the ball coming off the bat is the one sound that really matters.

(Please note recordings in this collection are of mixed sound quality)

Text on OTRCAT.com ©2001-2025 OTRCAT INC All Rights Reserved. Reproduction is prohibited.

These classic recordings are available in the following formats:

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    72     8


    It’s fun to listen to a baseball game form 40 or 50 years ago, knowing the players, but not recalling the game, so in a way it’s all new. One of my great thrills has been listneing to a Yankee-Det game from the 30’s where Lou Gehrig is playing 1st base and Babe Ruth is available to pinch hit (which he didn’t). The first time i heard that, it gave me goose bumps.

    Peter Verified Purchase

    If you love baseball and watched for many years, you've got to listen, these are great with the greats of Musial, Mays and Berra. Does these bring back memories. Frank F

    Franklin Verified Purchase

    I love the historical games. Quality is sometimes difficult to understand; however, generally the broadcasts are very good.

    Christopher A. Verified Purchase

    Thank you! Love the site and what you do.


    Love listening to these classic games and all the old-time radio shows. otrcat.com is one of the best websites out there. A real gem! Mark

    Mark Verified Purchase

    What a selection.Any chance that any other games are put into otr , from this period?


    Disc 36 has the entire 1968 Detroit Tigers-St. Louis Cardinals World Series and it is great to be able to hear it again. It was very good baseball, but it was particularly interesting to hear the two star pitchers - Bob Gibson for the Cardinals and and Mickey Lolich for the Tigers - get huge standing ovations, each in the home park of the other team! Now that is sportsmanship the likes of which we just don't see much anymore. One of the things I really enjoy about Old Time Radio is exactly that: it serves to remind me how much times have changed, sometimes for the worse, sometimes for the better, but they have changed.

    James l Verified Purchase

    These broadcasts are a great way to bring baseball’s past into the present. I particularly enjoy listening to broadcasts by Ernie Harwell, Vin Scully, Jack Buck, and all the other sensational broadcasters who unfortunately are no longer on the airwaves. However with these discs their voices are available for future generations to hear.

    Opdyke Verified Purchase

    I wasn't even close to being alive for these games. Im so happy these exist! From Ty Cobb to The Great Bambino. The Iron Horse Lou Gehrig to Pee Wee Reese to Jackie Robinson . The Tigers The Yankees and the missed 😪 Brooklyn Dodgers. I listen all the time and buy them when I can !

    Patrick Verified Purchase

    There is no baseball in our current pandemic world. But there is in my home, when I can listen to a ballgame every evening from 30, 40 or even 50-60 years ago. Right now I'm enjoying (sort of) the Mets beating my Orioles in the 1969 World Series. Baseball still lives with MP3 recordings.

    Wayne Stoler

    Being a Cardinal baseball fan,it is great to hear the historic 1930's games featuring Dizzy Dean,et al. I recommend these as I have purchased many of them.

    Robert Verified Purchase

    In 1956 I was a radio-TV student at DeVry Technical Institute in Chicago and on October 8, was in the TV lab where several TVs were playing with no one paying much attention until, about the fifth inning of the World Series game someone realized that a no-hitter might be happening. Work stopped and we were all glued to the TV for the next hour. What a thrill! Your CD brought a great memory to life as I listened to Bob Wolf and Bob Neal recreate that magic moment, a perfect game! The odds of that happening are astounding. There have been only 21 perfect games in MLB history (1901 to present) with over 200,000 games played: That's about 10,000 to 1. A priceless CD.

    Richard Verified Purchase

    I Love These Games! It was a much simpler time and Baseball was a much better game then. To be able to listen to an entire seven game World Series on one disc is fantastic! I love the Presidents speeches discs too, I'm going to update my collection soon. Thank You!! Tom B.


    Looking at the glass as half-full, these are living history, valuable and wonderful. Glass half-empty, it's obvious most sport broadcasts were taken from the national network and not from local radio, which is a bit disappointing. Still, we're lucky to be able to get them.

    Douglas Verified Purchase

    I love all of the broadcast that I get whether their the old baseball games or historical broadcasts. Thank You Very Much!!

    Tom Verified Purchase

    These broadcasts are great. They bring back a lot of memories listening to Harry Carray and Bob Elson. Highly recommended.

    Robert Verified Purchase

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  • MP3 CDs are delivered by mail. These archival quality MP3 CDs are playable in your computer and many MP3 player devices.

    412 recordings on 44 MP3 CDs for just $220.00. Total playtime 1007 hours, 24 min
    412 recordings on 44 MP3 CDs for just $220.00
    total playtime 1007 hours, 24 min
    Add MP3 CD Collection to Cart

    1. Volume 1 – 9 shows – total playtime 22 hours, 39 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 1: $5.00
      Add To Cart
    2. 340710 All Star.mp3
    3. 340920 Yankees At Tigers.mp3
    4. 341003 WS 1 Cardinals At Tigers Complete.mp3
    5. 341004 WS 2 Cardinals At Tigers.mp3
    6. 341006 WS 4 Tigers At Cardinals.mp3
    7. 341008 WS 6 Cardinals At Tigers.mp3
    8. 341009 WS 7 Cardinals At Tigers Complete.mp3
    9. 350708 All Star.mp3
    10. 351004 Tigers At Cubs WS 3.mp3

    1. Volume 2 – 11 shows – total playtime 23 hours, 40 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 2: $5.00
      Add To Cart
    2. 351007 WS 6 Cubs At Tigers.mp3
    3. 360707 All Star.mp3
    4. 360728 Chicago White Sox v Athletics.mp3
    5. 360729 Athletics At White Sox.mp3
    6. 360730 Athletics At White Sox Complete.mp3
    7. 360731 Red Sox At White Sox.mp3
    8. 360801 Red Sox v White Sox.mp3
    9. 360802 Red Sox At White Sox.mp3
    10. 360804 Cardinals At Cubs.mp3
    11. 360930 WS 1 Giants At Yankees.mp3
    12. 361002 Cubs v White Sox Complete.mp3

    1. Volume 3 – 12 shows – total playtime 24 hours, 18 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 3: $5.00
      Add To Cart
    2. 361003 WS 3 Giants At Yankees.mp3
    3. 361005 WS 5 Giants At Yankees.mp3
    4. 361006 WS 6 Yankees At Giants.mp3
    5. 370707 All Star.mp3
    6. 370721 Senators At White Sox.mp3
    7. 371006 WS 1 Giants At Yankees Complete.mp3
    8. 371010 WS 5 Yankees At Giants.mp3
    9. 380706 Allstar At Crosley Field Cincinnati Complete.mp3
    10. 381006 WS 2 Yankees At Cubs.mp3
    11. 381009 WS 4 Cubs At Yankees Upgraded Complete.mp3
    12. 390315 Yankees At Reds Exhibition Partial.mp3
    13. 390316 Reds At Yankees Exhib Rec Innings 24.mp3

    1. Volume 4 – 11 shows – total playtime 22 hours, 20 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 4: $5.00
      Add To Cart
    2. 390612 Hall Of Fame Opens.mp3
    3. 390711 Allstar At Yankee Stadium NY Full.mp3
    4. 390921 Cleveland v Washington Part 1.mp3
    5. 390921 Cleveland v Washington Part 2.mp3
    6. 390926 Cardinals At Reds 1.mp3
    7. 391005 WS 2 Reds At Yankees Full.mp3
    8. 400709 Allstar At Sportsmans Park St Louis Full.mp3
    9. 410708 Allstar At Briggs Stadium Detroit Complete.mp3
    10. 411001 WS 1 Dodgers At Yankees Complete.mp3
    11. 411002 WS 2 Dodgers At Yankees.mp3
    12. 411005 WS 4 Yankees At Dodgers.mp3

    1. Volume 5 – 11 shows – total playtime 24 hours, 13 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 5: $5.00
      Add To Cart
    2. 420706 Allstar At Polo Grounds NY.mp3
    3. 420707 Service Allstar.mp3
    4. 420930 WS 1 Inc Yankees v Cardinals.mp3
    5. 421001 WS 2 Yankees At Cardinals Complete.mp3
    6. 421003 WS 3 Cardinals v Yankees.mp3
    7. 421005 WS 5 Cardinals At Yankees Complete.mp3
    8. 430713 Allstar At Shibe Park Philadelphia.mp3
    9. 431005 WS 1 Cardinals At Yankees.mp3
    10. 431007 WS 3 Cardinals At Yankees.mp3
    11. 431010 WS 4 Yankees At Cardinals.mp3
    12. 431011 WS 2 Yankees At Cardinals.mp3

    1. Volume 6 – 10 shows – total playtime 24 hours, 15 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 6: $5.00
      Add To Cart
    2. 431011 WS 5 Yankees At Cardinals Source 2.mp3
    3. 431011 WS 5 Yankees At Cardinals.mp3
    4. 440711 All Star.mp3
    5. 441007 WS 4 St Louis Cardinals v St Louis Browns Complete.mp3
    6. 451005 WS 3 Cubs At Tigers.mp3
    7. 451010 WS 7 Cubs v Tigers.mp3
    8. 480713 Allstar At Sportsmans Park St Louis.mp3
    9. 481006 WS 1 Indians At Braves.mp3
    10. 481007 WS 2 Indians At Braves.mp3
    11. 481008 WS 3 Indians At Braves.mp3

    1. Volume 7 – 8 shows – total playtime 23 hours, 19 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 7: $5.00
      Add To Cart
    2. 481009 WS 4 Braves At Indians.mp3
    3. 481010 WS 5 Braves At Indians.mp3
    4. 481011 WS 6 Indians At Braves Complete.mp3
    5. 491002 Yankees v Red Sox For Pennant Complete.mp3
    6. 491005 WS 1 Yankees v Dodgers.mp3
    7. 491006 WS 2 Dodgers v Yankees.mp3
    8. 491007 WS 3 Yankees At Dodgers.mp3
    9. 491008 WS 4 Dodgers v Yankees.mp3

    1. Volume 8 – 10 shows – total playtime 23 hours, 36 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 8: $5.00
      Add To Cart
    2. 491009 WS 5 Dodgers v Yankees.mp3
    3. 500422 Giants At Dodgers.mp3
    4. 500513 Braves At Dodgers Complete.mp3
    5. 500520 Pirates v Dodgers.mp3
    6. 500611 Indians v Athletics CompleteBy Al Helfer Art Gleason.mp3
    7. 501006 WS 3 Phillies At Yankees.mp3
    8. 501007 WS 4 Phillies At Yankees.mp3
    9. 511003 Nl Playoff Dodgers At Giants.mp3
    10. 521007 WS 7 Yankees At Dodgers Complete.mp3
    11. 530701 Stlouisbrownsat White Sox.mp3

    1. Volume 9 – 9 shows – total playtime 22 hours, 16 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 9: $5.00
      Add To Cart
    2. 531002 WS 3 Dodgers v Yankees.mp3
    3. 531005 WS 6 Partial With Post Yankees v Dodgers.mp3
    4. 540929 WS 1 Cleveland v Giants.mp3
    5. 540930 WS 2 Indians At Giants Complete.mp3
    6. 541001 WS 3 Indians At Giants Complete.mp3
    7. 541002 WS 4 Indians v Giants Complete.mp3
    8. 550412 Cardinals At Chicago Cubs.mp3
    9. 550712 All Star.mp3
    10. 550726 White Sox At Yankees Complete.mp3

    1. Volume 10 – 11 shows – total playtime 23 hours, 54 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 10: $5.00
      Add To Cart
    2. 550726 White Sox At Yankees.mp3
    3. 550929 WS 2 Dodgers At Yankees.mp3
    4. 550930 World 3 Yankees At Dodgers.mp3
    5. 550930 WS 3 Yankees At Dodgers.mp3
    6. 551002 WS 5 Dodgers v Yankees Complete.mp3
    7. 551004 WS 7 Dodgers v Yankees.mp3
    8. 560506 White Sox At Yankees 1.mp3
    9. 560606 NY v St Louis Excerpts.mp3
    10. 560710 Allstar At Griffith Stadium Washington Dc.mp3
    11. 561003 WS 1 Yankees At Dodgers.mp3
    12. 561006 WS 3 Dodgers At Yankees.mp3

    1. Volume 11 – 10 shows – total playtime 22 hours, 51 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 11: $5.00
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    2. 561007 WS 4 Dodgers At Yankees.mp3
    3. 561008 Sports Week Dodgers At Yankees 22min.mp3
    4. 561008 WS 5 Yankees v Dodgers Complete.mp3
    5. 561009 WS 6 Yankees At Dodgers.mp3
    6. 570416 Brooklyn Dodgers v Philadelphia Phillies Complete.mp3
    7. 570421 Pirates v Dodgers Complete.mp3
    8. 570507 Reds At Dodgers.mp3
    9. 570514 Dodgers v Braves Complete.mp3
    10. 570530 Dodgers v Pirates.mp3
    11. 570604 Chicago Cubs At Brooklyn Dodgers Complete.mp3

    1. Volume 12 – 10 shows – total playtime 23 hours, 55 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 12: $5.00
      Add To Cart
    2. 570613 Yankees At White Sox.mp3
    3. 570616 Dodgers v Cardinals Ebbets Field Missing Last Out.mp3
    4. 570709 All Star Complete.mp3
    5. 570714 Braves At Dodgers.mp3
    6. 570720 Cubs At Dodgers [poor Snd].mp3
    7. 570728 Dodgers At Reds.mp3
    8. 570805 Giants At Dodgers.mp3
    9. 570817 Piratesat Dodgers.mp3
    10. 570831 Giants At Dodgers.mp3
    11. 570908 Dodgers v Giants.mp3

    1. Volume 13 – 9 shows – total playtime 22 hours, 8 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 13: $5.00
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    2. 571002 WS 1 Braves At Yankees.mp3
    3. 571003 WS 2 Braves At Yankees.mp3
    4. 571005 WS 3 Yankees At Braves.mp3
    5. 571006 WS 4 Yankees At Braves.mp3
    6. 571007 WS 5 Yankees At Braves.mp3
    7. 571009 WS 6 Braves At Yankees.mp3
    8. 571010 WS 7 Braves v Yankees.mp3
    9. 580511 Senators v Yankees Complete.mp3
    10. 580816 NY Yankees v Boston Red Sox.mp3

    1. Volume 14 – 9 shows – total playtime 23 hours, 53 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 14: $5.00
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    2. 580914 Yankees At Athletics 1.mp3
    3. 581001 WS 1 Yankees At Braves.mp3
    4. 581002 WS 2 Yankees At Braves.mp3
    5. 581004 WS 3 Braves At Yankees.mp3
    6. 581005 WS 4 Braves At Yankees.mp3
    7. 581006 WS 5 Braves At Yankees.mp3
    8. 581008 WS 6 Yankees At Braves.mp3
    9. 581009 WS 7 NY Yankees Vmilwaukee Braves.mp3
    10. 590412 Red Sox At Yankees Opening Day.mp3

    1. Volume 15 – 11 shows – total playtime 22 hours, 16 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 15: $5.00
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    2. 590419 NY Yankees At Boston Red Sox.mp3
    3. 590628 Yankees At Chicago White Sox.mp3
    4. 590707 Allstar 1 Forbes Field Pittsburgh.mp3
    5. 590709 Yankees At Red Sox Partial.mp3
    6. 590725 Yankees At Tigers.mp3
    7. 590803 Allstar 2 LA.mp3
    8. 590906 Red Sox Atsenatorspartial.mp3
    9. 590913 Cleveland Indians At Yankees 2 Of Dh.mp3
    10. 590920 Red Sox At Yankees.mp3
    11. 590922 White Sox Atindianspartial.mp3
    12. 590928 Dodgers At Bravesnl Playoff 1.mp3

    1. Volume 16 – 9 shows – total playtime 24 hours, 18 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 16: $5.00
      Add To Cart
    2. 590929 Braves At Dodgersnl Playoff 2.mp3
    3. 591001 WS 1 Dodgers v White Sox.mp3
    4. 591002 WS 2 White Sox v Dodgers.mp3
    5. 591004 White Sox v Dodgersws 3.mp3
    6. 591005 White Sox v Dodgersws 4.mp3
    7. 591006 WS 5 White Sox At Dodgers.mp3
    8. 591008 White Sox v Dodgersws 6.mp3
    9. 600423 Indians v Kansas City Athletics Complete.mp3
    10. 600424 Orioles At Yankees.mp3

    1. Volume 17 – 9 shows – total playtime 24 hours, 29 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 17: $5.00
      Add To Cart
    2. 600508 Chicago White Sox At Yankees.mp3
    3. 600510 Indians At Yankees.mp3
    4. 600515 Yankees At Senators.mp3
    5. 600520 Yankees At White Sox.mp3
    6. 600529 Senators At Yankees.mp3
    7. 600530 Senators At Yankees.mp3
    8. 600531 Yankees At Orioles.mp3
    9. 600603 NY Yankees v Boston Red Sox Complete.mp3
    10. 600606 White Sox At Yankees.mp3

    1. Volume 18 – 9 shows – total playtime 22 hours, 59 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 18: $5.00
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    2. 600610 Indians At Yankees.mp3
    3. 600617 Yankees At White Sox.mp3
    4. 600619 Yankees At White Sox 1.mp3
    5. 600621 Yankees At Tigers.mp3
    6. 600622 Yankees At Tigers.mp3
    7. 600624 Yankees At Indians.mp3
    8. 600628 Athletics At Yankees.mp3
    9. 600705 Yankees v Senators Complete.mp3
    10. 600710 Yankees At Red Sox.mp3

    1. Volume 19 – 8 shows – total playtime 22 hours, 26 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 19: $5.00
      Add To Cart
    2. 600711 All Star 1 At Municipal Stadium Kansas City.mp3
    3. 600814 Senators At Yankees 2.mp3
    4. 600817 NY Yankees v Boston Red Sox Complete.mp3
    5. 600821 Yankees At Senators.mp3
    6. 600823 White Sox At Yankees.mp3
    7. 600826 Indians At Yankees 2.mp3
    8. 600830 Athletics At Yankees.mp3
    9. 600902 Yankees At Orioles.mp3

    1. Volume 20 – 9 shows – total playtime 23 hours, 30 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 20: $5.00
      Add To Cart
    2. 600904 Yankees At Orioles.mp3
    3. 600905 Red Sox At Yankees.mp3
    4. 600907 Yankees At White Sox.mp3
    5. 600913 Yankees At Athletics.mp3
    6. 600916 Orioles At Yankees.mp3
    7. 600918 Baltimore Orioles v NY Yankees NY Complete.mp3
    8. 600925 Yankees At Red Sox.mp3
    9. 600927 Yankees v Senators Griffith Park Dc.mp3
    10. 600930 Red Sox At Yankees.mp3

    1. Volume 21 – 9 shows – total playtime 24 hours, 30 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 21: $5.00
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    2. 601002 Red Sox At Yankees.mp3
    3. 601005 WS 1 Yankees v Pirates.mp3
    4. 601006 WS 2 Yankees v Pirates.mp3
    5. 601008 WS 3 Yankees v Pirates.mp3
    6. 601009 WS 4 Yankees v Pirates.mp3
    7. 601010 WS 5 Yankees v Pirates.mp3
    8. 601012 WS 6 Yankees v Pirates Full.mp3
    9. 601013 WS 7 Yankees At Pirates.mp3
    10. 610507 Yankees At Angels.mp3

    1. Volume 22 – 8 shows – total playtime 21 hours, 50 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 22: $5.00
      Add To Cart
    2. 610514 Detroit Tigers v NY Yankees 1 Of Doubleheader.mp3
    3. 610514 Detroit Tigers v NY Yankees 2 Of Doubleheader.mp3
    4. 610521 Yankees v Baltimore Orioles 1 Of Doubleheader.mp3
    5. 610530 NY Yankees v Boston Red Sox Full.mp3
    6. 610604 Yankees At White Sox.mp3
    7. 610611 Angels At Yankees 1.mp3
    8. 610611 Angels At Yankees 2.mp3
    9. 610618 Yankees At Tigers.mp3

    1. Volume 23 – 9 shows – total playtime 23 hours, 55 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 23: $5.00
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    2. 610702 Senators At Yankees.mp3
    3. 610715 Yankees At White Sox.mp3
    4. 610723 Yankees At Red Sox.mp3
    5. 610802 Athletics At Yankees 1.mp3
    6. 610812 Yankees At Senators.mp3
    7. 610820 Yankees At Indians.mp3
    8. 610903 Tigers v Yankees Complete.mp3
    9. 610904 Senators At Yankees 1.mp3
    10. 610910 NY Yankees v Indians.mp3

    1. Volume 24 – 14 shows – total playtime 24 hours, 14 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 24: $5.00
      Add To Cart
    2. 610919 Yankees At Orioles 2.mp3
    3. 610920 Yankees At Orioles.mp3
    4. 611001 Boston Red Sox v NY Yankees Complete.mp3
    5. 611004 WS 1 Reds At Yankees.mp3
    6. 611004 WS 1.mp3
    7. 611004 WS 2.mp3
    8. 611004 WS 3.mp3
    9. 611004 WS 4.mp3
    10. 611005 WS 2 Reds At Yankees.mp3
    11. 611007 WS 1 Game 3.mp3
    12. 611007 WS 2 Game 3.mp3
    13. 611007 WS 3 Reds At Yankees.mp3
    14. 611008 WS 4 Yankees v Reds.mp3
    15. 611009 WS 5 Yankees v Reds.mp3

    1. Volume 25 – 9 shows – total playtime 22 hours, 35 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 25: $5.00
      Add To Cart
    2. 620411 Mets v Cardinals First NY Mets.mp3
    3. 620414 Mets v Pirates Complete.mp3
    4. 620417 Yankees v Orioles.mp3
    5. 620504 Mets At Phillies Mets Complete.mp3
    6. 620506 Senators v Yankees.mp3
    7. 620513 Yankees At Indians 1.mp3
    8. 620513 Yankees At Indians 2.mp3
    9. 620521 Mets At Colts Upgrade Complete.mp3
    10. 620527 Tigers At Yankees 1.mp3

    1. Volume 26 – 9 shows – total playtime 23 hours, 34 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 26: $5.00
      Add To Cart
    2. 620527 Tigers At Yankees 2.mp3
    3. 620530 NY Mets v Dodgers 2 Of Double Header.mp3
    4. 620601 Giants v Mets.mp3
    5. 620608 Giants v Cardinals.mp3
    6. 620611 NYM v Hou.mp3
    7. 620630 Allstar 1 Wrigley Field.mp3
    8. 620701 Angels v Yankees.mp3
    9. 620715 SF v NY.mp3
    10. 620923 NY Mets v Chicago Cubs Polo Grounds Complete.mp3

    1. Volume 27 – 9 shows – total playtime 22 hours, 20 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 27: $5.00
      Add To Cart
    2. 620930 Mets v Cubs.mp3
    3. 621003 Nl Playoff Dodgers v Giants Complete.mp3
    4. 621005 WS 2 Yankees At Giants.mp3
    5. 621007 WS 3 Giants At Yankees.mp3
    6. 621008 WS 4 Giants At Yankees.mp3
    7. 621010 WS 5 Giants At Yankees.mp3
    8. 621015 WS 6 Yankees At Giants.mp3
    9. 621016 WS 7 Yankees At Giants Complete.mp3
    10. 630517 Mets At Giants Candlestick Park 11 Innings Complete.mp3

    1. Volume 28 – 8 shows – total playtime 22 hours, 13 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 28: $5.00
      Add To Cart
    2. 630519 NY Mets v Dodgers Complete.mp3
    3. 630530 Mets v Chicago Cubs Complete.mp3
    4. 630605 NY Mets v Braves Mets.mp3
    5. 630609 NY Mets v Cardinals Complete.mp3
    6. 630706 Mets v Pirates Complete.mp3
    7. 630709 Allstar At Municipal Stadium Cleveland.mp3
    8. 631002 WS 1 Dodgers At Yankees.mp3
    9. 631003 WS 2 Yankees v Dodgers.mp3

    1. Volume 29 – 9 shows – total playtime 23 hours, 5 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 29: $5.00
      Add To Cart
    2. 631005 WS 3 Yankees v Dodgers.mp3
    3. 631006 WS 4 Yankees v Dodgers.mp3
    4. 640405 Colt 45 Sat Yankees.mp3
    5. 640415 Mets v Phillies Complete.mp3
    6. 640416 Red Sox At Yankees Opening Day.mp3
    7. 640418 Yankees At Orioles.mp3
    8. 640531 Yankees At Athletics.mp3
    9. 640621 NY Mets v Phillies Bunning Perfect.mp3
    10. 640707 Allstar NY NY.mp3

    1. Volume 30 – 9 shows – total playtime 22 hours, 2 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 30: $5.00
      Add To Cart
    2. 640830 Red Sox At Yankees.mp3
    3. 640927 Yankees At Senators.mp3
    4. 641004 Indians v Yankees.mp3
    5. 641004 Mets v Cardinals Complete.mp3
    6. 641007 WS 1 St Louis Cardinals v Yankees.mp3
    7. 641008 WS 2 Yankees v Cardinals Complete.mp3
    8. 641010 WS 3 Yankees And Cardinals Complete.mp3
    9. 641011 WS 4 Yankees v Cardinals Complete.mp3
    10. 641012 WS 5 Cardinals v Yankees.mp3

    1. Volume 31 – 10 shows – total playtime 22 hours, 54 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 31: $5.00
      Add To Cart
    2. 641014 WS 6Cardinals v Yankees.mp3
    3. 641015 WS 7 Cardinals v Yankees.mp3
    4. 650000 Koufaxperfectgame 9 Thinning.mp3
    5. 650409 Yankees At Astros Exhibition First At Astrodome.mp3
    6. 650412 Boston Red Sox v Washington Senators Complete.mp3
    7. 650422 Mets At Dodgers Complete.mp3
    8. 650425 Angels At Yankees 1.mp3
    9. 650425 NY Mets At Giants Complete.mp3
    10. 650427 NY Mets v Houston Astros.mp3
    11. 650502 Orioles At Yankees 1.mp3

    1. Volume 32 – 9 shows – total playtime 22 hours, 39 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 32: $5.00
      Add To Cart
    2. 650509 Senators v Yankees NY Full.mp3
    3. 650511 Mets v St Louis Cardinals Complete.mp3
    4. 650516 Yankees At Orioles.mp3
    5. 650614 Metsat Reds Jimmaloney.mp3
    6. 650704 Yankees At Red Sox.mp3
    7. 650705 Mets v Chicago Cubs Shea Stadium.mp3
    8. 650711 NY Yankees v Twins Complete.mp3
    9. 650725 Tigers v Chicago White Sox.mp3
    10. 651003 Reds v Giants Final.mp3

    1. Volume 33 – 9 shows – total playtime 23 hours, 38 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 33: $5.00
      Add To Cart
    2. 651006 WS 2 Dodgers v Twins.mp3
    3. 651014 WS 7 Dodgers v Twins Sound Poor.mp3
    4. 660518 Mets v Reds Mets.mp3
    5. 660521 NY Mets at SF Giants Complete.mp3
    6. 660712 Allstar At Busch Stadium St Louis.mp3
    7. 660731 Cubs At Mets.mp3
    8. 660904 Phillies At Mets.mp3
    9. 660911 Mets v Braves.mp3
    10. 660917 NY Mets v SF Giants.mp3

    1. Volume 34 – 9 shows – total playtime 23 hours, 59 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 34: $5.00
      Add To Cart
    2. 660924 Mets At Reds.mp3
    3. 661009 WS 4 Orioles v Dodgers.mp3
    4. 670520 Mets v Cardinals Full.mp3
    5. 670611 Cardinals v Dodgers 1 Of Doubleheader Complete.mp3
    6. 670709 Mets v Braves.mp3
    7. 670902 White Sox v Red Sox.mp3
    8. 671004 WS 1 Cardinals v Red Sox.mp3
    9. 671005 WS 2 Cardinals v Red Sox.mp3
    10. 671007 WS 3 Red Sox v Cards.mp3

    1. Volume 35 – 9 shows – total playtime 22 hours, 48 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 35: $5.00
      Add To Cart
    2. 671008 WS 4 Red Sox v Cards.mp3
    3. 671009 WS 5 Red Sox v Cards.mp3
    4. 671011 WS 6 Cards v Red Sox.mp3
    5. 671012 WS 7 Cardinals v Red Sox.mp3
    6. 680428 Detroit Tigers At NY Yankees.mp3
    7. 680509 Boston Red Sox v Washington Senators.mp3
    8. 680825 Yankees At Detroit Tigers Complete.mp3
    9. 680915 Yankees v Senators Missing Ninth Inning.mp3
    10. 680927 Yankees v Red Sox Mantles.mp3

    1. Volume 36 – 10 shows – total playtime 24 hours, 4 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 36: $5.00
      Add To Cart
    2. 680928 Yankees v Red Sox.mp3
    3. 681002 WS 1 Tigers v Cardinals.mp3
    4. 681003 WS 2 Tigers v Cardinals.mp3
    5. 681005 WS 3 Cardinals v Tigers Complete.mp3
    6. 681006 WS 4 Cardinals v Tigers.mp3
    7. 681007 WS 5 Cards v Tigers.mp3
    8. 681009 WS 6 Tigers v Cardinals.mp3
    9. 681010 WS 7 Tigers v Cardinals.mp3
    10. 690407 Yankees v Washington Senators.mp3
    11. 690408 Seattle Pilots v Angels Complete.mp3

    1. Volume 37 – 9 shows – total playtime 22 hours, 28 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 37: $5.00
      Add To Cart
    2. 690430 NY Mets v Montreal Expos Complete.mp3
    3. 690513 Yankees At Seattle Pilots Complete.mp3
    4. 690517 SF Giants At Phillies Giants.mp3
    5. 690709 Mets v Cubs Seavers.mp3
    6. 690713 NY Yankees v Washington Senators Restored.mp3
    7. 690717 Piratesatexposdavevanhorne.mp3
    8. 690726 Yankees At Angels Frank Messer Jerry Coleman.mp3
    9. 690729 Brooklyn Dodgers v Chicago Cubs Complete.mp3
    10. 690908 NY Mets v Chicago Cubs Complete.mp3

    1. Volume 38 – 9 shows – total playtime 23 hours, 18 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 38: $5.00
      Add To Cart
    2. 690911 Astros v Dodgers Partial.mp3
    3. 690923 NY Mets v Cardinals Mets Pull Into First Place Tie.mp3
    4. 690924 NY Mets v Cardinals Mets Clinch Complete.mp3
    5. 690924 SF Giants v Padres Complete.mp3
    6. 690930 Dodgers v Astros Complete.mp3
    7. 691005 NY Mets v Atlanta Braves 2.mp3
    8. 691006 Nlcs 3 NY Mets v Atlanta Braves.mp3
    9. 691011 WS 1 NY Mets v Orioles.mp3
    10. 691012 WS 2 NY Mets v Orioles.mp3

    1. Volume 39 – 9 shows – total playtime 23 hours, 52 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 39: $5.00
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    2. 691014 WS 3 NY Mets v Baltimore Orioles.mp3
    3. 691015 WS 4 NY Mets v Baltimore Orioles.mp3
    4. 691016 WS 5 NY Mets v Baltimore Orioles.mp3
    5. 700407 NY Mets v Pittsburgh Pirates Opening Day.mp3
    6. 700418 Mets v Phillies Nolan Ryan 15 Strikeouts.mp3
    7. 700422 Padres v NY Mets Seaver 19 Ks Complete.mp3
    8. 700628 Pittsburgh Pirates v Chicago Cubs Complete.mp3
    9. 700705 Washington Senators v NY Yankees NY Complete.mp3
    10. 700714 All Star Riverfront Stadium Complete.mp3

    1. Volume 40 – 10 shows – total playtime 22 hours, 56 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 40: $5.00
      Add To Cart
    2. 701010 WS 1 Orioles v Reds.mp3
    3. 701011 WS 2 Orioles v Reds.mp3
    4. 701013 WS 3 Reds v Orioles.mp3
    5. 701014 WS 4 Reds v Orioles.mp3
    6. 701015 WS 5 Orioles v Reds.mp3
    7. 710506 Angels v Baltimore Orioles Baltimore.mp3
    8. 710812 Sandiegopadres v NY Mets.mp3
    9. 710930 San Francisco Giants v Padres Giants.mp3
    10. 710930 Senators Final Washington v Yankees Forfeit.mp3
    11. 711009 WS 1 Pirates v Orioles.mp3

    1. Volume 41 – 10 shows – total playtime 23 hours, 57 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 41: $5.00
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    2. 711011 WS 2 Pirates v Orioles.mp3
    3. 711012 WS 3 Orioles v Pirates.mp3
    4. 711013 WS 4 Orioles v Pirates.mp3
    5. 711014 WS 5 Orioles v Pirates.mp3
    6. 711016 WS 6 Pirates v Orioles.mp3
    7. 711017 WS 7 Pirates v Orioles.mp3
    8. 720415 Reds v Dodgers Reds Home Opener Complete.mp3
    9. 720514 Mets v Giants Mays Returns To NY Complete.mp3
    10. 720617 Texas Rangers v Yankees.mp3
    11. 720704 Mets v Padres 1 Of Dh Seaver 1 Hitter Complete.mp3

    1. Volume 42 – 10 shows – total playtime 24 hours, 12 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 42: $5.00
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    2. 720704 Mets v Padres 2 Of Dh Complete.mp3
    3. 720821 NY Mets v Houston Astros.mp3
    4. 721011 Nlcs 5 Pirates v Reds.mp3
    5. 721012 Alcs 5 Oakland v Detroit Full.mp3
    6. 730703 Montreal Expos v NY Mets.mp3
    7. 730920 Mets v Pirates 13 Innings Complete.mp3
    8. 730923 Mets v Cardinals Pennant Chase Continues Complete.mp3
    9. 730927 Twins v Angels.mp3
    10. 731001 Mets v Cubs Mets Clinch Ya Gotta Believe Complete.mp3
    11. 731006 NY Mets v Reds Nlcs 1 Complete.mp3

    1. Volume 43 – 9 shows – total playtime 24 hours, 10 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 43: $5.00
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    2. 731007 NY Mets v Reds Nlcs 2.mp3
    3. 731008 Mets v Reds 3.mp3
    4. 731009 NY Mets v Reds 4.mp3
    5. 731010 NY Mets v Reds 5 Ya Gotta Believe.mp3
    6. 731013 WS 1 NY Mets v Oakland Athletics.mp3
    7. 731014 WS 2 Oakland Athletics v Mets 12 Innings.mp3
    8. 731016 WS 3 Oakland Athletics v Mets 11 Innings.mp3
    9. 731017 WS 4 Oakland Athletics v Mets.mp3
    10. 731018 WS 5 NY Mets v Oakland Athletics.mp3

    1. Volume 44 – 2 shows – total playtime 4 hours, 35 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 44: $5.00
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    2. 731020 WS 6 Oakland Athletics v Mets.mp3
    3. 731021 WS 7 Oakland Athletics v Mets.mp3
  • MP3 downloads are available instantly after purchase!

    412 recordings on 44 MP3 Collection Downloads for just $220.00. Total playtime 1007 hours, 24 min
    412 recordings on 44 MP3 Collection Downloads for just $220.00
    27669 MB – total playtime 1007 hours, 24 min
    Add Instant Download Collection to Cart

    1. Volume 1 – 9 shows – 622 MB – total playtime 22 hours, 39 minutes
      Instant Download
      Volume 1: $5.00
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    2. 340710 All Star.mp3
    3. 340920 Yankees At Tigers.mp3
    4. 341003 WS 1 Cardinals At Tigers Complete.mp3
    5. 341004 WS 2 Cardinals At Tigers.mp3
    6. 341006 WS 4 Tigers At Cardinals.mp3
    7. 341008 WS 6 Cardinals At Tigers.mp3
    8. 341009 WS 7 Cardinals At Tigers Complete.mp3
    9. 350708 All Star.mp3
    10. 351004 Tigers At Cubs WS 3.mp3

    1. Volume 2 – 11 shows – 650 MB – total playtime 23 hours, 40 minutes
      Instant Download
      Volume 2: $5.00
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    2. 351007 WS 6 Cubs At Tigers.mp3
    3. 360707 All Star.mp3
    4. 360728 Chicago White Sox v Athletics.mp3
    5. 360729 Athletics At White Sox.mp3
    6. 360730 Athletics At White Sox Complete.mp3
    7. 360731 Red Sox At White Sox.mp3
    8. 360801 Red Sox v White Sox.mp3
    9. 360802 Red Sox At White Sox.mp3
    10. 360804 Cardinals At Cubs.mp3
    11. 360930 WS 1 Giants At Yankees.mp3
    12. 361002 Cubs v White Sox Complete.mp3

    1. Volume 3 – 12 shows – 668 MB – total playtime 24 hours, 18 minutes
      Instant Download
      Volume 3: $5.00
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    2. 361003 WS 3 Giants At Yankees.mp3
    3. 361005 WS 5 Giants At Yankees.mp3
    4. 361006 WS 6 Yankees At Giants.mp3
    5. 370707 All Star.mp3
    6. 370721 Senators At White Sox.mp3
    7. 371006 WS 1 Giants At Yankees Complete.mp3
    8. 371010 WS 5 Yankees At Giants.mp3
    9. 380706 Allstar At Crosley Field Cincinnati Complete.mp3
    10. 381006 WS 2 Yankees At Cubs.mp3
    11. 381009 WS 4 Cubs At Yankees Upgraded Complete.mp3
    12. 390315 Yankees At Reds Exhibition Partial.mp3
    13. 390316 Reds At Yankees Exhib Rec Innings 24.mp3

    1. Volume 4 – 11 shows – 613 MB – total playtime 22 hours, 20 minutes
      Instant Download
      Volume 4: $5.00
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    2. 390612 Hall Of Fame Opens.mp3
    3. 390711 Allstar At Yankee Stadium NY Full.mp3
    4. 390921 Cleveland v Washington Part 1.mp3
    5. 390921 Cleveland v Washington Part 2.mp3
    6. 390926 Cardinals At Reds 1.mp3
    7. 391005 WS 2 Reds At Yankees Full.mp3
    8. 400709 Allstar At Sportsmans Park St Louis Full.mp3
    9. 410708 Allstar At Briggs Stadium Detroit Complete.mp3
    10. 411001 WS 1 Dodgers At Yankees Complete.mp3
    11. 411002 WS 2 Dodgers At Yankees.mp3
    12. 411005 WS 4 Yankees At Dodgers.mp3

    1. Volume 5 – 11 shows – 665 MB – total playtime 24 hours, 13 minutes
      Instant Download
      Volume 5: $5.00
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    2. 420706 Allstar At Polo Grounds NY.mp3
    3. 420707 Service Allstar.mp3
    4. 420930 WS 1 Inc Yankees v Cardinals.mp3
    5. 421001 WS 2 Yankees At Cardinals Complete.mp3
    6. 421003 WS 3 Cardinals v Yankees.mp3
    7. 421005 WS 5 Cardinals At Yankees Complete.mp3
    8. 430713 Allstar At Shibe Park Philadelphia.mp3
    9. 431005 WS 1 Cardinals At Yankees.mp3
    10. 431007 WS 3 Cardinals At Yankees.mp3
    11. 431010 WS 4 Yankees At Cardinals.mp3
    12. 431011 WS 2 Yankees At Cardinals.mp3

    1. Volume 6 – 10 shows – 666 MB – total playtime 24 hours, 15 minutes
      Instant Download
      Volume 6: $5.00
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    2. 431011 WS 5 Yankees At Cardinals Source 2.mp3
    3. 431011 WS 5 Yankees At Cardinals.mp3
    4. 440711 All Star.mp3
    5. 441007 WS 4 St Louis Cardinals v St Louis Browns Complete.mp3
    6. 451005 WS 3 Cubs At Tigers.mp3
    7. 451010 WS 7 Cubs v Tigers.mp3
    8. 480713 Allstar At Sportsmans Park St Louis.mp3
    9. 481006 WS 1 Indians At Braves.mp3
    10. 481007 WS 2 Indians At Braves.mp3
    11. 481008 WS 3 Indians At Braves.mp3

    1. Volume 7 – 8 shows – 641 MB – total playtime 23 hours, 19 minutes
      Instant Download
      Volume 7: $5.00
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    2. 481009 WS 4 Braves At Indians.mp3
    3. 481010 WS 5 Braves At Indians.mp3
    4. 481011 WS 6 Indians At Braves Complete.mp3
    5. 491002 Yankees v Red Sox For Pennant Complete.mp3
    6. 491005 WS 1 Yankees v Dodgers.mp3
    7. 491006 WS 2 Dodgers v Yankees.mp3
    8. 491007 WS 3 Yankees At Dodgers.mp3
    9. 491008 WS 4 Dodgers v Yankees.mp3

    1. Volume 8 – 10 shows – 648 MB – total playtime 23 hours, 36 minutes
      Instant Download
      Volume 8: $5.00
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    2. 491009 WS 5 Dodgers v Yankees.mp3
    3. 500422 Giants At Dodgers.mp3
    4. 500513 Braves At Dodgers Complete.mp3
    5. 500520 Pirates v Dodgers.mp3
    6. 500611 Indians v Athletics CompleteBy Al Helfer Art Gleason.mp3
    7. 501006 WS 3 Phillies At Yankees.mp3
    8. 501007 WS 4 Phillies At Yankees.mp3
    9. 511003 Nl Playoff Dodgers At Giants.mp3
    10. 521007 WS 7 Yankees At Dodgers Complete.mp3
    11. 530701 Stlouisbrownsat White Sox.mp3

    1. Volume 9 – 9 shows – 612 MB – total playtime 22 hours, 16 minutes
      Instant Download
      Volume 9: $5.00
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    2. 531002 WS 3 Dodgers v Yankees.mp3
    3. 531005 WS 6 Partial With Post Yankees v Dodgers.mp3
    4. 540929 WS 1 Cleveland v Giants.mp3
    5. 540930 WS 2 Indians At Giants Complete.mp3
    6. 541001 WS 3 Indians At Giants Complete.mp3
    7. 541002 WS 4 Indians v Giants Complete.mp3
    8. 550412 Cardinals At Chicago Cubs.mp3
    9. 550712 All Star.mp3
    10. 550726 White Sox At Yankees Complete.mp3

    1. Volume 10 – 11 shows – 657 MB – total playtime 23 hours, 54 minutes
      Instant Download
      Volume 10: $5.00
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    2. 550726 White Sox At Yankees.mp3
    3. 550929 WS 2 Dodgers At Yankees.mp3
    4. 550930 World 3 Yankees At Dodgers.mp3
    5. 550930 WS 3 Yankees At Dodgers.mp3
    6. 551002 WS 5 Dodgers v Yankees Complete.mp3
    7. 551004 WS 7 Dodgers v Yankees.mp3
    8. 560506 White Sox At Yankees 1.mp3
    9. 560606 NY v St Louis Excerpts.mp3
    10. 560710 Allstar At Griffith Stadium Washington Dc.mp3
    11. 561003 WS 1 Yankees At Dodgers.mp3
    12. 561006 WS 3 Dodgers At Yankees.mp3

    1. Volume 11 – 10 shows – 628 MB – total playtime 22 hours, 51 minutes
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      Volume 11: $5.00
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    2. 561007 WS 4 Dodgers At Yankees.mp3
    3. 561008 Sports Week Dodgers At Yankees 22min.mp3
    4. 561008 WS 5 Yankees v Dodgers Complete.mp3
    5. 561009 WS 6 Yankees At Dodgers.mp3
    6. 570416 Brooklyn Dodgers v Philadelphia Phillies Complete.mp3
    7. 570421 Pirates v Dodgers Complete.mp3
    8. 570507 Reds At Dodgers.mp3
    9. 570514 Dodgers v Braves Complete.mp3
    10. 570530 Dodgers v Pirates.mp3
    11. 570604 Chicago Cubs At Brooklyn Dodgers Complete.mp3

    1. Volume 12 – 10 shows – 657 MB – total playtime 23 hours, 55 minutes
      Instant Download
      Volume 12: $5.00
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    2. 570613 Yankees At White Sox.mp3
    3. 570616 Dodgers v Cardinals Ebbets Field Missing Last Out.mp3
    4. 570709 All Star Complete.mp3
    5. 570714 Braves At Dodgers.mp3
    6. 570720 Cubs At Dodgers [poor Snd].mp3
    7. 570728 Dodgers At Reds.mp3
    8. 570805 Giants At Dodgers.mp3
    9. 570817 Piratesat Dodgers.mp3
    10. 570831 Giants At Dodgers.mp3
    11. 570908 Dodgers v Giants.mp3

    1. Volume 13 – 9 shows – 608 MB – total playtime 22 hours, 8 minutes
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      Volume 13: $5.00
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    2. 571002 WS 1 Braves At Yankees.mp3
    3. 571003 WS 2 Braves At Yankees.mp3
    4. 571005 WS 3 Yankees At Braves.mp3
    5. 571006 WS 4 Yankees At Braves.mp3
    6. 571007 WS 5 Yankees At Braves.mp3
    7. 571009 WS 6 Braves At Yankees.mp3
    8. 571010 WS 7 Braves v Yankees.mp3
    9. 580511 Senators v Yankees Complete.mp3
    10. 580816 NY Yankees v Boston Red Sox.mp3

    1. Volume 14 – 9 shows – 656 MB – total playtime 23 hours, 53 minutes
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      Volume 14: $5.00
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    2. 580914 Yankees At Athletics 1.mp3
    3. 581001 WS 1 Yankees At Braves.mp3
    4. 581002 WS 2 Yankees At Braves.mp3
    5. 581004 WS 3 Braves At Yankees.mp3
    6. 581005 WS 4 Braves At Yankees.mp3
    7. 581006 WS 5 Braves At Yankees.mp3
    8. 581008 WS 6 Yankees At Braves.mp3
    9. 581009 WS 7 NY Yankees Vmilwaukee Braves.mp3
    10. 590412 Red Sox At Yankees Opening Day.mp3

    1. Volume 15 – 11 shows – 612 MB – total playtime 22 hours, 16 minutes
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      Volume 15: $5.00
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    2. 590419 NY Yankees At Boston Red Sox.mp3
    3. 590628 Yankees At Chicago White Sox.mp3
    4. 590707 Allstar 1 Forbes Field Pittsburgh.mp3
    5. 590709 Yankees At Red Sox Partial.mp3
    6. 590725 Yankees At Tigers.mp3
    7. 590803 Allstar 2 LA.mp3
    8. 590906 Red Sox Atsenatorspartial.mp3
    9. 590913 Cleveland Indians At Yankees 2 Of Dh.mp3
    10. 590920 Red Sox At Yankees.mp3
    11. 590922 White Sox Atindianspartial.mp3
    12. 590928 Dodgers At Bravesnl Playoff 1.mp3

    1. Volume 16 – 9 shows – 668 MB – total playtime 24 hours, 18 minutes
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      Volume 16: $5.00
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    2. 590929 Braves At Dodgersnl Playoff 2.mp3
    3. 591001 WS 1 Dodgers v White Sox.mp3
    4. 591002 WS 2 White Sox v Dodgers.mp3
    5. 591004 White Sox v Dodgersws 3.mp3
    6. 591005 White Sox v Dodgersws 4.mp3
    7. 591006 WS 5 White Sox At Dodgers.mp3
    8. 591008 White Sox v Dodgersws 6.mp3
    9. 600423 Indians v Kansas City Athletics Complete.mp3
    10. 600424 Orioles At Yankees.mp3

    1. Volume 17 – 9 shows – 673 MB – total playtime 24 hours, 29 minutes
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      Volume 17: $5.00
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    2. 600508 Chicago White Sox At Yankees.mp3
    3. 600510 Indians At Yankees.mp3
    4. 600515 Yankees At Senators.mp3
    5. 600520 Yankees At White Sox.mp3
    6. 600529 Senators At Yankees.mp3
    7. 600530 Senators At Yankees.mp3
    8. 600531 Yankees At Orioles.mp3
    9. 600603 NY Yankees v Boston Red Sox Complete.mp3
    10. 600606 White Sox At Yankees.mp3

    1. Volume 18 – 9 shows – 631 MB – total playtime 22 hours, 59 minutes
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      Volume 18: $5.00
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    2. 600610 Indians At Yankees.mp3
    3. 600617 Yankees At White Sox.mp3
    4. 600619 Yankees At White Sox 1.mp3
    5. 600621 Yankees At Tigers.mp3
    6. 600622 Yankees At Tigers.mp3
    7. 600624 Yankees At Indians.mp3
    8. 600628 Athletics At Yankees.mp3
    9. 600705 Yankees v Senators Complete.mp3
    10. 600710 Yankees At Red Sox.mp3

    1. Volume 19 – 8 shows – 616 MB – total playtime 22 hours, 26 minutes
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      Volume 19: $5.00
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    2. 600711 All Star 1 At Municipal Stadium Kansas City.mp3
    3. 600814 Senators At Yankees 2.mp3
    4. 600817 NY Yankees v Boston Red Sox Complete.mp3
    5. 600821 Yankees At Senators.mp3
    6. 600823 White Sox At Yankees.mp3
    7. 600826 Indians At Yankees 2.mp3
    8. 600830 Athletics At Yankees.mp3
    9. 600902 Yankees At Orioles.mp3

    1. Volume 20 – 9 shows – 646 MB – total playtime 23 hours, 30 minutes
      Instant Download
      Volume 20: $5.00
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    2. 600904 Yankees At Orioles.mp3
    3. 600905 Red Sox At Yankees.mp3
    4. 600907 Yankees At White Sox.mp3
    5. 600913 Yankees At Athletics.mp3
    6. 600916 Orioles At Yankees.mp3
    7. 600918 Baltimore Orioles v NY Yankees NY Complete.mp3
    8. 600925 Yankees At Red Sox.mp3
    9. 600927 Yankees v Senators Griffith Park Dc.mp3
    10. 600930 Red Sox At Yankees.mp3

    1. Volume 21 – 9 shows – 673 MB – total playtime 24 hours, 30 minutes
      Instant Download
      Volume 21: $5.00
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    2. 601002 Red Sox At Yankees.mp3
    3. 601005 WS 1 Yankees v Pirates.mp3
    4. 601006 WS 2 Yankees v Pirates.mp3
    5. 601008 WS 3 Yankees v Pirates.mp3
    6. 601009 WS 4 Yankees v Pirates.mp3
    7. 601010 WS 5 Yankees v Pirates.mp3
    8. 601012 WS 6 Yankees v Pirates Full.mp3
    9. 601013 WS 7 Yankees At Pirates.mp3
    10. 610507 Yankees At Angels.mp3

    1. Volume 22 – 8 shows – 600 MB – total playtime 21 hours, 50 minutes
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      Volume 22: $5.00
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    2. 610514 Detroit Tigers v NY Yankees 1 Of Doubleheader.mp3
    3. 610514 Detroit Tigers v NY Yankees 2 Of Doubleheader.mp3
    4. 610521 Yankees v Baltimore Orioles 1 Of Doubleheader.mp3
    5. 610530 NY Yankees v Boston Red Sox Full.mp3
    6. 610604 Yankees At White Sox.mp3
    7. 610611 Angels At Yankees 1.mp3
    8. 610611 Angels At Yankees 2.mp3
    9. 610618 Yankees At Tigers.mp3

    1. Volume 23 – 9 shows – 657 MB – total playtime 23 hours, 55 minutes
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      Volume 23: $5.00
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    2. 610702 Senators At Yankees.mp3
    3. 610715 Yankees At White Sox.mp3
    4. 610723 Yankees At Red Sox.mp3
    5. 610802 Athletics At Yankees 1.mp3
    6. 610812 Yankees At Senators.mp3
    7. 610820 Yankees At Indians.mp3
    8. 610903 Tigers v Yankees Complete.mp3
    9. 610904 Senators At Yankees 1.mp3
    10. 610910 NY Yankees v Indians.mp3

    1. Volume 24 – 14 shows – 666 MB – total playtime 24 hours, 14 minutes
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      Volume 24: $5.00
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    2. 610919 Yankees At Orioles 2.mp3
    3. 610920 Yankees At Orioles.mp3
    4. 611001 Boston Red Sox v NY Yankees Complete.mp3
    5. 611004 WS 1 Reds At Yankees.mp3
    6. 611004 WS 1.mp3
    7. 611004 WS 2.mp3
    8. 611004 WS 3.mp3
    9. 611004 WS 4.mp3
    10. 611005 WS 2 Reds At Yankees.mp3
    11. 611007 WS 1 Game 3.mp3
    12. 611007 WS 2 Game 3.mp3
    13. 611007 WS 3 Reds At Yankees.mp3
    14. 611008 WS 4 Yankees v Reds.mp3
    15. 611009 WS 5 Yankees v Reds.mp3

    1. Volume 25 – 9 shows – 621 MB – total playtime 22 hours, 35 minutes
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      Volume 25: $5.00
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    2. 620411 Mets v Cardinals First NY Mets.mp3
    3. 620414 Mets v Pirates Complete.mp3
    4. 620417 Yankees v Orioles.mp3
    5. 620504 Mets At Phillies Mets Complete.mp3
    6. 620506 Senators v Yankees.mp3
    7. 620513 Yankees At Indians 1.mp3
    8. 620513 Yankees At Indians 2.mp3
    9. 620521 Mets At Colts Upgrade Complete.mp3
    10. 620527 Tigers At Yankees 1.mp3

    1. Volume 26 – 9 shows – 648 MB – total playtime 23 hours, 34 minutes
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      Volume 26: $5.00
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    2. 620527 Tigers At Yankees 2.mp3
    3. 620530 NY Mets v Dodgers 2 Of Double Header.mp3
    4. 620601 Giants v Mets.mp3
    5. 620608 Giants v Cardinals.mp3
    6. 620611 NYM v Hou.mp3
    7. 620630 Allstar 1 Wrigley Field.mp3
    8. 620701 Angels v Yankees.mp3
    9. 620715 SF v NY.mp3
    10. 620923 NY Mets v Chicago Cubs Polo Grounds Complete.mp3

    1. Volume 27 – 9 shows – 613 MB – total playtime 22 hours, 20 minutes
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      Volume 27: $5.00
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    2. 620930 Mets v Cubs.mp3
    3. 621003 Nl Playoff Dodgers v Giants Complete.mp3
    4. 621005 WS 2 Yankees At Giants.mp3
    5. 621007 WS 3 Giants At Yankees.mp3
    6. 621008 WS 4 Giants At Yankees.mp3
    7. 621010 WS 5 Giants At Yankees.mp3
    8. 621015 WS 6 Yankees At Giants.mp3
    9. 621016 WS 7 Yankees At Giants Complete.mp3
    10. 630517 Mets At Giants Candlestick Park 11 Innings Complete.mp3

    1. Volume 28 – 8 shows – 611 MB – total playtime 22 hours, 13 minutes
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      Volume 28: $5.00
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    2. 630519 NY Mets v Dodgers Complete.mp3
    3. 630530 Mets v Chicago Cubs Complete.mp3
    4. 630605 NY Mets v Braves Mets.mp3
    5. 630609 NY Mets v Cardinals Complete.mp3
    6. 630706 Mets v Pirates Complete.mp3
    7. 630709 Allstar At Municipal Stadium Cleveland.mp3
    8. 631002 WS 1 Dodgers At Yankees.mp3
    9. 631003 WS 2 Yankees v Dodgers.mp3

    1. Volume 29 – 9 shows – 634 MB – total playtime 23 hours, 5 minutes
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      Volume 29: $5.00
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    2. 631005 WS 3 Yankees v Dodgers.mp3
    3. 631006 WS 4 Yankees v Dodgers.mp3
    4. 640405 Colt 45 Sat Yankees.mp3
    5. 640415 Mets v Phillies Complete.mp3
    6. 640416 Red Sox At Yankees Opening Day.mp3
    7. 640418 Yankees At Orioles.mp3
    8. 640531 Yankees At Athletics.mp3
    9. 640621 NY Mets v Phillies Bunning Perfect.mp3
    10. 640707 Allstar NY NY.mp3

    1. Volume 30 – 9 shows – 606 MB – total playtime 22 hours, 2 minutes
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      Volume 30: $5.00
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    2. 640830 Red Sox At Yankees.mp3
    3. 640927 Yankees At Senators.mp3
    4. 641004 Indians v Yankees.mp3
    5. 641004 Mets v Cardinals Complete.mp3
    6. 641007 WS 1 St Louis Cardinals v Yankees.mp3
    7. 641008 WS 2 Yankees v Cardinals Complete.mp3
    8. 641010 WS 3 Yankees And Cardinals Complete.mp3
    9. 641011 WS 4 Yankees v Cardinals Complete.mp3
    10. 641012 WS 5 Cardinals v Yankees.mp3

    1. Volume 31 – 10 shows – 629 MB – total playtime 22 hours, 54 minutes
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      Volume 31: $5.00
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    2. 641014 WS 6Cardinals v Yankees.mp3
    3. 641015 WS 7 Cardinals v Yankees.mp3
    4. 650000 Koufaxperfectgame 9 Thinning.mp3
    5. 650409 Yankees At Astros Exhibition First At Astrodome.mp3
    6. 650412 Boston Red Sox v Washington Senators Complete.mp3
    7. 650422 Mets At Dodgers Complete.mp3
    8. 650425 Angels At Yankees 1.mp3
    9. 650425 NY Mets At Giants Complete.mp3
    10. 650427 NY Mets v Houston Astros.mp3
    11. 650502 Orioles At Yankees 1.mp3

    1. Volume 32 – 9 shows – 622 MB – total playtime 22 hours, 39 minutes
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      Volume 32: $5.00
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    2. 650509 Senators v Yankees NY Full.mp3
    3. 650511 Mets v St Louis Cardinals Complete.mp3
    4. 650516 Yankees At Orioles.mp3
    5. 650614 Metsat Reds Jimmaloney.mp3
    6. 650704 Yankees At Red Sox.mp3
    7. 650705 Mets v Chicago Cubs Shea Stadium.mp3
    8. 650711 NY Yankees v Twins Complete.mp3
    9. 650725 Tigers v Chicago White Sox.mp3
    10. 651003 Reds v Giants Final.mp3

    1. Volume 33 – 9 shows – 649 MB – total playtime 23 hours, 38 minutes
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      Volume 33: $5.00
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    2. 651006 WS 2 Dodgers v Twins.mp3
    3. 651014 WS 7 Dodgers v Twins Sound Poor.mp3
    4. 660518 Mets v Reds Mets.mp3
    5. 660521 NY Mets at SF Giants Complete.mp3
    6. 660712 Allstar At Busch Stadium St Louis.mp3
    7. 660731 Cubs At Mets.mp3
    8. 660904 Phillies At Mets.mp3
    9. 660911 Mets v Braves.mp3
    10. 660917 NY Mets v SF Giants.mp3

    1. Volume 34 – 9 shows – 659 MB – total playtime 23 hours, 59 minutes
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      Volume 34: $5.00
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    2. 660924 Mets At Reds.mp3
    3. 661009 WS 4 Orioles v Dodgers.mp3
    4. 670520 Mets v Cardinals Full.mp3
    5. 670611 Cardinals v Dodgers 1 Of Doubleheader Complete.mp3
    6. 670709 Mets v Braves.mp3
    7. 670902 White Sox v Red Sox.mp3
    8. 671004 WS 1 Cardinals v Red Sox.mp3
    9. 671005 WS 2 Cardinals v Red Sox.mp3
    10. 671007 WS 3 Red Sox v Cards.mp3

    1. Volume 35 – 9 shows – 626 MB – total playtime 22 hours, 48 minutes
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      Volume 35: $5.00
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    2. 671008 WS 4 Red Sox v Cards.mp3
    3. 671009 WS 5 Red Sox v Cards.mp3
    4. 671011 WS 6 Cards v Red Sox.mp3
    5. 671012 WS 7 Cardinals v Red Sox.mp3
    6. 680428 Detroit Tigers At NY Yankees.mp3
    7. 680509 Boston Red Sox v Washington Senators.mp3
    8. 680825 Yankees At Detroit Tigers Complete.mp3
    9. 680915 Yankees v Senators Missing Ninth Inning.mp3
    10. 680927 Yankees v Red Sox Mantles.mp3

    1. Volume 36 – 10 shows – 661 MB – total playtime 24 hours, 4 minutes
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      Volume 36: $5.00
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    2. 680928 Yankees v Red Sox.mp3
    3. 681002 WS 1 Tigers v Cardinals.mp3
    4. 681003 WS 2 Tigers v Cardinals.mp3
    5. 681005 WS 3 Cardinals v Tigers Complete.mp3
    6. 681006 WS 4 Cardinals v Tigers.mp3
    7. 681007 WS 5 Cards v Tigers.mp3
    8. 681009 WS 6 Tigers v Cardinals.mp3
    9. 681010 WS 7 Tigers v Cardinals.mp3
    10. 690407 Yankees v Washington Senators.mp3
    11. 690408 Seattle Pilots v Angels Complete.mp3

    1. Volume 37 – 9 shows – 617 MB – total playtime 22 hours, 28 minutes
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      Volume 37: $5.00
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    2. 690430 NY Mets v Montreal Expos Complete.mp3
    3. 690513 Yankees At Seattle Pilots Complete.mp3
    4. 690517 SF Giants At Phillies Giants.mp3
    5. 690709 Mets v Cubs Seavers.mp3
    6. 690713 NY Yankees v Washington Senators Restored.mp3
    7. 690717 Piratesatexposdavevanhorne.mp3
    8. 690726 Yankees At Angels Frank Messer Jerry Coleman.mp3
    9. 690729 Brooklyn Dodgers v Chicago Cubs Complete.mp3
    10. 690908 NY Mets v Chicago Cubs Complete.mp3

    1. Volume 38 – 9 shows – 640 MB – total playtime 23 hours, 18 minutes
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      Volume 38: $5.00
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    2. 690911 Astros v Dodgers Partial.mp3
    3. 690923 NY Mets v Cardinals Mets Pull Into First Place Tie.mp3
    4. 690924 NY Mets v Cardinals Mets Clinch Complete.mp3
    5. 690924 SF Giants v Padres Complete.mp3
    6. 690930 Dodgers v Astros Complete.mp3
    7. 691005 NY Mets v Atlanta Braves 2.mp3
    8. 691006 Nlcs 3 NY Mets v Atlanta Braves.mp3
    9. 691011 WS 1 NY Mets v Orioles.mp3
    10. 691012 WS 2 NY Mets v Orioles.mp3

    1. Volume 39 – 9 shows – 656 MB – total playtime 23 hours, 52 minutes
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      Volume 39: $5.00
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    2. 691014 WS 3 NY Mets v Baltimore Orioles.mp3
    3. 691015 WS 4 NY Mets v Baltimore Orioles.mp3
    4. 691016 WS 5 NY Mets v Baltimore Orioles.mp3
    5. 700407 NY Mets v Pittsburgh Pirates Opening Day.mp3
    6. 700418 Mets v Phillies Nolan Ryan 15 Strikeouts.mp3
    7. 700422 Padres v NY Mets Seaver 19 Ks Complete.mp3
    8. 700628 Pittsburgh Pirates v Chicago Cubs Complete.mp3
    9. 700705 Washington Senators v NY Yankees NY Complete.mp3
    10. 700714 All Star Riverfront Stadium Complete.mp3

    1. Volume 40 – 10 shows – 630 MB – total playtime 22 hours, 56 minutes
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      Volume 40: $5.00
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    2. 701010 WS 1 Orioles v Reds.mp3
    3. 701011 WS 2 Orioles v Reds.mp3
    4. 701013 WS 3 Reds v Orioles.mp3
    5. 701014 WS 4 Reds v Orioles.mp3
    6. 701015 WS 5 Orioles v Reds.mp3
    7. 710506 Angels v Baltimore Orioles Baltimore.mp3
    8. 710812 Sandiegopadres v NY Mets.mp3
    9. 710930 San Francisco Giants v Padres Giants.mp3
    10. 710930 Senators Final Washington v Yankees Forfeit.mp3
    11. 711009 WS 1 Pirates v Orioles.mp3

    1. Volume 41 – 10 shows – 658 MB – total playtime 23 hours, 57 minutes
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      Volume 41: $5.00
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    2. 711011 WS 2 Pirates v Orioles.mp3
    3. 711012 WS 3 Orioles v Pirates.mp3
    4. 711013 WS 4 Orioles v Pirates.mp3
    5. 711014 WS 5 Orioles v Pirates.mp3
    6. 711016 WS 6 Pirates v Orioles.mp3
    7. 711017 WS 7 Pirates v Orioles.mp3
    8. 720415 Reds v Dodgers Reds Home Opener Complete.mp3
    9. 720514 Mets v Giants Mays Returns To NY Complete.mp3
    10. 720617 Texas Rangers v Yankees.mp3
    11. 720704 Mets v Padres 1 Of Dh Seaver 1 Hitter Complete.mp3

    1. Volume 42 – 10 shows – 665 MB – total playtime 24 hours, 12 minutes
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      Volume 42: $5.00
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    2. 720704 Mets v Padres 2 Of Dh Complete.mp3
    3. 720821 NY Mets v Houston Astros.mp3
    4. 721011 Nlcs 5 Pirates v Reds.mp3
    5. 721012 Alcs 5 Oakland v Detroit Full.mp3
    6. 730703 Montreal Expos v NY Mets.mp3
    7. 730920 Mets v Pirates 13 Innings Complete.mp3
    8. 730923 Mets v Cardinals Pennant Chase Continues Complete.mp3
    9. 730927 Twins v Angels.mp3
    10. 731001 Mets v Cubs Mets Clinch Ya Gotta Believe Complete.mp3
    11. 731006 NY Mets v Reds Nlcs 1 Complete.mp3

    1. Volume 43 – 9 shows – 664 MB – total playtime 24 hours, 10 minutes
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      Volume 43: $5.00
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    2. 731007 NY Mets v Reds Nlcs 2.mp3
    3. 731008 Mets v Reds 3.mp3
    4. 731009 NY Mets v Reds 4.mp3
    5. 731010 NY Mets v Reds 5 Ya Gotta Believe.mp3
    6. 731013 WS 1 NY Mets v Oakland Athletics.mp3
    7. 731014 WS 2 Oakland Athletics v Mets 12 Innings.mp3
    8. 731016 WS 3 Oakland Athletics v Mets 11 Innings.mp3
    9. 731017 WS 4 Oakland Athletics v Mets.mp3
    10. 731018 WS 5 NY Mets v Oakland Athletics.mp3

    1. Volume 44 – 2 shows – 126 MB – total playtime 4 hours, 35 minutes
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      Volume 44: $5.00
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    2. 731020 WS 6 Oakland Athletics v Mets.mp3
    3. 731021 WS 7 Oakland Athletics v Mets.mp3
  • Standard Audio CDs are delivered by mail on archival quality media with up to 60 minutes on each CD and play in all CD players

    412 recordings on 12 Audio CDs. Total playtime 9 hours, 56 min
    412 recordings on 12 Audio CDs
    total playtime 9 hours, 56 min

    Baseball and World Series Broadcasts Disc A001

    1. 390315 Yankees At Reds Exhibition Partial
    2. 390316 Reds At Yankees Exhib Rec Innings 24

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Baseball and World Series Broadcasts Disc A002

    1. 390921 Cleveland v Washington Part 1

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Baseball and World Series Broadcasts Disc A003

    1. 390921 Cleveland v Washington Part 2

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Baseball and World Series Broadcasts Disc A004

    1. 420930 WS 1 Inc Yankees v Cardinals

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Baseball and World Series Broadcasts Disc A005

    1. 531005 WS 6 Partial With Post Yankees v Dodgers

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Baseball and World Series Broadcasts Disc A006

    1. 550930 World 3 Yankees At Dodgers

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Baseball and World Series Broadcasts Disc A007

    1. 560606 NY v St Louis Excerpts

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Baseball and World Series Broadcasts Disc A008

    1. 561008 Sports Week Dodgers At Yankees 22min
    2. 590709 Yankees At Red Sox Partial
    3. 590906 Red Sox Atsenatorspartial
    4. 590922 White Sox Atindianspartial

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Baseball and World Series Broadcasts Disc A009

    1. 611004 WS 1

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Baseball and World Series Broadcasts Disc A010

    1. 611004 WS 2

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    Baseball and World Series Broadcasts Disc A011

    1. 611004 WS 3

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Baseball and World Series Broadcasts Disc A012

    1. 611004 WS 4
    2. 650000 Koufaxperfectgame 9 Thinning

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00


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