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Story Lady

Story Lady

187 old time radio show recordings
(total playtime 3 hours, 3007 min)
available in the following formats:

1 MP3 CD
4 Audio CDs

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Comedy satire short

old time radio pictureThe Story Lady is another of the very funny short radio syndicated packages. In this case, a "kiddy-style" story telling lady (.."today, boys and girls, we're going to hear the story of…") actually telling a short, bogus fairy tale. These are goofy, twisted fairy tales. Of course, satire or lampoon has been popular through the ages, but early radio networks as run by gentlemen in decidedly did not enjoy self ridicule, or off-center comedy. When Mae West played Eve (mistake #1) in a comedy satire aired on the Edgar Bergen and Charlie McCarthy program, the network quietly blackballed her for decades.

Of course, by the 1960's, network radio as a force was in decline, and freedom was in the air. On The Fairy Lady, the idea of what constituted a fairy tale was stretched, too, since the list of tales included the Brothers Karamasov, Mary Poppins, Pancho Villa and even "Of Human Bondage."

The Story Lady was Joan Gerber, an LA radio comedienne that worked with a group that included Laugh-In favorites Artie Johnson and Gary Owens. Byron Kane is The Story Lady's announcer. He plays it wonderfully mild-mannered, and always has the last word (and laugh) with his final teaser about what story is coming up next time.

The theme music will be obvious to any opera or Mozart lover…it's the Papageno aria from "The Magic Flute."

For more satire, please see Bob and Ray. Comedy lovers should also see the many comedy/variety shows, including Red Skelton, Fred Allen, Burns and Allen, Jack Benny and a host of radio situation comedies.

(Please note some of these Story Lady recordings have unfortunate digital 'glitches' or 'hiccups' in the recordings)

Text on OTRCAT.com ©2001-2024 OTRCAT INC All Rights Reserved. Reproduction is prohibited.

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  • MP3 CDs are delivered by mail. These archival quality MP3 CDs are playable in your computer and many MP3 player devices.

    187 recordings on 1 MP3 CD for just $5.00. Total playtime 3 hours, 3007 min
    187 recordings on 1 MP3 CD for just $5.00
    total playtime 3 hours, 3007 min
    Add MP3 CD Collection to Cart

    1. 187 shows – total playtime 3 hours, 50 minutes
    2. Achilles Heel.mp3
    3. Acrobat And The Princess.mp3
    4. Adventures Of Tom Thumb.mp3
    5. Alice In Wonderland.mp3
    6. Ambitious Pussycat.mp3
    7. Androcles And The Lion.mp3
    8. Avaricious King.mp3
    9. Beauty And The Beast.mp3
    10. Betty And Wet Dog.mp3
    11. Billy The Kid.mp3
    12. Blackbird Pie.mp3
    13. Bonnie And Clyde.mp3
    14. Bottle Story.mp3
    15. Boy And Strange Bottle.mp3
    16. Boy Who Cried Wolf.mp3
    17. Boy Who Stuck His Finger in a Dyke.mp3
    18. Brave Little Tailor.mp3
    19. Brave Polish Soldier.mp3
    20. Brothers Karamasov.mp3
    21. Cadmus And The Dragon.mp3
    22. Calamity Jane.mp3
    23. Casey At The Bat.mp3
    24. Centipedes Secret.mp3
    25. Cinderella.mp3
    26. Count And The Gypsy.mp3
    27. Count Of Monte Cristo.mp3
    28. Crooked Man.mp3
    29. Crow And The Pitcher.mp3
    30. Curse Of The Gorgan.mp3
    31. Curse Of The Pentagram.mp3
    32. Curse Of The Voodoo.mp3
    33. Davy Crockett.mp3
    34. Diogenes And His Lamp.mp3
    35. Don Quixote.mp3
    36. Dr Doolittle.mp3
    37. Dumbo The Flying Elephant.mp3
    38. Elephant Boy.mp3
    39. Elephants Graveyard.mp3
    40. Emperors New Clothes.mp3
    41. Enchanted Canary.mp3
    42. Enchanted Door.mp3
    43. Enchanted Pond.mp3
    44. Enchanted Stone.mp3
    45. Enchanted Tree.mp3
    46. Fairys Gift.mp3
    47. Fisherman And His Wife.mp3
    48. Flea And The Elephant.mp3
    49. Florence Nightengale.mp3
    50. Flunking Scholar.mp3
    51. Forest Ranger and the Grizzly Bear.mp3
    52. Format Change.mp3
    53. Fountain Of Youth.mp3
    54. Fox And The Dog.mp3
    55. Fox And The Grapes.mp3
    56. Frog And The Elf.mp3
    57. Frog and the Grilled Cheese Sandwich.mp3
    58. Frog Prince.mp3
    59. Genie And The Wine.mp3
    60. Giant And The Tadpole.mp3
    61. Girl Who Cried Wolf.mp3
    62. Glass Mountain.mp3
    63. Gold Bug.mp3
    64. Golden Braids.mp3
    65. Golden Plate.mp3
    66. Goldilocks And The Three Bears.mp3
    67. Gone With The Wind.mp3
    68. Greatest Genie.mp3
    69. Grune Hilda And The Traveling Prince.mp3
    70. Gulliver.mp3
    71. Handsome Moose.mp3
    72. Handsome Prince.mp3
    73. Hans The Candy Maker.mp3
    74. Hansel And Gretel.mp3
    75. Harold and the Magic Chicken Salad.mp3
    76. Headless Horseman.mp3
    77. Herbie Franklin The Rat.mp3
    78. Herbie The Whale.mp3
    79. Hobgoblin and the Beautiful Lady.mp3
    80. Horatio Alger.mp3
    81. How Story Lady Began.mp3
    82. How Zebra Got Stripes.mp3
    83. Hunchback Of Notre.mp3
    84. I ve Forgotten The Name.mp3
    85. Indian Chief and the Scout.mp3
    86. Inside A Pumpkin.mp3
    87. Island Of The Giants.mp3
    88. Jack And The Beanstalk.mp3
    89. Jane Erye.mp3
    90. Joan Of Arc.mp3
    91. Johnny Appleseed.mp3
    92. Jumping Frog Contest.mp3
    93. King And The Pauper.mp3
    94. King Arthur.mp3
    95. King Midas And The Gold.mp3
    96. King Of The Insects.mp3
    97. King Of The Jungle.mp3
    98. Kings Bunnions.mp3
    99. Kings Dilemma.mp3
    100. Kings Ransom.mp3
    101. Kissinger The Great.mp3
    102. Knight And The Glass Mountain.mp3
    103. Lady Your Sign Fell Do.mp3
    104. Laughing King.mp3
    105. Legend Of Paul Bunion.mp3
    106. Less Miserable.mp3
    107. Little Dragon Slayer.mp3
    108. Little Girl And The Necklace.mp3
    109. Little Jack Horner.mp3
    110. Little Pig Wants To Fly.mp3
    111. Little Red Riding Hood.mp3
    112. Little Steam Engine.mp3
    113. Little Tailor.mp3
    114. Little Thief.mp3
    115. Little Toy Soldier.mp3
    116. Live Audience.mp3
    117. Lolita.mp3
    118. Lonely Elf.mp3
    119. Lonely Musician.mp3
    120. Lost Continent Of Atlantis.mp3
    121. Magic Chicken.mp3
    122. Magic Cloak.mp3
    123. Magic Needle.mp3
    124. Magic Painting.mp3
    125. Magic Potion.mp3
    126. Magic Suitcase.mp3
    127. Man Who Knew Everything.mp3
    128. Mary Poppins.mp3
    129. Moby Dick.mp3
    130. Musician And The Frog.mp3
    131. Nectar Of Wisdom.mp3
    132. Oediipus and the Creamed Spinach.mp3
    133. Of Human Bondage.mp3
    134. Old Lady Who Lived in a Shoe.mp3
    135. Old Lady.mp3
    136. Old Witch And Magic Mirror.mp3
    137. Old Witch And The Dragon.mp3
    138. Owl Who Was Not Wise.mp3
    139. Pancho Villa.mp3
    140. Pandoras Box.mp3
    141. Paul Bunyon Gets The Ax.mp3
    142. Pegasus The Winged Horse.mp3
    143. Perfect Pony.mp3
    144. Picture Of Dorian Grey.mp3
    145. Pied Piper Of Hamlin.mp3
    146. Pinkus Sisters.mp3
    147. Pinocchio.mp3
    148. Pony Express.mp3
    149. Poor Shoemaker.mp3
    150. Prince And The Dragon.mp3
    151. Prince And The Enchanted Snail.mp3
    152. Princess and the Pea.mp3
    153. Princess And The Pig.mp3
    154. Princess Edna And The Knight.mp3
    155. Princess The Clown.mp3
    156. Putting the Bell on the Cat.mp3
    157. Real King.mp3
    158. Repunsel.mp3
    159. Rip Van Winkle.mp3
    160. Robin Hood.mp3
    161. Robinson Cruso.mp3
    162. Romeo And Juliet.mp3
    163. Royal Wedding Bells.mp3
    164. Rumplestilskin.mp3
    165. Sea Wolf.mp3
    166. Secret Rhinoceros.mp3
    167. Shaggiest Dog In World.mp3
    168. Shaharra Zodd.mp3
    169. Shoemaker And The Elves.mp3
    170. Siren Song.mp3
    171. Sleeping Beauty.mp3
    172. Snail And The Sea Serpent.mp3
    173. Story Lady Breaks Up.mp3
    174. Story Lady Late.mp3
    175. Stupid Prince.mp3
    176. Swiss Family Robinson.mp3
    177. Tap Dancing Fool.mp3
    178. Teeny Tiny.mp3
    179. Toad King.mp3
    180. Tom Thumb.mp3
    181. Tortoise And The Hare.mp3
    182. Two Sisters.mp3
    183. Ugly Caterpillar.mp3
    184. Unhappy Baboon.mp3
    185. Violin And The Princess.mp3
    186. Witchs Fudge.mp3
    187. Wizard Of Oz.mp3
    188. Woodmans Sacrifice.mp3
  • MP3 downloads are available instantly after purchase!

    187 recordings on 1 MP3 Collection Download for just $5.00. Total playtime 3 hours, 3007 min
    187 recordings on 1 MP3 Collection Download for just $5.00
    53 MB – total playtime 3 hours, 50 min
    Add Instant Download Collection to Cart

    1. 187 shows – 53 MB – total playtime 3 hours, 50 minutes
    2. Achilles Heel.mp3
    3. Acrobat And The Princess.mp3
    4. Adventures Of Tom Thumb.mp3
    5. Alice In Wonderland.mp3
    6. Ambitious Pussycat.mp3
    7. Androcles And The Lion.mp3
    8. Avaricious King.mp3
    9. Beauty And The Beast.mp3
    10. Betty And Wet Dog.mp3
    11. Billy The Kid.mp3
    12. Blackbird Pie.mp3
    13. Bonnie And Clyde.mp3
    14. Bottle Story.mp3
    15. Boy And Strange Bottle.mp3
    16. Boy Who Cried Wolf.mp3
    17. Boy Who Stuck His Finger in a Dyke.mp3
    18. Brave Little Tailor.mp3
    19. Brave Polish Soldier.mp3
    20. Brothers Karamasov.mp3
    21. Cadmus And The Dragon.mp3
    22. Calamity Jane.mp3
    23. Casey At The Bat.mp3
    24. Centipedes Secret.mp3
    25. Cinderella.mp3
    26. Count And The Gypsy.mp3
    27. Count Of Monte Cristo.mp3
    28. Crooked Man.mp3
    29. Crow And The Pitcher.mp3
    30. Curse Of The Gorgan.mp3
    31. Curse Of The Pentagram.mp3
    32. Curse Of The Voodoo.mp3
    33. Davy Crockett.mp3
    34. Diogenes And His Lamp.mp3
    35. Don Quixote.mp3
    36. Dr Doolittle.mp3
    37. Dumbo The Flying Elephant.mp3
    38. Elephant Boy.mp3
    39. Elephants Graveyard.mp3
    40. Emperors New Clothes.mp3
    41. Enchanted Canary.mp3
    42. Enchanted Door.mp3
    43. Enchanted Pond.mp3
    44. Enchanted Stone.mp3
    45. Enchanted Tree.mp3
    46. Fairys Gift.mp3
    47. Fisherman And His Wife.mp3
    48. Flea And The Elephant.mp3
    49. Florence Nightengale.mp3
    50. Flunking Scholar.mp3
    51. Forest Ranger and the Grizzly Bear.mp3
    52. Format Change.mp3
    53. Fountain Of Youth.mp3
    54. Fox And The Dog.mp3
    55. Fox And The Grapes.mp3
    56. Frog And The Elf.mp3
    57. Frog and the Grilled Cheese Sandwich.mp3
    58. Frog Prince.mp3
    59. Genie And The Wine.mp3
    60. Giant And The Tadpole.mp3
    61. Girl Who Cried Wolf.mp3
    62. Glass Mountain.mp3
    63. Gold Bug.mp3
    64. Golden Braids.mp3
    65. Golden Plate.mp3
    66. Goldilocks And The Three Bears.mp3
    67. Gone With The Wind.mp3
    68. Greatest Genie.mp3
    69. Grune Hilda And The Traveling Prince.mp3
    70. Gulliver.mp3
    71. Handsome Moose.mp3
    72. Handsome Prince.mp3
    73. Hans The Candy Maker.mp3
    74. Hansel And Gretel.mp3
    75. Harold and the Magic Chicken Salad.mp3
    76. Headless Horseman.mp3
    77. Herbie Franklin The Rat.mp3
    78. Herbie The Whale.mp3
    79. Hobgoblin and the Beautiful Lady.mp3
    80. Horatio Alger.mp3
    81. How Story Lady Began.mp3
    82. How Zebra Got Stripes.mp3
    83. Hunchback Of Notre.mp3
    84. I ve Forgotten The Name.mp3
    85. Indian Chief and the Scout.mp3
    86. Inside A Pumpkin.mp3
    87. Island Of The Giants.mp3
    88. Jack And The Beanstalk.mp3
    89. Jane Erye.mp3
    90. Joan Of Arc.mp3
    91. Johnny Appleseed.mp3
    92. Jumping Frog Contest.mp3
    93. King And The Pauper.mp3
    94. King Arthur.mp3
    95. King Midas And The Gold.mp3
    96. King Of The Insects.mp3
    97. King Of The Jungle.mp3
    98. Kings Bunnions.mp3
    99. Kings Dilemma.mp3
    100. Kings Ransom.mp3
    101. Kissinger The Great.mp3
    102. Knight And The Glass Mountain.mp3
    103. Lady Your Sign Fell Do.mp3
    104. Laughing King.mp3
    105. Legend Of Paul Bunion.mp3
    106. Less Miserable.mp3
    107. Little Dragon Slayer.mp3
    108. Little Girl And The Necklace.mp3
    109. Little Jack Horner.mp3
    110. Little Pig Wants To Fly.mp3
    111. Little Red Riding Hood.mp3
    112. Little Steam Engine.mp3
    113. Little Tailor.mp3
    114. Little Thief.mp3
    115. Little Toy Soldier.mp3
    116. Live Audience.mp3
    117. Lolita.mp3
    118. Lonely Elf.mp3
    119. Lonely Musician.mp3
    120. Lost Continent Of Atlantis.mp3
    121. Magic Chicken.mp3
    122. Magic Cloak.mp3
    123. Magic Needle.mp3
    124. Magic Painting.mp3
    125. Magic Potion.mp3
    126. Magic Suitcase.mp3
    127. Man Who Knew Everything.mp3
    128. Mary Poppins.mp3
    129. Moby Dick.mp3
    130. Musician And The Frog.mp3
    131. Nectar Of Wisdom.mp3
    132. Oediipus and the Creamed Spinach.mp3
    133. Of Human Bondage.mp3
    134. Old Lady Who Lived in a Shoe.mp3
    135. Old Lady.mp3
    136. Old Witch And Magic Mirror.mp3
    137. Old Witch And The Dragon.mp3
    138. Owl Who Was Not Wise.mp3
    139. Pancho Villa.mp3
    140. Pandoras Box.mp3
    141. Paul Bunyon Gets The Ax.mp3
    142. Pegasus The Winged Horse.mp3
    143. Perfect Pony.mp3
    144. Picture Of Dorian Grey.mp3
    145. Pied Piper Of Hamlin.mp3
    146. Pinkus Sisters.mp3
    147. Pinocchio.mp3
    148. Pony Express.mp3
    149. Poor Shoemaker.mp3
    150. Prince And The Dragon.mp3
    151. Prince And The Enchanted Snail.mp3
    152. Princess and the Pea.mp3
    153. Princess And The Pig.mp3
    154. Princess Edna And The Knight.mp3
    155. Princess The Clown.mp3
    156. Putting the Bell on the Cat.mp3
    157. Real King.mp3
    158. Repunsel.mp3
    159. Rip Van Winkle.mp3
    160. Robin Hood.mp3
    161. Robinson Cruso.mp3
    162. Romeo And Juliet.mp3
    163. Royal Wedding Bells.mp3
    164. Rumplestilskin.mp3
    165. Sea Wolf.mp3
    166. Secret Rhinoceros.mp3
    167. Shaggiest Dog In World.mp3
    168. Shaharra Zodd.mp3
    169. Shoemaker And The Elves.mp3
    170. Siren Song.mp3
    171. Sleeping Beauty.mp3
    172. Snail And The Sea Serpent.mp3
    173. Story Lady Breaks Up.mp3
    174. Story Lady Late.mp3
    175. Stupid Prince.mp3
    176. Swiss Family Robinson.mp3
    177. Tap Dancing Fool.mp3
    178. Teeny Tiny.mp3
    179. Toad King.mp3
    180. Tom Thumb.mp3
    181. Tortoise And The Hare.mp3
    182. Two Sisters.mp3
    183. Ugly Caterpillar.mp3
    184. Unhappy Baboon.mp3
    185. Violin And The Princess.mp3
    186. Witchs Fudge.mp3
    187. Wizard Of Oz.mp3
    188. Woodmans Sacrifice.mp3
  • Standard Audio CDs are delivered by mail on archival quality media with up to 60 minutes on each CD and play in all CD players

    187 recordings on 4 Audio CDs. Total playtime 3 hours, 50 min
    187 recordings on 4 Audio CDs
    total playtime 3 hours, 50 min

    Story Lady Disc A001

    1. Achilles Heel
    2. Acrobat And The Princess
    3. Adventures Of Tom Thumb
    4. Alice In Wonderland
    5. Ambitious Pussycat
    6. Androcles And The Lion
    7. Avaricious King
    8. Beauty And The Beast
    9. Betty And Wet Dog
    10. Billy The Kid
    11. Blackbird Pie
    12. Bonnie And Clyde
    13. Bottle Story
    14. Boy And Strange Bottle
    15. Boy Who Cried Wolf
    16. Boy Who Stuck His Finger in a Dyke
    17. Brave Little Tailor
    18. Brave Polish Soldier
    19. Brothers Karamasov
    20. Cadmus And The Dragon
    21. Calamity Jane
    22. Casey At The Bat
    23. Centipedes Secret
    24. Cinderella
    25. Count And The Gypsy
    26. Count Of Monte Cristo
    27. Crooked Man
    28. Crow And The Pitcher
    29. Curse Of The Gorgan
    30. Curse Of The Pentagram
    31. Curse Of The Voodoo
    32. Davy Crockett
    33. Diogenes And His Lamp
    34. Don Quixote
    35. Dr Doolittle
    36. Dumbo The Flying Elephant
    37. Elephant Boy
    38. Elephants Graveyard
    39. Emperors New Clothes
    40. Enchanted Canary
    41. Enchanted Door
    42. Enchanted Pond
    43. Enchanted Stone
    44. Enchanted Tree
    45. Fairys Gift
    46. Fisherman And His Wife
    47. Flea And The Elephant
    48. Florence Nightengale
    49. Flunking Scholar
    50. Forest Ranger and the Grizzly Bear
    51. Format Change
    52. Fountain Of Youth
    53. Fox And The Dog
    54. Fox And The Grapes
    55. Frog And The Elf
    56. Frog and the Grilled Cheese Sandwich
    57. Frog Prince

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Story Lady Disc A002

    1. Genie And The Wine
    2. Giant And The Tadpole
    3. Girl Who Cried Wolf
    4. Glass Mountain
    5. Gold Bug
    6. Golden Braids
    7. Golden Plate
    8. Goldilocks And The Three Bears
    9. Gone With The Wind
    10. Greatest Genie
    11. Grune Hilda And The Traveling Prince
    12. Gulliver
    13. Handsome Moose
    14. Handsome Prince
    15. Hans The Candy Maker
    16. Hansel And Gretel
    17. Harold and the Magic Chicken Salad
    18. Headless Horseman
    19. Herbie Franklin The Rat
    20. Herbie The Whale
    21. Hobgoblin and the Beautiful Lady
    22. Horatio Alger
    23. How Story Lady Began
    24. How Zebra Got Stripes
    25. Hunchback Of Notre
    26. I ve Forgotten The Name
    27. Indian Chief and the Scout
    28. Inside A Pumpkin
    29. Island Of The Giants
    30. Jack And The Beanstalk
    31. Jane Erye
    32. Joan Of Arc
    33. Johnny Appleseed
    34. Jumping Frog Contest
    35. King And The Pauper
    36. King Arthur
    37. King Midas And The Gold
    38. King Of The Insects
    39. King Of The Jungle
    40. Kings Bunnions
    41. Kings Dilemma
    42. Kings Ransom
    43. Kissinger The Great
    44. Knight And The Glass Mountain
    45. Lady Your Sign Fell Do
    46. Laughing King
    47. Legend Of Paul Bunion
    48. Less Miserable
    49. Little Dragon Slayer
    50. Little Girl And The Necklace
    51. Little Jack Horner
    52. Little Pig Wants To Fly
    53. Little Red Riding Hood
    54. Little Steam Engine
    55. Little Tailor
    56. Little Thief

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Story Lady Disc A003

    1. Little Toy Soldier
    2. Live Audience
    3. Lolita
    4. Lonely Elf
    5. Lonely Musician
    6. Lost Continent Of Atlantis
    7. Magic Chicken
    8. Magic Cloak
    9. Magic Needle
    10. Magic Painting
    11. Magic Potion
    12. Magic Suitcase
    13. Man Who Knew Everything
    14. Mary Poppins
    15. Moby Dick
    16. Musician And The Frog
    17. Nectar Of Wisdom
    18. Oediipus and the Creamed Spinach
    19. Of Human Bondage
    20. Old Lady Who Lived in a Shoe
    21. Old Lady
    22. Old Witch And Magic Mirror
    23. Old Witch And The Dragon
    24. Owl Who Was Not Wise
    25. Pancho Villa
    26. Pandoras Box
    27. Paul Bunyon Gets The Ax
    28. Pegasus The Winged Horse
    29. Perfect Pony
    30. Picture Of Dorian Grey
    31. Pied Piper Of Hamlin
    32. Pinkus Sisters
    33. Pinocchio
    34. Pony Express
    35. Poor Shoemaker
    36. Prince And The Dragon
    37. Prince And The Enchanted Snail
    38. Princess and the Pea
    39. Princess And The Pig
    40. Princess Edna And The Knight
    41. Princess The Clown
    42. Putting the Bell on the Cat
    43. Real King
    44. Repunsel
    45. Rip Van Winkle
    46. Robin Hood
    47. Robinson Cruso
    48. Romeo And Juliet
    49. Royal Wedding Bells
    50. Rumplestilskin
    51. Sea Wolf
    52. Secret Rhinoceros
    53. Shaggiest Dog In World
    54. Shaharra Zodd
    55. Shoemaker And The Elves

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Story Lady Disc A004

    1. Siren Song
    2. Sleeping Beauty
    3. Snail And The Sea Serpent
    4. Story Lady Breaks Up
    5. Story Lady Late
    6. Stupid Prince
    7. Swiss Family Robinson
    8. Tap Dancing Fool
    9. Teeny Tiny
    10. Toad King
    11. Tom Thumb
    12. Tortoise And The Hare
    13. Two Sisters
    14. Ugly Caterpillar
    15. Unhappy Baboon
    16. Violin And The Princess
    17. Witchs Fudge
    18. Wizard Of Oz
    19. Woodmans Sacrifice

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00