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The Great Gildersleeve

Enjoy the hijinks of Throckmorton P. Gildersleeve and his family in this classic sit-com. Like Fibber McGee & Molly, from which it spun off, The Great Gildersleeve created realistic characters and situations -- and became another treasure of Old Time Radio.

Great Gildersleeve

533 old time radio show recordings
(total playtime 261 hours, 243 min)
available in the following formats:

11 MP3 CDs
266 Audio CDs

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"Does Leroy Need A Mother"

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Harold Peary

The character of Throckmorton P. Gildersleeve came into being of Fibber McGee and Molly, one of radio's most beloved and long-running situational comedies. Sitcoms evolved from the vaudeville variety tradition that had dominated early radio comedy.

Harold Peary stars as the Great Gildersleeve

Variety shows often had a recurring troupe of players who would present a series of comic sketches in each episode. The characters in the sketches were often "stock" which meant that the audience would not need to spend time getting to know them. An early innovation of Sitcoms was to present the same characters in each episode. Fans needed to invest the time to get to know the characters and were rewarded by the opportunity to welcome friends over the air each week.

Another important element of Sitcoms is that each episode presents a complete story. Generally, the main character finds something that needs to be accomplished and comes up with a plan to do it, the supporting characters each contribute, get in the way, or at least comment on the scheme, which is resolved, successfully or otherwise, by the end of the broadcast.

The Great Gildersleeve is notable in broadcast history as the first example of a character from a popular Sitcom "Spins off" on his own program. Actor Harold Peary joined the Fibber McGee company in 1938 and was so popular that writer Don Quinn created a regular character for him as Fibber's foil and next-door neighbor, Gildersleeve. Gildy got his own show which debuted on August 31, 1941.

Gildersleeve's backstory changed somewhat in the move from Wistful Vista to Summerfield. When he lived next door to 79 Wistful Vista, Gildy was a married businessman of some sort. He moved to Summerfield as a confirmed bachelor to assume guardianship of his niece and nephew after their parents had passed. To do so he had to give up his interest in the Gildersleeve Girdleworks ("If you want a better corset, of course, it's a Gildersleeve!"). Gildy soon found employment as Summerfield's new Water Commissioner.

Having a position in the city government put Gildy in the center of the Summerfield social scene where he would find friends and romance. His circle of friends included the Jolly Boys Club who would gather to commiserate about the difficulties of life and sing the old songs. The Great Gildersleeve took a step away from the practice of other sitcoms by being a pure drama. The sponsor breaks stepped out of the action and there were no regular musical numbers, however, star Harold Peary wanted to sing, and the Jolly Boy numbers gave him the chance.

Great Gildersleeve

Running into the Jolly Boys each week gave the program a loose framework (and plenty of catchphrases) but the real joy was seeing Gildersleeve navigate the Summerfield singles scene. As a confirmed but eligible bachelor, Gildy wasn't necessarily seeking matrimony, but he certainly enjoyed the company of pretty girls. This also put him in direct competition with the show's other bachelor and Jolly Boy member, Judge Hooker.

The relationship between Gildy and Hooker was not as caustic as between Gildersleeve and Fibber. The Judge would fill the role of both foil and competitor. Responsible for the well-being of Leroy and Marjorie, Hooker was placed in a position of authority over Gildersleeve's guardianship. As their relationship blossomed into friendship, they were often pitted against each other to prove who was "the better man" in pursuit of eligible bachelorettes.

The kids and their problems are another source of comedy on the show. Marjorie was a "typical" teenage girl who could get the best of her Uncle with her feminine wiles if she needed to. Nephew Leroy was a typical Sitcom "Scamp" who got away with mischief by being somewhat smarter than the father-figure in his life. Interestingly, while Marjorie would mature and eventually marry over the series' run, Leroy would remain in his early teens for the whole show, a fact made all the more interesting when we consider that Walter Tetley, the actor who plays Leroy, was 27 when the show began.

The Great Gildersleeve turned into one of the best of all Radio Sitcoms by delivering believable characters in believable, if somewhat crazy situations.

National Broadcasting Company Hollywood Studios for the Great Gildersleeve Dec 29
See also: Harold Peary Collection which includes Honest Harold.  See also: Willard Waterman Collection

Willard Waterman later appeared at the Great Gildersleeve

Text on OTRCAT.com ©2001-2024 OTRCAT INC All Rights Reserved. Reproduction is prohibited.

These classic recordings are available in the following formats:

  • Show Rating

    38     11


    At first, "Gildersleeve" seems hokey, but it isn't. The characters are well drawn and grow, with time. The story lines hold up remarkably well and you can't tell where Hal Perry stops being Gildersleeve and Willard Waterman takes over. These shows are entertaining and interesting.

    George Verified Purchase

    Wonderful situation comedy with an endearing cast. This has become my favorite non-horror OTR show since I started collecting. Harold Peary does an amazing job and Willard Waterman is perhaps the single greatest replacement for a voice actor in radio. A+ highly recommended!

    Stephen Verified Purchase

    Gildersleeve is one of the all-time classics. A very traditional sitcom, but with some genuinely excellent actors and entertaining plots. The Great Gildersleeve is my own personal all-time favorite radio show.

    Ken Verified Purchase

    Better on his own than with Fibber McGee and Molly in my opinion. Just a great sitcom and Willard Waterman does an EXCELLENT job in the second part of the series. The movies/TV shows are worth a watch if you haven't seen them before too!

    Stephen Verified Purchase

    This is the first spin off. I love this show. Hal had issues with Kraft. Kraft wouldn't allow Hal to perform outside the show. Hal was a proffesional singer.

    David Verified Purchase

    Gildersleeve is even better in his own show than he is on Fibber McGee and Molly. My favorite episodes are when he fights with a neighbor played by Gale Gordon. Its a good show for kids and adults. It's one of my favorite shows.

    Robert Verified Purchase

    I just received the full Gildersleeve set. We had disc 4 and love the show. What amazes me is that our teenage twins are absolutely spellbound when the show is playing in the car. I'm also amazed at how much drama happens in the series, many times there are long stretches of serious story telling between comedy sequences. Dramedy I think is the term used now. Just such great, creative writing about the ups and downs of human nature.

    Brian Verified Purchase

    The Great Gildersleeve is my favorite OTR show. I bought this collection from OTRCAT years ago and have listen to the complete series twice now.

    Jim Verified Purchase

    One of my first shows I bought. OTR and Jon do such a wonderful job preserving these shows. Many thanks to them! One of my favorite series!

    Patricia A. Verified Purchase

    How can I say how much I love the Great Gildersleeve? It is so entertaining and funny. I especially like LeRoy, Birdie, and Judge Hooker, in addition to the rest. Judge Hooker’s cackly laugh cracks me up! And of course where would the show be without Gildy’s laugh? One of my favorite episodes is “School Pranks” when LeRoy overhears Gildy and Judge Hooker talking about the pranks they played when they were in school. It gives LeRoy some ideas! I also love Peary’s wartime public service announcements after the show. This is a great show and has held up well.


    Really enjoying these. Sort of forgot about the Great G. Thought I would give it a listen. Very entertaining comedy.

    Mark Verified Purchase

    Gildy is Great. Great character actors in every role. A loveable lead character with all the faults, pretenses and vanities we all have. A very warm, human and extremely funny and fiendishly well written plotline in every show. There's a timeless quality to this program and it all holds up so well because ultimately it's the story of decent people that just try to get along. In a very, very entertaining way.

    Brian Verified Purchase

    Love the Great Gildersleeve! One of the best OTR comedies.

    John Verified Purchase

    I have all the Gilersleeve Cds and love them. I also have the 2 Ozzie and Harriet Cds. It's nice to be transported back in time with these "friends".

    Linda Verified Purchase

    Heard something that might have been considered a double meaning or at least it seemed as if the audience might have taken it that way. It was an old Gildersleeve broadcast when he is giving an introduction party for Delores Del Rey the glamorous dance teacher who was his current interest. He is having LeRoy greet her. When she leaves the scene Leroy asked Gildy "Are they real?" "What?" says Gildy. "The eye lashes," says LeRoy. Whether it was intended by the writers, from the laugh the audience gave certainly it seems they took it two ways. Then LeRoy says of the dress, "What holds it u p?" Some fun with Gildersleeve.

    Walt Verified Purchase

    I remember hearing that and thinking the exact same thing. That audience laugh sounded awfully knowing.

    Robert Verified Purchase

    Very mild by today's standards, but I have heard other similar things. I think they were having fun flirting with the sensors. Same thing in George & Gracie. On the first episode, Gildersleeve hugs Marjorie for the first time in many years. He says "My, how you've grown." The audience loved it. These kinds of bits seemed to disappear from the post-war episodes, especially the Waterman ones.

    Jan Verified Purchase

    Eve Goodwin was very much attached to her mother who always wanted to be around so that Eve and Gildersleeve couldnt get together. She always acted so prim and proper as a school teacher even when Gildersleeve would joke about being kept after school to help her clean erasers.....Sounds to me like Gildersleeve would have loved to give Eve a good "schlupping" if Momma wasnt around.

    Wally Verified Purchase

    When it came down to the end where he lost the election and realized he didn't really want to marry and get stuck with that awful mother in law that was planning on living with them all he wanted was to break it off and when Eve did it for him, he immediately ask for goodbye kiss which was probably all they could get away with on 1940s radio.

    Adam Verified Purchase

    A very funny show with an excellent cast.


    I got into OTR only as an adult, and my wife doesn’t care for it, except The Great Gildersleeve. Leroy is he favorite character.

    Joey Verified Purchase

    My older brother introduced me to OTR when I was a kid. We use to listen to The Great Gildersleeve and Suspense with the family. Even now when he and I get together we put on some radio shows in the car.

    John Verified Purchase

    One of my favorite shows

    Sean Verified Purchase

    I read that the main difference between the Peary and Waterman was that Waterman refused to do the Gildersleeve laugh.

    Sam Verified Purchase

    I recall hearing that as well. I know they were friends and I’m not sure if Willard refused to do the laugh out of respect for Hal or if Hal asked Willard not do it.

    Barry Verified Purchase

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  • MP3 CDs are delivered by mail. These archival quality MP3 CDs are playable in your computer and many MP3 player devices.

    533 recordings on 11 MP3 CDs for just $55.00. Total playtime 261 hours, 243 min
    533 recordings on 11 MP3 CDs for just $55.00
    total playtime 261 hours, 243 min
    Add MP3 CD Collection to Cart

    1. Volume 1 – 49 shows – total playtime 24 hours, 4 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 1: $5.00
      Add To Cart
    2. GG 410516 000 Audition Show.mp3
    3. GG 410831 001 Gildy Arrives At Summerfield.mp3
    4. GG 410907 002 Cake.mp3
    5. GG 410914 003 Leroys Paper Route.mp3
    6. GG 410921 004 Marjories Girl Friend Visits.mp3
    7. GG 410928 005 Hiccups.mp3
    8. GG 411005 006 Investigate City Jail.mp3
    9. GG 411019 008 Pranks At School.mp3
    10. GG 411026 009 Visit From Oliver.mp3
    11. GG 411102 010 Babysitting.mp3
    12. GG 411109 011 Birdie Quits.mp3
    13. GG 411116 012 Servicemen For Thanksgiving.mp3
    14. GG 411123 013 Leroy Smokes Cigar.mp3
    15. GG 411130 014 Canary Wont Sing.mp3
    16. GG 411207 015 Cousin Octavia Visits.mp3
    17. GG 411214 016 Selling Iron Deer War News.mp3
    18. GG 411221 017 Christmas Gift Fibber Mcgee.mp3
    19. GG 411228 018 Leroys New Dog.mp3
    20. GG 420104 019 Gildy Goes On Diet.mp3
    21. GG 420111 020 Gildy Arrested As Car Thief.mp3
    22. GG 420118 021 New Bed For Marjorie.mp3
    23. GG 420125 022 Matchmaker.mp3
    24. GG 420201 023 Leroy Runs Away.mp3
    25. GG 420208 024 Auto Mechanics.mp3
    26. GG 420222 026 Selling Drugstore.mp3
    27. GG 420301 027 Fortune Teller.mp3
    28. GG 420315 029 Ten Best Dressed.mp3
    29. GG 420322 030 Gildys New Neighbors.mp3
    30. GG 420329 031 Gildy Writes Servicemen Marj.mp3
    31. GG 420419 034 Leroy Sells Flower Seeds.mp3
    32. GG 420426 035 Gildys Goat Horace.mp3
    33. GG 420503 036 Ship Christening.mp3
    34. GG 420510 037 Mystery Voice.mp3
    35. GG 420517 038 College Chum Visits.mp3
    36. GG 420531 040 Dinner For Judge Hooker.mp3
    37. GG 420607 041 Sneezes.mp3
    38. GG 420614 042 Gildy Produces Play.mp3
    39. GG 420621 043 Fathers Day Chair.mp3
    40. GG 420628 044 Gildy Love Amelia Hooker.mp3
    41. GG 420830 045 Fishing Trip Lake Hackmatack.mp3
    42. GG 420906 046 Golf Tournament.mp3
    43. GG 421004 050 Planting Tree.mp3
    44. GG 421011 051 First Cold Snap.mp3
    45. GG 421018 052 Appointed Water Commissioner.mp3
    46. GG 421025 053 Gildys First Day On Job.mp3
    47. GG 421101 054 Pal To Leroy.mp3
    48. GG 421108 055 Quiet Evening At Home.mp3
    49. GG 421115 056 College Chums Son Visits.mp3
    50. GG 421122 057 Thanksgiving Dinner.mp3

    1. Volume 2 – 51 shows – total playtime 24 hours, 58 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 2: $5.00
      Add To Cart
    2. GG 421129 058 Attend Theatre Date With Star.mp3
    3. GG 421206 059 Toothache.mp3
    4. GG 421220 061 Christmas Program.mp3
    5. GG 421227 062 Leroys Chemistry Set.mp3
    6. GG 430103 063 Wanting To Marry Leila.mp3
    7. GG 430110 064 Fibber Mcgee And Molly Visit.mp3
    8. GG 430117 065 Womens Club Speaker.mp3
    9. GG 430124 066 Sabotage.mp3
    10. GG 430131 067 Fire Engine Committee.mp3
    11. GG 430207 068 Leilas Sister.mp3
    12. GG 430314 073 Income Tax Time.mp3
    13. GG 430328 075 Springtime In Summerfield.mp3
    14. GG 430404 076 Gildy Repairs His Car.mp3
    15. GG 430411 077 Auto Accident Judge Hooker.mp3
    16. GG 430418 078 Spring Hike.mp3
    17. GG 430425 079 Rabbits.mp3
    18. GG 430509 081 Wedding List.mp3
    19. GG 430516 082 Haunted House.mp3
    20. GG 430523 083 Leroy Gets Job.mp3
    21. GG 430530 084 Memorial Day Parade.mp3
    22. GG 430606 085 Wedding Shower For Leila.mp3
    23. GG 430613 086 Gildy Plans Honeymoon.mp3
    24. GG 430627 088 Wedding Day.mp3
    25. GG 430829 089 End Of Vacation At Grass Lake.mp3
    26. GG 430912 091 War Bond Drive.mp3
    27. GG 430919 092 Leila Returning.mp3
    28. GG 430926 093 Leila Arrives Home.mp3
    29. GG 431010 095 Old School Pal Royal Visit.mp3
    30. GG 431024 097 Low Water Pressure.mp3
    31. GG 431031 098 Halloween Party.mp3
    32. GG 431107 099 Pot Roast.mp3
    33. GG 431114 100 Gildy Rejected By Eve Goodwin.mp3
    34. GG 431121 101 Royal Visit.mp3
    35. GG 440109 108 Gildy In Hospital.mp3
    36. GG 440116 109 Income Tax Returns.mp3
    37. GG 440123 110 Eve And Gildy Get Together.mp3
    38. GG 440130 111 Marjorie Actress.mp3
    39. GG 440206 112 Sleigh Ride.mp3
    40. GG 440312 117 Register to Vote.mp3
    41. GG 440319 118 Gildy Wants To Run For Mayor.mp3
    42. GG 440326 119 Campaign Photo.mp3
    43. GG 440409 121 Campgn Offc Start Easter Show.mp3
    44. GG 440430 124 Engaged.mp3
    45. GG 440507 125 Campaign Gets Hot.mp3
    46. GG 440514 126 Gildy Engaged Kisses Leila.mp3
    47. GG 440521 127 City Employees Picnic.mp3
    48. GG 440528 128 Campaign Headquarters.mp3
    49. GG 440604 129 Eves Mother Visits.mp3
    50. GG 440611 130 Dinner For Eves Mother.mp3
    51. GG 440618 131 Eves Mother Stays On.mp3
    52. GG 440625 132 Election Day Gildy Loses.mp3

    1. Volume 3 – 52 shows – total playtime 25 hours, 13 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 3: $5.00
      Add To Cart
    2. GG 440903 133 Lonely Gildy.mp3
    3. GG 440910 134 Water Cmmsnr Fired Rain Maker.mp3
    4. GG 440917 135 Mcgees Invention.mp3
    5. GG 440924 136 Plastic Mouse Trap Bankers Son.mp3
    6. GG 441001 137 Gildy Sells His House.mp3
    7. GG 441008 138 Boys Club.mp3
    8. GG 441015 139 Gildy Looks For Job.mp3
    9. GG 441022 140 Important Phone Call.mp3
    10. GG 441029 141 Gildy Back Water Commissioner.mp3
    11. GG 441105 142 Election Day Bet.mp3
    12. GG 441112 143 Span Dance Teacher Ms Del Rey.mp3
    13. GG 441119 144 Reception For Miss Del Rey.mp3
    14. GG 441119 144 Recptn Miss Del Rey Afrs 65.mp3
    15. GG 441126 145 Reception Aftermath.mp3
    16. GG 441203 146 Date With Miss Del Rey.mp3
    17. GG 441210 147 Breach Of Promise.mp3
    18. GG 441217 148 Dodging Process Server.mp3
    19. GG 441224 149 Twas Night Before Christmas.mp3
    20. GG 441231 150 Big New Years Eve Party.mp3
    21. GG 450107 151 Whos Dating Who.mp3
    22. GG 450114 152 Engagement For Defense.mp3
    23. GG 450121 153 Hockey Player.mp3
    24. GG 450128.mp3
    25. GG 450204 155 Visit By Aunt Hattie.mp3
    26. GG 450218 157 Aunt Hattie Stays On.mp3
    27. GG 450225 158a Hattie Judge Hooker Preshow.mp3
    28. GG 450225 158b Hattie And Judge Hooker.mp3
    29. GG 450311 160 Chairman Of Womens Committee.mp3
    30. GG 450318 161 Leila Hears Burglar Afrs.mp3
    31. GG 450325 162 Old Flame Named Violet.mp3
    32. GG 450401 163 Raising Pig.mp3
    33. GG 450408 164 Leroys Pet Pig Tiger.mp3
    34. GG 450422 165 Leilas Party.mp3
    35. GG 450429 166 New Neighbor Bullard.mp3
    36. GG 450506 167 Gildy Picks Husband Marjorie.mp3
    37. GG 450513 168 Meet Craig Bullard.mp3
    38. GG 450520 169 Unclaim Savings Acct Buy Stock.mp3
    39. GG 450527 170 Bessie Quits.mp3
    40. GG 450603 171 New Secretary Leila.mp3
    41. GG 450610 172 An Evening With Good Book.mp3
    42. GG 450617 173 Bullards Have Party.mp3
    43. GG 450902 174 Going To Grass Lake.mp3
    44. GG 450909 175 Leroys New Teacher.mp3
    45. GG 450916 176 Leroy Suspended From School.mp3
    46. GG 450923 177 Leila Returns Home.mp3
    47. GG 450930 178 Marjorie Ballerina.mp3
    48. GG 451007 179 Raking Leaves Craigs Party.mp3
    49. GG 451014 180 Leroy Works Off Broken Vase.mp3
    50. GG 451021 181 Lightfoot Visits Leila.mp3
    51. GG 451028 182 Peaveys Wife Is Ill Rumor.mp3
    52. GG 451104 183 Helping Leroy With His Studies.mp3
    53. GG 451111 184 Teaching Marjorie Domestic Art.mp3

    1. Volume 4 – 49 shows – total playtime 23 hours, 57 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 4: $5.00
      Add To Cart
    2. GG 451118 185 Falling Out Of Jolly Boys.mp3
    3. GG 451125 186 Big Football Game.mp3
    4. GG 451202 187 Gildy Stuck With Opera Tickets.mp3
    5. GG 451209 188 Gildy Head Of Opera Committee.mp3
    6. GG 451216 189 Night At Opera.mp3
    7. GG 451223 190 Christmas Eve At Home.mp3
    8. GG 451230 191 New Years Eve At Home.mp3
    9. GG 460106 192 Ben Returns From Navy.mp3
    10. GG 460113 193 Ben Sells Life Insurance.mp3
    11. GG 460120 194 Exposing Phony Swami.mp3
    12. GG 460127 195 Gildy And Leila Feel Their Age.mp3
    13. GG 460203 196 Feud Bullards Diplomat Gildy.mp3
    14. GG 460210 197 Need New Car.mp3
    15. GG 460217 198 Leroy Has Flu.mp3
    16. GG 460224 199 Gildys Hobby Boat Bottle.mp3
    17. GG 460303 200 State Water Inspector.mp3
    18. GG 460310 201 Marjories Date Uncle Mort.mp3
    19. GG 460317 202 Leroy And Craig Arrested.mp3
    20. GG 460324 203 Gildy Traces Genealogy.mp3
    21. GG 460331 204 Picnic Before Doomsday.mp3
    22. GG 460407 205 Annual Dinner Judge Hooker.mp3
    23. GG 460414 206 Bank Robber Loose.mp3
    24. GG 460421 207 Petition Against Trolley Car.mp3
    25. GG 460428 208 Leroy Wants Pony.mp3
    26. GG 460505 209 Gildy In Rut New Image.mp3
    27. GG 460512 210 Leilas New Boy Friend.mp3
    28. GG 460519 211 Leroy Learns Dance Party Ethel.mp3
    29. GG 460526 212 Flashback Meets Leila Ransome.mp3
    30. GG 460602 213 Flashback Play Cyrano Meet Eve.mp3
    31. GG 460609 214 Flashback Jolly Boys July 4.mp3
    32. GG 460918 215 Commissioner Off Water Afrs 63.mp3
    33. GG 460918 215 Commissioner Turns Off Water.mp3
    34. GG 460925 216 Gildys New Spruce Scent Leila Engaged.mp3
    35. GG 461002 217 Leilas Wedding Invitations.mp3
    36. GG 461009 218 Leila Leaves Town.mp3
    37. GG 461016 219 Gildy Contemplates Early Retirement.mp3
    38. GG 461023 220 Gildy Asks For Raise.mp3
    39. GG 461030 221 Real Estate Agent Hooker As Boarder.mp3
    40. GG 461106 222 Pajama Party Marjorie Gets Engaged.mp3
    41. GG 461113 223 Smitten By An Unknown Beautiful Lady.mp3
    42. GG 461120 224 Gildy Takes Up Great Books.mp3
    43. GG 461127 225 Birdy Takes Vacation.mp3
    44. GG 461204 226 Jolly Boys Sponsor An Orphan.mp3
    45. GG 461211 227 Leroy Afraid Of Bully.mp3
    46. GG 461218 228 Leroy Wants Motor Scooter.mp3
    47. GG 461225 229 Christmas Caroling At Gildersleeves.mp3
    48. GG 470101 230 Big New Years Costume Ball.mp3
    49. GG 50000x 00x Birdie Heiress.mp3
    50. GG 50000x 00x Gildy Invents Water Filter.mp3

    1. Volume 5 – 50 shows – total playtime 24 hours, 39 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 5: $5.00
      Add To Cart
    2. GG 470108 231 Leila Back For Visit Gildy In Love.mp3
    3. GG 470115 232 Jolly Boys Sleigh Ride Judge Hooker.mp3
    4. GG 470122 233 Dancing School.mp3
    5. GG 470129 234 Marjories Hotrod Boyfriend.mp3
    6. GG 470205 235 Magazine Salesman.mp3
    7. GG 470212 236 Old School Friend Visits Gildy.mp3
    8. GG 470219 237 Bessies Cousin Substitutes For Her.mp3
    9. GG 470226 238 Getting Rid Of Bessie.mp3
    10. GG 470305 239 Marjorie Flipped Over Crooner Larry Lake.mp3
    11. GG 470312 240 Leroy And Craig Picked Up Taking Lumber.mp3
    12. GG 470319 241 Stuck With Water Dept Money Over Night.mp3
    13. GG 470326 242 First Day Spring New Piano Teacher.mp3
    14. GG 470402 243 Evening With Miss Piper.mp3
    15. GG 470409 244 Bird Watchers.mp3
    16. GG 470416 245 Whole World Is Watching.mp3
    17. GG 470423 246 Leilas Party For Joanne.mp3
    18. GG 470430 247 Great Tchaikovsky Love Story.mp3
    19. GG 470507 248 Leroy Excluded From Craigs Party Afrs.mp3
    20. GG 470507 248 Leroy Excluded From Craigs Party.mp3
    21. GG 470514 249 Peavey Disappears.mp3
    22. GG 470521 250 Teachers Problems.mp3
    23. GG 470528 251 Gildy Tries To Give Up Smoking.mp3
    24. GG 470604 252 Called In By Irs.mp3
    25. GG 470910 253 Gildy Tries To Renew Romance With Eve.mp3
    26. GG 470917 254 Getting Everything Snug For Winter.mp3
    27. GG 470924 255 In Trouble With Bessies Boy Friend.mp3
    28. GG 471001 256 Teaching Leroy Borrowing And Finance.mp3
    29. GG 471008 257 Beautiful Visitor At Bullards.mp3
    30. GG 471015 258 Marjories Baby Tending Assignment.mp3
    31. GG 471022 259 Congressman Gildersleeve.mp3
    32. GG 471029 260 Halloween Party.mp3
    33. GG 471105 261 Hayride.mp3
    34. GG 471112 262 Gildy Swindled On Fur Coat.mp3
    35. GG 471119 263 Leroy In School Play.mp3
    36. GG 471126 264 Thanksgiving Tom Sawyer Raft.mp3
    37. GG 471203 265 Fiscal Report Due.mp3
    38. GG 471210 266 Christmas Shopping.mp3
    39. GG 471217 267 Water Commissioner Accused Of Loafing.mp3
    40. GG 471224 268 Leroys Christmas Dog.mp3
    41. GG 471231 269 New Years Eve Parties.mp3
    42. GG 480107 270 Anne Tuttle Is Back In Town.mp3
    43. GG 480114 271 Gildy Encourages Marjories New Romance.mp3
    44. GG 480121 272 School Board Election Gildy Vs Hooker.mp3
    45. GG 480128 273 License Plate Time Barber Shop Trip.mp3
    46. GG 480204 274 Acting Mayor.mp3
    47. GG 480211 275 Getting Glasses.mp3
    48. GG 480218 276 Leilas Cousin Adeline Fairchild Arrives.mp3
    49. GG 480225 277 Gildy Thinks Adelines Stealing Birdie.mp3
    50. GG 480303 278 Gildy Helps Girlshy Leroy.mp3
    51. GG 480310 279 Gildy Considers Marriage.mp3

    1. Volume 6 – 50 shows – total playtime 24 hours, 49 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 6: $5.00
      Add To Cart
    2. GG 480317 280 Adelines Beau Cecil Duel.mp3
    3. GG 480324 281 Adeline Wants To Visit Jolly Boys.mp3
    4. GG 480331 282 Marjorie In Love With Her French Teacher.mp3
    5. GG 480407 283 Gildy Raising Money For Baseball Field.mp3
    6. GG 480414 284 Water Commissioners Radio Speech.mp3
    7. GG 480421 285 Gildys New Secretary.mp3
    8. GG 480428 286 Dinner Courtesy Of Hercules Kitchenware.mp3
    9. GG 480505 287 Fish Fry.mp3
    10. GG 480512 288 Gildy Stays Home Sick.mp3
    11. GG 480519 289 Green Thumb Womens Club.mp3
    12. GG 480526 290 Gildy Drives Mercedes.mp3
    13. GG 480602 291 Gildersleeve Fired As Water Commissioner.mp3
    14. GG 480908 292 Baby Girl Left In Gildys Car.mp3
    15. GG 480915 293 Taking Care Of Baby.mp3
    16. GG 480922 294 Taking Pictures Of Baby Upsets Leroy.mp3
    17. GG 480929 295 Name Baby Contest.mp3
    18. GG 481006 296 Gildy Tries To Reform For Welfare Invest.mp3
    19. GG 481013 297 Visit By Aunt Hattie.mp3
    20. GG 481020 298 Marjorie Ready To Marry To Keep Baby.mp3
    21. GG 481027 299 Gildy Proposes To Adeline.mp3
    22. GG 481103 300 Engagement.mp3
    23. GG 481110 301 Leila Ransome Back In Town.mp3
    24. GG 481117 302 Engaged To Leila And Adeline.mp3
    25. GG 481124 303 Water Commissioners Helicopter Flight.mp3
    26. GG 481201 304 Leroys Holiday Job.mp3
    27. GG 481208 305 Disappearing Christmas Presents.mp3
    28. GG 481215 306 Christmas Shopping.mp3
    29. GG 481222 307 Christmas Eve At Gildersleeves.mp3
    30. GG 481229 308 Wedding Is Imminent.mp3
    31. GG 490105 309 Gildy Takes Up Writing.mp3
    32. GG 490112 310 Love Thy Neighbor.mp3
    33. GG 490119 311 Trip To Dentist.mp3
    34. GG 490126 312 Eager Young Man At Water Department.mp3
    35. GG 490202 313 Adelines Hat Shop.mp3
    36. GG 490209 314 Hat Shop Grand Opening.mp3
    37. GG 490216 315 Leila Arrives To Close Hat Shop.mp3
    38. GG 490223 316 Singing Lessons.mp3
    39. GG 490302 317 Leroys Girlfriend And Her Mother.mp3
    40. GG 490309 318 Gildys Dream Summerfield 1903.mp3
    41. GG 490316 319 Leroy Faces Competition.mp3
    42. GG 490323 320 Gildys New Secretary.mp3
    43. GG 490330 321 Acting Police Commissioner.mp3
    44. GG 490406 322 Babys Birthday Party Conflicts.mp3
    45. GG 490413 323 Circus Comes To Summerfield.mp3
    46. GG 490420 324 Haunted House.mp3
    47. GG 490427 325 Detective Gildersleeve After Burglar.mp3
    48. GG 490504 326 Mysterious Girl On Bus.mp3
    49. GG 490511 327 Gildys Millionaire Friend Visits.mp3
    50. GG 490518 328 Marjorie And Rodney Poet.mp3
    51. GG 490525 329 Gildy Sues Bullard.mp3

    1. Volume 7 – 51 shows – total playtime 25 hours, 17 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 7: $5.00
      Add To Cart
    2. GG 490601 330 Folk Dancing Class.mp3
    3. GG 490921 331 Songwriter.mp3
    4. GG 490928 332 Gildys New Heartthrob Nurse Milford.mp3
    5. GG 491005 333 Double Date With Marjorie And Bronco.mp3
    6. GG 491012 334 Gildy At Hospital With Expectant Father.mp3
    7. GG 491019 335 Tom Cat Troubles.mp3
    8. GG 491026 336 Gildys Rival Dr Olson.mp3
    9. GG 491102 337 Rivalry Continues At Carnival.mp3
    10. GG 491109 338 Birthday Tea Party For Marjorie.mp3
    11. GG 491116 339 Job For Bronco.mp3
    12. GG 491123 340 Jolly Boys Band.mp3
    13. GG 491130 341 New Neighbor Two Pants Pearson.mp3
    14. GG 491207 342 Bronco Bows Out For Marshall Bullard.mp3
    15. GG 491214 343 Christmas Spirit.mp3
    16. GG 491221 344 Marjorie And Bronco Are Engaged.mp3
    17. GG 491228 345 Hayride.mp3
    18. GG 500104 346 Engagement Announcement Broncos Family.mp3
    19. GG 500111 347 Young French Diplomat Comes To Summerfield.mp3
    20. GG 500118 348 Dinner With Kathryn.mp3
    21. GG 500125 349 Dinner For Broncos Folks.mp3
    22. GG 500201 350 Gildy Tries To Learn Samba.mp3
    23. GG 500208 351 Should Marjorie Work After Marriage.mp3
    24. GG 500215 352 Wedding Day Set For Marjorie And Bronco.mp3
    25. GG 500222 353 Jolly Boy Election.mp3
    26. GG 500301 354 Marjories Shower.mp3
    27. GG 500308 355 Gildys Blade.mp3
    28. GG 500315 356 Gildy Considers Marriage.mp3
    29. GG 500322 357 Picnic With Thompsons.mp3
    30. GG 500329 358 House Judge Hooker.mp3
    31. GG 500405 359 Apartment For Bronco And Marjorie.mp3
    32. GG 500412 360 Leroys Billy Goat.mp3
    33. GG 500419 361 Marjories Wedding Gown.mp3
    34. GG 500426 362 Jolly Boys Gift Rental Trailer.mp3
    35. GG 500503 363 Bronco Disappears.mp3
    36. GG 500510 364 Wedding Day.mp3
    37. GG 500517 365 Fishing Trip To Grass Lake.mp3
    38. GG 500524 366 Bronco Real Estate Salesman.mp3
    39. GG 500531 367 Sadie Hawkins Day Dance.mp3
    40. GG 500607 368 House Boat.mp3
    41. GG 500614 369 Vacation Plans On House Boat.mp3
    42. GG 500906 370 Marjorie Is Pregnant.mp3
    43. GG 500913 371 Visiting Inlaws Mrs Thompsons Sister.mp3
    44. GG 500920 372 Gildy Looking For New Secretary.mp3
    45. GG 500927 373 Gildy Shares Leroys Piano Lessons.mp3
    46. GG 501004 374 Community Chest Football Game Leroy.mp3
    47. GG 501011 375 Bullard Runs For Mayor.mp3
    48. GG 501018 376 Weight Problems.mp3
    49. GG 501025 377 The Sons of Summerfield.mp3
    50. GG 501101 378 Election Day.mp3
    51. GG 501108 379 Better Man Than Bullard.mp3
    52. GG 501115 380 Summerfield Centennial Pageant.mp3

    1. Volume 8 – 50 shows – total playtime 24 hours, 32 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 8: $5.00
      Add To Cart
    2. GG 501122 381 Water Department Calendar.mp3
    3. GG 501129 382 Leroys First Date.mp3
    4. GG 501206 383 Leroys Laundry Business.mp3
    5. GG 501213 384 Chief Gates On Spot.mp3
    6. GG 501220 385 Christmas Show Present For Kathryn.mp3
    7. GG 501227 386 Gildybullard Double Date New Years Eve.mp3
    8. GG 510103 387 Marjorie Craves Sauerkraut.mp3
    9. GG 510110 388 Gildy Is Worn Out From Late Dating.mp3
    10. GG 510117 389 Nervous Expectant Father.mp3
    11. GG 510131 391 Shower For Marjorie.mp3
    12. GG 510207 392 Day Off For Peavey 30th Anniversary.mp3
    13. GG 510214 393 Throwing Snowballs.mp3
    14. GG 510221 394 Marjories Babies Arrive.mp3
    15. GG 510228 395 Trying To Name Twins.mp3
    16. GG 510307 396 Marjorie Twins Coming Home Grandpa.mp3
    17. GG 510314 397 Gildy Pushes Attendance At Jolly Boys Club.mp3
    18. GG 510321 398 Bronco Tries To Run House.mp3
    19. GG 510328 399 Gildy And Leroy Baby Sit Twins.mp3
    20. GG 510404 400 Bullard Needs Boat Access.mp3
    21. GG 510411 401 Gildy Worried That Kids Want To Leave.mp3
    22. GG 510418 402 Leroy In Love With Marcelle.mp3
    23. GG 510425 403 Leroys Pony.mp3
    24. GG 510502 404 Spring Cleaning Judges House.mp3
    25. GG 510509 405 Marjorie And Broncos First Anniversary.mp3
    26. GG 510516 406 Boating Date With Katharine.mp3
    27. GG 510523 407 Broncos Father Arrives Twins Are Named.mp3
    28. GG 510530 408 Leaving Vacation Half Moon Lake Gildy Schedule.mp3
    29. GG 510905 409 Leroy Buys Car.mp3
    30. GG 510912 410 County Fair Comes To Summerfield.mp3
    31. GG 510919 411 Getting Ready For School Women Trouble.mp3
    32. GG 510926 412 Marjorie Gets Job.mp3
    33. GG 511003 413 Gildy Wants Reelected President Jolly Boys Cl.mp3
    34. GG 511010 414 Leroy Visits Judge.mp3
    35. GG 511017 415 Bronco Almost Forgets His First Date Marjorie.mp3
    36. GG 511024 416 Gildy Takes Mrs Winthrop And Babs On Picnic.mp3
    37. GG 511031 417 Halloween And Gildy Finds Lost Boy.mp3
    38. GG 511107 418 Marjorie Bronco To Build House.mp3
    39. GG 511114 419 Problems Removing An Oak Tree.mp3
    40. GG 511121 420 Inviting Thanksgiving Guests.mp3
    41. GG 511128 421 Getting Leroy To Study And Grow Up.mp3
    42. GG 511212 423 Leroy Selling Christmas Trees.mp3
    43. GG 511219 424 Christmas Show.mp3
    44. GG 511226 425 Opening Last Christmas Presents.mp3
    45. GG 520102 426 Gildy Wants New Job To Keep Up With Bronco.mp3
    46. GG 520109 427 Gildy Has Disappeared In Hospital.mp3
    47. GG 520116 428 Gildy Talks To Everyone About Operation.mp3
    48. GG 520123 429 Trying To Be Alone With Paula.mp3
    49. GG 520130 430 Gildy Protects Hooker From Mona.mp3
    50. GG 520206 431 Gildy Hires Mrs Munson And Gets Floyd Too.mp3
    51. GG 520213 432 Engagement Ring Mixup.mp3

    1. Volume 9 – 48 shows – total playtime 23 hours, 47 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 9: $5.00
      Add To Cart
    2. GG 520220 433 Civic Coordinator.mp3
    3. GG 520227 434 Leroys Week Of Freedom.mp3
    4. GG 520305 435 Bullard Is House Need Two Thousand Dollar Loan.mp3
    5. GG 520312 436 Train Trip To Omaha.mp3
    6. GG 520319 437 Gildys Garden.mp3
    7. GG 520326 438 Television Comes To Summerfield.mp3
    8. GG 520402 439 Colorful Past.mp3
    9. GG 520409 440 Easter Sunrise Service.mp3
    10. GG 520416 441 Leroy Bee Keeper.mp3
    11. GG 520423 442 Diving For Publicity.mp3
    12. GG 520430 443 Bad Report Card No Camp.mp3
    13. GG 520507 444 Leroy Singing Cowboy.mp3
    14. GG 520514 445 Bronco Coming Home Gildy And Leroy Fishing.mp3
    15. GG 520521 446 Happy Moving Day.mp3
    16. GG 520528 447 Leroys Bike Motor.mp3
    17. GG 520604 448 Katie Lee Visits Summerfield Afrts.mp3
    18. GG 520604 448 Katie Lee Visits Summerfield.mp3
    19. GG 520611 449 Bronco Wants Wall Between Yards.mp3
    20. GG 520618 450 Guess Number Of Beans Contest.mp3
    21. GG 520625 451 Miss Mckinley Of Complaint Dept.mp3
    22. GG 520702 452 Fourth Of July Speech.mp3
    23. GG 520709 453 Fishing With Miss Mckinley.mp3
    24. GG 520716 454 Back Yard Camping.mp3
    25. GG 520730 456 Bronco Sells Gildys House.mp3
    26. GG 520806 457 Leroy Behaving Too Well.mp3
    27. GG 520813 458 Gildy Goes On Diet.mp3
    28. GG 520820 459 Leroys Million Dollar Laundry.mp3
    29. GG 520827 460 Cousin Emily Comes For Visit.mp3
    30. GG 520903 461 Winning Leroy Back From Emily.mp3
    31. GG 520910 462 Cleaning Bullards House.mp3
    32. GG 520917 463 Drivers License Test.mp3
    33. GG 520924 464 Hooker And Peavey Are Feuding.mp3
    34. GG 521001 465 Economize.mp3
    35. GG 521008 466 Ladies Man.mp3
    36. GG 521015 467 Watch Trouble.mp3
    37. GG 521022 468 Gildy Athlete.mp3
    38. GG 521029 469 Suggestion Box.mp3
    39. GG 521105 470 Gildersleeve Vs Golf.mp3
    40. GG 521112 471 Problems With Leroys Teacher.mp3
    41. GG 521119 472 Leroys Gift.mp3
    42. GG 521126 473 Miss Grace Tuttle And Bird Watching.mp3
    43. GG 521203 474 Birthday Duck Dinner.mp3
    44. GG 521210 475 Leroys Part Time Employment.mp3
    45. GG 521217 476 Grace Tuttles Brother Sydney.mp3
    46. GG 521224 477 Gildy And Leroy Alone For Christmas.mp3
    47. GG 521231 478 New Years Eve With Peavey.mp3
    48. GG 530107 479 Leila Back In Town Sydney Tuttle.mp3
    49. GG 530114 480 Gildy And Sidney Help Leila.mp3

    1. Volume 10 – 50 shows – total playtime 24 hours, 40 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 10: $5.00
      Add To Cart
    2. GG 530121 481 Cousin Bert Sends Leroy Great Dane.mp3
    3. GG 530128 482 Gildy And Grace Tuttle.mp3
    4. GG 530204 483 Rivals Leila And Grace Meet.mp3
    5. GG 530211 484 Two Dates For Mayors Valentine Party.mp3
    6. GG 530218 485 Gildy In Trouble With Leila And Grace.mp3
    7. GG 530225 486 Gildys Great Dane Causes Peavey Trouble.mp3
    8. GG 530304 487 Extra Help At Water Department.mp3
    9. GG 530311 488 Leroy Moves Out To Marjories.mp3
    10. GG 530318 489 Jam Session.mp3
    11. GG 530325 490 Cleaning House Rummage Sale.mp3
    12. GG 530401 491 Easter Sunrise Service.mp3
    13. GG 530408 492 Leroy Has Trouble With Mayors Son.mp3
    14. GG 530415 493 Boys Club Takes Over Jolly Boy Clubroom.mp3
    15. GG 530422 494 Marjorie And Bronco Are Fighting.mp3
    16. GG 530429 495 Bottled Water Company Stock.mp3
    17. GG 530506 496 Anniversary Present.mp3
    18. GG 530513 497 Gildy Going To Europe.mp3
    19. GG 530520 498 Leroys Theme.mp3
    20. GG 530527 499 Witness At Wedding.mp3
    21. GG 530603 500 Birdie May Move To Marjories House.mp3
    22. GG 530610 501 Leroy Has Mumps Train Stop.mp3
    23. GG 530617 502 Gift For Miss Tuttle.mp3
    24. GG 530624 503 Swimming Trip To Grass Lake.mp3
    25. GG 530701 504 Togetherness.mp3
    26. GG 530715 506 Buying Spray Gun.mp3
    27. GG 530722 507 Mae Home From Vacation Engaged.mp3
    28. GG 530729 508 Leroy Going To Visit Aunt Hattie.mp3
    29. GG 530805 509 Water Commissioner Is Fired.mp3
    30. GG 530812 510 Deciding On Lake Cabin.mp3
    31. GG 530819 511 Fish Story.mp3
    32. GG 530826 512 Sufficient Unto Ones Self.mp3
    33. GG 530902 513 Leroys Girl Jo Mac.mp3
    34. GG 530909 514 Gildy Helps Raise Ronnie.mp3
    35. GG 530916 515 Birdies Mystery Cake Recipe.mp3
    36. GG 530923 516 Baby Sitter Gildy.mp3
    37. GG 530930 517 Flattery.mp3
    38. GG 531007 518 Home Haircut.mp3
    39. GG 531014 519 Gildy Involved With Teacher And Principal.mp3
    40. GG 531021 520 Fire Bells Are Ringing.mp3
    41. GG 531028 521 Unwilling Witness.mp3
    42. GG 531104 522 Impulsive Gildy Almost Gets Married.mp3
    43. GG 531111 523 The Authority Figure.mp3
    44. GG 531118 524 Gildy Athlete Vs Doc Olsen.mp3
    45. GG 531125 525 Dinner Mixup With Peavey And Girls.mp3
    46. GG 531202 526 Gildy Earns Christmas Money Selling Insurance.mp3
    47. GG 531209 527 Taking Bessie To Dance.mp3
    48. GG 531216 528 Gildy And Hooker Feud At Christmas.mp3
    49. GG 531223 529 Selling Trees For Needy Childrens Party.mp3
    50. GG 531230 530 New Years Eve At Home With Leroy.mp3
    51. GG 540106 531 Irenes Father Pushes For Wedding.mp3

    1. Volume 11 – 33 shows – total playtime 15 hours, 2 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 11: $5.00
      Add To Cart
    2. GG 531111 523 Authority Figure.mp3
    3. GG 540113 532 Gildy In Doghouse With Irene.mp3
    4. GG 540120 533 Leroy Going Steady.mp3
    5. GG 540127 534 Bronco Mad At Gildy For Interfering.mp3
    6. GG 540203 535 Evening Conference With Leroys Teacher.mp3
    7. GG 540210 536 Judge Hookers Annual Dinner.mp3
    8. GG 540217 537 Gildy Budding Politician.mp3
    9. GG 540224 538 Jolly Boys Election.mp3
    10. GG 540303 539 Paula Winthrop Back In Town.mp3
    11. GG 540310 540 Gildy Is Old Fashioned And Square.mp3
    12. GG 540317 541 New Girl In Town Marie Olsen.mp3
    13. GG 540324 542 Hobby Show.mp3
    14. GG 540331 543 Gildy Involved With Two Girls Again.mp3
    15. GG 540407 544 Marie Teaches Bronco French.mp3
    16. GG 540414 545 Dinner Party For Broncos Boss.mp3
    17. GG 540421 546 Marie Olsen Charms Everyone.mp3
    18. GG 540428 547 Gildy Swears Off Girls But Meets Thelma.mp3
    19. GG 540512 549 Dinner For Dr Olsen Whos Leaving Town.mp3
    20. GG 540519 550 Gildy Runs For Sheriff.mp3
    21. GG 540526 551 Visit By Aunt Hattie.mp3
    22. GG 540602 552 Trying To End Aunt Hatties Stay.mp3
    23. GG 541026 00x Pal To Leroy.mp3
    24. GG 550000 00x Vacation Time.mp3
    25. GG 551020 00x Floyds Inheritance.mp3
    26. GG 560000 Doye Odells Dude Ranch Afrts 498.mp3
    27. GG 560000 Judge Returns From Europe Afrts 544.mp3
    28. GG 560000 Peavey Mayor Expect Support 2nd Half Afrts 490.mp3
    29. GG 560105 Fibbing To Make Friends.mp3
    30. GG 561101 029 Jolly Boys Haunted House Adventure.mp3
    31. GG 570000 00x Bessies Vacation.mp3
    32. GG 570000 00x Leilas Antique Vase.mp3
    33. GG 570307 00x Gildy Causes Water Outage.mp3
    34. GG 570416 00x Family Prepares For Easter.mp3
  • MP3 downloads are available instantly after purchase!

    533 recordings on 11 MP3 Collection Downloads for just $55.00. Total playtime 261 hours, 243 min
    533 recordings on 11 MP3 Collection Downloads for just $55.00
    7190 MB – total playtime 261 hours, 4 min
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    1. Volume 1 – 49 shows – 661 MB – total playtime 24 hours, 4 minutes
      Instant Download
      Volume 1: $5.00
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    2. GG 410516 000 Audition Show.mp3
    3. GG 410831 001 Gildy Arrives At Summerfield.mp3
    4. GG 410907 002 Cake.mp3
    5. GG 410914 003 Leroys Paper Route.mp3
    6. GG 410921 004 Marjories Girl Friend Visits.mp3
    7. GG 410928 005 Hiccups.mp3
    8. GG 411005 006 Investigate City Jail.mp3
    9. GG 411019 008 Pranks At School.mp3
    10. GG 411026 009 Visit From Oliver.mp3
    11. GG 411102 010 Babysitting.mp3
    12. GG 411109 011 Birdie Quits.mp3
    13. GG 411116 012 Servicemen For Thanksgiving.mp3
    14. GG 411123 013 Leroy Smokes Cigar.mp3
    15. GG 411130 014 Canary Wont Sing.mp3
    16. GG 411207 015 Cousin Octavia Visits.mp3
    17. GG 411214 016 Selling Iron Deer War News.mp3
    18. GG 411221 017 Christmas Gift Fibber Mcgee.mp3
    19. GG 411228 018 Leroys New Dog.mp3
    20. GG 420104 019 Gildy Goes On Diet.mp3
    21. GG 420111 020 Gildy Arrested As Car Thief.mp3
    22. GG 420118 021 New Bed For Marjorie.mp3
    23. GG 420125 022 Matchmaker.mp3
    24. GG 420201 023 Leroy Runs Away.mp3
    25. GG 420208 024 Auto Mechanics.mp3
    26. GG 420222 026 Selling Drugstore.mp3
    27. GG 420301 027 Fortune Teller.mp3
    28. GG 420315 029 Ten Best Dressed.mp3
    29. GG 420322 030 Gildys New Neighbors.mp3
    30. GG 420329 031 Gildy Writes Servicemen Marj.mp3
    31. GG 420419 034 Leroy Sells Flower Seeds.mp3
    32. GG 420426 035 Gildys Goat Horace.mp3
    33. GG 420503 036 Ship Christening.mp3
    34. GG 420510 037 Mystery Voice.mp3
    35. GG 420517 038 College Chum Visits.mp3
    36. GG 420531 040 Dinner For Judge Hooker.mp3
    37. GG 420607 041 Sneezes.mp3
    38. GG 420614 042 Gildy Produces Play.mp3
    39. GG 420621 043 Fathers Day Chair.mp3
    40. GG 420628 044 Gildy Love Amelia Hooker.mp3
    41. GG 420830 045 Fishing Trip Lake Hackmatack.mp3
    42. GG 420906 046 Golf Tournament.mp3
    43. GG 421004 050 Planting Tree.mp3
    44. GG 421011 051 First Cold Snap.mp3
    45. GG 421018 052 Appointed Water Commissioner.mp3
    46. GG 421025 053 Gildys First Day On Job.mp3
    47. GG 421101 054 Pal To Leroy.mp3
    48. GG 421108 055 Quiet Evening At Home.mp3
    49. GG 421115 056 College Chums Son Visits.mp3
    50. GG 421122 057 Thanksgiving Dinner.mp3

    1. Volume 2 – 51 shows – 686 MB – total playtime 24 hours, 58 minutes
      Instant Download
      Volume 2: $5.00
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    2. GG 421129 058 Attend Theatre Date With Star.mp3
    3. GG 421206 059 Toothache.mp3
    4. GG 421220 061 Christmas Program.mp3
    5. GG 421227 062 Leroys Chemistry Set.mp3
    6. GG 430103 063 Wanting To Marry Leila.mp3
    7. GG 430110 064 Fibber Mcgee And Molly Visit.mp3
    8. GG 430117 065 Womens Club Speaker.mp3
    9. GG 430124 066 Sabotage.mp3
    10. GG 430131 067 Fire Engine Committee.mp3
    11. GG 430207 068 Leilas Sister.mp3
    12. GG 430314 073 Income Tax Time.mp3
    13. GG 430328 075 Springtime In Summerfield.mp3
    14. GG 430404 076 Gildy Repairs His Car.mp3
    15. GG 430411 077 Auto Accident Judge Hooker.mp3
    16. GG 430418 078 Spring Hike.mp3
    17. GG 430425 079 Rabbits.mp3
    18. GG 430509 081 Wedding List.mp3
    19. GG 430516 082 Haunted House.mp3
    20. GG 430523 083 Leroy Gets Job.mp3
    21. GG 430530 084 Memorial Day Parade.mp3
    22. GG 430606 085 Wedding Shower For Leila.mp3
    23. GG 430613 086 Gildy Plans Honeymoon.mp3
    24. GG 430627 088 Wedding Day.mp3
    25. GG 430829 089 End Of Vacation At Grass Lake.mp3
    26. GG 430912 091 War Bond Drive.mp3
    27. GG 430919 092 Leila Returning.mp3
    28. GG 430926 093 Leila Arrives Home.mp3
    29. GG 431010 095 Old School Pal Royal Visit.mp3
    30. GG 431024 097 Low Water Pressure.mp3
    31. GG 431031 098 Halloween Party.mp3
    32. GG 431107 099 Pot Roast.mp3
    33. GG 431114 100 Gildy Rejected By Eve Goodwin.mp3
    34. GG 431121 101 Royal Visit.mp3
    35. GG 440109 108 Gildy In Hospital.mp3
    36. GG 440116 109 Income Tax Returns.mp3
    37. GG 440123 110 Eve And Gildy Get Together.mp3
    38. GG 440130 111 Marjorie Actress.mp3
    39. GG 440206 112 Sleigh Ride.mp3
    40. GG 440312 117 Register to Vote.mp3
    41. GG 440319 118 Gildy Wants To Run For Mayor.mp3
    42. GG 440326 119 Campaign Photo.mp3
    43. GG 440409 121 Campgn Offc Start Easter Show.mp3
    44. GG 440430 124 Engaged.mp3
    45. GG 440507 125 Campaign Gets Hot.mp3
    46. GG 440514 126 Gildy Engaged Kisses Leila.mp3
    47. GG 440521 127 City Employees Picnic.mp3
    48. GG 440528 128 Campaign Headquarters.mp3
    49. GG 440604 129 Eves Mother Visits.mp3
    50. GG 440611 130 Dinner For Eves Mother.mp3
    51. GG 440618 131 Eves Mother Stays On.mp3
    52. GG 440625 132 Election Day Gildy Loses.mp3

    1. Volume 3 – 52 shows – 693 MB – total playtime 25 hours, 13 minutes
      Instant Download
      Volume 3: $5.00
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    2. GG 440903 133 Lonely Gildy.mp3
    3. GG 440910 134 Water Cmmsnr Fired Rain Maker.mp3
    4. GG 440917 135 Mcgees Invention.mp3
    5. GG 440924 136 Plastic Mouse Trap Bankers Son.mp3
    6. GG 441001 137 Gildy Sells His House.mp3
    7. GG 441008 138 Boys Club.mp3
    8. GG 441015 139 Gildy Looks For Job.mp3
    9. GG 441022 140 Important Phone Call.mp3
    10. GG 441029 141 Gildy Back Water Commissioner.mp3
    11. GG 441105 142 Election Day Bet.mp3
    12. GG 441112 143 Span Dance Teacher Ms Del Rey.mp3
    13. GG 441119 144 Reception For Miss Del Rey.mp3
    14. GG 441119 144 Recptn Miss Del Rey Afrs 65.mp3
    15. GG 441126 145 Reception Aftermath.mp3
    16. GG 441203 146 Date With Miss Del Rey.mp3
    17. GG 441210 147 Breach Of Promise.mp3
    18. GG 441217 148 Dodging Process Server.mp3
    19. GG 441224 149 Twas Night Before Christmas.mp3
    20. GG 441231 150 Big New Years Eve Party.mp3
    21. GG 450107 151 Whos Dating Who.mp3
    22. GG 450114 152 Engagement For Defense.mp3
    23. GG 450121 153 Hockey Player.mp3
    24. GG 450128.mp3
    25. GG 450204 155 Visit By Aunt Hattie.mp3
    26. GG 450218 157 Aunt Hattie Stays On.mp3
    27. GG 450225 158a Hattie Judge Hooker Preshow.mp3
    28. GG 450225 158b Hattie And Judge Hooker.mp3
    29. GG 450311 160 Chairman Of Womens Committee.mp3
    30. GG 450318 161 Leila Hears Burglar Afrs.mp3
    31. GG 450325 162 Old Flame Named Violet.mp3
    32. GG 450401 163 Raising Pig.mp3
    33. GG 450408 164 Leroys Pet Pig Tiger.mp3
    34. GG 450422 165 Leilas Party.mp3
    35. GG 450429 166 New Neighbor Bullard.mp3
    36. GG 450506 167 Gildy Picks Husband Marjorie.mp3
    37. GG 450513 168 Meet Craig Bullard.mp3
    38. GG 450520 169 Unclaim Savings Acct Buy Stock.mp3
    39. GG 450527 170 Bessie Quits.mp3
    40. GG 450603 171 New Secretary Leila.mp3
    41. GG 450610 172 An Evening With Good Book.mp3
    42. GG 450617 173 Bullards Have Party.mp3
    43. GG 450902 174 Going To Grass Lake.mp3
    44. GG 450909 175 Leroys New Teacher.mp3
    45. GG 450916 176 Leroy Suspended From School.mp3
    46. GG 450923 177 Leila Returns Home.mp3
    47. GG 450930 178 Marjorie Ballerina.mp3
    48. GG 451007 179 Raking Leaves Craigs Party.mp3
    49. GG 451014 180 Leroy Works Off Broken Vase.mp3
    50. GG 451021 181 Lightfoot Visits Leila.mp3
    51. GG 451028 182 Peaveys Wife Is Ill Rumor.mp3
    52. GG 451104 183 Helping Leroy With His Studies.mp3
    53. GG 451111 184 Teaching Marjorie Domestic Art.mp3

    1. Volume 4 – 49 shows – 658 MB – total playtime 23 hours, 57 minutes
      Instant Download
      Volume 4: $5.00
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    2. GG 451118 185 Falling Out Of Jolly Boys.mp3
    3. GG 451125 186 Big Football Game.mp3
    4. GG 451202 187 Gildy Stuck With Opera Tickets.mp3
    5. GG 451209 188 Gildy Head Of Opera Committee.mp3
    6. GG 451216 189 Night At Opera.mp3
    7. GG 451223 190 Christmas Eve At Home.mp3
    8. GG 451230 191 New Years Eve At Home.mp3
    9. GG 460106 192 Ben Returns From Navy.mp3
    10. GG 460113 193 Ben Sells Life Insurance.mp3
    11. GG 460120 194 Exposing Phony Swami.mp3
    12. GG 460127 195 Gildy And Leila Feel Their Age.mp3
    13. GG 460203 196 Feud Bullards Diplomat Gildy.mp3
    14. GG 460210 197 Need New Car.mp3
    15. GG 460217 198 Leroy Has Flu.mp3
    16. GG 460224 199 Gildys Hobby Boat Bottle.mp3
    17. GG 460303 200 State Water Inspector.mp3
    18. GG 460310 201 Marjories Date Uncle Mort.mp3
    19. GG 460317 202 Leroy And Craig Arrested.mp3
    20. GG 460324 203 Gildy Traces Genealogy.mp3
    21. GG 460331 204 Picnic Before Doomsday.mp3
    22. GG 460407 205 Annual Dinner Judge Hooker.mp3
    23. GG 460414 206 Bank Robber Loose.mp3
    24. GG 460421 207 Petition Against Trolley Car.mp3
    25. GG 460428 208 Leroy Wants Pony.mp3
    26. GG 460505 209 Gildy In Rut New Image.mp3
    27. GG 460512 210 Leilas New Boy Friend.mp3
    28. GG 460519 211 Leroy Learns Dance Party Ethel.mp3
    29. GG 460526 212 Flashback Meets Leila Ransome.mp3
    30. GG 460602 213 Flashback Play Cyrano Meet Eve.mp3
    31. GG 460609 214 Flashback Jolly Boys July 4.mp3
    32. GG 460918 215 Commissioner Off Water Afrs 63.mp3
    33. GG 460918 215 Commissioner Turns Off Water.mp3
    34. GG 460925 216 Gildys New Spruce Scent Leila Engaged.mp3
    35. GG 461002 217 Leilas Wedding Invitations.mp3
    36. GG 461009 218 Leila Leaves Town.mp3
    37. GG 461016 219 Gildy Contemplates Early Retirement.mp3
    38. GG 461023 220 Gildy Asks For Raise.mp3
    39. GG 461030 221 Real Estate Agent Hooker As Boarder.mp3
    40. GG 461106 222 Pajama Party Marjorie Gets Engaged.mp3
    41. GG 461113 223 Smitten By An Unknown Beautiful Lady.mp3
    42. GG 461120 224 Gildy Takes Up Great Books.mp3
    43. GG 461127 225 Birdy Takes Vacation.mp3
    44. GG 461204 226 Jolly Boys Sponsor An Orphan.mp3
    45. GG 461211 227 Leroy Afraid Of Bully.mp3
    46. GG 461218 228 Leroy Wants Motor Scooter.mp3
    47. GG 461225 229 Christmas Caroling At Gildersleeves.mp3
    48. GG 470101 230 Big New Years Costume Ball.mp3
    49. GG 50000x 00x Birdie Heiress.mp3
    50. GG 50000x 00x Gildy Invents Water Filter.mp3

    1. Volume 5 – 50 shows – 677 MB – total playtime 24 hours, 39 minutes
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      Volume 5: $5.00
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    2. GG 470108 231 Leila Back For Visit Gildy In Love.mp3
    3. GG 470115 232 Jolly Boys Sleigh Ride Judge Hooker.mp3
    4. GG 470122 233 Dancing School.mp3
    5. GG 470129 234 Marjories Hotrod Boyfriend.mp3
    6. GG 470205 235 Magazine Salesman.mp3
    7. GG 470212 236 Old School Friend Visits Gildy.mp3
    8. GG 470219 237 Bessies Cousin Substitutes For Her.mp3
    9. GG 470226 238 Getting Rid Of Bessie.mp3
    10. GG 470305 239 Marjorie Flipped Over Crooner Larry Lake.mp3
    11. GG 470312 240 Leroy And Craig Picked Up Taking Lumber.mp3
    12. GG 470319 241 Stuck With Water Dept Money Over Night.mp3
    13. GG 470326 242 First Day Spring New Piano Teacher.mp3
    14. GG 470402 243 Evening With Miss Piper.mp3
    15. GG 470409 244 Bird Watchers.mp3
    16. GG 470416 245 Whole World Is Watching.mp3
    17. GG 470423 246 Leilas Party For Joanne.mp3
    18. GG 470430 247 Great Tchaikovsky Love Story.mp3
    19. GG 470507 248 Leroy Excluded From Craigs Party Afrs.mp3
    20. GG 470507 248 Leroy Excluded From Craigs Party.mp3
    21. GG 470514 249 Peavey Disappears.mp3
    22. GG 470521 250 Teachers Problems.mp3
    23. GG 470528 251 Gildy Tries To Give Up Smoking.mp3
    24. GG 470604 252 Called In By Irs.mp3
    25. GG 470910 253 Gildy Tries To Renew Romance With Eve.mp3
    26. GG 470917 254 Getting Everything Snug For Winter.mp3
    27. GG 470924 255 In Trouble With Bessies Boy Friend.mp3
    28. GG 471001 256 Teaching Leroy Borrowing And Finance.mp3
    29. GG 471008 257 Beautiful Visitor At Bullards.mp3
    30. GG 471015 258 Marjories Baby Tending Assignment.mp3
    31. GG 471022 259 Congressman Gildersleeve.mp3
    32. GG 471029 260 Halloween Party.mp3
    33. GG 471105 261 Hayride.mp3
    34. GG 471112 262 Gildy Swindled On Fur Coat.mp3
    35. GG 471119 263 Leroy In School Play.mp3
    36. GG 471126 264 Thanksgiving Tom Sawyer Raft.mp3
    37. GG 471203 265 Fiscal Report Due.mp3
    38. GG 471210 266 Christmas Shopping.mp3
    39. GG 471217 267 Water Commissioner Accused Of Loafing.mp3
    40. GG 471224 268 Leroys Christmas Dog.mp3
    41. GG 471231 269 New Years Eve Parties.mp3
    42. GG 480107 270 Anne Tuttle Is Back In Town.mp3
    43. GG 480114 271 Gildy Encourages Marjories New Romance.mp3
    44. GG 480121 272 School Board Election Gildy Vs Hooker.mp3
    45. GG 480128 273 License Plate Time Barber Shop Trip.mp3
    46. GG 480204 274 Acting Mayor.mp3
    47. GG 480211 275 Getting Glasses.mp3
    48. GG 480218 276 Leilas Cousin Adeline Fairchild Arrives.mp3
    49. GG 480225 277 Gildy Thinks Adelines Stealing Birdie.mp3
    50. GG 480303 278 Gildy Helps Girlshy Leroy.mp3
    51. GG 480310 279 Gildy Considers Marriage.mp3

    1. Volume 6 – 50 shows – 682 MB – total playtime 24 hours, 49 minutes
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      Volume 6: $5.00
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    2. GG 480317 280 Adelines Beau Cecil Duel.mp3
    3. GG 480324 281 Adeline Wants To Visit Jolly Boys.mp3
    4. GG 480331 282 Marjorie In Love With Her French Teacher.mp3
    5. GG 480407 283 Gildy Raising Money For Baseball Field.mp3
    6. GG 480414 284 Water Commissioners Radio Speech.mp3
    7. GG 480421 285 Gildys New Secretary.mp3
    8. GG 480428 286 Dinner Courtesy Of Hercules Kitchenware.mp3
    9. GG 480505 287 Fish Fry.mp3
    10. GG 480512 288 Gildy Stays Home Sick.mp3
    11. GG 480519 289 Green Thumb Womens Club.mp3
    12. GG 480526 290 Gildy Drives Mercedes.mp3
    13. GG 480602 291 Gildersleeve Fired As Water Commissioner.mp3
    14. GG 480908 292 Baby Girl Left In Gildys Car.mp3
    15. GG 480915 293 Taking Care Of Baby.mp3
    16. GG 480922 294 Taking Pictures Of Baby Upsets Leroy.mp3
    17. GG 480929 295 Name Baby Contest.mp3
    18. GG 481006 296 Gildy Tries To Reform For Welfare Invest.mp3
    19. GG 481013 297 Visit By Aunt Hattie.mp3
    20. GG 481020 298 Marjorie Ready To Marry To Keep Baby.mp3
    21. GG 481027 299 Gildy Proposes To Adeline.mp3
    22. GG 481103 300 Engagement.mp3
    23. GG 481110 301 Leila Ransome Back In Town.mp3
    24. GG 481117 302 Engaged To Leila And Adeline.mp3
    25. GG 481124 303 Water Commissioners Helicopter Flight.mp3
    26. GG 481201 304 Leroys Holiday Job.mp3
    27. GG 481208 305 Disappearing Christmas Presents.mp3
    28. GG 481215 306 Christmas Shopping.mp3
    29. GG 481222 307 Christmas Eve At Gildersleeves.mp3
    30. GG 481229 308 Wedding Is Imminent.mp3
    31. GG 490105 309 Gildy Takes Up Writing.mp3
    32. GG 490112 310 Love Thy Neighbor.mp3
    33. GG 490119 311 Trip To Dentist.mp3
    34. GG 490126 312 Eager Young Man At Water Department.mp3
    35. GG 490202 313 Adelines Hat Shop.mp3
    36. GG 490209 314 Hat Shop Grand Opening.mp3
    37. GG 490216 315 Leila Arrives To Close Hat Shop.mp3
    38. GG 490223 316 Singing Lessons.mp3
    39. GG 490302 317 Leroys Girlfriend And Her Mother.mp3
    40. GG 490309 318 Gildys Dream Summerfield 1903.mp3
    41. GG 490316 319 Leroy Faces Competition.mp3
    42. GG 490323 320 Gildys New Secretary.mp3
    43. GG 490330 321 Acting Police Commissioner.mp3
    44. GG 490406 322 Babys Birthday Party Conflicts.mp3
    45. GG 490413 323 Circus Comes To Summerfield.mp3
    46. GG 490420 324 Haunted House.mp3
    47. GG 490427 325 Detective Gildersleeve After Burglar.mp3
    48. GG 490504 326 Mysterious Girl On Bus.mp3
    49. GG 490511 327 Gildys Millionaire Friend Visits.mp3
    50. GG 490518 328 Marjorie And Rodney Poet.mp3
    51. GG 490525 329 Gildy Sues Bullard.mp3

    1. Volume 7 – 51 shows – 695 MB – total playtime 25 hours, 17 minutes
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      Volume 7: $5.00
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    2. GG 490601 330 Folk Dancing Class.mp3
    3. GG 490921 331 Songwriter.mp3
    4. GG 490928 332 Gildys New Heartthrob Nurse Milford.mp3
    5. GG 491005 333 Double Date With Marjorie And Bronco.mp3
    6. GG 491012 334 Gildy At Hospital With Expectant Father.mp3
    7. GG 491019 335 Tom Cat Troubles.mp3
    8. GG 491026 336 Gildys Rival Dr Olson.mp3
    9. GG 491102 337 Rivalry Continues At Carnival.mp3
    10. GG 491109 338 Birthday Tea Party For Marjorie.mp3
    11. GG 491116 339 Job For Bronco.mp3
    12. GG 491123 340 Jolly Boys Band.mp3
    13. GG 491130 341 New Neighbor Two Pants Pearson.mp3
    14. GG 491207 342 Bronco Bows Out For Marshall Bullard.mp3
    15. GG 491214 343 Christmas Spirit.mp3
    16. GG 491221 344 Marjorie And Bronco Are Engaged.mp3
    17. GG 491228 345 Hayride.mp3
    18. GG 500104 346 Engagement Announcement Broncos Family.mp3
    19. GG 500111 347 Young French Diplomat Comes To Summerfield.mp3
    20. GG 500118 348 Dinner With Kathryn.mp3
    21. GG 500125 349 Dinner For Broncos Folks.mp3
    22. GG 500201 350 Gildy Tries To Learn Samba.mp3
    23. GG 500208 351 Should Marjorie Work After Marriage.mp3
    24. GG 500215 352 Wedding Day Set For Marjorie And Bronco.mp3
    25. GG 500222 353 Jolly Boy Election.mp3
    26. GG 500301 354 Marjories Shower.mp3
    27. GG 500308 355 Gildys Blade.mp3
    28. GG 500315 356 Gildy Considers Marriage.mp3
    29. GG 500322 357 Picnic With Thompsons.mp3
    30. GG 500329 358 House Judge Hooker.mp3
    31. GG 500405 359 Apartment For Bronco And Marjorie.mp3
    32. GG 500412 360 Leroys Billy Goat.mp3
    33. GG 500419 361 Marjories Wedding Gown.mp3
    34. GG 500426 362 Jolly Boys Gift Rental Trailer.mp3
    35. GG 500503 363 Bronco Disappears.mp3
    36. GG 500510 364 Wedding Day.mp3
    37. GG 500517 365 Fishing Trip To Grass Lake.mp3
    38. GG 500524 366 Bronco Real Estate Salesman.mp3
    39. GG 500531 367 Sadie Hawkins Day Dance.mp3
    40. GG 500607 368 House Boat.mp3
    41. GG 500614 369 Vacation Plans On House Boat.mp3
    42. GG 500906 370 Marjorie Is Pregnant.mp3
    43. GG 500913 371 Visiting Inlaws Mrs Thompsons Sister.mp3
    44. GG 500920 372 Gildy Looking For New Secretary.mp3
    45. GG 500927 373 Gildy Shares Leroys Piano Lessons.mp3
    46. GG 501004 374 Community Chest Football Game Leroy.mp3
    47. GG 501011 375 Bullard Runs For Mayor.mp3
    48. GG 501018 376 Weight Problems.mp3
    49. GG 501025 377 The Sons of Summerfield.mp3
    50. GG 501101 378 Election Day.mp3
    51. GG 501108 379 Better Man Than Bullard.mp3
    52. GG 501115 380 Summerfield Centennial Pageant.mp3

    1. Volume 8 – 50 shows – 674 MB – total playtime 24 hours, 32 minutes
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      Volume 8: $5.00
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    2. GG 501122 381 Water Department Calendar.mp3
    3. GG 501129 382 Leroys First Date.mp3
    4. GG 501206 383 Leroys Laundry Business.mp3
    5. GG 501213 384 Chief Gates On Spot.mp3
    6. GG 501220 385 Christmas Show Present For Kathryn.mp3
    7. GG 501227 386 Gildybullard Double Date New Years Eve.mp3
    8. GG 510103 387 Marjorie Craves Sauerkraut.mp3
    9. GG 510110 388 Gildy Is Worn Out From Late Dating.mp3
    10. GG 510117 389 Nervous Expectant Father.mp3
    11. GG 510131 391 Shower For Marjorie.mp3
    12. GG 510207 392 Day Off For Peavey 30th Anniversary.mp3
    13. GG 510214 393 Throwing Snowballs.mp3
    14. GG 510221 394 Marjories Babies Arrive.mp3
    15. GG 510228 395 Trying To Name Twins.mp3
    16. GG 510307 396 Marjorie Twins Coming Home Grandpa.mp3
    17. GG 510314 397 Gildy Pushes Attendance At Jolly Boys Club.mp3
    18. GG 510321 398 Bronco Tries To Run House.mp3
    19. GG 510328 399 Gildy And Leroy Baby Sit Twins.mp3
    20. GG 510404 400 Bullard Needs Boat Access.mp3
    21. GG 510411 401 Gildy Worried That Kids Want To Leave.mp3
    22. GG 510418 402 Leroy In Love With Marcelle.mp3
    23. GG 510425 403 Leroys Pony.mp3
    24. GG 510502 404 Spring Cleaning Judges House.mp3
    25. GG 510509 405 Marjorie And Broncos First Anniversary.mp3
    26. GG 510516 406 Boating Date With Katharine.mp3
    27. GG 510523 407 Broncos Father Arrives Twins Are Named.mp3
    28. GG 510530 408 Leaving Vacation Half Moon Lake Gildy Schedule.mp3
    29. GG 510905 409 Leroy Buys Car.mp3
    30. GG 510912 410 County Fair Comes To Summerfield.mp3
    31. GG 510919 411 Getting Ready For School Women Trouble.mp3
    32. GG 510926 412 Marjorie Gets Job.mp3
    33. GG 511003 413 Gildy Wants Reelected President Jolly Boys Cl.mp3
    34. GG 511010 414 Leroy Visits Judge.mp3
    35. GG 511017 415 Bronco Almost Forgets His First Date Marjorie.mp3
    36. GG 511024 416 Gildy Takes Mrs Winthrop And Babs On Picnic.mp3
    37. GG 511031 417 Halloween And Gildy Finds Lost Boy.mp3
    38. GG 511107 418 Marjorie Bronco To Build House.mp3
    39. GG 511114 419 Problems Removing An Oak Tree.mp3
    40. GG 511121 420 Inviting Thanksgiving Guests.mp3
    41. GG 511128 421 Getting Leroy To Study And Grow Up.mp3
    42. GG 511212 423 Leroy Selling Christmas Trees.mp3
    43. GG 511219 424 Christmas Show.mp3
    44. GG 511226 425 Opening Last Christmas Presents.mp3
    45. GG 520102 426 Gildy Wants New Job To Keep Up With Bronco.mp3
    46. GG 520109 427 Gildy Has Disappeared In Hospital.mp3
    47. GG 520116 428 Gildy Talks To Everyone About Operation.mp3
    48. GG 520123 429 Trying To Be Alone With Paula.mp3
    49. GG 520130 430 Gildy Protects Hooker From Mona.mp3
    50. GG 520206 431 Gildy Hires Mrs Munson And Gets Floyd Too.mp3
    51. GG 520213 432 Engagement Ring Mixup.mp3

    1. Volume 9 – 48 shows – 674 MB – total playtime 23 hours, 47 minutes
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      Volume 9: $5.00
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    2. GG 520220 433 Civic Coordinator.mp3
    3. GG 520227 434 Leroys Week Of Freedom.mp3
    4. GG 520305 435 Bullard Is House Need Two Thousand Dollar Loan.mp3
    5. GG 520312 436 Train Trip To Omaha.mp3
    6. GG 520319 437 Gildys Garden.mp3
    7. GG 520326 438 Television Comes To Summerfield.mp3
    8. GG 520402 439 Colorful Past.mp3
    9. GG 520409 440 Easter Sunrise Service.mp3
    10. GG 520416 441 Leroy Bee Keeper.mp3
    11. GG 520423 442 Diving For Publicity.mp3
    12. GG 520430 443 Bad Report Card No Camp.mp3
    13. GG 520507 444 Leroy Singing Cowboy.mp3
    14. GG 520514 445 Bronco Coming Home Gildy And Leroy Fishing.mp3
    15. GG 520521 446 Happy Moving Day.mp3
    16. GG 520528 447 Leroys Bike Motor.mp3
    17. GG 520604 448 Katie Lee Visits Summerfield Afrts.mp3
    18. GG 520604 448 Katie Lee Visits Summerfield.mp3
    19. GG 520611 449 Bronco Wants Wall Between Yards.mp3
    20. GG 520618 450 Guess Number Of Beans Contest.mp3
    21. GG 520625 451 Miss Mckinley Of Complaint Dept.mp3
    22. GG 520702 452 Fourth Of July Speech.mp3
    23. GG 520709 453 Fishing With Miss Mckinley.mp3
    24. GG 520716 454 Back Yard Camping.mp3
    25. GG 520730 456 Bronco Sells Gildys House.mp3
    26. GG 520806 457 Leroy Behaving Too Well.mp3
    27. GG 520813 458 Gildy Goes On Diet.mp3
    28. GG 520820 459 Leroys Million Dollar Laundry.mp3
    29. GG 520827 460 Cousin Emily Comes For Visit.mp3
    30. GG 520903 461 Winning Leroy Back From Emily.mp3
    31. GG 520910 462 Cleaning Bullards House.mp3
    32. GG 520917 463 Drivers License Test.mp3
    33. GG 520924 464 Hooker And Peavey Are Feuding.mp3
    34. GG 521001 465 Economize.mp3
    35. GG 521008 466 Ladies Man.mp3
    36. GG 521015 467 Watch Trouble.mp3
    37. GG 521022 468 Gildy Athlete.mp3
    38. GG 521029 469 Suggestion Box.mp3
    39. GG 521105 470 Gildersleeve Vs Golf.mp3
    40. GG 521112 471 Problems With Leroys Teacher.mp3
    41. GG 521119 472 Leroys Gift.mp3
    42. GG 521126 473 Miss Grace Tuttle And Bird Watching.mp3
    43. GG 521203 474 Birthday Duck Dinner.mp3
    44. GG 521210 475 Leroys Part Time Employment.mp3
    45. GG 521217 476 Grace Tuttles Brother Sydney.mp3
    46. GG 521224 477 Gildy And Leroy Alone For Christmas.mp3
    47. GG 521231 478 New Years Eve With Peavey.mp3
    48. GG 530107 479 Leila Back In Town Sydney Tuttle.mp3
    49. GG 530114 480 Gildy And Sidney Help Leila.mp3

    1. Volume 10 – 50 shows – 678 MB – total playtime 24 hours, 40 minutes
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      Volume 10: $5.00
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    2. GG 530121 481 Cousin Bert Sends Leroy Great Dane.mp3
    3. GG 530128 482 Gildy And Grace Tuttle.mp3
    4. GG 530204 483 Rivals Leila And Grace Meet.mp3
    5. GG 530211 484 Two Dates For Mayors Valentine Party.mp3
    6. GG 530218 485 Gildy In Trouble With Leila And Grace.mp3
    7. GG 530225 486 Gildys Great Dane Causes Peavey Trouble.mp3
    8. GG 530304 487 Extra Help At Water Department.mp3
    9. GG 530311 488 Leroy Moves Out To Marjories.mp3
    10. GG 530318 489 Jam Session.mp3
    11. GG 530325 490 Cleaning House Rummage Sale.mp3
    12. GG 530401 491 Easter Sunrise Service.mp3
    13. GG 530408 492 Leroy Has Trouble With Mayors Son.mp3
    14. GG 530415 493 Boys Club Takes Over Jolly Boy Clubroom.mp3
    15. GG 530422 494 Marjorie And Bronco Are Fighting.mp3
    16. GG 530429 495 Bottled Water Company Stock.mp3
    17. GG 530506 496 Anniversary Present.mp3
    18. GG 530513 497 Gildy Going To Europe.mp3
    19. GG 530520 498 Leroys Theme.mp3
    20. GG 530527 499 Witness At Wedding.mp3
    21. GG 530603 500 Birdie May Move To Marjories House.mp3
    22. GG 530610 501 Leroy Has Mumps Train Stop.mp3
    23. GG 530617 502 Gift For Miss Tuttle.mp3
    24. GG 530624 503 Swimming Trip To Grass Lake.mp3
    25. GG 530701 504 Togetherness.mp3
    26. GG 530715 506 Buying Spray Gun.mp3
    27. GG 530722 507 Mae Home From Vacation Engaged.mp3
    28. GG 530729 508 Leroy Going To Visit Aunt Hattie.mp3
    29. GG 530805 509 Water Commissioner Is Fired.mp3
    30. GG 530812 510 Deciding On Lake Cabin.mp3
    31. GG 530819 511 Fish Story.mp3
    32. GG 530826 512 Sufficient Unto Ones Self.mp3
    33. GG 530902 513 Leroys Girl Jo Mac.mp3
    34. GG 530909 514 Gildy Helps Raise Ronnie.mp3
    35. GG 530916 515 Birdies Mystery Cake Recipe.mp3
    36. GG 530923 516 Baby Sitter Gildy.mp3
    37. GG 530930 517 Flattery.mp3
    38. GG 531007 518 Home Haircut.mp3
    39. GG 531014 519 Gildy Involved With Teacher And Principal.mp3
    40. GG 531021 520 Fire Bells Are Ringing.mp3
    41. GG 531028 521 Unwilling Witness.mp3
    42. GG 531104 522 Impulsive Gildy Almost Gets Married.mp3
    43. GG 531111 523 The Authority Figure.mp3
    44. GG 531118 524 Gildy Athlete Vs Doc Olsen.mp3
    45. GG 531125 525 Dinner Mixup With Peavey And Girls.mp3
    46. GG 531202 526 Gildy Earns Christmas Money Selling Insurance.mp3
    47. GG 531209 527 Taking Bessie To Dance.mp3
    48. GG 531216 528 Gildy And Hooker Feud At Christmas.mp3
    49. GG 531223 529 Selling Trees For Needy Childrens Party.mp3
    50. GG 531230 530 New Years Eve At Home With Leroy.mp3
    51. GG 540106 531 Irenes Father Pushes For Wedding.mp3

    1. Volume 11 – 33 shows – 413 MB – total playtime 15 hours, 2 minutes
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      Volume 11: $5.00
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    2. GG 531111 523 Authority Figure.mp3
    3. GG 540113 532 Gildy In Doghouse With Irene.mp3
    4. GG 540120 533 Leroy Going Steady.mp3
    5. GG 540127 534 Bronco Mad At Gildy For Interfering.mp3
    6. GG 540203 535 Evening Conference With Leroys Teacher.mp3
    7. GG 540210 536 Judge Hookers Annual Dinner.mp3
    8. GG 540217 537 Gildy Budding Politician.mp3
    9. GG 540224 538 Jolly Boys Election.mp3
    10. GG 540303 539 Paula Winthrop Back In Town.mp3
    11. GG 540310 540 Gildy Is Old Fashioned And Square.mp3
    12. GG 540317 541 New Girl In Town Marie Olsen.mp3
    13. GG 540324 542 Hobby Show.mp3
    14. GG 540331 543 Gildy Involved With Two Girls Again.mp3
    15. GG 540407 544 Marie Teaches Bronco French.mp3
    16. GG 540414 545 Dinner Party For Broncos Boss.mp3
    17. GG 540421 546 Marie Olsen Charms Everyone.mp3
    18. GG 540428 547 Gildy Swears Off Girls But Meets Thelma.mp3
    19. GG 540512 549 Dinner For Dr Olsen Whos Leaving Town.mp3
    20. GG 540519 550 Gildy Runs For Sheriff.mp3
    21. GG 540526 551 Visit By Aunt Hattie.mp3
    22. GG 540602 552 Trying To End Aunt Hatties Stay.mp3
    23. GG 541026 00x Pal To Leroy.mp3
    24. GG 550000 00x Vacation Time.mp3
    25. GG 551020 00x Floyds Inheritance.mp3
    26. GG 560000 Doye Odells Dude Ranch Afrts 498.mp3
    27. GG 560000 Judge Returns From Europe Afrts 544.mp3
    28. GG 560000 Peavey Mayor Expect Support 2nd Half Afrts 490.mp3
    29. GG 560105 Fibbing To Make Friends.mp3
    30. GG 561101 029 Jolly Boys Haunted House Adventure.mp3
    31. GG 570000 00x Bessies Vacation.mp3
    32. GG 570000 00x Leilas Antique Vase.mp3
    33. GG 570307 00x Gildy Causes Water Outage.mp3
    34. GG 570416 00x Family Prepares For Easter.mp3
  • Standard Audio CDs are delivered by mail on archival quality media with up to 60 minutes on each CD and play in all CD players

    533 recordings on 266 Audio CDs. Total playtime 261 hours, 4 min
    533 recordings on 266 Audio CDs
    total playtime 261 hours, 4 min

    Great Gildersleeve Disc A001

    1. GG 50000x 00x Birdie Heiress
    2. GG 50000x 00x Gildy Invents Water Filter

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Great Gildersleeve Disc A002

    1. GG 410516 000 Audition Show
    2. GG 410831 001 Gildy Arrives At Summerfield

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    Great Gildersleeve Disc A003

    1. GG 410907 002 Cake
    2. GG 410914 003 Leroys Paper Route

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    Great Gildersleeve Disc A004

    1. GG 410921 004 Marjories Girl Friend Visits
    2. GG 410928 005 Hiccups

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    Great Gildersleeve Disc A005

    1. GG 411005 006 Investigate City Jail
    2. GG 411019 008 Pranks At School

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    Great Gildersleeve Disc A006

    1. GG 411026 009 Visit From Oliver
    2. GG 411102 010 Babysitting

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    Great Gildersleeve Disc A007

    1. GG 411109 011 Birdie Quits
    2. GG 411116 012 Servicemen For Thanksgiving

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    Great Gildersleeve Disc A008

    1. GG 411123 013 Leroy Smokes Cigar
    2. GG 411130 014 Canary Wont Sing

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    Great Gildersleeve Disc A009

    1. GG 411207 015 Cousin Octavia Visits
    2. GG 411214 016 Selling Iron Deer War News

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    Great Gildersleeve Disc A010

    1. GG 411221 017 Christmas Gift Fibber Mcgee
    2. GG 411228 018 Leroys New Dog

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    Great Gildersleeve Disc A011

    1. GG 420104 019 Gildy Goes On Diet
    2. GG 420111 020 Gildy Arrested As Car Thief

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    Great Gildersleeve Disc A012

    1. GG 420118 021 New Bed For Marjorie
    2. GG 420125 022 Matchmaker

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    Great Gildersleeve Disc A013

    1. GG 420201 023 Leroy Runs Away
    2. GG 420208 024 Auto Mechanics

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    Great Gildersleeve Disc A014

    1. GG 420222 026 Selling Drugstore
    2. GG 420301 027 Fortune Teller

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    Great Gildersleeve Disc A015

    1. GG 420315 029 Ten Best Dressed
    2. GG 420322 030 Gildys New Neighbors

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    Great Gildersleeve Disc A016

    1. GG 420329 031 Gildy Writes Servicemen Marj
    2. GG 420419 034 Leroy Sells Flower Seeds

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    Great Gildersleeve Disc A017

    1. GG 420426 035 Gildys Goat Horace
    2. GG 420503 036 Ship Christening

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    Great Gildersleeve Disc A018

    1. GG 420510 037 Mystery Voice
    2. GG 420517 038 College Chum Visits

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    Great Gildersleeve Disc A019

    1. GG 420531 040 Dinner For Judge Hooker
    2. GG 420607 041 Sneezes

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    Great Gildersleeve Disc A020

    1. GG 420614 042 Gildy Produces Play
    2. GG 420621 043 Fathers Day Chair

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    Great Gildersleeve Disc A021

    1. GG 420628 044 Gildy Love Amelia Hooker
    2. GG 420830 045 Fishing Trip Lake Hackmatack

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    Great Gildersleeve Disc A022

    1. GG 420906 046 Golf Tournament
    2. GG 421004 050 Planting Tree

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    Great Gildersleeve Disc A023

    1. GG 421011 051 First Cold Snap
    2. GG 421018 052 Appointed Water Commissioner

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    Great Gildersleeve Disc A024

    1. GG 421025 053 Gildys First Day On Job
    2. GG 421101 054 Pal To Leroy

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    Great Gildersleeve Disc A025

    1. GG 421108 055 Quiet Evening At Home
    2. GG 421115 056 College Chums Son Visits

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    Great Gildersleeve Disc A026

    1. GG 421122 057 Thanksgiving Dinner
    2. GG 421129 058 Attend Theatre Date With Star

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    Great Gildersleeve Disc A027

    1. GG 421206 059 Toothache
    2. GG 421220 061 Christmas Program

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    Great Gildersleeve Disc A028

    1. GG 421227 062 Leroys Chemistry Set
    2. GG 430103 063 Wanting To Marry Leila

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    Great Gildersleeve Disc A029

    1. GG 430110 064 Fibber Mcgee And Molly Visit
    2. GG 430117 065 Womens Club Speaker

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    Great Gildersleeve Disc A030

    1. GG 430124 066 Sabotage
    2. GG 430131 067 Fire Engine Committee

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    Great Gildersleeve Disc A031

    1. GG 430207 068 Leilas Sister
    2. GG 430314 073 Income Tax Time

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    Great Gildersleeve Disc A032

    1. GG 430328 075 Springtime In Summerfield
    2. GG 430404 076 Gildy Repairs His Car

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    Great Gildersleeve Disc A033

    1. GG 430411 077 Auto Accident Judge Hooker
    2. GG 430418 078 Spring Hike

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    Great Gildersleeve Disc A034

    1. GG 430425 079 Rabbits
    2. GG 430509 081 Wedding List

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    Great Gildersleeve Disc A035

    1. GG 430516 082 Haunted House
    2. GG 430523 083 Leroy Gets Job

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    Great Gildersleeve Disc A036

    1. GG 430530 084 Memorial Day Parade
    2. GG 430606 085 Wedding Shower For Leila

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    Great Gildersleeve Disc A037

    1. GG 430613 086 Gildy Plans Honeymoon
    2. GG 430627 088 Wedding Day

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    Great Gildersleeve Disc A038

    1. GG 430829 089 End Of Vacation At Grass Lake
    2. GG 430912 091 War Bond Drive

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    Great Gildersleeve Disc A039

    1. GG 430919 092 Leila Returning
    2. GG 430926 093 Leila Arrives Home

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    Great Gildersleeve Disc A040

    1. GG 431010 095 Old School Pal Royal Visit
    2. GG 431024 097 Low Water Pressure

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    Great Gildersleeve Disc A041

    1. GG 431031 098 Halloween Party
    2. GG 431107 099 Pot Roast

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    Great Gildersleeve Disc A042

    1. GG 431114 100 Gildy Rejected By Eve Goodwin
    2. GG 431121 101 Royal Visit

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    Great Gildersleeve Disc A043

    1. GG 440109 108 Gildy In Hospital
    2. GG 440116 109 Income Tax Returns

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    Great Gildersleeve Disc A044

    1. GG 440123 110 Eve And Gildy Get Together
    2. GG 440130 111 Marjorie Actress

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    Great Gildersleeve Disc A045

    1. GG 440206 112 Sleigh Ride
    2. GG 440312 117 Register to Vote

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    Great Gildersleeve Disc A046

    1. GG 440319 118 Gildy Wants To Run For Mayor
    2. GG 440326 119 Campaign Photo

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    Great Gildersleeve Disc A047

    1. GG 440409 121 Campgn Offc Start Easter Show
    2. GG 440430 124 Engaged

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    Great Gildersleeve Disc A048

    1. GG 440507 125 Campaign Gets Hot
    2. GG 440514 126 Gildy Engaged Kisses Leila

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    Great Gildersleeve Disc A049

    1. GG 440521 127 City Employees Picnic
    2. GG 440528 128 Campaign Headquarters

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    Great Gildersleeve Disc A050

    1. GG 440604 129 Eves Mother Visits
    2. GG 440611 130 Dinner For Eves Mother

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    Great Gildersleeve Disc A051

    1. GG 440618 131 Eves Mother Stays On
    2. GG 440625 132 Election Day Gildy Loses

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    Great Gildersleeve Disc A052

    1. GG 440903 133 Lonely Gildy
    2. GG 440910 134 Water Cmmsnr Fired Rain Maker

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    Great Gildersleeve Disc A053

    1. GG 440917 135 Mcgees Invention
    2. GG 440924 136 Plastic Mouse Trap Bankers Son

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    Great Gildersleeve Disc A054

    1. GG 441001 137 Gildy Sells His House
    2. GG 441008 138 Boys Club

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    Great Gildersleeve Disc A055

    1. GG 441015 139 Gildy Looks For Job
    2. GG 441022 140 Important Phone Call

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    Great Gildersleeve Disc A056

    1. GG 441029 141 Gildy Back Water Commissioner
    2. GG 441105 142 Election Day Bet

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    Great Gildersleeve Disc A057

    1. GG 441112 143 Span Dance Teacher Ms Del Rey
    2. GG 441119 144 Reception For Miss Del Rey

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    Great Gildersleeve Disc A058

    1. GG 441119 144 Recptn Miss Del Rey Afrs 65
    2. GG 441126 145 Reception Aftermath

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    Great Gildersleeve Disc A059

    1. GG 441203 146 Date With Miss Del Rey
    2. GG 441210 147 Breach Of Promise

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    Great Gildersleeve Disc A060

    1. GG 441217 148 Dodging Process Server
    2. GG 441224 149 Twas Night Before Christmas

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    Great Gildersleeve Disc A061

    1. GG 441231 150 Big New Years Eve Party
    2. GG 450107 151 Whos Dating Who

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    Great Gildersleeve Disc A062

    1. GG 450114 152 Engagement For Defense
    2. GG 450121 153 Hockey Player

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    Great Gildersleeve Disc A063

    1. GG 450128
    2. GG 450204 155 Visit By Aunt Hattie

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    Great Gildersleeve Disc A064

    1. GG 450218 157 Aunt Hattie Stays On
    2. GG 450225 158a Hattie Judge Hooker Preshow

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    Great Gildersleeve Disc A065

    1. GG 450225 158b Hattie And Judge Hooker
    2. GG 450311 160 Chairman Of Womens Committee

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    Great Gildersleeve Disc A066

    1. GG 450318 161 Leila Hears Burglar Afrs
    2. GG 450325 162 Old Flame Named Violet

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    Great Gildersleeve Disc A067

    1. GG 450401 163 Raising Pig
    2. GG 450408 164 Leroys Pet Pig Tiger

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    Great Gildersleeve Disc A068

    1. GG 450422 165 Leilas Party
    2. GG 450429 166 New Neighbor Bullard

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    Great Gildersleeve Disc A069

    1. GG 450506 167 Gildy Picks Husband Marjorie
    2. GG 450513 168 Meet Craig Bullard

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    Great Gildersleeve Disc A070

    1. GG 450520 169 Unclaim Savings Acct Buy Stock
    2. GG 450527 170 Bessie Quits

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    Great Gildersleeve Disc A071

    1. GG 450603 171 New Secretary Leila
    2. GG 450610 172 An Evening With Good Book

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    Great Gildersleeve Disc A072

    1. GG 450617 173 Bullards Have Party
    2. GG 450902 174 Going To Grass Lake

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    Great Gildersleeve Disc A073

    1. GG 450909 175 Leroys New Teacher
    2. GG 450916 176 Leroy Suspended From School

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    Great Gildersleeve Disc A074

    1. GG 450923 177 Leila Returns Home
    2. GG 450930 178 Marjorie Ballerina

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    Great Gildersleeve Disc A075

    1. GG 451007 179 Raking Leaves Craigs Party
    2. GG 451014 180 Leroy Works Off Broken Vase

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    Great Gildersleeve Disc A076

    1. GG 451021 181 Lightfoot Visits Leila
    2. GG 451028 182 Peaveys Wife Is Ill Rumor

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    Great Gildersleeve Disc A077

    1. GG 451104 183 Helping Leroy With His Studies
    2. GG 451111 184 Teaching Marjorie Domestic Art

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    Great Gildersleeve Disc A078

    1. GG 451118 185 Falling Out Of Jolly Boys
    2. GG 451125 186 Big Football Game

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    Great Gildersleeve Disc A079

    1. GG 451202 187 Gildy Stuck With Opera Tickets
    2. GG 451209 188 Gildy Head Of Opera Committee

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    Great Gildersleeve Disc A080

    1. GG 451216 189 Night At Opera
    2. GG 451223 190 Christmas Eve At Home

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    Great Gildersleeve Disc A081

    1. GG 451230 191 New Years Eve At Home
    2. GG 460106 192 Ben Returns From Navy

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    Great Gildersleeve Disc A082

    1. GG 460113 193 Ben Sells Life Insurance
    2. GG 460120 194 Exposing Phony Swami

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    Great Gildersleeve Disc A083

    1. GG 460127 195 Gildy And Leila Feel Their Age
    2. GG 460203 196 Feud Bullards Diplomat Gildy

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    Great Gildersleeve Disc A084

    1. GG 460210 197 Need New Car
    2. GG 460217 198 Leroy Has Flu

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    Great Gildersleeve Disc A085

    1. GG 460224 199 Gildys Hobby Boat Bottle
    2. GG 460303 200 State Water Inspector

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    Great Gildersleeve Disc A086

    1. GG 460310 201 Marjories Date Uncle Mort
    2. GG 460317 202 Leroy And Craig Arrested

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    Great Gildersleeve Disc A087

    1. GG 460324 203 Gildy Traces Genealogy
    2. GG 460331 204 Picnic Before Doomsday

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    Great Gildersleeve Disc A088

    1. GG 460407 205 Annual Dinner Judge Hooker
    2. GG 460414 206 Bank Robber Loose

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    Great Gildersleeve Disc A089

    1. GG 460421 207 Petition Against Trolley Car
    2. GG 460428 208 Leroy Wants Pony

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    Great Gildersleeve Disc A090

    1. GG 460505 209 Gildy In Rut New Image
    2. GG 460512 210 Leilas New Boy Friend

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    Great Gildersleeve Disc A091

    1. GG 460519 211 Leroy Learns Dance Party Ethel
    2. GG 460526 212 Flashback Meets Leila Ransome

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    Great Gildersleeve Disc A092

    1. GG 460602 213 Flashback Play Cyrano Meet Eve
    2. GG 460609 214 Flashback Jolly Boys July 4

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    Great Gildersleeve Disc A093

    1. GG 460918 215 Commissioner Off Water Afrs 63
    2. GG 460918 215 Commissioner Turns Off Water

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    Great Gildersleeve Disc A094

    1. GG 460925 216 Gildys New Spruce Scent Leila Engaged
    2. GG 461002 217 Leilas Wedding Invitations

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    Great Gildersleeve Disc A095

    1. GG 461009 218 Leila Leaves Town
    2. GG 461016 219 Gildy Contemplates Early Retirement

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    Great Gildersleeve Disc A096

    1. GG 461023 220 Gildy Asks For Raise
    2. GG 461030 221 Real Estate Agent Hooker As Boarder

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    Great Gildersleeve Disc A097

    1. GG 461106 222 Pajama Party Marjorie Gets Engaged
    2. GG 461113 223 Smitten By An Unknown Beautiful Lady

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    Great Gildersleeve Disc A098

    1. GG 461120 224 Gildy Takes Up Great Books
    2. GG 461127 225 Birdy Takes Vacation

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    Great Gildersleeve Disc A099

    1. GG 461204 226 Jolly Boys Sponsor An Orphan
    2. GG 461211 227 Leroy Afraid Of Bully

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    Great Gildersleeve Disc A100

    1. GG 461218 228 Leroy Wants Motor Scooter
    2. GG 461225 229 Christmas Caroling At Gildersleeves

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    Great Gildersleeve Disc A101

    1. GG 470101 230 Big New Years Costume Ball
    2. GG 470108 231 Leila Back For Visit Gildy In Love

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    Great Gildersleeve Disc A102

    1. GG 470115 232 Jolly Boys Sleigh Ride Judge Hooker
    2. GG 470122 233 Dancing School

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    Great Gildersleeve Disc A103

    1. GG 470129 234 Marjories Hotrod Boyfriend
    2. GG 470205 235 Magazine Salesman

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    Great Gildersleeve Disc A104

    1. GG 470212 236 Old School Friend Visits Gildy
    2. GG 470219 237 Bessies Cousin Substitutes For Her

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    Great Gildersleeve Disc A105

    1. GG 470226 238 Getting Rid Of Bessie
    2. GG 470305 239 Marjorie Flipped Over Crooner Larry Lake

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    Great Gildersleeve Disc A106

    1. GG 470312 240 Leroy And Craig Picked Up Taking Lumber
    2. GG 470319 241 Stuck With Water Dept Money Over Night

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    Great Gildersleeve Disc A107

    1. GG 470326 242 First Day Spring New Piano Teacher
    2. GG 470402 243 Evening With Miss Piper

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    Great Gildersleeve Disc A108

    1. GG 470409 244 Bird Watchers
    2. GG 470416 245 Whole World Is Watching

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    Great Gildersleeve Disc A109

    1. GG 470423 246 Leilas Party For Joanne
    2. GG 470430 247 Great Tchaikovsky Love Story

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    Great Gildersleeve Disc A110

    1. GG 470507 248 Leroy Excluded From Craigs Party Afrs
    2. GG 470507 248 Leroy Excluded From Craigs Party

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    Great Gildersleeve Disc A111

    1. GG 470514 249 Peavey Disappears
    2. GG 470521 250 Teachers Problems

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    Great Gildersleeve Disc A112

    1. GG 470528 251 Gildy Tries To Give Up Smoking
    2. GG 470604 252 Called In By Irs

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    Great Gildersleeve Disc A113

    1. GG 470910 253 Gildy Tries To Renew Romance With Eve
    2. GG 470917 254 Getting Everything Snug For Winter

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    Great Gildersleeve Disc A114

    1. GG 470924 255 In Trouble With Bessies Boy Friend
    2. GG 471001 256 Teaching Leroy Borrowing And Finance

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    Great Gildersleeve Disc A115

    1. GG 471008 257 Beautiful Visitor At Bullards
    2. GG 471015 258 Marjories Baby Tending Assignment

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    Great Gildersleeve Disc A116

    1. GG 471022 259 Congressman Gildersleeve
    2. GG 471029 260 Halloween Party

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    Great Gildersleeve Disc A117

    1. GG 471105 261 Hayride
    2. GG 471112 262 Gildy Swindled On Fur Coat

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    Great Gildersleeve Disc A118

    1. GG 471119 263 Leroy In School Play
    2. GG 471126 264 Thanksgiving Tom Sawyer Raft

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    Great Gildersleeve Disc A119

    1. GG 471203 265 Fiscal Report Due
    2. GG 471210 266 Christmas Shopping

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    Great Gildersleeve Disc A120

    1. GG 471217 267 Water Commissioner Accused Of Loafing
    2. GG 471224 268 Leroys Christmas Dog

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    Great Gildersleeve Disc A121

    1. GG 471231 269 New Years Eve Parties
    2. GG 480107 270 Anne Tuttle Is Back In Town

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    Great Gildersleeve Disc A122

    1. GG 480114 271 Gildy Encourages Marjories New Romance
    2. GG 480121 272 School Board Election Gildy Vs Hooker

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    Great Gildersleeve Disc A123

    1. GG 480128 273 License Plate Time Barber Shop Trip
    2. GG 480204 274 Acting Mayor

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    Great Gildersleeve Disc A124

    1. GG 480211 275 Getting Glasses
    2. GG 480218 276 Leilas Cousin Adeline Fairchild Arrives

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    Great Gildersleeve Disc A125

    1. GG 480225 277 Gildy Thinks Adelines Stealing Birdie
    2. GG 480303 278 Gildy Helps Girlshy Leroy

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    Great Gildersleeve Disc A126

    1. GG 480310 279 Gildy Considers Marriage
    2. GG 480317 280 Adelines Beau Cecil Duel

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    Great Gildersleeve Disc A127

    1. GG 480324 281 Adeline Wants To Visit Jolly Boys
    2. GG 480331 282 Marjorie In Love With Her French Teacher

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    Great Gildersleeve Disc A128

    1. GG 480407 283 Gildy Raising Money For Baseball Field
    2. GG 480414 284 Water Commissioners Radio Speech

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    Great Gildersleeve Disc A129

    1. GG 480421 285 Gildys New Secretary
    2. GG 480428 286 Dinner Courtesy Of Hercules Kitchenware

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    Great Gildersleeve Disc A130

    1. GG 480505 287 Fish Fry
    2. GG 480512 288 Gildy Stays Home Sick

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    Great Gildersleeve Disc A131

    1. GG 480519 289 Green Thumb Womens Club
    2. GG 480526 290 Gildy Drives Mercedes

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    Great Gildersleeve Disc A132

    1. GG 480602 291 Gildersleeve Fired As Water Commissioner
    2. GG 480908 292 Baby Girl Left In Gildys Car

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    Great Gildersleeve Disc A133

    1. GG 480915 293 Taking Care Of Baby
    2. GG 480922 294 Taking Pictures Of Baby Upsets Leroy

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    Great Gildersleeve Disc A134

    1. GG 480929 295 Name Baby Contest
    2. GG 481006 296 Gildy Tries To Reform For Welfare Invest

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    Great Gildersleeve Disc A135

    1. GG 481013 297 Visit By Aunt Hattie
    2. GG 481020 298 Marjorie Ready To Marry To Keep Baby

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    Great Gildersleeve Disc A136

    1. GG 481027 299 Gildy Proposes To Adeline
    2. GG 481103 300 Engagement

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    Great Gildersleeve Disc A137

    1. GG 481110 301 Leila Ransome Back In Town
    2. GG 481117 302 Engaged To Leila And Adeline

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    Great Gildersleeve Disc A138

    1. GG 481124 303 Water Commissioners Helicopter Flight
    2. GG 481201 304 Leroys Holiday Job

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    Great Gildersleeve Disc A139

    1. GG 481208 305 Disappearing Christmas Presents
    2. GG 481215 306 Christmas Shopping

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    Great Gildersleeve Disc A140

    1. GG 481222 307 Christmas Eve At Gildersleeves
    2. GG 481229 308 Wedding Is Imminent

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    Great Gildersleeve Disc A141

    1. GG 490105 309 Gildy Takes Up Writing
    2. GG 490112 310 Love Thy Neighbor

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    Great Gildersleeve Disc A142

    1. GG 490119 311 Trip To Dentist
    2. GG 490126 312 Eager Young Man At Water Department

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    Great Gildersleeve Disc A143

    1. GG 490202 313 Adelines Hat Shop
    2. GG 490209 314 Hat Shop Grand Opening

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    Great Gildersleeve Disc A144

    1. GG 490216 315 Leila Arrives To Close Hat Shop
    2. GG 490223 316 Singing Lessons

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    Great Gildersleeve Disc A145

    1. GG 490302 317 Leroys Girlfriend And Her Mother
    2. GG 490309 318 Gildys Dream Summerfield 1903

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    Great Gildersleeve Disc A146

    1. GG 490316 319 Leroy Faces Competition
    2. GG 490323 320 Gildys New Secretary

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    Great Gildersleeve Disc A147

    1. GG 490330 321 Acting Police Commissioner
    2. GG 490406 322 Babys Birthday Party Conflicts

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    Great Gildersleeve Disc A148

    1. GG 490413 323 Circus Comes To Summerfield
    2. GG 490420 324 Haunted House

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    Great Gildersleeve Disc A149

    1. GG 490427 325 Detective Gildersleeve After Burglar
    2. GG 490504 326 Mysterious Girl On Bus

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    Great Gildersleeve Disc A150

    1. GG 490511 327 Gildys Millionaire Friend Visits
    2. GG 490518 328 Marjorie And Rodney Poet

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    Great Gildersleeve Disc A151

    1. GG 490525 329 Gildy Sues Bullard
    2. GG 490601 330 Folk Dancing Class

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    Great Gildersleeve Disc A152

    1. GG 490921 331 Songwriter
    2. GG 490928 332 Gildys New Heartthrob Nurse Milford

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    Great Gildersleeve Disc A153

    1. GG 491005 333 Double Date With Marjorie And Bronco
    2. GG 491012 334 Gildy At Hospital With Expectant Father

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    Great Gildersleeve Disc A154

    1. GG 491019 335 Tom Cat Troubles
    2. GG 491026 336 Gildys Rival Dr Olson

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    Great Gildersleeve Disc A155

    1. GG 491102 337 Rivalry Continues At Carnival
    2. GG 491109 338 Birthday Tea Party For Marjorie

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    Great Gildersleeve Disc A156

    1. GG 491116 339 Job For Bronco
    2. GG 491123 340 Jolly Boys Band

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    Great Gildersleeve Disc A157

    1. GG 491130 341 New Neighbor Two Pants Pearson
    2. GG 491207 342 Bronco Bows Out For Marshall Bullard

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    Great Gildersleeve Disc A158

    1. GG 491214 343 Christmas Spirit
    2. GG 491221 344 Marjorie And Bronco Are Engaged

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    Great Gildersleeve Disc A159

    1. GG 491228 345 Hayride
    2. GG 500104 346 Engagement Announcement Broncos Family

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    Great Gildersleeve Disc A160

    1. GG 500111 347 Young French Diplomat Comes To Summerfield
    2. GG 500118 348 Dinner With Kathryn

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    Great Gildersleeve Disc A161

    1. GG 500125 349 Dinner For Broncos Folks
    2. GG 500201 350 Gildy Tries To Learn Samba

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    Great Gildersleeve Disc A162

    1. GG 500208 351 Should Marjorie Work After Marriage
    2. GG 500215 352 Wedding Day Set For Marjorie And Bronco

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    Great Gildersleeve Disc A163

    1. GG 500222 353 Jolly Boy Election
    2. GG 500301 354 Marjories Shower

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    Great Gildersleeve Disc A164

    1. GG 500308 355 Gildys Blade
    2. GG 500315 356 Gildy Considers Marriage

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    Great Gildersleeve Disc A165

    1. GG 500322 357 Picnic With Thompsons
    2. GG 500329 358 House Judge Hooker

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    Great Gildersleeve Disc A166

    1. GG 500405 359 Apartment For Bronco And Marjorie
    2. GG 500412 360 Leroys Billy Goat

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    Great Gildersleeve Disc A167

    1. GG 500419 361 Marjories Wedding Gown
    2. GG 500426 362 Jolly Boys Gift Rental Trailer

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    Great Gildersleeve Disc A168

    1. GG 500503 363 Bronco Disappears
    2. GG 500510 364 Wedding Day

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    Great Gildersleeve Disc A169

    1. GG 500517 365 Fishing Trip To Grass Lake
    2. GG 500524 366 Bronco Real Estate Salesman

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    Great Gildersleeve Disc A170

    1. GG 500531 367 Sadie Hawkins Day Dance
    2. GG 500607 368 House Boat

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    Great Gildersleeve Disc A171

    1. GG 500614 369 Vacation Plans On House Boat
    2. GG 500906 370 Marjorie Is Pregnant

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    Great Gildersleeve Disc A172

    1. GG 500913 371 Visiting Inlaws Mrs Thompsons Sister
    2. GG 500920 372 Gildy Looking For New Secretary

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    Great Gildersleeve Disc A173

    1. GG 500927 373 Gildy Shares Leroys Piano Lessons
    2. GG 501004 374 Community Chest Football Game Leroy

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    Great Gildersleeve Disc A174

    1. GG 501011 375 Bullard Runs For Mayor
    2. GG 501018 376 Weight Problems

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    Great Gildersleeve Disc A175

    1. GG 501025 377 The Sons of Summerfield
    2. GG 501101 378 Election Day

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    Great Gildersleeve Disc A176

    1. GG 501108 379 Better Man Than Bullard
    2. GG 501115 380 Summerfield Centennial Pageant

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    Great Gildersleeve Disc A177

    1. GG 501122 381 Water Department Calendar
    2. GG 501129 382 Leroys First Date

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    Great Gildersleeve Disc A178

    1. GG 501206 383 Leroys Laundry Business
    2. GG 501213 384 Chief Gates On Spot

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    Great Gildersleeve Disc A179

    1. GG 501220 385 Christmas Show Present For Kathryn
    2. GG 501227 386 Gildybullard Double Date New Years Eve

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    Great Gildersleeve Disc A180

    1. GG 510103 387 Marjorie Craves Sauerkraut
    2. GG 510110 388 Gildy Is Worn Out From Late Dating

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    Great Gildersleeve Disc A181

    1. GG 510117 389 Nervous Expectant Father
    2. GG 510131 391 Shower For Marjorie

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    Great Gildersleeve Disc A182

    1. GG 510207 392 Day Off For Peavey 30th Anniversary
    2. GG 510214 393 Throwing Snowballs

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    Great Gildersleeve Disc A183

    1. GG 510221 394 Marjories Babies Arrive
    2. GG 510228 395 Trying To Name Twins

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    Great Gildersleeve Disc A184

    1. GG 510307 396 Marjorie Twins Coming Home Grandpa
    2. GG 510314 397 Gildy Pushes Attendance At Jolly Boys Club

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    Great Gildersleeve Disc A185

    1. GG 510321 398 Bronco Tries To Run House
    2. GG 510328 399 Gildy And Leroy Baby Sit Twins

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    Great Gildersleeve Disc A186

    1. GG 510404 400 Bullard Needs Boat Access
    2. GG 510411 401 Gildy Worried That Kids Want To Leave

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    Great Gildersleeve Disc A187

    1. GG 510418 402 Leroy In Love With Marcelle
    2. GG 510425 403 Leroys Pony

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    Great Gildersleeve Disc A188

    1. GG 510502 404 Spring Cleaning Judges House
    2. GG 510509 405 Marjorie And Broncos First Anniversary

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    Great Gildersleeve Disc A189

    1. GG 510516 406 Boating Date With Katharine
    2. GG 510523 407 Broncos Father Arrives Twins Are Named

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    Great Gildersleeve Disc A190

    1. GG 510530 408 Leaving Vacation Half Moon Lake Gildy Schedule
    2. GG 510905 409 Leroy Buys Car

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    Great Gildersleeve Disc A191

    1. GG 510912 410 County Fair Comes To Summerfield
    2. GG 510919 411 Getting Ready For School Women Trouble

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    Great Gildersleeve Disc A192

    1. GG 510926 412 Marjorie Gets Job
    2. GG 511003 413 Gildy Wants Reelected President Jolly Boys Cl

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    Great Gildersleeve Disc A193

    1. GG 511010 414 Leroy Visits Judge
    2. GG 511017 415 Bronco Almost Forgets His First Date Marjorie

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    Great Gildersleeve Disc A194

    1. GG 511024 416 Gildy Takes Mrs Winthrop And Babs On Picnic
    2. GG 511031 417 Halloween And Gildy Finds Lost Boy

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    Great Gildersleeve Disc A195

    1. GG 511107 418 Marjorie Bronco To Build House
    2. GG 511114 419 Problems Removing An Oak Tree

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    Great Gildersleeve Disc A196

    1. GG 511121 420 Inviting Thanksgiving Guests
    2. GG 511128 421 Getting Leroy To Study And Grow Up

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    Great Gildersleeve Disc A197

    1. GG 511212 423 Leroy Selling Christmas Trees
    2. GG 511219 424 Christmas Show

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    Great Gildersleeve Disc A198

    1. GG 511226 425 Opening Last Christmas Presents
    2. GG 520102 426 Gildy Wants New Job To Keep Up With Bronco

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    Great Gildersleeve Disc A199

    1. GG 520109 427 Gildy Has Disappeared In Hospital
    2. GG 520116 428 Gildy Talks To Everyone About Operation

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    Great Gildersleeve Disc A200

    1. GG 520123 429 Trying To Be Alone With Paula
    2. GG 520130 430 Gildy Protects Hooker From Mona

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    Great Gildersleeve Disc A201

    1. GG 520206 431 Gildy Hires Mrs Munson And Gets Floyd Too
    2. GG 520213 432 Engagement Ring Mixup

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    Great Gildersleeve Disc A202

    1. GG 520220 433 Civic Coordinator
    2. GG 520227 434 Leroys Week Of Freedom

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    Great Gildersleeve Disc A203

    1. GG 520305 435 Bullard Is House Need Two Thousand Dollar Loan
    2. GG 520312 436 Train Trip To Omaha

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    Great Gildersleeve Disc A204

    1. GG 520319 437 Gildys Garden
    2. GG 520326 438 Television Comes To Summerfield

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    Great Gildersleeve Disc A205

    1. GG 520402 439 Colorful Past
    2. GG 520409 440 Easter Sunrise Service

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    Great Gildersleeve Disc A206

    1. GG 520416 441 Leroy Bee Keeper
    2. GG 520423 442 Diving For Publicity

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    Great Gildersleeve Disc A207

    1. GG 520430 443 Bad Report Card No Camp
    2. GG 520507 444 Leroy Singing Cowboy

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    Great Gildersleeve Disc A208

    1. GG 520514 445 Bronco Coming Home Gildy And Leroy Fishing
    2. GG 520521 446 Happy Moving Day

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    Great Gildersleeve Disc A209

    1. GG 520528 447 Leroys Bike Motor
    2. GG 520604 448 Katie Lee Visits Summerfield Afrts

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    Great Gildersleeve Disc A210

    1. GG 520604 448 Katie Lee Visits Summerfield
    2. GG 520611 449 Bronco Wants Wall Between Yards

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    Great Gildersleeve Disc A211

    1. GG 520618 450 Guess Number Of Beans Contest
    2. GG 520625 451 Miss Mckinley Of Complaint Dept

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    Great Gildersleeve Disc A212

    1. GG 520702 452 Fourth Of July Speech
    2. GG 520709 453 Fishing With Miss Mckinley

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    Great Gildersleeve Disc A213

    1. GG 520716 454 Back Yard Camping
    2. GG 520730 456 Bronco Sells Gildys House

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    Great Gildersleeve Disc A214

    1. GG 520806 457 Leroy Behaving Too Well
    2. GG 520813 458 Gildy Goes On Diet

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    Great Gildersleeve Disc A215

    1. GG 520820 459 Leroys Million Dollar Laundry
    2. GG 520827 460 Cousin Emily Comes For Visit

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    Great Gildersleeve Disc A216

    1. GG 520903 461 Winning Leroy Back From Emily
    2. GG 520910 462 Cleaning Bullards House

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    Great Gildersleeve Disc A217

    1. GG 520917 463 Drivers License Test
    2. GG 520924 464 Hooker And Peavey Are Feuding

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    Great Gildersleeve Disc A218

    1. GG 521001 465 Economize
    2. GG 521008 466 Ladies Man

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    Great Gildersleeve Disc A219

    1. GG 521015 467 Watch Trouble
    2. GG 521022 468 Gildy Athlete

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    Great Gildersleeve Disc A220

    1. GG 521029 469 Suggestion Box
    2. GG 521105 470 Gildersleeve Vs Golf

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    Great Gildersleeve Disc A221

    1. GG 521112 471 Problems With Leroys Teacher
    2. GG 521119 472 Leroys Gift

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    Great Gildersleeve Disc A222

    1. GG 521126 473 Miss Grace Tuttle And Bird Watching
    2. GG 521203 474 Birthday Duck Dinner

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    Great Gildersleeve Disc A223

    1. GG 521210 475 Leroys Part Time Employment
    2. GG 521217 476 Grace Tuttles Brother Sydney

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    Great Gildersleeve Disc A224

    1. GG 521224 477 Gildy And Leroy Alone For Christmas
    2. GG 521231 478 New Years Eve With Peavey

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    Great Gildersleeve Disc A225

    1. GG 530107 479 Leila Back In Town Sydney Tuttle
    2. GG 530114 480 Gildy And Sidney Help Leila

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    Great Gildersleeve Disc A226

    1. GG 530121 481 Cousin Bert Sends Leroy Great Dane
    2. GG 530128 482 Gildy And Grace Tuttle

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    Great Gildersleeve Disc A227

    1. GG 530204 483 Rivals Leila And Grace Meet
    2. GG 530211 484 Two Dates For Mayors Valentine Party

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    Great Gildersleeve Disc A228

    1. GG 530218 485 Gildy In Trouble With Leila And Grace
    2. GG 530225 486 Gildys Great Dane Causes Peavey Trouble

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    Great Gildersleeve Disc A229

    1. GG 530304 487 Extra Help At Water Department
    2. GG 530311 488 Leroy Moves Out To Marjories

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    Great Gildersleeve Disc A230

    1. GG 530318 489 Jam Session
    2. GG 530325 490 Cleaning House Rummage Sale

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    Great Gildersleeve Disc A231

    1. GG 530401 491 Easter Sunrise Service
    2. GG 530408 492 Leroy Has Trouble With Mayors Son

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    Great Gildersleeve Disc A232

    1. GG 530415 493 Boys Club Takes Over Jolly Boy Clubroom
    2. GG 530422 494 Marjorie And Bronco Are Fighting

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    Great Gildersleeve Disc A233

    1. GG 530429 495 Bottled Water Company Stock
    2. GG 530506 496 Anniversary Present

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    Great Gildersleeve Disc A234

    1. GG 530513 497 Gildy Going To Europe
    2. GG 530520 498 Leroys Theme

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    Great Gildersleeve Disc A235

    1. GG 530527 499 Witness At Wedding
    2. GG 530603 500 Birdie May Move To Marjories House

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    Great Gildersleeve Disc A236

    1. GG 530610 501 Leroy Has Mumps Train Stop
    2. GG 530617 502 Gift For Miss Tuttle

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    Great Gildersleeve Disc A237

    1. GG 530624 503 Swimming Trip To Grass Lake
    2. GG 530701 504 Togetherness

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    Great Gildersleeve Disc A238

    1. GG 530715 506 Buying Spray Gun
    2. GG 530722 507 Mae Home From Vacation Engaged

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    Great Gildersleeve Disc A239

    1. GG 530729 508 Leroy Going To Visit Aunt Hattie
    2. GG 530805 509 Water Commissioner Is Fired

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    Great Gildersleeve Disc A240

    1. GG 530812 510 Deciding On Lake Cabin
    2. GG 530819 511 Fish Story

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    Great Gildersleeve Disc A241

    1. GG 530826 512 Sufficient Unto Ones Self
    2. GG 530902 513 Leroys Girl Jo Mac

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    Great Gildersleeve Disc A242

    1. GG 530909 514 Gildy Helps Raise Ronnie
    2. GG 530916 515 Birdies Mystery Cake Recipe

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    Great Gildersleeve Disc A243

    1. GG 530923 516 Baby Sitter Gildy
    2. GG 530930 517 Flattery

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    Great Gildersleeve Disc A244

    1. GG 531007 518 Home Haircut
    2. GG 531014 519 Gildy Involved With Teacher And Principal

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    Great Gildersleeve Disc A245

    1. GG 531021 520 Fire Bells Are Ringing
    2. GG 531028 521 Unwilling Witness

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    Great Gildersleeve Disc A246

    1. GG 531104 522 Impulsive Gildy Almost Gets Married
    2. GG 531111 523 Authority Figure

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    Great Gildersleeve Disc A247

    1. GG 531111 523 The Authority Figure
    2. GG 531118 524 Gildy Athlete Vs Doc Olsen

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    Great Gildersleeve Disc A248

    1. GG 531125 525 Dinner Mixup With Peavey And Girls
    2. GG 531202 526 Gildy Earns Christmas Money Selling Insurance

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    Great Gildersleeve Disc A249

    1. GG 531209 527 Taking Bessie To Dance
    2. GG 531216 528 Gildy And Hooker Feud At Christmas

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    Great Gildersleeve Disc A250

    1. GG 531223 529 Selling Trees For Needy Childrens Party
    2. GG 531230 530 New Years Eve At Home With Leroy

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    Great Gildersleeve Disc A251

    1. GG 540106 531 Irenes Father Pushes For Wedding
    2. GG 540113 532 Gildy In Doghouse With Irene

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    Great Gildersleeve Disc A252

    1. GG 540120 533 Leroy Going Steady
    2. GG 540127 534 Bronco Mad At Gildy For Interfering

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    Great Gildersleeve Disc A253

    1. GG 540203 535 Evening Conference With Leroys Teacher
    2. GG 540210 536 Judge Hookers Annual Dinner

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    Great Gildersleeve Disc A254

    1. GG 540217 537 Gildy Budding Politician
    2. GG 540224 538 Jolly Boys Election

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    Great Gildersleeve Disc A255

    1. GG 540303 539 Paula Winthrop Back In Town
    2. GG 540310 540 Gildy Is Old Fashioned And Square

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    Great Gildersleeve Disc A256

    1. GG 540317 541 New Girl In Town Marie Olsen
    2. GG 540324 542 Hobby Show

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    Great Gildersleeve Disc A257

    1. GG 540331 543 Gildy Involved With Two Girls Again
    2. GG 540407 544 Marie Teaches Bronco French

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    Great Gildersleeve Disc A258

    1. GG 540414 545 Dinner Party For Broncos Boss
    2. GG 540421 546 Marie Olsen Charms Everyone

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    Great Gildersleeve Disc A259

    1. GG 540428 547 Gildy Swears Off Girls But Meets Thelma
    2. GG 540512 549 Dinner For Dr Olsen Whos Leaving Town

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    Great Gildersleeve Disc A260

    1. GG 540519 550 Gildy Runs For Sheriff
    2. GG 540526 551 Visit By Aunt Hattie

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    Great Gildersleeve Disc A261

    1. GG 540602 552 Trying To End Aunt Hatties Stay
    2. GG 541026 00x Pal To Leroy
    3. GG 550000 00x Vacation Time

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    Great Gildersleeve Disc A262

    1. GG 551020 00x Floyds Inheritance
    2. GG 560000 Doye Odells Dude Ranch Afrts 498

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    Great Gildersleeve Disc A263

    1. GG 560000 Judge Returns From Europe Afrts 544
    2. GG 560000 Peavey Mayor Expect Support 2nd Half Afrts 490
    3. GG 560105 Fibbing To Make Friends

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    Great Gildersleeve Disc A264

    1. GG 561101 029 Jolly Boys Haunted House Adventure
    2. GG 570000 00x Bessies Vacation

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    Great Gildersleeve Disc A265

    1. GG 570000 00x Leilas Antique Vase
    2. GG 570307 00x Gildy Causes Water Outage

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    Great Gildersleeve Disc A266

    1. GG 570416 00x Family Prepares For Easter

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